Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Election Day! - Did You Vote? - I Did

  This morning started out as usual. It's the same 'old same 'old. Really getting tired of this Covid stuff. Think everyone is. 

I worked on my beading today. I wanted to work on the ornaments again. I really would like to get at least 4 done. So, I finished the last panel on the second one and started to put it together. 

I was able to get it together, and start on the webbing. Just as I was getting to the webbing I realized I didn't have the blue bugle beads. So, I went through my list of beads and decided to try and find them on line. I ordered from Fire Mountain. Even with the discount for the order, I still paid more for taxes and shipping!! I hate that. So, I was done at this point of getting this put together. 

So, I decided to start the next set. 

I started on the Santa panel again. I was able to get to this point and decided I was done. I didn't want to do any more. I think it's because I didn't have what I thought I had to finish this. UGH. 

Today is Election day. As much as I would like to say we will be in a better place no matter who wins, I don't think that's the case. I also think we are in trouble no matter who goes in. I can complain, because I voted. I will not worry about it once the decision is done. We voted, and it was a record of voters. I wonder how many believed they were allowed to vote, but were not. If they voted and were not a citizen then when they try to be a citizen and say they voted, they will be denied. How many know that? That's life I guess. It's easy to vote in WA state. Trouble is Seattle over rides the whole state because of population. Oh, well.

At least I was calm and relaxed while I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

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