Friday, August 30, 2024

Yesterday - Shopping Today - Beading

 Yesterday Christine and I went shopping.  I went to my favorite beading shop. I bought several things. Noc Bay is an awesome shop!!

I picked up 4 kits. I am giving one to Sandy as a gift. I will make the others 😁.

I also picked up some T-shirts and 2 goodies. We spent most of the day shopping. 

We got back for supper then headed to the movies to watch " Twister" again. Dennis and Christine hadn't seen it.  Our days was done when we got home.

Today we were up around 9am.  I played my games and then we went walking. 3 miles done for the day. Patrick and Dennis went golfing.  

I worked on my beading.  I finished my second panel set and started the next one.

I am working on the last set. We watched another movie.  I was just happy I figured out my mess and finish the panel. One more and the ornament set will be done. Now that is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Leaving The Cabin

Today we woke, dressed and got ready to leave. Christine cleaned more than the rest of us, but we loaded her car and headed to their place about noon time. 

Christine and I stopped to get french fries. We chatted with a military guy, and I told him if he ever makes it to Chehalis he should go to the museum. 

We made it back to their place and chatted a bit. Her friend came and cut Kayla's hair. When she left we headed to the laundry mat to wash sheets and towels. Then dropped them off at the Coynes place. They are the people that own the cabin. 

By the time we got back it was close to 8 pm and we ate then. That's not good for me, but I will survive.  When we get home I can go back to eating better.

Not a bad picture of me. One of the few I do like. 😁

I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Two For One - Making Up For Yesterday

Yesterday we spent most of the day outside.  I was able to get some embroidery done.

I worked on the nest. I need to finish it. Then I decided to work on the leaves. It's not my favorite to do satin stitch for the leaves. I was able to figure it out and it's not bad. Just not my favorite for leaves.

Then we played games before calling it a night.

While we slept,  there was a lightning storm. It was the first time I have seen lightning,  one right after the other keeping the sky white. It went on for 2 hours.  We found out today that the wind blew in the bunkhouse and woke Chris up when the screen smacked her in the face. They were getting everything out of the water. 

This morning we were up early because of the TV being on.

Spent most of the day relaxing.  Didn't do much. 

We were on the water after supper. We were goofing off too.

At least yesterday was a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Vacations Can Make Me Forget

It was Saturday.  Yesterday was pretty much a quiet day, but I did get a few things done. 

We did go out on the pontoon and look around.  They were going to go swim in the deep area, but changed their minds when we got there. 

We found a few turtles enjoying the sun. 

Came back and they sat in the water. I beaded and worked on my embroidery. 

I did try and start the nest but it's boucle thread and a pain, I may work on that later. 

When I went to beading,  I got messed up. I had to work off my beaded piece because the word chart is off.  I am still trying to figure it out. So I didn't get very far.

Then we sat out at the fire and chatted. 

Had a good visit and fun!

So my day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 23, 2024

What A Friday

This morning was another 9 am wake up. I would have loved to have been able to sleep longer, but my father in law and brother in law are both loud with their deep voices.  So, come 7 am, they are chatting and laughing.  My father in law is very, very loud. I believe he's got the memory loss. It's pretty bad. Trouble is they let him drive and one of these days he will get lost on the road. 

Patrick,  Sue and dad went golfing.  While they were gone,  Christine and I walked 4 miles. We went to the corner store. I wanted to get an ice cream cone. She said we would be going later with everyone.  So we got a drink and headed back. Patrick called to ask if we needed anything at the corner store. They were getting ice cream cones and would be here shortly. I said, " bring one back for me." He said, "No." I told him, yes, we didn't get ours because we were waiting on them. When they arrived they were eating their ice cream and Patrick offered me his. Told him, "He'll no, I don't like cherry ice cream and you knew that!" So, I was ticked! 

 After everyone relaxed for awhile, and enjoyed Kayla, who showed up today. After a couple hours, we went out to eat for fish fry. Patrick and I shared our meal because he wasn't hungry. Sue had to play the claw game. She got 12 little ducks. 

We were all picking the ones we wanted. It was so funny how she's addicted to that game. 

On the way back we got ice cream. I shared mine with Patrick. 

We came back to the cabin and played "Left, Right, Center." Then called it a night. So, my day didn't let me be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday- Relaxing

We started out by getting up at 9 am. I guess I am still on Washington time. Want to stay up passed midnight and get up around 9am.

This is what the Wiltzius men called relaxing.  All three had a good nap. 

I came in the cabin and worked on my embroidery. 

Took a break and played my game for a little bit, then did some beading. 

This is the second panel of the three panels. I should have it done by the weekend. 

Then I decided to try and get a little more done on my embroidery. 

This is an interesting piece. I am a little surprised at how the long short stitches on the branch actually look like a branch. But it really isn't my favorite stitch. 😂

The rest of the night we played "Left, Right, Center" with Patrick and myself cleaning out everyone else. We play with quarters. 

I was just happy to have time to work on my projects. It makes for a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Arrived At The Cabin

This morning we actually slept till 9 am. Wonder if it's the time change that got me. Chris and I went shopping to get the fresh fruits and vegetables.  Once all that was done, we headed put to Corner Lake. 

I unloaded the car while Chris put all the food away. Patrick and Dennis were right behind us. They unloaded the kayaks and paddle boards. 

We were unloaded in no time and sat outside by the water. I stayed inside and did some embroidery. 

I got this far, and was falling asleep.  Took a nap. Then it was time to eat. 

Chris and I took a 2.78 mile walk. I was huffing it with her and it felt great. 

We all sat and enjoyed a good visit.  Sue came after our walk. Dad showed up about 30 mins after we got here.

At least I found time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Enjoying Family

I realized I hadn't posted yesterday.  We pretty much spent the morning flying. We arrived in Escanaba MI around 11 am. Christine came and picked us up. We spent most of the day sitting and chatting. Christine and I walked 3 miles. We called it a night early.

This morning I was up at 7:30. Christine made sausage egg biscuits.  It was really good. 

We headed out to pick up a few things. We are getting food and stuff for the cabin. Then came back and walked 3 miles. We walked faster than I normally do.

When we came back we sat outside on the deck. I pulled out my beading and finished the second panel piece that goes to #1. I then started #3 again. 

Patrick and Dennis took the truck to the owner. They fixed the engine and put tires on after they arrived yesterday.  This truck will be in a parade on Memorial Day.  

I was happy to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Getting Ready To Leave

Today was pretty much cleaning house. We were getting everything ready to head to the airport. 

When 7 pm arrived,  we headed out. Stopped to get gas and the on I-5. We were early leaving "just in case." That just in case came in handy as they were working on I-5, around Woodland area. We were stop and go for over an hour.  

The moon was fun to watch while we were going slow. It started on the left side and by the time we got to Portland,  it was in front of us. 

We arrived about an hour and a half early. Flight leaves at 12:45am. 

Maybe on the flight I will find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Nothing Day LOL

Today, I walked with Ron, and we got our 6 laps in. Then I came in and got to work on the downstairs. I wanted to clean it up for while we are gone. I just like coming home to a clean room. So, I pulled the vacuum out and got to work. It's a lot better now.  Then I went and decided on what clothes I am bringing. The suitcase is full! I need to get it down. I was able to change my mind on a couple things and it got it down but not sure if we will have room if we bring anything back. lol 

After that, Patrick and I made our list. We had Scott come over and see what he needed to do while we are gone. He's up on Sophie's stuff as well. 

Then I sat and played my game all day! I had fun and upgraded a few things in the game. I will have to have the tablet ready to go with us tomorrow, so I have something to post on my blog each day. At least try and post each day. 

As it turned out, I was not in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Applique Day Today

This morning I needed to go to drop off Sandy's stuff she gave us for the fair. I wanted to make sure she got it before we left. 

Then I headed to moms. I didn't stay long. Didn't even get lunch with then. I did give them all the cucumbers from the garden. Had to pick them before we left. I had a whole one yesterday that was really good. Mom had a lot of sweets out and of course; I couldn't pass those up! I try, but that darn Norwegian blood of mine can't pass it up! 

I worked on this piece. I have 2 leaves from the center that need to be done, then I will have to do the small circles off the leaves between the flowers. I like working on this, but my stitches need to be smaller. I am going to do back basting on the others. I don't care for this way. I do like this block though. It's going to be interesting how many I get done. At least I was able to get this much done. The circles will be a little more work. 

I left early. Needed to stop at Carol's to chat about our QOV veterans. She's doing an awesome job and we have the veterans pretty much scheduled till the end of Nov. Then we take a break till January. 

Next stop was at Debbie's. I wanted to help her with her machine. She was having a hard time. We chatted outside after we fixed the machine like what she wanted. The people she bought it from didn't set it up right and they are hard to get ahold of. We figured it out in a short amount of time. I took her coffee, so that helped. lol We must have chatted a good 2 hours! I'm glad I left early. lol I also showed her what she was going to pick up for me. If she needed any help, she could ask Kathleen. 

Came home and Patrick was just resting in his chair. He was looking good today. That's a good sign. Said he worked outside. Tomorrow I will need to figure out what I'm going to take with me. I have the embroidery that I want to take and I have the beading, so that part is done. As for the clothes, I need to cut back on what I'm taking. I tend to take too much and not wear half of it. So, I really need to think about what I want to wear and take about 5 to 7 days worth, knowing I will wash the clothes up there. 

So, all in all, I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Fair Day

This morning, I was up early getting ready for the fair. I realized I had forgotten a few things. I also forgot to get back with Sandy on having BE stuff there from our group. I texted Sandy V last night to make sure she got her tickets. 

I started out with sending Bryan a family report on the ancestors of the Matheson side. I only gave him 5 generations, because it goes a lot longer than 16 pages otherwise. He will review and fix what needs to be fixed. I will get with him when we get back. I was lucky at the post office. No one was there. I did run into Rose, and we chatted. She said she's worried about Harris becoming President. I told her I was worried Trump would take away our rights to vote. She about came out of her car to tell me to be careful, Harris would do....... I was a little shocked at how she was pushing me for Trump. Guess that's why I don't talk politic to anyone. It's gotten out of hand. 

Went to Sandy's work to pick up the stuff for BE. Then headed to the fair. I was surprised they didn't take my ticket or my parking ticket. It was weird. I still have tickets and will give them away tomorrow if someone wants them. 

I checked out my beading. The parrot birds got the Superintend ribbon. I was shocked. I thanked Kathleen for that. 

I can understand why this one only got a blue. It's a little on the dull side. But they aren't supposed to judge on that. Really was surprised on the judging because of the ornament. 

My ornament got the division, and I was surprised. It wasn't as much work as the wall hanging birds. I'm thrilled either way. Just surprised me though. Now I have more ribbons to add to the ones I have downstairs. I like the big ribbons over the smaller ribbons. lol 

Sandy V and I chatted and worked on our pieces. We had a few people stop and look at our work. It was fun to see the surprise in some people faces with the bonsi tree I took. Still need to finish that and I need to get with Debbie Goff to see if she would help me with the flowers. 

I worked on my rose pattern. I really am not crazy about this one. The buttonhole stitches were taken out several times. I finally and it lay the way I wanted to. I must have done it three times before I got it to look suitable. Sill not thrilled with this one. I'm almost thinking of taking it out and doing it my way to get the same affect. I may yet. 

I picked up a cone dog, soft pretzel and cotton candy. Brought them home. I had the cone dog, and Patrick ate the soft pretzel. I was thrilled to see him eat that. He has been doing sugar more than anything and to see him eat the pretzel, warmed my heart. He needed to eat it. He's also been eating the cotton candy. I'm just glad I found something he was hungry for. Lately he isn't hungry for anything. 

Came home and played my game till my tablet ran low. Then I got to work on the ornament piece. I was able to get a good 20 rows done. I didn't take a photo but will tomorrow. Heading over to moms tomorrow. I need to leave early and go to Debbie's. Then come home. Mom won't be happy, but it is what it is. At least today I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Genealogy Day

This morning, I was running behind. I had to get moving for walking. We did 5 laps around the neighborhood but thought we did 6 till I realized I was counting wrong on my tees. We had stopped and chatted with Kevin Hubbert and thought we counted wrong. After I got home, I figured out we did. Oh, well. 

I spend the rest of the day till 4 pm working on family history. I was adding a few things on Findagrave. I was also putting obit information into my program. It was long but it needed to be done. I was able to add a couple people, but most of it was updated information. 

After supper, I decided to clean up my beading area where I was working on Fireplace Sophie. I had it all put away. 

I figured I wouldn't be able to add anymore rows to it before we leave on Sunday. I may regret that but I do have my ornament to work on if I do. 

I can finish this one soon. 

I have to be at the fair tomorrow. So, since Patrick doesn't want to go, I have an extra ticket. I will give it to Debbie to use or give it to someone else. 

It was a busy day and a quiet day. Patrick got his hair cut and when he walked into the house, he looked so skinny!! I couldn't believe it. The cheeks are caved in. He's trying, but it's not working. As it turned out, being quiet wasn't one of the days I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Day At Home

Patrick went golfing. I stayed home. 

I was playing my game on the computer this time and working on my beading at the same time. I was even playing another game on my phone as well. lol 

I got a load of laundry in. I'm getting ready to get the clothes in the suitcase for when we head to MI on Sunday. Scott is going to keep an eye on Sophie. She will be mad at us when we get back. But we need this trip for Patrick. He didn't do so good at golfing and now he's talking of quitting. I hope not. He needs something to keep him busy. He said he's not feeling up to doing much anymore. That's not a good sign. I hope this chemo can get rid of the liver spots and he can go into remission for a bit. It would be nice. They did say this was not curable, so time will tell. 

I had gotten this much done today. Patrick took a nap, and I beaded while playing my game. I did find a couple mistakes on my new word chart that I "fixed." Of course I couldn't fix it right! So, I have one page so far on the first one to fix. Then I have to fix it on the other "original" colored one. Never fails. Maybe it's a good thing I am working on the second set of three. At least part of the day, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 12, 2024

Hello Monday!

This morning, I was up as Patrick was out the door to go golfing. I played my game for a bit and then decided I wanted to bead - at least get one row done anyway. 

I did get one row done. Then Patrick came home. We had to leave for Olympia. I had another doctor appointment. 

We headed up to Olympia but had to make a couple stops on the way. Once that was done, we headed up there. We are back to wearing masks in the offices because of Covid showing up again. I was okay with it. My doctor checked to see what the other doctors thought about my tests and visits. It looks good. We then talked about my "bumps" on my elbow area. I am going to have to put some cream on them both. One I think is because of the tape they wrapped me in after my blood tests. I can't win!

Came on home and dropped off the backing to Colleen. Then we picked up a pizza in town. Came home and ate. Once that was over, I decided to try and do one more row. 

Not much difference if any, but did get another row in. Wouldn't you know it! I was halfway on this row when the wire got tangled and broke bead. YEP, broke a bead in the row before. Of course, I had to fix it. That took more time than I care to admit. But I did get it fixed. Never fails - want to try and get something done "quick" and something goes wrong. That's when my brain says, "Hey, it's Monday." Mondays are not always the best day of the week for me. But then again, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Time To Get Organized

This morning, I walked with Ron, and we got in our 6 laps around the neighborhood. He was doing pretty good today. At 94 years old, I hope I am as good as he is at that age. 

Came in and started cleaning a bit. Got laundry going. Even got the cat litter cleaned out. Every couple weeks I wash the litter box itself. Then bleach it. Doesn't seem to both Sophie. But it does make me feel better when I wash the box. 

I was waiting for my bag of tubes to come in so I could get my beads organized. I was thrilled when they finally arrived. 

I pulled out my supply and had it ready to put the beads away when I was done. I had them numbered by box, but the beads have gotten to be so many that the numbers on the boxes aren't even close to what's in them. I have some boxes that only cover about 12 colors. It's something I will have to fix another day. 

My bag of 100 tubes arrived this afternoon. So, I was enjoying myself with organizing the beads. I had to add a few to my list. I also wanted to have all the beads ready for my trip to Michigan next week. It's going to be a couple weeks, and I needed something to keep me busy. 

I was putting all these into the tubes. It wasn't a lot, but it did take time. The bright yellow I had. I wanted to add it to the tube I had. I even thought I should move them to a bigger tube but changed my mind. Next thing I know, the beads are overflowing and going everywhere. Try picking up all those small - little - beads and putting them in the tube! I ended up doing what I thought I should have and didn't. Never fails! Little yellow beads are still showing up after I thought I had them all done. 

I was playing my game off and on today. I'm enjoying the friends I find on there. I was getting organized, so it wasn't a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Day With A Friend

 This morning Patrick wasn't doing that good. So, I went walking with Ron. We got in a good 6 laps. 

Then I came in and got ready to go with Debbie for coffee. Even though I drink tea. We sat and chatted for a while. She had a bad day yesterday. So, we talked about a lot of different stuff. Had a good visit and I really enjoyed it. We have a good time when we do that. 

Came home and we looked for another plan on her quilt top. Patrick helped out. The top is really pretty. It will be great for a veteran. I can't wait to see it done. We decided we need more panels with eagles. We have all kinds of panels, but the eagles are the popular ones, and really more fun to do. 

My quilt came back and is done. I really like it. Turned out better than I expected. 

I pretty much wasn't in the mood for beading or quilting. Not sure what's going on with me. So, I played my game. 

Patrick was doing better this afternoon. So, things are hard sometimes. He really didn't look good this morning but did look better this afternoon. HATE chemo!! But it's not my choice. Life goes on. And I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Calm Down Day

This morning Patrick went golfing, and I went walking with Ron. We walked 6 laps together. Then he was ready to call it quits. 

I decided since I had been so busy this week, I would just relax and enjoy the day. Patrick came home and turned on the "Love Boat" series and I about died. That show I used to watch as a teenager and now it's so lame I can't stand to watch it. So, I did what I always do when he does that, pulled out my headphones and listened to my book. 

Then I beaded....

I was able to get 2 rows done. It's amazing what 2 rows can show when it's a piece like this. The body is starting to show through. I love it. Trouble was, I wasn't loving working on it today. I just wasn't in the mood for anything - go figure! My back didn't like my sitting position either so that was part of it. 

Geralyn came and picked up the star's mom had ready to applique. She's going to do that when she goes to the beach. 

I was lazy the rest of the day. I listened to my book and played my game. 

When I got ready to work on my blog, I had a really nice message from Melody Jacob. She said she started a blog and asked what I thought. Me? Really? This is a boring blog compared to hers! lol But then again, I warned everyone it was boring! So, back to Melody. I read her trip to the cemetery in Scotland and enjoyed it. I really, really want to go to Scotland one of these days! I would love to see my ancestor's homeland. I have even seen the Matheson Castle on TV. I am going to go back and sit and enjoy seeing what she has. I did notice we have to weed through ads but I can do that. Probably similar to this blog. 

In the end of the day, it was still nice to try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Judging All Day

I was up early this morning. I needed to be ready to leave by 8:30 am. I was about to get ready to leave when Patrick decided to get up and shower. So, I waited, and waited, and waited. I finally went into the bathroom while he was getting out. Got a dirty look from him and a smart comment, "Am I in your way?" I replied, "Yes, I need to get ready to leave." That shut him up. He keeps doing that to me. I have 15 mins to get ready, and that's when he goes into the shower. Taking his dear sweet time. I should go in there and throw cold water on him! - But I won't. lol 

I was at the Fair by 9 am when I was supposed to be there. I judged the embroidery or "stitchery" and was really happy with the choices I made. I was done around noon. We had a potluck lunch. Afterwards I helped with the table setting judging. They had 11 tables that were set. It was fun working on that. I also helped pick the best of show in quilting. I did find out my ornament was best of Division and the other 2 beaded pictures were blue ribbons. I'm happy with that. By the time I was done, I called Patrick and found out he wanted donuts for supper. So, I went to Centralia and picked out a few donuts for him. I also got a piece of fried chicken and some potato wedges. Came home and ate. 

I was sitting in my chair playing and found I was falling asleep. So, I think it's going to be an early night for me. I called Ron and told him it's 97 degrees at 7:30 pm and I'm not walking tonight. I'll walk with him tomorrow. 

It's been a long day and I'm about done. I haven't had the chance to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Back To Busy

This morning, we were at 6:30 and out the door by 7:30 am. I had my CAT scan today at 8:20 am. So, we headed out. Both of us needed blood work as well. 

Arrived for my CAT scan and was in within 10 mins. Then we stopped and got our blood drawn. Once that was over, we got a muffin and some tea. Then walked around the building because Patrick's appointment wasn't till 10:20 am. We waited a while and then thought we might be in the wrong area. So, we walked upstairs and then to the desk to ask if we were in the right place. Got back down there and 2 mins later they called Patrick in. His blood test was done before he went in. I'm betting his tests are marked "priority" because I didn't get my results for the first one till, we got home. He had all of his before we left Kaiser. It was noon before we got out of the building. 

Patrick wanted to go to Lucky Eagle casino. So, we stopped in there. At first it was taking the money so fast, we could have been done in 10 mins. Then we started to win and was able to play on that. I was surprised because Patrick decided to call it quits and cash in the money we had. He usually lets it all go. 

We got home and started supper. Then we sat and watched TV. I got a few things done for QOV. I have stars for Geralyn and wonder when she will come to get them. I have QOV stuff for Carol but won't be able to take them till maybe next week. I will do that before I go to MI. 

It wasn't a day where I could be comfortable and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

What A Day

Patrick was up and out the door for golf. I got up later and then got to work on the laundry. Then I vacuumed the living room after walking 6 laps with Ron. Patrick got home just as I was starting to vacuum. 

I got a text that the quilt was ready at the church, so I headed over there to pick it up. Then I came home and decided to try and get some beading done today. 

I got one more row done. As I was working it, I was thinking the black area is her back, but looking at it again, it could be the brick. I won't know for a while, so I need to get back to beading this! 

Carol called and we went over what's going on with the Veterans and when they will be awarded. She's doing an awesome job. I would hate to lose her! We chatted for about 45 mins. 

Then it was time to head to the fair and drop off 3 quilts for QOV and my bead work. They were really impressed with my beading. I hope it does good. I didn't enter embroidery because I am judging that area. Both Sandy's and Geralyn didn't have anything to enter, so I'm not sure what I will get. 

Even though it was only one row, I'm just glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Beading Day!

It was Brazilian Embroidery Day. I was up early and enjoyed about an hour of just relaxing. I was actually waiting on Patrick to leave for golfing. And waited and waited. Then I asked him why he hadn't left yet, and he said he wasn't doing good today and decided to stay home. Okay, then. 

I loaded the car with veggies, quilts and my bag. I decided to work on the last panel for the ornament. I did forget to take my thread. Before I got to the grange, I made a stop at Phil's. Showed him the veggies and he took a few, which is what I wanted him to do. Then I stopped and got a drink for Sandy and me. Once that was done, I headed to the grange, arriving around the same time as Sandy. 

I finished the third panel and love it. I put in on Instagram. Then we called it a day. I now have all three done and can do 3 more to finish one ornament. I like this one, so who knows how many I will make. 

Headed to Dutch Brothers for tea with Debbie. Then got the car washed next door. Once that was done, I headed to Colleen's and dropped off the 2 tops I had. Then we chatted for a while. Went to Safeway and picked up milk and a tomato. Thought about a roasted chicken but they had different flavored ones, do didn't get one. 

Came home and decided to get some beading done. 

Only got one row in, but I can see her body starting to show. This is getting to be fun! lol As if it's not already fun. It was a very enjoyable day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Got To Work Today!

This morning Katt called. So, Ron and I didn't go walking. He had family coming and I was messing with my game. I needed to get the entries to the fair done as well. I'm ready to take them in this week. 

After things calmed down in the game, I headed downstairs to get a few things done. Once I got started, I kept going. First, I cut backing and batting for 2 quilts. Then I washed the backings. I have those ready to go to Colleen along with some panels. 

Once all that was done, I decided to finish up the quilt top I had on the wall. I cut down the blues to measure what Patrick told me to have. Then I got moving on finishing it up. 

I sewed the pieces together. Next was getting the borders on. 

I messed up on the red. I cut it too small. So, the quilt is a couple inches smaller than I would like. It will have to do. I decided to get it ready for Colleen as well. So, cut the backing and batting on it. The backing is in the dryer and will be folded soon. 

It was 5 pm before I realized I needed a break. I was actually sewing some blocks together once I finished that top. 

I am sewing the blocks together that Connie gave me. I'm not sure what I will do, but I'm playing with it. As always, I think about what I need to do. Which makes me feel good about being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Hot Weather And Beading

This morning, I was up before Patrick. He didn't do so good last night. He's still having issues with his chemo, and I keep telling him it's going to be the chemo that kills him, not the cancer. 

I walked with Ron for 6 laps today. He was doing better today than he was the other day. Came in and got my beading stuff to take outside. I sat down on the swing and beaded while listening to my book on audio. 

The last panel was what I was beading on. I really like this pattern. I do have a mistake in it, and will try and fix that one the word chart when I do the corrections. I didn't see it till about 3 rows back. I'm leaving it, and I know it is only me that sees the mistake, at least I hope so. This is really fun to work on. When it got a little too hot outside, I came in and played my games. Then after supper, I worked on it some more. I had half of it done before supper and added about 10 rows to it while watching "The last of the Summer Wine" show. 

It really did feel good to bead. It got my mind off a few things. My daughter-in-law was sent home from the hospital after 3 days. Life is life and we move on. In the meantime, I'm just Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Quilting And Beading

This morning, I woke to putting the 2 breads in the oven to bake. I realized I should have let it rise one more time, but decided the heck with it. They came out good anyway. I took on to moms for lunch, and was surprised at how much was eaten at lunchtime. 

Before heading to moms, I had to stop at the museum for a $75 check for membership. I gave Sam all the stuff and had an envelope that she could mail out with everything in it. 

Got to moms around 11 am which turned out a couple hours later than I planned. I took the veggie Patrick gave me to take. That went as well. Since I didn't have the time I would have wanted, I decided to work on the second block of mom's quilt. 

I got the pieces cut out from freezer paper. I still need to do a few more but will work on that later. I'm thinking of buying the templates from the company and make it a lot easier on myself. 

After lunch, everyone left. Nancy and mom talked to me about what happened at the meeting yesterday and said they didn't care for the way it was presented to me. They also said the four of them back at that end all agreed that I didn't need to do the extra work, because they didn't care what we had. I told them I did it this time and will not do it in the future for good reason. I don't have much respect for the two who made such a fuse yesterday. I will just do what I have been doing but won't chat or be free to say anything anymore to either of them. 

Patrick found a gorgeous embroidery work on FB, I believe. There was a link to the page, and I put it in my favorites. It shows some really pretty embroidery pieces! It tells one how to do the work, but not the pattern. I'm going to work on my own pattern. I want to do one that has cut work. AGAIN, here I go, thinking of another project! Still haven't learned to finish my stuff FIRST before I move on to another project! UGH 

Came home and decided I wanted to work on my beading. 

I wanted to get the second one done, so Patrick went to bed, and I finished up the second panel. I'm thrilled to get the second panel done and now I can call it a night. I will work on the third one. I will also make the pattern with the original colors to see which I like better. Sandy picked up the original colors for me when she went to Canada. I owe her for those. I also told her I would send the link to the shop I'm going to in MI that is a bead shop. If she wants anything they have up there, I will get it for her. 

She even sent me some pictures of cross stitch patterns she found at the Thrift shop and asked which ones I wanted. I told her I had 2 of them but wanted the other 2. 

It made my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Small Presentation Day

This morning, I needed to leave early for our meeting and presentation.  Patrick loaded up the car for me and I was on my way. I had to go to the fair today to pick up the tickets for everyone to get into the fair for our table. Then got stuck at the light and was 20 mins late. 

I passed out the tickets, we chatted about what needed to be done. Of course, they wanted more from me, so I now have one more job to do. I seriously wish I could pass some of this off on them, but unless they want to be group leader, I can't. Rules and regulations. UGH I did buy pizza for everyone but was shocked no one even bothered to offer to give me some money for it. Just offering would have been enough. 

We honored Keith Yarter, Navy, Leonard Ralston, Marine Corps, and Fred Muniz, Navy. 

Came home tired and frustrated. I did the paperwork that needed to be done. Got the membership information done but forgot to get a check from the museum. I will have to stop by tomorrow. 

Once I sat done, I relaxed. It was way too hot for me today. I did work on my sourdough bread and have it ready for tomorrow. I'm going to bake it tomorrow and take it to moms. That will give me a little bit of time before I have to leave. 

As much as I really wanted to, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...