Sunday, February 28, 2021

Another Sunday Gone By

 Today I woke with a headache. Not my favorite way to wake up. So, I decided to wash all my blankets, in case that was the reason. I wash them about once every couple months. Maybe I should wash them more often. 

I played a few games and then went to listen to my books and bead. 

I believe I got another 7 rows done today. Not sure but either that or 9 rows. I'm now at 299/580. It feels good to be working on the second half. It seems like it will go a lot faster now. Something about getting past half way that makes it seem quicker, and yet it's not. 

Sharon called today. It was good to chat with her. Told her, her beads are on the way. Will drop them off on Friday when I bring Dan back from his oral surgery. Then I chatted with Barbara B who lost her husband last year. She's getting ready to move to Utah to be near family. I wished her well, and she told me if I ever need anything, she would help me out. She's a sweetheart and I hope to keep her friendship even after she leaves. 

Today was just a normal Sunday. I did a lot of laundry - blankets mostly. It's another Sunday gone by. And another Sunday of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Visited With Mom Today

 This morning I was remember the beads I had since I was a child. I brought them with me from Japan. For some reason, I remembered them in the middle of the night. The funny part is that I gave them away about 2 years ago, because I didn't figure I would ever use them. Funny, how that works. They were delica beads now that I think about it. And they were white. I had them since we left Japan. Now I don't have them. lol - AND it was a string of 6 strands of beads. 

After I watched the hoarding show, I figured I needed to get something done. So, I started working on the box. It's done by a different gal. I'm not really crazy about her pattern. There are other ways of doing this pattern. The fish are fun though. Then it was time to head over to moms. 

We drove to moms so Patrick could do her taxes for her. They are now filed. While he was working on her taxes, mom and I went to Arby's to get supper. Patrick, I'm happy to say, ate well. He's doing better now. He still gets tired. 

We then came home. Got caught up on the "Creators Great and Small" series. While that was going one, I was beading again. 

I was working on the fish now. It's coming up the box. I will put the legs on soon. I need to get the pattern right. I'm having trouble reading it. But I'm getting there. I use the pattern photo to help me out. 

I'm finding myself getting emotional again. Every time I hear the word "cancer," I start to get teary eyed. It's like a trigger. I want to be strong through all this, but at times I wonder if I really am. I know I am, I just need to get over this. Patrick talks about "when this is over" we will go places. I know that will happen. I just can't get my mind past this cancer right now. It's happening now, and it's not over yet. We have one more step to go through. I keep praying he will come through this and have a longer life. Yet I tell get emotional about it all. I can't talk about it without getting teary. There is a long road ahead. I can only take one step at a time. 

We are doing good. No complaints here. As long as I can stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 26, 2021

Having A Fun Day!

 Was on my way to the car when mom called to say she cancelled the quilt group. I turned around and came back in the house. 

I sat and watched "Kelly and Ryan" with Patrick. I was enjoying the "Lion King" song that was on. It had actors from the Theater that did a "video." Each one singing added their inspired black person. It was amazing and BEAUTIFUL. I enjoyed the song and the photos of famous black Americans. I don't care for a lot of music any more, but this was really worth listening and watching! I want to find it and see it again. 

Then I decided to go beading. 

 I was able to get another 4 rows done. I finished 2 rows and then Alicia and Nate came to see us. They stayed about an hour and half. It was good to see them and Patrick talked about his surgery. We were laughing at times. Patrick and Alicia compared surgeries. 

Then I went back to the next couple rows. It was time to go over to KFC for chicken. I was looking forward to it. It was a little disappointing. I can't seem to get into fast food anymore. Something about the taste. It's not as good as it used to be. But I do love a cold chicken, so will hopefully enjoy it cold. I'm finding I like my son's cooking and want more of the food he makes. Even though it's vegetarian. 

I then came to my chair and decided to work on the other box. I'm doing a fish box this time. 

I like the three colors I picked. The fish will be in those colors. It will be fun to see how this one turns out. 

It's keeping me busy and Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Back On Track

 This morning there was a phone call at 6 am. It was a telemarketer. WA state has a law that telemarketers or even collection agencies are not allowed to call before 8 am. 

When I got up, I started playing a few games. I really didn't want to spend my day today playing games, so I decided to get my butt up and go bead. It took a little bit to get myself back in the act of beading. Once I did, I wanted to stay there and keep working on the piece. 

I am seeing the cardinal coming through. I'm now at half way. I was able to get another 7 rows in. I'm thrilled now that I'm half way. I want to keep going again. 

After I called it done for today with the snowman, I decided to try another box. This one is a fish box. I got the patterns from the Facebook page that I'm on. It's awesome to be able to enjoy learning on that page. I also am on the peyote stitch page but they don't seem to do as much with patterns. It comes in handy to see the patterns before making them. 

So, I got my colors out and started on the next box while watching TV. 

This is the bottom. I like it so far. It will be interesting to see if the colors are right. It will keep me busy at night. I really SHOULD work on my embroidery or quilting. I really do like doing the boxes. It keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

I Seem To Be At A STOP Sign

 This morning I slept in. Wasn't in the mood to get out of bed.....

When I did get out of bed I got moving on playing games. Patrick got the jewelry fixed for me, so I took them downstairs. I found MORE costume jewelry. I found a couple pieces that went with a couple that I throw out. Those that were thrown out were pieces that were moms plastic earrings or pins. Nothing to feel back about. I did go through all the earrings from mom. Then I cleaned them up in some alcohol. It worked out great. I put some of the "extra" jewelry in one of my jewelry boxes. I also put all the earrings I wanted to keep in the jewelry box. Now I have plenty of earrings for fun! I wear a pair today and as I was doing my exercises the "dangly" fell off. Gave that to Patrick to fix as well. 

Then I did another pearl necklace. I had little to do with it. It was together, but the clasp was broken. Because it was broken, I couldn't fix it to just repair the clasp. So, I re-beaded it. It is a lot smaller than the one I did yesterday. I believe it's more for a child then an adult. OR someone with a smaller neck then mine. 

Patrick will put the clasps on and call it good. 

While Patrick napped, I played. Just not in the mood to get back to my beading. Not in the mood to do my embroidery. Not in the mood to quilt. What the heck! I actually was watching TV. 

I am getting a little depressed over TV. I need to quit watching TV!!! I'm all for civil rights. I'm all for everyone being treated equal. I can't get my head past the fact that there is "black" this, "black" that, and yet there are others out there too. Right now, I don't even see a "white" American male on TV. They are being replaced by everyone else. Including women. What are we coming to? 

OFF MY SOAP BOX. Sorry, I need to just get today over with and start all over again tomorrow! I want to find a few things to keep me busy and enjoy my books! Time to smile and move on! I'm thrilled Patrick is getting better. He's still having pains but more because of sitting, standing or laying down. He tries to move but that hurts after awhile. It's only been 2 weeks. 

Maybe tomorrow will be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Found Grandma(s) Costume Jewelry

 Patrick was out of bed before me. Guess I'm getting lazy again. 

I didn't play games this morning. I actually went downstairs to try and find my boxes of costume jewelry. The first placed I looked, was the first place it was in. We put them in a box. I brought the box upstairs, and started sorting the jewelry. I found a couple necklaces that were broke and put them in the bead box. I can use them later on, for something else. There were beads I could use for the box I made, but in the end decided not to. I put the "odds and ends" in a small box. 

Trying to decide if it's worth putting them on eBay to sell the odd balls or just throw them away. Don't know anyone that would want them. 

This both the front and back views. Don't know what to do with these. Hate to throw them away but I might get to that point yet. If anyone wants them, I'll mail them to them!

We took a break and went shopping. Patrick walked around the store. By the time we got back home, he was beat! He wanted to go through each aisle. He was saying he needed to do this. I was watching him when he started bending down to get stuff. I let him a couple times, but I did what I could without him getting touchy. He's doing pretty good now though. 

I found several pearl beads that were broke. They were all together. I decided to re-bead them. The clasps were broke as well. So, I have about 4 pearl beads necklaces to fix. 

I lined all the beads so I could work my way around the necklace to string. I was half way at this point. There were too many beads to fix around, so put the end parts in the middle of my mat. 

I strung this set of beads. Patrick will add the clasps for me and then it will be ready for someone to wear. I don't wear pearls, but who knows I may yet. 

Before I worked on the pearls I finished up the box. 

I figured out the beads from the costume jewelry made it too fancy. So, I decided to do the same thing I did on the legs. I did change the washer between the bead and the box. 

It turned out really well. I'm happy! This is done and I can go back to my snowman.

So, I didn't play games today. I cleaned up my grandmother's (2) custom jewelry. There are some really pretty pieces in there! I was surprised. I also found a couple really cheap plastic bead necklaces. Once can wrap those around there necks several times! Wonder what grandma Taylor was thinking when she got those. lol It was fun to see what I had. I forgot I had some things in there that were mine. I found a pin that dad gave me when I was little. A couple necklaces I would wear, so put those in my collection. It still turned out to be a good day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Just One More Thing

 This morning I played games. Once of my games was completing it's part at noon, so I had to see what I could do in that time. 

Patrick started moving around more. He wondered if I was going to finish the box or not. lol - I was, just took my time in between working on my game. Once that was done, I got moving. 

I was working on the hem stitch. It didn't go as well as it did on the bottom part, but I got it to work. It turned out pretty good. I just need to figure out what handle I'm going to do. Patrick suggested I look at my custom jewelry to see if there was something in that. I thought that would be cool......till I went to see where they were. I have 3 jewelry boxes full of custom jewelry that needs to be sorted. They are not were I thought they would be. Now we need to figure out where we moved them to. So, tomorrow we will be looking all over the house for them. Just what I wanted to do tomorrow! lol 

At least it fits on the box. Now I just need to get the handle on it. 

Patrick really wanted to move more. His back is still sore but chances are it's because of sitting and laying. So, when I finished supper, he cleaned up after me! He usually does the wiping down, but today he really picked up after me. I gave him a back massage for his trouble. It was a quiet day. Both Patrick and Sophie napped for a good hour or more. I was working on the lid, so it wasn't a problem for me. My problem is my cat loves my chair and every chance she gets, she takes it over to sleep. 

At least someone is comfortable! 

It was another good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 21, 2021

So Close - "No Cigar" Yet

 This morning I was playing a few games. Then I cleaned up a little. Put some rugs in the wash. Changed the bed. Patrick helped with both. Usually he does a lot of the cleaning, but not quite there yet to bend much. We did the bed together. He's still having some back pains, but thinks it's because he's sitting and laying down all the time. Today he did walk around and is doing a lot better standing straighter. 

I then decided I needed to work on the lid of the box. I had a little trouble getting started. My brain was going one way and got stuck. So, I took it out and watched the first video to see how we started again. Once I got the first increase down, I was off and running. 

By supper time I was at this point. It took a little longer than I thought it would. 

I am now done with the top of the lid. I will work on the seam sides and then figure out what I want to put on the top. I need a top to the lid to be able to lift it up. It looks pretty cool right now. I'm happy with this. I saw a few others making the boxes and had other patterns to it. I wish I had those as well. Patrick was saying this would be good Christmas gifts. I may try and do a few more. It would be fun to give a few out for Christmas gifts. 

It turned out to be a good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

My Box Is Getting Done

 Today I woke early. It felt good to sleep last night. Just woke twice compared to usual. 

I got laundry going. It was getting behind because of everyone being here. Plus Katt washed her clothes and that was on a day I was ready to. No worries, really don't have much to wash, so one day or two doesn't make that big of a difference. 

I didn't feel like beading today. I pretty much played games on my tablet for most of the morning and well into the afternoon. 

When I finally got in the mood, I pulled out my computer and watched the video on finishing the base of the box. I think the lid will be tomorrow. She seems to post on Sundays. I will be there ready to watch it to finish this up. 

Today I was making the box go in, so that the lid will fit the box. I was starting to work on the sleeve of the box so that it would lay smooth and not bumpy. This was the start of putting the sleeve in. I found I like this method and am thinking of doing it with my beading. I will have to figure out the row, but I can do that. Once I think about it. 

Now it's time to sew it together like a zipper. I didn't get far, as one can see. I am stitching it down now, but will have to finish it tomorrow. Maybe by then the box instruction for the top will be ready. 

I quit doing the app exercises. I wasn't getting very far with them. So, I have been using some of the exercise (that I remember) and have Patrick clock me on a few. I then have him hold my legs while I do sit ups. I actually thing the sit ups is what is helping the stomach and not the other exercises. We will see. I've only been doing it for 2 months. I'm hoping my way will come out with some results as the app didn't. 

All in all, today was a day that I really enjoyed being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Enjoying Friday!

 This morning I slept in and didn't make it over to moms. I called her and told her I slept in. She wasn't expecting me anyway, so no loss. 

Patrick is doing a lot better. He's getting tired of sitting and I don't blame him. We did go for a walk down the street and back.

I got laundry going and worked on my beehive box. I wanted to get moving on that. 

I am going to watch the next video on this and see how I do the "lip" for the lid. 

Some of the gals in the FB page have finished their. A gal designed another top that has a hive on it. I didn't care for it. I will just do what is required on this. It's a learning tool for me. It's fun to work on. 

Debbie and Faye came to see the fabric we got for QOV. Debbie took some and Faye didn't take much. She did take the book and patterns that we got from donations. She's going to put it in with our box. It was good to see them. They picked up a few panels as well. 

I washed the sheets in Katt's room. Also got a few things done. I'm just happy I was able to learn something and got this box done as far as I have. It keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 18, 2021

One Of The Days Where I Took Out More Than Put In

 This morning I woke to Katt being gone. I knew she was leaving. She texted around 11:30 am that she was home. It's a good 7 hour drive. She needed to leave today because of the roads on the passes. The weather stations said today was the best day to get over the passes before another wave of bad weather comes in.

I sat and tried to work on my beading. I ended up taking out 2 rows of the box. Then Faye texted asking me where one of my quilts were for Shawn. I thought I had my panel quilts at the museum, but I guess we used them all up. I had one here at the house. Now I have to do another one for Art, since he's up for the award. I ended up putting the beading away and put the labels on the 2 quilts I had here at the house that needed labels. Mom has 2 other quilts as well. 

Once the labels were on, I was out the door to the museum. I stopped at Rite Aide to get Patrick some Tylenol and a candy bar. Then headed over to the museum. 

I looked for my quilts but realized they were all regular quilts and not panels. So, I am going to need to work on a panel quilt soon. 

Shawn Kramer ended up with my panel quilt that I took over there. It's also Georgie and moms quilt. They did the stars in the quilt. I loved this one! I had a good time with seeing Denise and Fred. It's been a long time since Covid hit. We haven't been able to bowl for over a year now. 

Once this was over, I came home. I wanted to work on my beading again. I was hoping to get to the next step, but then I ended up taking out rows. 

Of course Sophie wasn't liking me working on my beading. She was trying to grab my thread!

She was a little miffed at me. I ended up shooing her off because she tried to eat some of the beads. She spit them out when she realized they were hard to chew. 

So, the 2 rows I had to take out - twice! - is where the bee's yellow strip is. The wing were coming back into the body and I kept getting off on the first bead I placed. Then I ended up ripping it out and putting it back in. Once I did that, I found - back at the end of the row - that I put the wrong color in the wrong spot, so out it came again. Once I had that row figured out, it was easy to put back in. Just a pain in the butt that I had to take out 2 rows twice. I could have had the head of the bee done by now. Guess there are those days that it doesn't matter what we do, it goes wrong. I gave up. I will work on it tomorrow and hopefully be able to work on the neck of the box. It goes in a little, and that will be a challenge. It's fun to work on though. I can't say today was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Making A Beaded Box

 This morning I was up with Patrick. He did leave for a little while last night to be on the couch, but came back. 

I played a few games for awhile. Then I wanted to get back to working on my beaded box. 

This time I did something right. I reworked all but 4 rows. It looks a lot better than it did. I'm happy with this one. 


The best part is that it worked out the way it was supposed to. I like the green colors I picked for it. 

This is the beehive box that is being shared on Facebook. I had fun working on this and it's a nice break between working on the Snowman - even though I'm excited to get more done. This one took me a while today because I was watching the videos on what to do. I like the video's but a couple times wished she added one more thing so I could see who it was done. I added the legs to the box, and now I'm working up the box. It's something different and now I can say I've "done that." 

I was watching TV with Katt and Patrick while working on this. It turned out hard to do at times because I would go between my work and the video. Now I know how to do this, it will be easier if I do another one. 

Teri and Scott from across the street came over. I was putting the legs on while they chatted with Patrick. It was nice to see them, and I know they were worried about Patrick. After they left, I worked on some exercises with Patrick. I'll do more that way for awhile. The app wasn't helping much and I need to work it another way for awhile. We'll see. I just need to get my abs tight to keep me from surgery. 

All in all, today was a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Enjoyed A Day Of Beading

 This morning I was up early. Patrick left the bed around 3;30 am because he wasn't comfortable. Poor guy went to the couch. 

After breakfast and some games, I decided to sit and bead. I pulled out my earphones and finished one book to listen to another one. I was able to get a lot done today. 

I have about 5 more rows and then I will be half way done. (See how I said that? - Half done!) I love this. The cardinal is coming alive! It's the red on the bottom left. I was starting to miss some beads, so I decided to call it quits. 

When I sat down with Katt and Patrick, I realized I needed to go do my exercises. In all honesty, I'm sick of doing them. I don't feel like they are helping. I'm just frustrated with doing them. I'm close to 60 days of working out, and I hate it. The times are going up with each exercise and I'm breathing really heavy anymore. I honestly don't know if they are helping me or not. 

I decided to work on the beehive box that I started. When I got to the second part of the box, I realized I was off on how many rows I was supposed to do. Then I started taking it out. I decided I wanted to take out the mistake I made as well. 

I had started on the second part - which is going up the box. I found that my numbers were off. So, I took it out! I went all the way back to the 7th row. That would be where the "v" starts. I am now putting the beads back in. I did another 2 rows and then called it quits. I will fix it tomorrow and try to get caught up with everyone else. I think the third part or fourth part has the lid. I will have to go look for some beads to use for legs. I have plenty downstairs and am sure I can find something to work. I pulled 2 green colors to make the box with. This is the darker of the two. I will do the lighter color first when I work on the sides again. I may look for a lighter green or medium green. I won't know till I work it in to see how it comes out. 

Patrick slept off and on all day. He's not drinking much and I've been on him to drink. It's hard to make someone do things they don't want to do. I'm hoping he will drink more tomorrow. He's looking a lot better. Still skinny and he was skinny before all this. 

At least I was able to enjoy some beading today. That does make a person Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Life Gets In The Way Sometimes

 Yesterday we were on our toes in case we needed to pick Patrick up. Around 10 am Patrick told us he could go home. We got into Katt's Jeep and headed up there. We arrived around noon - very little traffic - surprise, surprise! 

We were there by 12:40 am. We ended up waiting another 30 mins because the pharmacy being backed up. I couldn't go in, so we texted back and forth. Guess he got a guy in front of him that wanted the medications cheaper, did they have coupons, what about insurance, etc. He told me even the nurse was getting tired of the guy in front. It was an old "fart" that was doing that. Patrick said he was even laughing and chatting. Once that was done, he came out and got into the Jeep. 

It was no as free of traffic as it was going. We did get another slow down around the Tacoma Dome - another accident. Once that was over, it was easy going. 

Came home and got Patrick set up on the couch. His chair wasn't as comfortable for him. He's in a little pain and sore around the belly. He has a "T" -upside down- incision. It didn't look bad - and I'm one who refuses to look at that stuff. 

We watched TV and I worked on my embroidery. 

I was able to get more done then I thought I would. It's coming along great. I do like this part. So, yesterday I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Not Much Going On

 This morning I was up early. Didn't do much. 

After awhile I sat down to work on my beading. Katt went outside and shoveled more snow out of the driveway. She cleared off the van as well. The weather wasn't good - so the van couldn't get out of the yard. Too covered in snow! 

I called Sharon to let her know I would like to come up this week, but don't know if it will work out. She told me I spent $90 on beads. LOL I didn't realize I did that much. It's okay, as I will need them. I told her I ordered her beads as well. Gave her the total so, we took that from what I owe her. I think the next time I will do the ordering myself. Katt got her Jeep ready and then we were off. 

Of all places that we went to was Wal-Mart. Not my favorite shop. We picked up a body pillow for Patrick. He should make it easier for him to sleep on his side. Not sure how the "three" of us are going to sleep in a Queen size bed, but it will be interesting. We also picked up a few more things. One was sugar. We then went to Safeway to get the stuff we couldn't get at Wal-Mart. Put the stuff in the back of Katt's Jeep and found the sugar had a hole in the side and it all went onto her mats. I had to go back into the store for more sugar. Then we went to Dairy Dan's for lunch. I won't go back there again. I was so disappointed with the hamburger! I love hamburgers, but they cut back on the meat! It was so skinny I was surprised I could see it!

Came back home and put the stuff away. Katt cleaned up her sugar mess. I started putting stuff away and found out we had a 10 lb bag (2 of which I bought today), and a 5 lb bag in the cabinet. I asked Katt to check if we had any. We did, she missed it. Now I have enough to last a good year! Don't know what I'm going to do now. UGH - I can just hear Patrick - "We had sugar in the cabinet, you didn't need to buy more."

The league we bowled on called to say bowling starts up on Friday. Told her we couldn't bowl now that Patrick has cancer. It will be a good 6 months before he could bowl. She said okay and wished Patrick the best. I guess she had cancer last years as well. She said she was going to keep him in her prayers. 

Katt wanted Gyoza's for supper. I fixed a batch for her. (I only had 2!) She loves to eat those when she comes here. One of the few things she likes that I make. 

They turned out good. 

We played Michigan Rummy again. Katt kicked my butt - over 100 points. While we started to play, I baked some cookies for Patrick. He's supposed to get home either Monday (tomorrow) or Tuesday. I think it will be Tuesday, but I think he's hoping it's tomorrow. 

After Katt left for bed, I cleaned up and then sat to bead a few more rows. I only go 3 rows done today, but at least I was able to get a few rows in. 

I turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 13, 2021

This Is A LOT Of Snow

 This morning woke to another 4 inches or more of snow. It wasn't what we thought would happen. But then Katt and I haven't been watching much TV and I haven't seen the news in almost a week. I'm okay with that!

This was the lower deck today. I don't think we have seen that much snow here in a good 20 years. It's really pretty. 

Katt was hoping to get out today but she didn't get a chance. That's her Jeep. We were pretty much packed in today. 

Our cars where not going anywhere either. 

So, Katt and I enjoyed the day playing "Michigan Rummy" together. She kicked my butt the first set of games. I won the second set of games. We will break the tie tomorrow. We had a lot of fun playing together. We took a break and no one called. The whole time we played, there were texts and phone calls. Funny how on the days one wants to have peace and quiet, it never happens. Then on the days we wish someone would call, no one does. Never fails. 

I did order more beads today. I got the beads that Sharon needed too. I think she's getting my beads soon. We were expecting 2 packages today, but the didn't come. I don't even think the mail lady showed up today. She probably stayed on the main roads and didn't bother to come here. 

Today, I didn't mind not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting.  

Friday, February 12, 2021

Another Day Of Snow

 This morning I woke at 6 am, went back to sleep, woke at 7:30 am, and went back to sleep. Woke at 9 am finally. Katt was up and chatting with Patrick on text. Then I chatted on text with him as well. 

I got moving on laundry. I have a few things that needed washing. The washer wasn't letting the water run out, so I had to clean the "trap" to see if that was the case. I was just getting it apart when the phone rang - mom - and then got back down and started all over again  when the phone rang yet again - scam. I was getting ticked because I wanted to fix the machine. Got down there and the water went all over, so had to clean that up as well. ANOTHER text comes in while trying to mop up! About that time Katt came back from the store and looked at me. "Okay, what's up?" I told her I was trying to fix the machine and I've had nothing but texts and phone calls while working on it. I finally cleaned the trap and then ran the washer on "rinse and spin" to see if that will balance the machine. 

We still had time so Katt went out to shovel snow! We have a snow shovel from Pullman (um that was 20 years ago....). 

Poor Patrick - he's missing out on his snow. He loves this weather, and he's stuck in the hospital. 

Another inch or 2 fell while we were gone. 

About that time it was time to go to moms. Even though the snow was going all day long. Good thing she has a Jeep! I can't believe how slow people around her go! 10 miles an hour in a 40 mile speed limit area! The twin cities has NO CLUE how to drive in snow. It took us about 40 mins to get to moms. We did stop and get some tea for her. 

We all played "Michigan Rummy" together. Katt won - she alwasys does since she was a kid. She goes faster than mom and I. Mom would kick my butt as well, but she hasn't played in awhile and she actually came in last place. Katt fixed supper and then we played another hand. Came home before it got too dark. 

I decided to work on something, so I pulled the tablecloth out and got to work. I was able to get some work done on it. 

I'm really getting the hang of statin stitching. I do like the way it looks. This is 3 ply threads. All one color. It feels like DMC feels. I'm not sure what type of thread it is, but it work. I would rather work with my Brazilian embroidery floss better. That's okay, either way I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Things Are Looking UP

 Before I start blogging, I wanted to thank everyone who sent their best wishes and prayers. Patrick is doing great. He's been walking around the hospital. The nurses and doctors are amazed at how he's been feeling and looking. I talked to him twice today. 

The morning started out with texts. I got up and played a few games before sitting down for beading. I didn't get far with my phone going off - been doing that yesterday and today. No peace when it comes to the phone. 

I wasn't really in the mood to do that much beading today. But I did get 2 more rows done. Made my day!

Katt went for a ride. It was snowing all day. So her Jeep got through the snow fine. lol 

Sophie wasn't too sure about this snow thing. It was funny watching her spend all day at the window. 

I decided to try and work on the bead-a-long that's part of Facebook. It's fun to do. I know there is a mistake in there, but don't want to take it out. I will cover it up when I add the beads that hold it up. This is fun to work on. 

Today was a day of feeling relieved, happy, and trying to figure out what to do. The "Airhead" came out at times. Frustrated, but calmed down. I wanted some peace and quiet today, but when people are texting all over the place it makes it hard to do. The best part of today is that I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

First Operation Done

This morning we were out the door by 4:15 am. We all piled into the van and headed to UW Cancer Care Alliance. Patrick arrived at the hospital for his check in. We couldn't go in. Family and friends are not allowed due to Corona Virus. We all hugged him and wished him well. I walked him to the door and then turned back to the van. 

Katt, Susan and I headed to breakfast. The plan was to stay in the area to make sure he was okay during and after surgery. We headed to the closest I-Hop and when we arrived the place was lit up. So, we got out of the car, went to the door - sign saying it opened at 5:30 am - it was 6:30 am. We waited by the locked door. The people inside were walking around. The one guy put his mask on and looked at us. We waited, nothing. He didn't come to the door, he didn't tell us they weren't open, or anything. He did clean the tables as we stood outside. He even walked toward us and then turned around. So, we decided that was enough and we went to the next I-Hop. We ended up going back toward the UW campus and found another I-Hop. They WERE OPEN. We sat and ate, talking about our plans. We were scheduled to be at the Aquarium on the waterfront at 9:30 am. Hotel reservations were for today but check in isn't until about 3 pm. After I-Hop were went to the Pike Place Market, which was starting to open up. We walked around there and found a couple shops we wanted to hit after we came out of the Aquarium. Being the first ones there, we waited. Walked along the waterfront first since we were a good hour early. 

  Took tons of photos and will post them when I can't find a photo to post on my blog. 

I really enjoyed walking around the place. I even bought myself a hoodie - and yes, another one! I love my hoodies! Plus a couple of mine "died" and needed a replacement. 

Looking out over the sound. No whales! Dang! 

Call came in to say Patrick went in about an hour earlier and that she would keep me informed on his condition. He was stable and doing fine. It was going according to plan. She would call me back in about two hours depending on how things were going. 

We left the Aquarium to walk around Pike Place Market again. We hit the Cheese shop, the Bakery Shop, (bought white bread!), and then walked up to a couple other stores. I bought a T-shirt at the T-Shirt Shop. Okay, to put that right - I bought a Seahawk shirt to replaced the one I bleached brown. Don't ask me how! Not sure!

Then we decided to go to the mall. We drove over to South Sound Mall (I believe). We shopped around in the mall for awhile. Susan was keeping us busy! I did bring home some Cinnabon's from the mall.  After about 2 hours there, Katt and I decided we wanted to come back home. I feel bad because Susan paid for the hotel for us and it was non refundable. As we were walking out to the car, the Doctor called to tell us how Patrick was doing. 

Patrick did not have to have his chest cut open after all. The thrombosis was "free flowing" and was easy to get to. They were able to pull it out without issues. They took out the left kidney and it was at the lab as she talked to me. Said there would be a complete report on it soon. Patrick will be in the hospital for at least 5-6 days. We can't go see him. The only time we will see him is at discharge. Not thrilled about that but it's okay. He is in ICU and may be able to call us tomorrow.  Big relief! The next one will be in 2 months to remove part of the second kidney. So far, so good. 

Katt and I dropped Susan off at the hotel. She will get the shuttle to the airport tomorrow. We headed back home. Traffic was AWFUL! Stop, go, stop, go......all the way home - at least till we got to Olympia. Katt drove, so I was okay with that. I have a hard time in Seattle traffic! I can do it, just don't want to. 

Last night while watching TV I started this bee box. My work in the bottom. It's coming along nicely and it's something different for me. I was having fun with it. I will try and finish this part tomorrow - or I will work on my Snowman. This was just something to do while the house was full. 

Now, the next week is going to be interesting without Patrick. Katt and I are beat! I'm calling it an early night and she's already down for the count. Even though today I wasn't happy in crafts, yesterday I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

As We Get Ready

 We are getting ready (4 am) to head to Seattle. The operation is this morning. Thank you all for your prayers. 

The three of us will be staying in Seattle for a while to make sure we are not needed. So, I will post more when I get back on Thursday. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Last Couple Days

 The last 2 days have been busy and interesting. Saturday we spent the day with Katt and Susan. Katt arrived from Lewiston about 10 am. We drove down to Portland to pick up Susan who wore a "poop" blow up costume. We laughed and enjoyed the day. Playing games and not doing much other than that. 

Yesterday we left at 6 am for Seattle. Patrick had appointments a Cancer Care Alliance that took all day long. He met his doctors and he was able to get his MRI and Covid test. 

While he was in his appointments, we took a walk around University of Washington. 

Off and on, we waited in the first floor area. We aren't supposed to be there, but we did anyway. Outside the window there was this sign. I never saw a wild animal got by the door. This is in the middle of the university so I actually thought this was funny!

We decided to go to "a" Starbucks. Katt looked it up for the closest Starbucks. We walked to the point where it said there was a Starbucks. For the first time in my life, we found a TRUCK that was Starbucks!!

We couldn't use cash! No worries there. It was just funny how UW has a truck while WSU has a really Starbucks store. 

Not far from there we found the statue of George Washington. I was ticked off!! 

I understand people are "racist" etc. What I don't like is that HISTORY can't be fixed. HISTORY is HISTORY. It happened and we need to learn from it. We can't erase it. Destroying property isn't going to solve the problem. Removing the statues, etc. isn't going to help or solve the problem. History needs to stay as history! 

We then went down to the water front. It was nice. They have been working on making it nice. 

I was thinking at times, I should have gone to UW when I had the chance. It would have been fun! I love the area. BUT I would not go now because of all the stuff going on in Seattle. 

Patrick's surgery is tomorrow. He will be getting open heart surgery as well as loosing his left kidney. In 12 weeks he will go back and get part of his other kidney removed. This is hard on all of us. Now I will have to deal with the open heart surgery stuff - like I had to do with dad. It's going to be a long road ahead but Patrick is very fit. He's not fat, and he doesn't have some of the issues others do. I'm praying this will be a shorter road than what dad went through.

We will be staying overnight in a motel by the airport. Susan wants to fly out on Thursday. It will be interesting to see how things turn out. This way we are closer to Patrick then coming home. 

I was not in the mood to work on my crafts. I should have, it would have helped me out. But life is what it is and we deal with what we have to. I'm dealing with trying to be positive, but there is hard times coming. I'm hoping it will be easy for me to go to my crafts to get lost in my "happy place." THAT WOULD BE Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...