Friday, June 21, 2024

Another Friday

This morning Patrick was up at 6 am. Guess he couldn't sleep any longer. I went back to sleep and woke a little after he left for golfing. 

I worked on a few things. Then I needed to go into town for more stuff. I went to the church to get a quilt, then to Safeway and bought stuff for dessert and lasagna to cook this weekend and freeze. Next stop was the post office and bank. Once all that was done, I came home. Shortly there after Patrick walked into the house. 

I worked on the strawberry pie we talked about. So, I got busy with that. 

It turned out really good. I just needed the syrup to be just a little thicker. It tasted awesome, just needed to cook it a little longer. 

We went out to eat at Dick's Brewery. I had a brat but the ones they make. I really didn't care for it. I ate half and brought the rest home to throw away. I didn't like leaving half my plate for them to throw away and insult them. I got the wrong Brat and I know better now. 

Came home and watched TV. Debbie came over and she gave me some fabrics she got for QOV. I need to do her reimbursement soon. I will work on it tomorrow. 

I didn't really feel like doing much with this heat. I really was hurting today. Like having tooth picks sticking out of your chest and every time something touched it, PAIN. UGH

So, it really wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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