Saturday, November 28, 2020

On The "Down Low" Today

 This morning I slept till 10 am. I just couldn't get up. The neighbor came by and Patrick chatted with him. At that time I decided I better get up. 

I didn't do much all day. Just not in the mood. I did play a few games, but really couldn't get moving. I worked on "" for newspaper articles. I was surprised at some of the articles. It's amazing how long one takes to look at all that newspapers out there. I would love to share one of the articles that I found. John B Campbell (family name and not sure yet which one) was a witness to a duel between Henry Clay and Mr. Marshall. It tells of how they shot each other. Interesting article. I found another article on one of Patrick's family names, but couldn't connect her to his line YET. She was arrested for thief and judgement was death. 

After all that, I started to move. I did get a load of laundry in - just one. Then I decided I needed to get back to my beading. 

The one on the left was the one I finished awhile back, before Thanksgiving. I found it was off. The houses were going the wrong way. Then I thought I just needed to miss a row, and it would work out with the second one. NOPE! I am going to cut the beads on both just before the smoke. I believe both of them are now off. Since I skipped a row on the right, it's coming out. The one on the left has mistakes that I can see. Smoke stacks are off and the houses go the wrong way. Tomorrow I will start the middle all over again. 

That will keep me busy and then I can say I'm really Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Lazy Day - All Day

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