Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Rainy Sunday

Woke to rain today. It was supposed to be pouring down rain, but not around here. Mom said it was in Centralia. I had to open the door to enjoy the cool weather and listen to the rain. I do like it when it rains. 

I have been working on my beading. I keep hoping to see the eyes of Sophie but it hasn't started yet. Her head is starting to look like she has a high forehead. lol 

I was able to get 3 rows in today. 

While I was beading, I was thinking. I like playing my war game. We have an alliance and the people there are good. I helped start it, so I was happy with it. Now I am wondering. The person I started it with has been ignoring me lately. If I disagree with something this person does, then I feel like this person doesn't think I know what I'm talking about. Almost as bad as growing up with dyslexia and being told I don't know anything - that I was stupid. I'm feeling that way lately. I don't like it. I like to take control over those feelings and move on. If I go to another alliance, then I feel like I'm betraying my alliance. They are fun people. Yet, I'm seriously considering it. I want to enjoy my game and not feel like an idiot. 

Tomorrow is embroidery, so I will be going there. I am going to take my beaded box I'm working on. Maybe get something done. I'm really not in the mood for embroidery right now. Even though I have a ton of it to do. Time will tell. 

I've been thinking about my genealogy as well. It's coming along but there is more to do. I may yet get back to that as well. Plus there are those letters I need to post. That will keep me busy for awhile as well. Maybe, I should just not spend so much time playing my game and just get back to doing stuff that make me happy and not stress me out. Doing things I love to do, actually keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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