Sunday, December 31, 2023

Surgery Day

I realize it's been a few days since I posted, and my surgery was also a few days ago. 

I was still concerned about my coughing, since the cold. I had called the nurse 2 days before to let her know and we agreed that I would go ahead with the surgery. We left home at 4:30 am and were (surprisingly) at Kaiser by 5:40 am. Not much traffic if at all. Please I think Patrick was driving a little faster than usual. 

I checked in at 6 am and was taken back to a room where I was put in a chair. They were worried about the coughing and checked me over. Then they wanted to see what the Dr said that was to put me under. I ended up with the nurses trying to figure out what to do with my coughing. I always have a very deep cough when I cough. I wasn't doing a lot of it, but enough to have them worried. The nurse I talked to 2 days before came in and realized I was the one she talked to. After that, it was easier moving forward. 

They took me downstairs to the radiologist. I had the same doctor I had when they did the biopsy. He was so sweet and considerate. They put me back in the chair and hooked me to the mammogram machine again. Between him and the radiologist, they kept me talking and trying to keep my mind off what was going on. It worked. I was doing very well afterwards. Then they moved me to the other room, which was the first room I went to with the first biopsy. I was laid down on the bed. Then he put 4 shots in my boob - and let me tell you! - that was not fun!! I still have to dots around my nipple where he put the shots in!

Once that was done, I was wheeled back upstairs to go back to the room I was in. Patrick and Katt came in for 10 mins and then I was walking to the operating room. There they told me to take 6 deep breaths. I only got to 4. Then I was out. The next thing I remember was being woke up. They said I coughed right after but did really well. I was wrapped in bandage and told what to expect and what not to do. I was then discharged and we headed home. Patrick and Katt wanted something to eat and Katt picked McD's. So, I had McNuggets and called it good. 

I was so thrilled that I didn't feel sick or even bad. I still have the "after" affects but that will hopefully go away. 

I have been doing pretty much nothing but playing games. I have my beads out and ready to work on when I get there. I have been walking. 

As for my boob - it's a little bruised today. I have a very bad rash under the boob because of being in that tight restraint. It doesn't look pretty, but I feel fine and there isn't any pain other than where the stitches seem to let me know they are there. I didn't take much in way of pain killers. So, all in all I'm happy with the end result - SO FAR. I have my appointment with my doctor on Thursday and I should be able to know more then. 

When I find time again, I will try and up date on how my week went. I will chat about my kids showing up. I didn't get a Christmas with mom but I did get one with my children. 

Of course, it wasn't a time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

It's Been A Rough Weekend - And Surgery Comes Thursday

I haven't been able to post the lost 3 days because of illness. I had/have a bad cold. I'm just now getting over it. It's been one of those weeks where I spend 2 1/2 days in bead sleeping, trying to get over this cold. It was a chill, then fever, chill, and fever the whole time. Today was the first day I felt what I can say is "normal" but not quiet. 

I had to call the nurse to let her know I was ill and getting over it. There was a slight possibility I would have to reschedule my appointment for surgery. We talked about it and will stay with surgery on Thursday for Breast Cancer. 

In the meantime, my Christmas was in bed. Poor Katt came over and she didn't get to enjoy it much with me being sick. Then today she said she's starting to get the couch, which isn't good. Patrick and his sister got it from Vegas. Which then gave it to me. Now Katt is on the way to get it. Not fun. 

Phil will stop by tomorrow for his Christmas with us. First thing Thursday, I will be on the road to Tacoma to have surgery. It starts at 6 am! So, we will be leaving around 4 am. Not fun. 

So, as much as I would love to say I will be posting the whole time, I probably won't be. It's not time for me to be able to do much stitching. So, give me a few days and I will get back to being on my blog. HOPEFULLY, I will get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Another Day Behind - But It Was Fun!

Yesterday I spent the morning at moms with the quilters. Then I came home and waited for Debbie to arrive and take me to the Tree Lighting display in Centralia. We were working it for our QOV group. 

 From 4 pm to 9:30 pm we worked collecting money from the cars going through. It was fun. I'm the one on the left, Connie was behind me, Alli and Nancy on the right. We had a blast!

Debbie and I didn't get home till about 10 pm. 

I woke this morning to a cold!! Patrick shared his cold!! I'm ticked! I didn't want a cold! So, I'm going to call it done here in a few minutes. 

We went out shopping for our gifts. Patrick wanted a Pendleton shirt. They were on sale and he got one. I went to Sketchers for shoes. Since the second pair was 50 % off, I got a pair of boots. We also bought new cell phones. Mine is a flip phone. I will have to check You Tubes to learn more about it. We then went to the movie "Wanka" which was slow but good. I enjoyed it. 

On the way home we stopped at Safeway for a few things. We are going to Costco tomorrow morning and Katt will be here in the afternoon. 

I had some Chinese food which was awful! Safeway had food out that had been out awhile and when I got home it was cold! And the chicken was crusty. UGH

I'm going to call it a day even though I haven't been able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Visited With Mom And Nancy

 This morning I was up early and out the door with 10 quilts to go to the museum. I headed to moms first, stopping at Dutch Brothers for coffee and tea. 

Arrived around 10 am and Nancy wasn't there yet. She forgot she told me 10 but told mom 11. They were making Rosettes today. So, I helped with that. Got the batter going, worked on getting the rosettes to come off the irons. We finally figured it out. Then Debbie called saying she was done sooner than she thought she would be. 

I spend 2 hours with mom and Nancy. When I had to leave, mom said she hadn't seen much of me and wished I'd stay longer. She's been pulling that card for the past 2 weeks. She wasn't happy that I went to Vegas and didn't call her while we were gone. So, she pulling that card - you haven't called in awhile and I tried to reach you with no answer. Funny thing about all that is that she doesn't realize my phone tells me when she's called and she didn't call me for 2 weeks. 

Got to the museum. We unloaded 10 quilts and added the pillow cases to the quilts. Debbie and I changed the date in May for QOV since she's going to be gone and I really didn't want to do the 2nd week of May. It all worked out. We talked about all the quilts and making sure we have enough for the next 2 presentations. 

Came home around 2. Then while Patrick was watching TV (the old Love Boat and Odd Couple shows), I worked on the certificates for QOV in January. Then I cleaned up my "in box" and got rid of a lot of stuff. I cleaned up the leather bag my cousin gave me that I use for QOV stuff. I organized both. Now I can give it to Debbie to handle anything she needs to for January. Since I'm getting surgery next week, I felt she better have everything she needs to help her out. 

My next step was to get to work on Patrick's sugar cookies. 

He's been bugging me to make them for him. So, I got a good 2 1/2 dozen done for him. He had a meeting tonight so he didn't help me at all this time. He just wanted round cookies. Since it's just the 2 of us till this weekend, I went ahead and did what he wanted. Even though he's coming down with a cold. I just pray I don't get it. 

My sister-in-law had her surgery today. We heard she was out of surgery but haven't heard anything else. We will wait till tomorrow before Patrick will ask how she's doing and what came out of it. Praying she came out of it with good news. I hope she has her hearing after all this. 

My day was busy. Tomorrow will be busy as well. It's one of those days that made it hard to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Enjoyed Being Home Today

 Today I was enjoying being home. I really like having the time to sit and just relax before the holidays and surgery. I did get a call from the nurse about surgery next week. I'm starting to get nervous but trying not to. Take each day, and I'll be fine!

Patrick went golfing but was back home by 11:00, guess they only did 9 holes. So, I didn't get the day to myself but that was okay too. 

I worked on getting the next ornament word chart done. I'm only about half way on the first panel. This one has 2 panels and not 3. I'm okay with that. I will try and get it done soon so I can put it in excel and then print it out. Easier than trying to read my handwriting of numbers. It does take a few hours to just write the word chart. I have to double check myself as well. 

This quilt now has a label. It's the one I did with Georgie's blocks. It turned out pretty good. The flags are going both directions. I was supposed to pay attention to that, but I didn't. 

Alli P. made this one. It turned out pretty cool. I now have 10 quilts that I will take to the museum tomorrow. I'm going to stop at moms in the morning and meet Debbie around 12:30. That way I won't have to stay long. I really don't want to help Nancy and mom make cookies. I'm trying to stay away from sugar - So, how's that going? - you ask.......Well, if you count the chocolates that my in-laws sent, I would say - NOT SO GOOD! I am trying though. Chocolate is in the house, and I'm in the box, candy jar, or bag! You name it, I'll find it!

So, today we watched a couple things on TV. I listened to my book on the tablet and have about 12 more hours to go. I didn't get much to listen to since Patrick came home earlier than expected. That's okay. 

At least when I'm enjoying being home, I can get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Getting Back To Normal

 Today Patrick was out the door for golfing and I slept for another hour before getting up. Then I played some games I haven't had the chance to over the last 4 days. 

Today was a day to get caught up. So, I got laundry started. Finished listening to a book. Then I worked on trying to think of what I wanted to work on. That didn't get me very far at all. 

Patrick got home from golfing and we worked on our Christmas cards. We ordered 20 of them, since we haven't been getting very many over the last few years. Not sure why people aren't sending out cards anymore. I used to love getting them, and love sending them. Over the years, it's been harder to enjoy doing them. So, the last couple years we have been doing photo cards for everyone to see what we are up to. We did all the photos from Vegas. Three of us together and three of Vegas. I liked how they came out. Patrick worked on it mostly and I ordered them. 

Patrick went back out to go shopping and get the Christmas cards from Walgreens. It's the second year we have used them. I order them here and then we pick them up. Easy peasy!

We watched TV and chatted. We talked about the trip and how much fun we had. We talked about the family, as Patrick called dad. Then we chatted about mom. I talked to her this morning. She's still a little miffed at me. I'm okay with that. 

I do need to get to work on this one! This is Loretta Holtzberger's birds. I took the class last month and haven't even started on this. 

I also need to work on the Santa Claus. Looking through my ornament patterns found the one I want to do next. I'm only planning on doing 3 this year. 

So, no, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 18, 2023

Back Home!

Las Vegas was a great trip. We had an awesome time there. I enjoyed being with my daughter, sister-in-law and husband. 

We hit all the sites we wanted to. First day was the Ferris Wheel. I did get a little shaky when it came to looking down. I'm afraid of heights and I actually did 2 height issues. 

 It's a 30 min trip around the wheel. It was fun and I would do it again. I just had to sit in the side seat. Each globe holds up to 50 people believe it or not. We actually got it all to ourselves. 

We watched the Sphere change it's coloring. It was fun to watch! We went there on Sunday. 

Then the next day was zip lining and Laney Wilson concert. We walked the whole strip and by the time we got back to the hotel it was midnight! We did get a few Lift and Uber rides. The stuff we went for was at the other end of the strip. We were at the Treasure Island while the activities where closer to the MGM. On the other end of the strip. Patrick said we were close when he got the rooms but when we got there, we weren't that close. 

They didn't have the pirates like they used to. A lot has changed since we were there last time (a good 7 years ago). 

This was Katt, me and Sue checking out the skyline. As you can tell, I'm in the middle of the ball. I couldn't get as close as Sue did. 

We did Top Golf while we were there. It was fun! I didn't do very good till it was close to quitting time. We did this before going to the Sphere to check out their Postcard to Earth. 

The inside was awesome! The seating is really close in the rows. Hard to explain, but you feel like you can fall down off a mountain!

It is well worth going to! You feel like your flying in an aircraft going through the landscape. It was really cool! They had animals, people and more. It does have a storyline of what we are doing to the planet. But it had some really pretty parts of the world. I would do it again, even though I am scared of heights. 

We had a great trip and it was well worth it. I didn't even take anything to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Las Vegas

 We are still in Vegas and I am still a day behind on postings. But hay, when one has fun and doesn't get back to their rooms till midnight, one doesn't think to post what is going on.

Yesterday we must have walked the whole strip after we were in the old Town.

And even to my eyes, I ziplined!! I am scared of heights. They didn't tell us we couldn't wear glasses till we got up there. They have straps for glasses for sale but didn't bother to say anything! So, good thing I am far sided! Poor Patrick couldn't see much! Sue was with us but she took the lead and very few photos have her in there.

Next stop was m&m shop. Coca-Cola was there too!! I had to buy! Katt loved Coca-Cola stuff. She didn't buy much. 

We gambled and Katt was winning every time. 

Then it was Laney Wilson concert.  AWESOME!! One of the ones before her, not so much. It was 1 1/2 hours of 2 preferences before her. I did like Cobby Acuff though. 

Still not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!!

A Day Behind

 So yesterday we were up at 6:30 am and out the door by 7:30 am to the Portland Airport.  We arrived with just a little bit over an hour before our plane left. Patrick was saying he should have left 30 mins earlier.  I always say that but not this time. 😏

The flight was 2 hours and we arrived about 10 mins early.  Before we left, some guy was looking for his small backpack.  couldn't find it and held us up 5 mins more looking for it, just as they were closing the doors. When we landed in Las Vegas,  he was calling Portland Airport to let them know. They hadn't seen it yet.

Sue was already there, and we were waiting on Katt's flight to get in. She was 3 hours behind us. We gambled and then we ate lunch. After that we sat and watched people going through the airport.  

When we arrived at the Treasure Island resort was packed. We later found out the National Rodeo was in town. More hats then I ever saw in one place! Plus they had hat boxes and some wore 3 hats on their heads!

We ate at Gilley's here at the Treasure Island.  Then headed to the Farris Wheel.  

We saw most of Vegas up there. I will share more photos later. On the way back we watched the Volcano show. It was pretty good. 

We then called it a night.

Since we just got back from Laney Wilson's show that will have to wait till I have time to update on today. Didn't bring anything to work on, so not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, December 14, 2023

QOV Meeting Day

 We had our meeting for the Veterans Memorial Museum QOV today. I had to get up at 8:30 to put in the lasagna that I bought for today. Then I was getting everything ready for the meeting. I was packed and out the door by 10 am. Had to stop at the post office and then again at Dutch Brothers. I got some drinks for Sam and Skip that work there. 

When I arrived I realized I left all 8 quilts at home. I texted Patrick and he told me we didn't need them anytime soon and it could wait. Guess that wasn't much help. I will take them over next week to get them out of the house. I also received 2 more today. So, I will add the labels and then take them as well. 

The meeting went great. We had a good turn out and I passed out the thank you cards. I really didn't need to get 5 more gift cards for Dutch Brothers because I had enough. I also have one for Alli when I see her. 

We were there till about 2. Then I went to Rite Aid and on to see Phill. I dropped off his and Emily's ornament. Debbie already got hers. After that I headed to the gas station for gas before heading home. Patrick decided we are taking the car and not the truck to the airport tomorrow. We will be having fun all weekend. Scott is watching the house and taking care of Sophie. She's not too happy about the suitcases on the bed. 

I just wanted to play games after I got home. I did get bills paid and sent off to 3 new members of QOV. It was a busy day and I think my nerves were acting up because my eye was twitching. 

All in all, not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hello Hump Day!

Okay, Patrick went golfing today. That was nice. Trouble was he didn't stay away long enough! lol 

I had to get a few things done for tomorrow. I'm working on getting the quilts labeled and ready to go. Then I had to get a backing and batting done for Connie. Once that was done, I put the quilts by the door to remember to take them. I have 2 quilts for mom to do the bindings on. Then I looked all over the place for the paper that I wrote our check list on. I texted Debbie and told her I can't find it anywhere. She was asking if I had it downstairs by the quilt fabric we got yesterday. Nope. Did I look by the bolts of fabric in the other room downstairs - Nope not there. I even told her I looked in the computer room and it's not here. Then I get this call - Debbie - she's telling me her husband said, "What's worse than one absent minded person? - TWO!" She was laughing, saying it was still on the pad and in the car. We both thought she tore it off and gave it to me yesterday!  So, of course, she sent me a photo of it to work on. 

I got caught up on genealogy. I found some information on the Wilson and Wilkinson families that I was entering. After an hour, I decided I better get my exercises in or I wouldn't do them today. 

That's when Patrick walked in. I got going with what I needed for tomorrow. Once I was in the computer room, I decided to get the information for Bryan and printed out 77 pages of the Matheson Families. I also printed out more of his grandfather's book. It's ready to go in the mail tomorrow. 

Patrick napped and I worked on getting stuff done. At least I printed all those pages downstairs. 

Then I sat and worked on the last 2 quilts to go to the museum. I now have all 8 quilts ready to go. 

JoAnn Wisner made this one. It turned out great. These are all from the quilt blocks that was the block of the year 2 years ago. Still waiting to see what the block for 2024 is. 

This one is a Connie Carter quilt. She comes up with some really good quilts. I give her a lot of credit to be able to do scrap quilts that look awesome! I've never been that good with scraps. 

Today I was busy making a fool out of myself as well as getting the labels one quilts. At least that's something to be proud of! Being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Day With Debbie

 This morning Debbie arrived around 10:30 and we headed out to Shelton. She wanted to show me the quilt shop out there. Annie's Quilt Shop - I think is the name. Anyway, we took a drive up there. 

Wow! That shop has a lot of stuff. The funny part is that you have to buy in 1 yard cuts. You can't get 1/4's, 1/2's, etc. I was okay with that. 

We saw this panel and wanted it. Trouble is that it was a kit. Not very big. Plus we didn't want the black. Then when we saw the price of $80+ we decided it wasn't worth it. The borders weren't long enough to work with for our quilts. I really do like the panel and not sure where to get it. I did get 3 other panels that will work for us. 

Then I saw this print. I got a yard of it. It's a 108" wide, so it was worth the cost. I want to check with our supplier and see if they have that one. If they do, I'm going to ask for a bolt. AND if they do, I can order another navy blue print because I just used the last of it. UGH

After going there, we stopped at the Olive Garden to get some lunch. We had a salad and some bread sticks. Of course, I had to eat 2 bread sticks! Or was it 3? lol 

We then came back home by stopping at the Sherriff's to see if we could get them to let us honor some of their veterans. They have a dinner in February, and we could do a couple of them. Told Debbie we will need to get busy and making quilt tops. If we can do that, we're good to go. 

We talked about what we need to talk about at the meeting. I got dropped off around 3 pm. Then I sent off my reimbursement and got to work on the beads I had out. I have this container that I started with in the beginning to hold my beads. Then I decided to keep my beads in tubes. So, I put the beads together or put them in a tube. Again, trying to keep my beads organized. So far, so good. I also marked how many beads I have in my excel program. I keep track of the number and how many grams I have. That way I know if I really need to order more or if I actually have them. 

Today was not a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, December 11, 2023

BE Christmas Party Today

 I got started on putting my stuff together in the crockpot for my artichoke dip. It didn't cook the full time here, so when I got to the grange, I plugged it in. First, I had to stop at the Church to drop off 2 quilts, then I went to Safeway for bread. Once that was done, I headed over to Connie's where she gave me 2 more quilts that need bindings on. It was a trade off since I gave her 2 quilts with backing and batting. I brought home one of her tops to see what backing will work with her quilt. 

Then I arrived a little late at the grange. They were waiting on me. I got a few things together and we at and chatted for a while. Once that was going on, we snacked on my dip and bread. Then we got ready for lunch - potluck. It was all good! I gave Sandy and Cindy their gifts. I should have brought the other 2 one too but we decided on exchanging gifts. The idea was that we bring something we have and don't want or something we started and won't finish. I took a few things I had around my quilt room that weren't doing me any good. Gerilyn received those and didn't want to "steal" for anything else. That made me feel good. I ended up with Cindy's bag of cross stitch, Sue Spargo, and other kits. I have two of them to Gerilyn and I came home with the last 3. I'm going to put them in to give away, because there isn't anything in there I would really do. Plus, I have enough kits right now. And these were simple easy stuff that I don't want to do. 

Came home and got busy with laundry. I didn't do any over the weekend and I needed to get working on that. Then I pulled out the quilts that needed labels. There were a good 7 of them needing labels. AND I have a feeling I didn't take pictures of all of the ones I did. Because I'm sure I did 5 of them. 

Victoria Parrott made this one. I do like the colors she used. I can't wait to see what else she comes up with for us.

JoAnn Wisner has been busy. This is another one of her quilts. Between her and Connie, the pieced quilts are awesome!

Colleen Hill did something different and I like it. At least it looks artsy with a flag in there. It turned out pretty good. 

This quilt is finally done for Smiley's pastor. We will be giving that out soon enough. He was hoping it was done on Veterans Day, but no such luck. It was fun working on this one. I hope he likes it. There are 4 that the labels are on and ready to go to the museum. I counted 7 in the bag, so I'm pretty sure I missed taking a photo of one of the 5 I did today. I have 2 more labels to put on. I also need to work on my labels because I'm out of the ones that are ready to put on the quilts. I may do that later this week. 

All in all, it turned out to be a great day. We had laughs and fun today. I enjoy my Brazilian Embroidery gals. They keep things hopping and fun. We have plans to work on Sandy V's class work on January 15th. Should be fun! I will be gone for a month but we won't be meeting for the week of Christmas and New Years, so I will only miss 2 weeks. Not bad. At least I was taking time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Getting Quilts Ready To Be Quilted

 Some days I can figure a title, other days, not so much! I wish at times I was good at this. 

Today was pretty busy. Guess I can say part of that is my fault for waiting till the last minute! Like right now - I have backing in the wash and needs to be dried by tomorrow morning. 

I started out with getting my gifts wrapped for tomorrow. Then I wanted to cut the backing and batting for 4 quilts. I asked the church to do 2 of the quilts. Before I realized 2 of the quilts were too small! I got ahold of Kirsti to let her know. I'm having a hard time taking in quilts that are too small. We already have 4 quilts that are for wheelchair veterans. Trouble with that is that we don't know if they are wheelchair bound or not - until they arrive. Then we have to ask ourselves if he/she is in the wheelchair the whole time or part time. Gets to be a pain in my rear. 

So, I checked both of them and found I could add to this one. It's 66" x 57." We request quilts to be 60" x 80" so that they are all the same size. It makes thing easier. So, at 2 pm, I made the decision to add to this quilt. I'm going to make it clear at the next meeting (Thursday), that I'm going to refuse any quilt that isn't in our guidelines or even close to them. 

Next was trying to see what I had that would work with this quilt. 

I asked Kristi if she was okay with this red. Once that was ok'd, I got to work. Having to cut the fabric for the borders. 

Four hours later, I had it to 79" x 62" which is where I wanted it to be (except for the 79") After I did that, I thought it actually made the quilt after. I couldn't do the other quilt. She used 3 pieces of fabric. So, if I even tried to find something to go with it, one would know right off the bat and ask me what they (or I) were thinking. So, she's going to have to make it bigger. It's a panel piece of the flag and is on the side. Will be interesting to see when it's done. I know the blue stars go on top when hanging a flag, so need to keep that in mind when putting a label on. 

Then I had to get my stuff cut and ready to put in the crockpot tomorrow morning. I ended up prepping the ingredients for the artichoke dip. I want to add spinach and need to leave myself a message to pull that out of the freezer. 

At least I didn't feel sorry for myself today and got to work on stuff that needed to be done. I really can't say today was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Just a RELAXING Day - Sore OF

I didn't get up till 11 am this morning. I didn't even want to get up then. It wasn't that I was tired, I just felt like staying in bed. The rain came down and the day was dreary. So, why get up? When I finally got moving, I played games. And watched a TV movie. 

Then around 2 pm we headed out to Safeway to pick up some stuff for Patrick to make his bark. I picked up stuff for my artichoke dip that I will do for Monday. I have 2 potlucks this week. 

Came back home and I just wasn't in the mood for anything! I played games and then I came in the computer room and worked on the information Bryan sent me on the Matheson family. I added more information, and I was able to get through about 10 pages of his. Some of the information I already had, but he added a bit more. I told him when he was ready to come out of jail, I would have the information in a book form for him since he is doing more work than I am right now. I am going to print about 66 pages for him in the next day or so. I also need to copy some of his grandfather's book. 

 When all that was done, we started to watch another Hallmark movie. It was a little confusing as to how they all lined up, but we were able to get some of it. I need go see a couple more shows to figure it out again. 

So, all in all, I was lazy and not in the mood for much. My DIL is out of the hospital and now I'm just started to get hit with all the stuff going on around me. Between her, my SIL, my husband, my BIL, and myself, there is way too much going on. I'm worried about all of them, but I try not to be. Three of us have cancer and the others are dealing with their issues. I found out I have to be checked for another possible issue, but that won't come till February. I'm not looking forward to it, but I will deal with it when it comes. The last thing I need is more cancer, but I seriously don't think that will happen. Even though it's back in the back of my mind. That' why we have physicals - to check how we are doing. Even when we feel fine. Turn 60, not so much, turn 65 and it's like someone in front of you with their hand out, saying "Hell NO!," you have work to do! Life goes on and I'm going with it. Positive all the way! That even helps when one can't be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Stayed Home Today

It was a day to be at moms. I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere. So, I stayed home. 

I played games most of the morning and afternoon. I did get my walk in today, which was the first time in about a week. 

Then I finally decided it was time to get off my butt and get some stitching done!

 It felt good to get this much done! I'm working on getting back to the step method. It's coming along great!

It felt good to be back to Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Hate After Affects Of Shots!!

 Yesterday I wasn't feeling 100% because of the COVID shot on Monday. But I did go to our WWII veterans' home to honor him with a quilt. I will try and post that photo later. Debbie was saying Chip mentioned we have lost all but one of the veterans from WWII that we honored this year. I was shocked to hear that, since we honored close to 10 or 15. I'm glad we were able to honor them when we did then. 

I pretty much called it a night around 8 pm last night, then found I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning. Even went into the living room and tried sleeping on the floor. When that didn't work, I went on the couch, but had to sleep on my back with me knees up. I woke a few times with sweat! I couldn't believe I soaked my night short! Around 6 am I went back to bed. Then slept till around 9:30 am. 

This morning I was up and playing on the tablet. I could have gone for a walk but just going up and down that stairs was killing me. So, I tried to relax - but wanted to wrap all our gifts for Christmas. While I wrapped, Patrick decorated the tree. It turned out pretty good. At first, I thought it wasn't going to look good, but he surprised me. lol 

We pulled the vacuum cleaner out to get all the white pieces from the tree. Of course, when the vacuum got close to Sophie, she headed by the tree. 

That's where she stayed till supper time. 

Before that, she was enjoying her nap - till Patrick started vacuuming the stairs. Then she kept an eye on him the whole time. When he started up the stairs, she headed for the tree. 

I finally pulled my cross stitching out and worked on it. I was able to get a good 300 stitches in before I called it quits. I wanted to watch Michael Symon on TV. I like him and love how he explains why he does what he does. Better personality then Bobbie Flay - not my favorite!

Now it's time to call it a night, and I'm still feeling the effects of the shot. I as always one who would get a cold worse than the other guy. I would also get a reaction to shots when others didn't. It's been that way most of my life. Being that I grew up in the military life, shots weren't that big a deal. Still aren't but IF I had my choice, I wouldn't get them. Because of my health issue right now, I needed to get the shot. I understood that and got it. When my health depends on it, I will get it. Even if I disagree, I will still get the shot. That's what we did when I was young, and that's what I do now. If more people got the shot, we won't have to do it every year. lol 

At least today, I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Finished Beaded Ornament

 Today I woke to being sore all day. I hated having to get stuff done today instead of going to bed! 

I worked on getting the ornament done today and was thrilled when I finally got it done! I listened to by book and worked on the last tassel. I took the peach colored one apart. Then I worked a "delicate" tassel instead of a big honking tassel. 

All five of them are done. The one I just finished in the one on the left. Patrick went through them and picked out who was getting what. I have them all in a container with the sticky of who it goes to. I'm giving Debbie one of the gold ones. Patrick wanted the other gold one. 

Then it was time to clean up and get a label on the quilt that goes to the WWII veteran tomorrow. I did the certificate as well. At least I had the pillowcase for this one! 

We have used all the panels up on the quilts. I was glad to see this one was in the stack to have a label on it. This is going to the WWII veteran. 

Then I wanted to try and get another label or two done. 

This one was donated to us through the museum. I added the label and was about ready to go to bed when Patrick reminded me I had a water meeting. So, we headed over to the water meeting at the church. We had more people tonight then we have had in a couple of years. It was an hour long. Then Debbie and Mom called, so I had to call them back. Now I'm going to call it a night and be thankful for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 4, 2023

Ornament # 4 Finished

 Today started out at the grange with Sandy and her sister Jeannette. We had a good meeting and I worked on the yellow butterfly for the Orchid embroidery piece I'm working on. I will try and post a photo of that later. 

I left early to get home. Patrick and I went to Kaiser to see about me getting my Covid shot and him getting his port flushed. He had to make an appointment, but I got in right away. I was told when I went to the surgeon. that I needed to get the Covid shot. Now that I have cancer, I need to keep getting the shot. It will help me if I do get covid.  I wasn't thrilled about that, but I did it. The gal that gave me the shot did such a good job!! I never felt it going in. I'm always aware of needles but this time she counted and I didn't feel a thing. I love nurses or doctors that can do that!!

Then we headed over to Costco. We picked up a few things for the potlucks I have next week. I got a lasagna for Thursday. I will figure Monday out later. I still want to do my artichoke dip. I still have a couple things to pick up for that. 

We came home, stopping at Phils to give him a couple things we picked up for him. I cried when we pulled out. I miss Ziva! She wasn't there to welcome me. It was so quiet there. 

I played for awhile on my tablet. Then I decided I needed to work on the last ornament I had to do. The 4th one needs the tassels done on it, and I'm waiting for my beads to come in. They were supposed to be here today but didn't make it. They are scheduled for tomorrow. Fingers crossed they get here tomorrow so I can finish the last ornament. 

 Ornament #4 is done. 

The top is different and not really what I was thinking when I was working on it. I should have gone around one more time, but it works fine this way as well. Now I have one last one to work on and then I can mail 2 of the ornaments out. 

I was at least able to work on both my embroidery and my beading, which makes me very Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Working On Ornaments

This morning we enjoyed sleeping in. When I finally got up and moving, I got to work on cleaning around the house. Got laundry going, cleaned the cat litter box, and went to get my backing and batting ready for tomorrow. Need to drop it off at Connies. 

Then I sat down to get to work on my ornaments. 

 I attached these tassels to this ornament and found I didn't like it. They were clipped off even after I had it completely done. I will rework the tassels and try again later. 

I then completed this ornament. I do like the lighter tassels, but not has happy with them as I thought I would be. Patrick likes it. Plus he was the one that suggested the 2 different colors in the tassel. 

Then I attached the ring of the 3rd ornament. When I did that, I decided to stop. I will put this one together tomorrow and work on the tassels for the first one. Hopefully I can get them done. It might not be tomorrow since Patrick wants to go to Olympia for my COVID shot and then to Costco. I hope to try and get at least one of them done tomorrow though. I may take one with me to our BE meeting. Hard to say. 

At least I was able to work on the ornaments today and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Keeping Busy Finishing Things Up

This morning I wanted to get busy with getting the tassels done for the 3 ornaments I have left to finish. Patrick was helping me on a couple of them. 

 I got started on this one when my son told hubby that he had to take Ziva into the emergency vets. She was having trouble with her breathing. Just about the time I had this done, Phil texted to say my Grand doggie was put to sleep. Broke my heart. She isn't suffering any more. But she was such a sweet heart! 

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the tassels. 

I like to make them all different. It's just something I have a "thing" about. 

This is one that Patrick picked. It does go with the angels in this set, so I was willing to do it. I was able to use beads from broken jewelry that aren't doing anyone any good in a box. 

 This was the last one. I wanted to wait till Monday or Tuesday to get my beads in, but decided since I have to mail 2 of these out, that I better just get them done. And so, I worked on them. Tomorrow I will try and finish 1 or 2 of them. Not sure if I can do all 3 but can try. I do clean around the house first, so that may be a no. 

We went to the Evergreen Playhouse to see the play "James and the Giant Peach" which turned out really good. I never read the book, so I really didn't know what to expect. It was really cute and fun. There were a few younger children there, but they did awesome! Singing and everything!

At least my day was one that I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...