Tuesday, December 12, 2023

A Day With Debbie

 This morning Debbie arrived around 10:30 and we headed out to Shelton. She wanted to show me the quilt shop out there. Annie's Quilt Shop - I think is the name. Anyway, we took a drive up there. 

Wow! That shop has a lot of stuff. The funny part is that you have to buy in 1 yard cuts. You can't get 1/4's, 1/2's, etc. I was okay with that. 

We saw this panel and wanted it. Trouble is that it was a kit. Not very big. Plus we didn't want the black. Then when we saw the price of $80+ we decided it wasn't worth it. The borders weren't long enough to work with for our quilts. I really do like the panel and not sure where to get it. I did get 3 other panels that will work for us. 

Then I saw this print. I got a yard of it. It's a 108" wide, so it was worth the cost. I want to check with our supplier and see if they have that one. If they do, I'm going to ask for a bolt. AND if they do, I can order another navy blue print because I just used the last of it. UGH

After going there, we stopped at the Olive Garden to get some lunch. We had a salad and some bread sticks. Of course, I had to eat 2 bread sticks! Or was it 3? lol 

We then came back home by stopping at the Sherriff's to see if we could get them to let us honor some of their veterans. They have a dinner in February, and we could do a couple of them. Told Debbie we will need to get busy and making quilt tops. If we can do that, we're good to go. 

We talked about what we need to talk about at the meeting. I got dropped off around 3 pm. Then I sent off my reimbursement and got to work on the beads I had out. I have this container that I started with in the beginning to hold my beads. Then I decided to keep my beads in tubes. So, I put the beads together or put them in a tube. Again, trying to keep my beads organized. So far, so good. I also marked how many beads I have in my excel program. I keep track of the number and how many grams I have. That way I know if I really need to order more or if I actually have them. 

Today was not a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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