Sunday, May 5, 2024

Skipped A Day

Yesterday was one of those days, I didn't do anything but go to a movie. We didn't even walk, because of the weather. 

The movie we saw was "Fall Guy." It was really good. Started out slow but picked it up. At first when they were narrating, I was a little worried it would be one of those movies, but it wasn't. It turned out better than I thought it would when it started. Worth seeing. 

Today, was another rainy day. I worked on getting some things done around the house. First time in a long time. I worked on laundry as well. 

So, we watched a couple Randolph Scott movies. I love watching those! He's good. Then I worked on my sourdough bread, but realized it was not ready. I needed to add more flour because it was way to sticky. I had worked it last night, but that was easy to fix. I decided to work it again tonight and then cook it tomorrow. Now worries, dough is easy to work with. 

I also pulled out my beading. The box, this time. I need to finish it to go back to my Sophie piece. 

I was able to get close to the last row. I think I have 5 rows to go, then I will start on the sides. This is the bottom. It's not very good. I don't know what I did on the first few rows, but they don't feel right. No one will know, except who reads this and me. I will have fun with the sides, I'm betting. Should be fun. I like this box. 

I have done my exercises and am heading to bed. I have embroidery tomorrow, so will have more to talk about then. At least I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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