Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beautiful Day Today!

Today was a good day for enjoying the beautiful weather. 

This is the road Ron and I walk on. It's really pretty today. I loved the sky blue going from light to dark. There is houses there, but the trees cover them. 

 This is the view from the side of our house. It's really pretty to see the sky so clear and the trees against the background. That's part of WA State for you! That's why I love it here. 

We walked 5 laps. Then I came in because it was warm today. This is our grape vines. 

And this is the flowers Patrick has on the deck. I love seeing them grow!

Came in the house and needed to put a few things away, like fabric and quilts for QOV. So, I decided to see what I could do about a panel we have. 

This is in the planning stage. The blocks on the side, with strips going across. I thought I could add the flag in there as well. I'm not sure how it will look, but I'm going to try and see. There are 5 blocks down on both sides. I will have to figure something for the top and bottom because there won't be enough for 80" long. I'm going to think on it. I may take a strip between each block as well. That might make it longer. 

Then I came up and put another row on my beads. More white is showing on her face. After that it was super time and I called it done. At least I had a good day for being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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