Thursday, May 16, 2024

A Quiet Day

This morning, I was up early. Kept waking up because of Patrick getting us serval times for the bathroom. Every time he has something deep fried, he pays for it. It's all his chemo issues. I'm not liking this chemo treatment; he's having more issues than before. He doesn't think so, but I see it wearing him out. 

Ron and I walked today. We got in 4 laps. Then I came in to find Patrick falling asleep in his chair. I went downstairs to cut backing and batting for 2 quilt tops and one set for Colleen. She stopped by later and picked them up. She's going to quilt them. Plus, she has one herself. By the time I was done with that, I decided I couldn't do labels or work on the quilt down there. Maybe tomorrow. 

By the time I was done, Patrick moved to going outside. He mowed the yard. Good thing because it's raining right now. Funny how that works. 

I went to working on my beading. 

I was able to get 4 more rows done. Her head is starting to show better. Because she's got half black on her face, it's starting to show more. And it's on the side that the brick is one. The brick is starting to look like brick now. More to come. 

I have beads that need to be put into tubes and was going to do that today, but now I'm thinking I will do it tomorrow. I need to add them to my beads. Some are ones I ordered, and some are from the monthly surprise box. I may cancel that, but I do love getting a box a month. 

My day was quiet, partly to let Patrick sleep and partly to work on my beading. I was listening to my audio book on my tablet. I finished one and started another. It works great while I'm Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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