Friday, August 23, 2024

What A Friday

This morning was another 9 am wake up. I would have loved to have been able to sleep longer, but my father in law and brother in law are both loud with their deep voices.  So, come 7 am, they are chatting and laughing.  My father in law is very, very loud. I believe he's got the memory loss. It's pretty bad. Trouble is they let him drive and one of these days he will get lost on the road. 

Patrick,  Sue and dad went golfing.  While they were gone,  Christine and I walked 4 miles. We went to the corner store. I wanted to get an ice cream cone. She said we would be going later with everyone.  So we got a drink and headed back. Patrick called to ask if we needed anything at the corner store. They were getting ice cream cones and would be here shortly. I said, " bring one back for me." He said, "No." I told him, yes, we didn't get ours because we were waiting on them. When they arrived they were eating their ice cream and Patrick offered me his. Told him, "He'll no, I don't like cherry ice cream and you knew that!" So, I was ticked! 

 After everyone relaxed for awhile, and enjoyed Kayla, who showed up today. After a couple hours, we went out to eat for fish fry. Patrick and I shared our meal because he wasn't hungry. Sue had to play the claw game. She got 12 little ducks. 

We were all picking the ones we wanted. It was so funny how she's addicted to that game. 

On the way back we got ice cream. I shared mine with Patrick. 

We came back to the cabin and played "Left, Right, Center." Then called it a night. So, my day didn't let me be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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