Friday, February 12, 2021

Another Day Of Snow

 This morning I woke at 6 am, went back to sleep, woke at 7:30 am, and went back to sleep. Woke at 9 am finally. Katt was up and chatting with Patrick on text. Then I chatted on text with him as well. 

I got moving on laundry. I have a few things that needed washing. The washer wasn't letting the water run out, so I had to clean the "trap" to see if that was the case. I was just getting it apart when the phone rang - mom - and then got back down and started all over again  when the phone rang yet again - scam. I was getting ticked because I wanted to fix the machine. Got down there and the water went all over, so had to clean that up as well. ANOTHER text comes in while trying to mop up! About that time Katt came back from the store and looked at me. "Okay, what's up?" I told her I was trying to fix the machine and I've had nothing but texts and phone calls while working on it. I finally cleaned the trap and then ran the washer on "rinse and spin" to see if that will balance the machine. 

We still had time so Katt went out to shovel snow! We have a snow shovel from Pullman (um that was 20 years ago....). 

Poor Patrick - he's missing out on his snow. He loves this weather, and he's stuck in the hospital. 

Another inch or 2 fell while we were gone. 

About that time it was time to go to moms. Even though the snow was going all day long. Good thing she has a Jeep! I can't believe how slow people around her go! 10 miles an hour in a 40 mile speed limit area! The twin cities has NO CLUE how to drive in snow. It took us about 40 mins to get to moms. We did stop and get some tea for her. 

We all played "Michigan Rummy" together. Katt won - she alwasys does since she was a kid. She goes faster than mom and I. Mom would kick my butt as well, but she hasn't played in awhile and she actually came in last place. Katt fixed supper and then we played another hand. Came home before it got too dark. 

I decided to work on something, so I pulled the tablecloth out and got to work. I was able to get some work done on it. 

I'm really getting the hang of statin stitching. I do like the way it looks. This is 3 ply threads. All one color. It feels like DMC feels. I'm not sure what type of thread it is, but it work. I would rather work with my Brazilian embroidery floss better. That's okay, either way I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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