Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Weekend Of "Not Much"

I know I'm boring at times. Sorry about that. But sometimes, there isn't much to report. So, I decided instead of the usual, "blah, blah" I would wait and do the weekend together. 

Yesterday we pretty much stayed home. Didn't have anything to do. So, I baked a bread pudding. It turned out good, but I'm not a lover of bread pudding. Patrick really liked it, so I'm keeping the recipe. We had to walk to the corner store to get heavy cream. I couldn't believe it! We bought a dozen eggs, heavy cream, and some French fries for supper. That cost us $26! Ouch. But then the corner store isn't making money if they don't raise prices I guess. 

Today, I pretty much played my games. Then I decided I would try and bead. 

I put out the row to stitch. Then I started stitching to find out I needed to add another wire. While I was doing that, I saw a bead that looked like it went into the piece. Thinking I hit it and it rolled over to the other side. I added my new wire, then added the bead. I played it smart this time, I put a pin where I added that bead - Just In CASE. Well, that turned out to be a good idea on my part, because I had to take almost half the row out. Then I added it back in. That was about as far as I got today. 

When I was done, I took everything off the table to add a new tablecloth. This time we put out the one we got in Mexico. They hand made it and we decided we needed to enjoy it instead of putting it away. It's bright and pretty on the table now. 

Mom and Connie contacted me and said they have things to drop off. So, tomorrow both are coming over. Mom is coming with Nancy and Connie is coming as well. So, I will need to get a backing cut for Connie and I will need to be ready for mom. 

The weekend was actually enjoyable. Patrick was outside working in the yard, I was beading. Then when he was in the house, we chatted and enjoyed each other's company. I'm a little worried about him though. He's really losing weight. We talked about him getting jeans that will fit, since the ones he has are really baggy. He's down a good 10 lbs since April. 

Other than all that, I'm still keeping myself Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 28, 2024

Another Trip To Olympia

 Today we enjoyed being able to sleep in. Today wasn't a day I walked with Ron. He was going golfing with one of his sons. 

We headed out to Safeway and got some groceries we needed. Also got a Birthday card for Sister-in-law. Then came home. Put everything away and then headed out to Olympia. 

I had my ultrasound for my thyroid. Hopefully it will be fine. I don't need another thing going wrong. 

Came home - again - and I decided I needed to get the quilts ready for the museum. 

The label that Stitch'n Peace put on the quilt was coming off, so I did the embroidery around it. I wanted to be sure it stayed on. Then I added the label for us. 

Once that was done, I put it with the other. Have 3 more to go. 

It's a pretty quilt. Another of the short ones though. Which gave me a little time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Vet Visit Today

This morning Patrick slept till around 10 am. He was having the runs today. It's routine now. Every few days, he gets the runs and can't do much. At least his spirits are up and he's not losing the vitamins he needs. It's keeping him out of the UC. 

We just pretty much relaxed all day. Till around 2:30 when we had to take Sophie for her vet appointment. She was really good. She hates going and loves to try and hide in the carrier. 

She put herself under that banket this time too. Patrick waited in the car. She got her check up and shot. She's healthy and is good for 3 years with her shot. Things look great. She didn't meow once on the way home. She did when we left but not very much and not very loud. Patrick was teasing her about being quiet with the meows. 

We came back home and fixed soup for Patrick and one of my lasagna's for me. Then we watched the debate. No comment there - this is a craft site, not political. lol 

It turned out to be a good day, even though it rained. Ron and I got 6 laps in today. And, yet again, it wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Day Away

Today I was up early. Couldn't go back to sleep, my mind was running! Hate that! 

Patrick went golfing and I went walking with Ron. We got 5 laps in, and this time I couldn't go much longer, so we called it done. We left at 9:30 am again today. 

Patrick got home from golfing and we headed out to the casino. This time we lost money, but we were there about 3 hours. Maybe he will get to the point of waiting awhile again. Hard to say. When he's in the mood we go. I won't stop that. 

Came home and fixed supper. The rest of the day/night was sitting and watching TV. I didn't work on anything today. It wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beautiful Day Today!

Today was a good day for enjoying the beautiful weather. 

This is the road Ron and I walk on. It's really pretty today. I loved the sky blue going from light to dark. There is houses there, but the trees cover them. 

 This is the view from the side of our house. It's really pretty to see the sky so clear and the trees against the background. That's part of WA State for you! That's why I love it here. 

We walked 5 laps. Then I came in because it was warm today. This is our grape vines. 

And this is the flowers Patrick has on the deck. I love seeing them grow!

Came in the house and needed to put a few things away, like fabric and quilts for QOV. So, I decided to see what I could do about a panel we have. 

This is in the planning stage. The blocks on the side, with strips going across. I thought I could add the flag in there as well. I'm not sure how it will look, but I'm going to try and see. There are 5 blocks down on both sides. I will have to figure something for the top and bottom because there won't be enough for 80" long. I'm going to think on it. I may take a strip between each block as well. That might make it longer. 

Then I came up and put another row on my beads. More white is showing on her face. After that it was super time and I called it done. At least I had a good day for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Feels Like Saturday

I know it's Monday, but man! It really felt like Saturday. 

This morning was busy. I was going to go to our BE meeting, but at the last minute it was cancelled. So, I got all I needed and headed out for the other stuff. I hit the bank first, then post office, and headed to Connie's. I dropped off 2 quilts and she gave me 2 more. 

Then it was off to moms. I dropped off 3 quilts for her. She was trimming the one from the church before I left. She had the binding sewn down by the end of the day. I stayed and chatted with my brother and his wife. Then it was time to come home. 

Stopped and got the car washed. Then I went and got some tea at Dutch Brothers. Brought one home for Patrick. I cleaned the car by vacuuming it as well. 

Came home and wanted to get a few rows in on the beading. 

 I only got one row in, but I did notice I can see the eyes when I'm beading now. Her nose will be next. Can't wait to see the face. She does blind into the background but at least you can tell it's her. She has a vet appointment this week. 

It didn't turn out to be a productive day, but it was a good day. I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Still Pain, But I Did Finish The Top

This morning I was up before Patrick. Then I went walking with Ron. 

 This is where we turn around and walk back. It was so pretty to see the blue sky and clouds. I should have gotten closer for the photo, but I just love how the clouds and sky work together. 

Came back in the house and figured it was time for me to go down and get a few things done. I needed to get the quilt top done and off. 

I trimmed the sides, because it was way too wide. But now it will work. Patrick liked it and I think once it's quilted, they will like it better. 

When I finally finished that, I went and cut backing for Connie and 2 backings and battings for the 2 quilts I will take to Connie. (That includes mine). 

Came upstairs and called it day. Scott stopped by and we chatted for a good half hour. Then I played my games. Things are interesting in the game, but I can handle whatever comes my way. 

I'm still in pain, but not near as bad as yesterday and the day before. I'm doing fine. I just need to try and say up in spirits and not get depressed with this pain. So far so good. At least I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Painful Day

This morning, I woke sore. And it pretty much lasted all day. 

Ron called and wanted to walk earlier because of the weather getting hot today. I said that was fine and we were walking at 9:30 am. We made 7 laps. 

Came in and worked on my lasagna for the freezer. I rolled the lasagna noodles with the stuff instead of making a pan of it. I rolled 15 lasagna rolls and cooked them. Had to use 2 pans. I had one for supper and then got the rest for the freezer. At least that way I have something to pull out when I don't know what I want for supper. Patrick had his leftovers from yesterday.  

I was in so much pain today. I'm still in pain. I think the numbness is wearing off, because it's very painful to move or touch my chest. I tried a bra, but that didn't work either. I should have put ice on it, but didn't do that either. Because of the pain, I didn't do much of anything. I pretty much just played my games. 

As much as I wanted it to be a day of doing something, it ended up being a day of anything but. Not even being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Friday

This morning Patrick was up at 6 am. Guess he couldn't sleep any longer. I went back to sleep and woke a little after he left for golfing. 

I worked on a few things. Then I needed to go into town for more stuff. I went to the church to get a quilt, then to Safeway and bought stuff for dessert and lasagna to cook this weekend and freeze. Next stop was the post office and bank. Once all that was done, I came home. Shortly there after Patrick walked into the house. 

I worked on the strawberry pie we talked about. So, I got busy with that. 

It turned out really good. I just needed the syrup to be just a little thicker. It tasted awesome, just needed to cook it a little longer. 

We went out to eat at Dick's Brewery. I had a brat but the ones they make. I really didn't care for it. I ate half and brought the rest home to throw away. I didn't like leaving half my plate for them to throw away and insult them. I got the wrong Brat and I know better now. 

Came home and watched TV. Debbie came over and she gave me some fabrics she got for QOV. I need to do her reimbursement soon. I will work on it tomorrow. 

I didn't really feel like doing much with this heat. I really was hurting today. Like having tooth picks sticking out of your chest and every time something touched it, PAIN. UGH

So, it really wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Too Hot Today!

Patrick and I both slept in. 

When I finally got moving, I decided to get a few things done that needed to be done. I worked on our Facebook page for QOV. Then I worked on my bookkeeping and got us up to date. By that time, it was time for me to get to my game, since there was a timed activity. I played for awhile, then headed to my beading. 

I was able to get another 3 rows in today. I can see the eyes in the photo, but disappointed I can't see them as well when I bead. I figure it's the distance thing. It looks good from a distance and not really up close. I do like the photo! I will keep work on it. The brick work does take away from her for now. I want to see how well her body will come out. Colors are close. 

I wanted to make a pie today but did have what I needed. So, I decided to do it tomorrow. Mom called and said she cancelled quilting tomorrow. I was looking forward to it, but since my brother and his wife are there, she will be busy. 

It turned out to be a VERY hot day! We reached 90 degrees and I'm sweating! It's not going to be fun sleeping tonight! I had the cool air coming in the back door but didn't close it in time to keep some of that heat out. Oh, well. UGH! Guess I will have some clothes sticking to me in the next day or so. Trouble is with the seam on my chest, it will make it sore, and I will be looking funny pulling the shirt away from my boobs. That's fun for people in public with those looks of, "Are you kidding me? Playing with your boobs in public?" That's when I will have to either smile or put my head down and walk fast!

At least today I didn't go anywhere, and I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Visiting My Brother While He's Here

This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I tried to sleep in. I wanted to get a little better sleep then I was getting all night. Kept waking up. 

When I finally got up, I played for a bit and then called Ron. We decided on 10:30 am for walking. He went to his doctors and came out with good health. We only got 3 rounds in because neither of us was doing good with walking today. 

I then decided on working on my beading. I really want to see Sophie's eyes. 

I think I'm expecting bright eyes, but looking at the photo, they are on the lighter side of what I thought they would be. Funny how the photo shows a better picture. I can see the eye a lot better with the photo then my looking at my work. 

Then it was time to head to moms. My brother and sister-in-law are visiting with mom, and we planned on a BBQ for supper tonight. First, we had to stop and drop some stuff off at Phil's, then we had to go to the museum to pick up a quilt for display at Stillwaters. Then it was off to moms. We visited, ate and then played games. Nancy joined us. It was a lot of fun! 

Came home and the day is over. So, I can be thankful that I found some time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Working On A Quilt Top

This morning, I was up early. Can't seem to sleep later than 7:30 am because of the sun coming in the window. 

After Patrick was up, I was trying to decide what I wanted to do today. He was going to work on the strawberry jam. He was making that for Nancy, Phil, and mom. Think he has enough from last year to keep him busy. 

I went downstairs to get fabric for Georgie together. Then while I was down there, decided to try and work on that quilt top. 

I was working on getting that corner done. I had a hard time with it, since it's not the same width as the strips. I ended up taking out and putting in. Not my favorite job! 

Cutting strips out of this was a little challenging. With all the wrinkles it was a pain to make sure I cut them right. 

I was able to figure it out, but wasn't happy with it. The one on the bottom looks a lot better than the top. I wish it was the other way around. Now I will do the border in the off-white. Then it will be done. I didn't want to do the border after all that. I would probably have some trouble with it. I will work on it tomorrow or Thursday. That will be one less quilt to worry about for October. 

After all that, I called it done. So, I'm just going to call it a night and think about what I will do tomorrow before we go to moms for supper. I actually was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Embroidery Day At The Grange

This morning, I was out the door and on my way to the grange. I stopped and got a Chai tea at the coffee stand. It's more expensive than the Dutch Brothers I go to. Plus, the taste is a little different, even though I know they use the same ingrediencies.

It was just Geralyn and me today. We chatted and had a good time. She was marking her fabric to work on a quilt that is embroidered. It will be pretty when she's done. She called this quilt she's work on "dead grandma's quilt." I asked what she meant, and she told me her friend made quilts for grandchildren she didn't know if she would have. Said, when she died and they were born, there was a quilt waiting for them. So, Geralyn has been doing that as well. She's made both kinds of baby quilts, knitted hats, scarves and the like. Good idea. Who knows, I may do that too. 

I decided to work on my cross stitching on Mondays for a while. I like working on it, and if I can only get a few stitches in each time, it's that much closer to being done. I worked on the left side and believed I got a good 200 stitches in. Not sure, may have done more. It's going really well. I am closer to being half way done on this. 

Stopped at moms to get her tablet hooked up. Brother Patrick and wife Christine were there. I told mom he could help her, but he told her I will do it. I got it all hooked up but then when it came to setting it up, I was lost. Told my brother I didn't have an iPad, so would need his help on getting it set up. It's a Generation 10. He was having a couple issues too. I told him I had to leave and meet someone and he could finish it up. 

I came home and cleaned up some. Was trying to stay busy waiting on Connie. We went downstairs and picked out a few colors that would work for her panels. I told her to work on some of the other quilts too know. I think we will have enough for a bit. Eagle panels aren't needed till October. So, we can get back on the other stuff. She was happy to hear that. I need to get back down there and finish the quilt top I started. Today at the grange I was even thinking I needed to start appliquéing the Hawaiian quilt with the fabric dad bought for me. 

After Connie left, I played my games. Funny, I really wasn't in the mood to play my games. I did go in the one game and the gal I played with before came in. She didn't talk to me, so wondered if she was mad at me. I'm sorry if she is, but I needed to move on. 

I took the 2 quilts that mom brought yesterday and marked the label for this one. The label was already on. 

This one I needed to stitch down the 2 sides of the label. Then I wrote who worked on it. This is Connie's. The one above this is Joann Wisner's quilt. They both are really pretty. They are also ready to head to the museum. 

I enjoyed watching TV with Patrick and we chatted. He was upset today about his golfing game. He's not happy and I'm worried he will quit playing. Golf is the one thing he has to do. Life moves on though. 

It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 16, 2024


Today is Father's Day, and Patrick got a few Happy Father's Day messages today. Even from a nephew. Patrick got cookies from Phil and Emily. Katt called to chat and wish him a Happy Father's Day.  

I waited for Patrick to get up this morning. When he did, then I got ready for the day. Ron and I walked 3 laps around the neighborhood. I felt it today. I also worked on laundry and vacuuming. I just needed to do something. Unfortunately, it wasn't a good day for him. 

Then after the shows we usually watch, Patrick went to take a nap. It wasn't his day today. While he slept, I worked on my beading. 

Was only able to get 2 rows today. Thought I had more, but I didn't. Looking at the photo, it looks like the eyes are starting up. I couldn't tell on my beading work. Photos do give off a better picture. I am excited to see her eyes coming out. I like that the brick work is starting to show up better. 

Mom and Nancy came with the strawberries from Spooners. Every year they sell the berries at a stand by where they go to lunch. Mom called and asked what we wanted and Patrick told her 2 flats. Then when she dropped them off 2 of the smaller boxes in the flat were gone. Mom told him she needed those for a pie. No worries. He's going to do the jams for them both. We are going to freeze some for our smoothies. Then I had to pretty much go and finish the last row I had started but wasn't done with when mom and Nancy came. 

Sharon called from Spokane and she's doing well. She's been making quilts for QOV but isn't a member yet. She wanted to get some backing fabric at the cost of what I get it for QOV. Told her she needs to be a member for those prices. She doesn't want to join again. Oh, well. 

Then I needed to get my exercises done and by that time it was time to call it a night. So, I can be thankful that I was able to have fun and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Enjoyed A Movie

This morning, I was up a little early to play my war game. I needed to be available for attacks. Funny though, we lost. 

Then I got ready for the movie. We decided to go to 'Inside Out 2' and I liked it. It was a little bit of being on your seat waiting to see what will happen. 

After the movie, we stopped at Phil's to get his gift to Patrick for Father's Day. He made cookies for him. Patrick didn't want much and he likes Phil's desserts, so cookies were perfect. 

Came home and then went walking with Ron. By the time we walked 7 laps - the most we've done in a long time - it was later. I watched TV with Patrick instead of working on anything. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Was Gone Most Of The Day

This morning, Patrick was out the door early for golfing. I enjoyed the morning to myself, but still got laundry going. 

I took the linen closet apart and re-arranged it. I got rid of old towels that were bleached or had holes in them. I also figured on what we needed downstairs. Took all the towels from the bathroom and put them in the closet. Since it's just us, we know where they are. If we have company, easy to get to. 

Then Patrick made it back and we headed to Olympia. First stop was to the Kaiser building to get glasses. We ordered a new pair of glasses for both of us. Then we headed over to Costco. 

At Costco we picked up a few things. Got some stuff for Phil and Emily. Then got gas and headed back home. Dropped off Phil's stuff and then dropped off a box at Mail Plus. Once that was done, came home. 

Unloaded the car. Then it was pretty much, "I'm beat, I'm done." So, both of us sat and watched TV about the oceans. Then before I knew it, it was time to call it a day. So, I wasn't able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Presentation Day For QOV

I had Patrick take out the quilts to the car. I had 7 quilts going to the museum. Then I had 3 left behind. Debbie wasn't there today so Kristi was my second in command and it worked out great. 

 These are the 5 we presented. All really nice guys. I will post more about them tomorrow. I'm waiting on more photos. When I got them to get closer and moved the table, they quit with the photos. lol So, I am getting them from Kristi. 

Afterwards I took the second guy from the left home. He lives in Napavine and that's not that far from me. We had a good chat on the way there. 

Came home and put a few things away. I have a quilt top that needs to be ready for a quilter. We talked about what we have. We also talked about the Fair and thinking we will just do the morning shift. Had too much trouble getting anyone last year for a full day. I will need to send out an email. That hasn't been happening lately because I haven't been in the mood. 

Patrick and I just sat and enjoyed the rest of the day. He napped for a bit, and I played on my tablet. I have 4 or 5 games I play, not as much as I used to, but then I am going from one to another. 

I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Getting Ready For Presentation Day

This morning, I was a little slow getting up today. I played my game for about 30 minutes and then went walking with Ron. We did 5 laps today. 

Came back in and had to get working on the quilts for tomorrow. I had labels that needed to be done. 

First was Nancy Smith's. I had to finish the binding on this last night. It's all ready to go. 

Another panel quilt, but not an eagle. It will do fine tomorrow, I'm sure. This is one Connie did. 

Can't remember who did this one. Either Connie or Colleen, I'm sure. 

Colleen made this one. I like it. 

This is Connie's too. So, I'm betting that one above may be Connie's as well. She's been working hard at getting quilts out there. 

As much as I would love to say I got a lot done, I really didn't. Labels take about 20 minutes each. I thought I had done at least 6 quilts, and if I did, I missed a photo of it. I will know tomorrow when I take them to the museum. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Another Busy Day.....

This morning, I was woken by the timer on the irrigation system. Guess Patrick decided it was time to get a new one after being woken up 3 days in a row. He actually went on the couch around 5 am this morning. 

I ordered the sheepskin seat belt covers that one of you told me about. They came in today and I love them! It feels a lot better against my chest! Thank you!

Got up and tried to get a few things done before we headed out to Heavenly Quilts to pick up the material we had ordered a couple month back. Once we got that - plus some panels to go with more quilts - we headed to Home Depot. Then got the car washed. 

By the time we got home, I needed to get something out for supper since Patrick has no taste and doesn't eat much. He's not hunger for good food anymore. So, I tend to fend for myself anymore. 

I pulled the quilt out that I needed to get the binding done on. I finished it a little later tonight. I had to get it done so I could work on labels tomorrow since I have 9 quilts that need labels. I will get them to the museum on Thursday. At least the ones I need to get over there if not more. 

 Ended up doing 3 sides to get it done. 

This is Connie's panel quilt she got done. It will probably go out on Thursday. 

That's pretty much all I did most of the afternoon. Now I'm calling it a night and playing my games for a bit. It's good night - and thankful I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Good Day For Embroidery

This morning, I got the quilts ready to go. First stop was the church to drop off quilts to be quilted. Then the next stop was to Connies to drop off one quilt to quilt and pick up some panels she got. I then headed to the grange. On the way over I received a message from Sandy saying she was going to the doctors for stitches in her thumb. 

Geralyn was there and it was just the 2 of us. We chatted about our families. It was funny. We had a good visit. 

I took my cross stitching. I ended up taking some stitches out and putting them back in on the left side were the white is - but on the red. I put it back in. Now I'm working my way up. I was happy to get what I did in today. I do like where it's going. 

Mom called and need help with her transferring her phone to Xfinity. I wouldn't have changed, but that's what she wanted. Arrived at her place around 1 and left around 3:30 pm because I was on the phone doing messages back and forth trying to see how to transfer the phone. It went slow but we did it. She was thrilled I did it. I did have a time where I had to explain a couple things to her but we got it and she's all set. She even bought a new ipad. 

Came home and got my Birthday card from my father-in-law. 

It was ran over!! I was lucky to get it. I thought dad forgot. 

Fixed supper and called it done for the day. At least I enjoyed embroidery and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Today Is A Good Day

Was up around 5:30 am and went back to bed but couldn't sleep. got up at 6:15 am. I tried to be quiet and let Patrick sleep, so I sat and played my games. 

Then I realized I needed to shower and get moving for walking with Ron today. Katt called around the time I needed to walk. After that was over, I called him. He had the same issue; he was chatting with his son. So, we ended up going about 30 minutes later than usual. We walked 6 times around the neighborhood. It was awesome! Found out from Scott that it was Teri's Birthday today. He was headed out to get her stuff at the store. Lovely neighbors across the street that we bowled with about 10 years ago. 

Came in and had to go downstairs and work on the labels for the quilts I have. I realized I needed about 9 labels. I think I did 8 for me and about 8 for Connie. Once that was done, I worked on getting the backing and batting cut for 3 quilt tops. Asked the church if they would take 2 of them and will drop 1 off with Connie. She has a quilt done for me as well. 

 After supper it was time to get to work. I had one quilt that needs the binding stitched down, so I got started. I have one side done and will work on the other sides tomorrow. I have to get it done for Thursday. 

My quilt is done and all I had to do was write on the label who made it and quilted it. It's ready to go. 

The day went fast. I was putting the bills in the envelopes and working on getting QOV stuff done. I didn't play as much on the tablet but at least I could listen to my book on tape. It turned out to be a very good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

A Quiet Day But Good Day

Do you ever have a day when your ear is stuck to the phone? Well that's pretty much what my day was. One phone call after another First was Ron reminding me to walk at 11 am. 

Then it was mom talking about the photos I left behind. One of the photos was of our grandfather, Solon True and Sara Birge True. They were a lot younger, but we could tell. It was nice to see them. 

Then Connie called asking about how we are doing on the quilts. Presentation is Thursday, so I need to work on the labels tomorrow and get the 3 tops ready for someone to quilt. That was a long conversation.

Next mom called again, and we chatted over the photos. She kept telling me which ones go together but not who they were. I kept telling her it wasn't helping me because we need to know the names. She just told me that this person was the same as that person. Wasn't helping. We did this for at least 2 hours. 

Then my brother called and we chatted for a good 30 mins. Then mom called again. 

Lastly my cousin in prison called and I texted him to say not today, too many phone calls. lol 

So, after all that, I called it done with everything! Oh, I did work on my billing for the water. So, I guess I did do something other than family history. But it wasn't to be a day where I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Trip To Mom's

This morning Patrick went golfing, and I went to moms. It was quilting day. I took the photos I had to mom and we figured out a couple of them. I need to look for another set downstairs. 

I worked on the block I have been working on at her place. I was able to get the 3 pieces appliqued and readied 2 more. Not exact but close enough. My stitches are bigger, so I need to do this to get them back down. 

Had to stop at Safeway again. Got bread for supper. The split peas that we cooked last night dried a little, so had to add water. It actually was really good. We had that for supper. 

I was playing on my game at night. Just seems to work since we don't spend too much time watching TV. Tend to go to bed around 8-8:30 pm and I listen to my books and play. Patrick reads for a bit and then goes to sleep. At least I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

A Fun Busy Day

This morning Patrick was golfing. I got up and was walking with Ron by 10. Then I headed out to get a few things done. Stopped and saw Phil then headed back home. 

Patrick wanted to head to the casino, so we went there for fun. We were there about 4 hours. Stopped at Wendy's on the way back. 

The rest of the day was just playing games. I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's Wednesday

Today I slept in. I needed the sleep. I then went out walking around 11 am. I didn't have Ron or Patrick to walk with but needed to walk. So, I listened to the audio book on my phone. I love these new ear buds and enjoy the book as well. 

Came in and played my game. Decided to move to another alliance and found a lot of love coming my way. Several asked why I left. I told them I needed a change. Truth is, I thought about how I was treated by my "partner" and decided it was enough. I wonder how he would feel if I did what he did to me. I like him as a person, and he is a good friend. Think he's not thinking that at the moment. I would love to stay friends with him, but he doesn't seem to care. 

I decided to get some beading done. I needed something to calm me down. I felt like I betrayed my friends, but it was more of what I needed to do. So, to calm me down was to bead. 

I wasn't able to do a lot. I did get 2 rows done. The white on Sophie's head is coming in. It's starting to show more. I really love this piece. 

I also know I need to work downstairs and get that quilt top done. I'm just not there yet. Not sure if it's the aftermath of my surgery or if I'm just not feeling it. Chances are it's the surgery recovery, even though it's been 12 weeks this week. At least I'm feeling better and doing more. I do find that I can't sit in the car without pulling the seatbelt way from my chest. I feel it when it's there. And I really don't want to put a pillow in front of me. I laugh at how that much look when cars or truckdrivers go by. I would even laugh. At least I know how to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Turned Out To Be Busy This Morning

We were up at a good time. Walked with Ron for 5 laps. He won't be walking tomorrow, so may end up on my own. Now that I have good ear buds, I will probably do it on my own. Patrick will be golfing. 

After we went walking, I got some fabric ready for Connie. We headed out go get a few things done. Stopped at the eye doctors and found out they don't take our insurance with Medicare. So, we will have to go to Kaiser and get new glasses up there. I hate leaving my eye doctor but if I get it cheaper with my insurance, then I'm going to use it. Then we stopped at Connie's, and she was almost done with my Army panel quilt. I liked what she was doing with it. She was also working on another panel quilt on her wall. I need to get back down there and finish mine. Next on the list was Home Depot for some veggies to go in the garden. I also wanted herbs. They are expensive, but I did get a couple I wanted. Once that was done, we took the truck to get washed. 

By the time we got home it was around 1 pm. Patrick had a video chat with one of his newer doctors for about an hour. He got to chat with them. They are going to keep an eye on him and his issues with the chemo. I listened in. 

Then I went and beaded. I was able to get 2 rows done. 

I'm getting to the white part of her head, so the eyes should be close. This was the 100th row and there are 325 rows. So, I'm almost 1/3 of the way done. I like seeing the white show up (you will when I get more done). 

Then I was going to work on my cross stitching, but just wasn't in the mood. I don't know why but wasn't. I do want to get it done. Debbie stopped by and got some blocks to work in her panel quilt. She's getting moving on more tops too. 

I wish I could have done more on the beading - or even done some stitches on the cross stitch, but I will try and do that tomorrow. Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow. I tend to get lost in my games. At least I'm getting back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Another Rainy Day - Monday

This morning Patrick woke me to tell me it was 8 am. I told him another 15 mins but got up anyway. I had to get moving for BE day. 

I was looking at my game before heading out. Found someone attacked my gathering and was ticked. lol Then I found out they were in another kingdom and that makes it a little harder to fix. I'll figure it out and go after them. lol 

By the time I left, I was about 5 mins late getting there. I took some clothes that we cleaned out awhile back and dropped them in the drop box. It was nice to get rid of another box of clothes. 

Sandy and I were the only ones there. We had a good chat and we worked a little on our stuff. I decided to bring my cross stitch stuff. We talked about how we have been losing interest in BE and need to try and get back into it. We have a ton of stuff we can do, and I need to finish a couple of my things. But truthfully not there yet. So.....

I was able to get a lot more done than I thought I could or would. I actually sat down tonight and worked on it. I like where it's going though. I'm getting up there. I worked on the green area above the dove. Then I worked on the side area tonight. I'm happy with the way it's coming. I may be rolling it soon. I do need to fill in the white area in the blue. Not sure what color those are right now. I really didn't want to work the gold in again, but I had to. More to come. 

It's been a rainy day all day. It poured while we were at the grange. We had a reprieve when we left and then when I got in the house, it started up again. That was kind of nice. The best part of the day is being about to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Rainy Sunday

Woke to rain today. It was supposed to be pouring down rain, but not around here. Mom said it was in Centralia. I had to open the door to enjoy the cool weather and listen to the rain. I do like it when it rains. 

I have been working on my beading. I keep hoping to see the eyes of Sophie but it hasn't started yet. Her head is starting to look like she has a high forehead. lol 

I was able to get 3 rows in today. 

While I was beading, I was thinking. I like playing my war game. We have an alliance and the people there are good. I helped start it, so I was happy with it. Now I am wondering. The person I started it with has been ignoring me lately. If I disagree with something this person does, then I feel like this person doesn't think I know what I'm talking about. Almost as bad as growing up with dyslexia and being told I don't know anything - that I was stupid. I'm feeling that way lately. I don't like it. I like to take control over those feelings and move on. If I go to another alliance, then I feel like I'm betraying my alliance. They are fun people. Yet, I'm seriously considering it. I want to enjoy my game and not feel like an idiot. 

Tomorrow is embroidery, so I will be going there. I am going to take my beaded box I'm working on. Maybe get something done. I'm really not in the mood for embroidery right now. Even though I have a ton of it to do. Time will tell. 

I've been thinking about my genealogy as well. It's coming along but there is more to do. I may yet get back to that as well. Plus there are those letters I need to post. That will keep me busy for awhile as well. Maybe, I should just not spend so much time playing my game and just get back to doing stuff that make me happy and not stress me out. Doing things I love to do, actually keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday - Company

This morning, I was up and ready to walk. Ron and I walked 5 laps around the neighborhood. 

Then I played my game for an hour. We were "at war." After that I worked on baking bread for supper. Once that was done, mom and Nancy came to visit. We had a good hour visit if not more. It was nice to sit and chat with them. We seem to talk more when Nancy is around. She brought us some cinnamon bread that was really good. 

After they left, I decided to bead. 

I was able to get another 4 rows in. She's starting to show some white. Now her face is starting to be seen more. I do like working on this. 

We had supper and I was enjoying some time with Patrick when my cousin called. We talked about the family, and I was able to enter more information on the family tree. Told him I still haven't heard from the other family members I emailed. May take some time, I guess. We chatted for about an hour. He had to call me back 4 times. 

Then it was time to call it a night. At least I found time today to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...