Sunday, February 14, 2021

Not Much Going On

 This morning I was up early. Didn't do much. 

After awhile I sat down to work on my beading. Katt went outside and shoveled more snow out of the driveway. She cleared off the van as well. The weather wasn't good - so the van couldn't get out of the yard. Too covered in snow! 

I called Sharon to let her know I would like to come up this week, but don't know if it will work out. She told me I spent $90 on beads. LOL I didn't realize I did that much. It's okay, as I will need them. I told her I ordered her beads as well. Gave her the total so, we took that from what I owe her. I think the next time I will do the ordering myself. Katt got her Jeep ready and then we were off. 

Of all places that we went to was Wal-Mart. Not my favorite shop. We picked up a body pillow for Patrick. He should make it easier for him to sleep on his side. Not sure how the "three" of us are going to sleep in a Queen size bed, but it will be interesting. We also picked up a few more things. One was sugar. We then went to Safeway to get the stuff we couldn't get at Wal-Mart. Put the stuff in the back of Katt's Jeep and found the sugar had a hole in the side and it all went onto her mats. I had to go back into the store for more sugar. Then we went to Dairy Dan's for lunch. I won't go back there again. I was so disappointed with the hamburger! I love hamburgers, but they cut back on the meat! It was so skinny I was surprised I could see it!

Came back home and put the stuff away. Katt cleaned up her sugar mess. I started putting stuff away and found out we had a 10 lb bag (2 of which I bought today), and a 5 lb bag in the cabinet. I asked Katt to check if we had any. We did, she missed it. Now I have enough to last a good year! Don't know what I'm going to do now. UGH - I can just hear Patrick - "We had sugar in the cabinet, you didn't need to buy more."

The league we bowled on called to say bowling starts up on Friday. Told her we couldn't bowl now that Patrick has cancer. It will be a good 6 months before he could bowl. She said okay and wished Patrick the best. I guess she had cancer last years as well. She said she was going to keep him in her prayers. 

Katt wanted Gyoza's for supper. I fixed a batch for her. (I only had 2!) She loves to eat those when she comes here. One of the few things she likes that I make. 

They turned out good. 

We played Michigan Rummy again. Katt kicked my butt - over 100 points. While we started to play, I baked some cookies for Patrick. He's supposed to get home either Monday (tomorrow) or Tuesday. I think it will be Tuesday, but I think he's hoping it's tomorrow. 

After Katt left for bed, I cleaned up and then sat to bead a few more rows. I only go 3 rows done today, but at least I was able to get a few rows in. 

I turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

1 comment:

Joanne in Massachusetts said...

When I find I've bought items I already had that are way too much to have on hand, I take them to the local food bank. Very disappointing to have a hole in a sugar (or flour) bag...such a mess to clean up.

Am in awe of your patience in beading and embroidery. So pretty.

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