Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Rain Is Here Again

This morning woke to rain. It pretty much went all day long. I was okay with that. I just didn't get to walk with Ron today. Maybe tomorrow will be better. 

Instead, I worked on laundry. Then I tried to vacuum and found it was hard on me. I did some, but Patrick had to do the rest. I'm sore and probably will be sore for a while. Patrick is very understanding and helps me out when I get like this. I hated it, because I wanted to do the vacuuming! Life goes on, whether I do or don't. 

Then I went to work on my beading. 

 Between loads of laundry and listening to my book on tape, I was able to get 3-4 rows done today. I'm not sure, I was up and down all day that I really didn't pay attention. It looks like I will be getting Sophie's eyes coming up soon. The top of her head is coming in a lot better. I really like this piece and am excited to see the eyes come out. Hopefully the next few rows. 

Mom called to say she's back. She told me all about her trip and has decided she's going back for a 3 week visit to see my older brother and his wife. Mostly to see the great grandchildren. I'm glad she had a good time. 

I wanted to play on my game as well, so took a break after supper and played. I'm happy I was able to get so much done. I still need to do another load of laundry, but I can do that tomorrow. 

When it rains, I seem to get more done. I even get in the mood to work on something. Today, I made up my mind to work on the beading. Trouble is - as we all know - my brain was thinking I need to work on the Santa cross stitch as well. For some reason, the quilting part isn't on my radar right now. Maybe later. Today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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