Sunday, June 23, 2024

Still Pain, But I Did Finish The Top

This morning I was up before Patrick. Then I went walking with Ron. 

 This is where we turn around and walk back. It was so pretty to see the blue sky and clouds. I should have gotten closer for the photo, but I just love how the clouds and sky work together. 

Came back in the house and figured it was time for me to go down and get a few things done. I needed to get the quilt top done and off. 

I trimmed the sides, because it was way too wide. But now it will work. Patrick liked it and I think once it's quilted, they will like it better. 

When I finally finished that, I went and cut backing for Connie and 2 backings and battings for the 2 quilts I will take to Connie. (That includes mine). 

Came upstairs and called it day. Scott stopped by and we chatted for a good half hour. Then I played my games. Things are interesting in the game, but I can handle whatever comes my way. 

I'm still in pain, but not near as bad as yesterday and the day before. I'm doing fine. I just need to try and say up in spirits and not get depressed with this pain. So far so good. At least I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

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