Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Getting A Few Things Done

Today was a good day. I was able to do a lot that I wanted to do.

I got an email with the list of what the group wanted as far as the floss goes. I took them out, logged what was left and then posted to the group they were for sale. I'm going to give it a couple days and if they don't reply, I will sell the rest on eBay.

Then I started out with trying to decide what I want to work on next. So, I started going through my bead patterns.

I decided I want to do something small this time. This will go pretty quick, and then I'll get back to the pattern I fixed. I decided I didn't want to do the snowman just yet. I will do that later. A couple small things will do better. 

Then I got side tracked with baking. I did do some more sourdough crackers. Patrick doesn't like the sour part of them, but I love it!

I also baked a Scandinavian Cake. I was in the mood to bake. I also cut the watermelon and campanile that Patrick got the other day. While I was doing that Faye dropped off my beads from Sharon and the quilt I had done. We chatted for awhile then when she left, I got going on logging my beads.

Once all the beads were logged and stored. I went through and picked out the colors for the ornament. I was wondering where some of my beads where when I went to the closet and remembered a have some in the square containers. I am going to need to change that. I keep telling myself that. But they are bead containers, so will keep them and add to them.

The next step was to make the word charts for the 4 pieces. I have one done and 53/78 rows done on the second one. My hand was telling me it's been awhile since I wrote anything for very long. Now a days we use the computer, and don't write. I need to get back to writing.

Tomorrow I will try and get more done on the word chart and maybe start working on the first one. I'm getting excited about doing this. I hope I have all the beads I need, because I have really spent a lot of money on beads lately. If I can get some money back on the floss then I won't feel so bad and can get more if I need them.

It's been a busy day of baking, laundry, beading, and playing. It wasn't what I thought I would do today, but I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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