Monday, June 17, 2024

Embroidery Day At The Grange

This morning, I was out the door and on my way to the grange. I stopped and got a Chai tea at the coffee stand. It's more expensive than the Dutch Brothers I go to. Plus, the taste is a little different, even though I know they use the same ingrediencies.

It was just Geralyn and me today. We chatted and had a good time. She was marking her fabric to work on a quilt that is embroidered. It will be pretty when she's done. She called this quilt she's work on "dead grandma's quilt." I asked what she meant, and she told me her friend made quilts for grandchildren she didn't know if she would have. Said, when she died and they were born, there was a quilt waiting for them. So, Geralyn has been doing that as well. She's made both kinds of baby quilts, knitted hats, scarves and the like. Good idea. Who knows, I may do that too. 

I decided to work on my cross stitching on Mondays for a while. I like working on it, and if I can only get a few stitches in each time, it's that much closer to being done. I worked on the left side and believed I got a good 200 stitches in. Not sure, may have done more. It's going really well. I am closer to being half way done on this. 

Stopped at moms to get her tablet hooked up. Brother Patrick and wife Christine were there. I told mom he could help her, but he told her I will do it. I got it all hooked up but then when it came to setting it up, I was lost. Told my brother I didn't have an iPad, so would need his help on getting it set up. It's a Generation 10. He was having a couple issues too. I told him I had to leave and meet someone and he could finish it up. 

I came home and cleaned up some. Was trying to stay busy waiting on Connie. We went downstairs and picked out a few colors that would work for her panels. I told her to work on some of the other quilts too know. I think we will have enough for a bit. Eagle panels aren't needed till October. So, we can get back on the other stuff. She was happy to hear that. I need to get back down there and finish the quilt top I started. Today at the grange I was even thinking I needed to start appliquéing the Hawaiian quilt with the fabric dad bought for me. 

After Connie left, I played my games. Funny, I really wasn't in the mood to play my games. I did go in the one game and the gal I played with before came in. She didn't talk to me, so wondered if she was mad at me. I'm sorry if she is, but I needed to move on. 

I took the 2 quilts that mom brought yesterday and marked the label for this one. The label was already on. 

This one I needed to stitch down the 2 sides of the label. Then I wrote who worked on it. This is Connie's. The one above this is Joann Wisner's quilt. They both are really pretty. They are also ready to head to the museum. 

I enjoyed watching TV with Patrick and we chatted. He was upset today about his golfing game. He's not happy and I'm worried he will quit playing. Golf is the one thing he has to do. Life moves on though. 

It felt good to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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