This morning we were out the door by 4:15 am. We all piled into the van and headed to UW Cancer Care Alliance. Patrick arrived at the hospital for his check in. We couldn't go in. Family and friends are not allowed due to Corona Virus. We all hugged him and wished him well. I walked him to the door and then turned back to the van.
Katt, Susan and I headed to breakfast. The plan was to stay in the area to make sure he was okay during and after surgery. We headed to the closest I-Hop and when we arrived the place was lit up. So, we got out of the car, went to the door - sign saying it opened at 5:30 am - it was 6:30 am. We waited by the locked door. The people inside were walking around. The one guy put his mask on and looked at us. We waited, nothing. He didn't come to the door, he didn't tell us they weren't open, or anything. He did clean the tables as we stood outside. He even walked toward us and then turned around. So, we decided that was enough and we went to the next I-Hop. We ended up going back toward the UW campus and found another I-Hop. They WERE OPEN. We sat and ate, talking about our plans. We were scheduled to be at the Aquarium on the waterfront at 9:30 am. Hotel reservations were for today but check in isn't until about 3 pm. After I-Hop were went to the Pike Place Market, which was starting to open up. We walked around there and found a couple shops we wanted to hit after we came out of the Aquarium. Being the first ones there, we waited. Walked along the waterfront first since we were a good hour early.

Took tons of photos and will post them when I can't find a photo to post on my blog.
I really enjoyed walking around the place. I even bought myself a hoodie - and yes, another one! I love my hoodies! Plus a couple of mine "died" and needed a replacement.
Looking out over the sound. No whales! Dang!
Call came in to say Patrick went in about an hour earlier and that she would keep me informed on his condition. He was stable and doing fine. It was going according to plan. She would call me back in about two hours depending on how things were going.
We left the Aquarium to walk around Pike Place Market again. We hit the Cheese shop, the Bakery Shop, (bought white bread!), and then walked up to a couple other stores. I bought a T-shirt at the T-Shirt Shop. Okay, to put that right - I bought a Seahawk shirt to replaced the one I bleached brown. Don't ask me how! Not sure!
Then we decided to go to the mall. We drove over to South Sound Mall (I believe). We shopped around in the mall for awhile. Susan was keeping us busy! I did bring home some Cinnabon's from the mall. After about 2 hours there, Katt and I decided we wanted to come back home. I feel bad because Susan paid for the hotel for us and it was non refundable. As we were walking out to the car, the Doctor called to tell us how Patrick was doing.
Patrick did not have to have his chest cut open after all. The thrombosis was "free flowing" and was easy to get to. They were able to pull it out without issues. They took out the left kidney and it was at the lab as she talked to me. Said there would be a complete report on it soon. Patrick will be in the hospital for at least 5-6 days. We can't go see him. The only time we will see him is at discharge. Not thrilled about that but it's okay. He is in ICU and may be able to call us tomorrow. Big relief! The next one will be in 2 months to remove part of the second kidney. So far, so good.
Katt and I dropped Susan off at the hotel. She will get the shuttle to the airport tomorrow. We headed back home. Traffic was AWFUL! Stop, go, stop, go......all the way home - at least till we got to Olympia. Katt drove, so I was okay with that. I have a hard time in Seattle traffic! I can do it, just don't want to.
Last night while watching TV I started this bee box. My work in the bottom. It's coming along nicely and it's something different for me. I was having fun with it. I will try and finish this part tomorrow - or I will work on my Snowman. This was just something to do while the house was full.
Now, the next week is going to be interesting without Patrick. Katt and I are beat! I'm calling it an early night and she's already down for the count. Even though today I wasn't happy in crafts, yesterday I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!