Sunday, October 31, 2021

Bouncing Off The Wall

 Woke early this morning and played a few games. 

Once Patrick was up, I started to help with cleaning. Got the litter box cleaned while Sophie monitored me. She waited and watched the whole time. Got laundry going. Started working on a sourdough bread for tomorrow. The played some more. I was up and down all day. Got a lot done, but nothing in the way of crafts. 

Went bowling and was still bouncing off the walls. I did pretty good today at bowling. 158, 154, 189. Kept my average so far. I didn't work on the money while bowling. This time I just checked the envelops and then put them in my bag. I made sure the money was right from what they said. That way I didn't have a mess when I got home. Trouble was, I couldn't seem to figure things out and asked for Patrick's help. I was just tired. Now it's all ready to take care of tomorrow. We didn't have a lot of bowlers tonight because of Halloween. At least 3 teams were missing and they would be making it up. 

So, even though I wasn't stitches, and was going in circles, I did have a good day. Though, not a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Making Changes

This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. lol 

After getting moving, I played a few games then went downstairs to work on that quilt top. I ended up taking the 2 sides of the border out. Then I decided to add the red between what is done and the blue that I took out. I'm adding another piece in it's place. 

 This is a 2 1/2" piece added to the sides. I got the 2 sides done, and decided I would stop. Wasn't in the mood to fight this. I had to trim the piece once again. Then I added the borders. I used a walking foot to get this on. I was told that a walking foot works a lot better when putting the borders on. It did okay. Not sure if it really helped or not. I will know when this is over. 

I then brought up a quilt of mine that I did about 10 years ago. I'm going to have Kathleen quilt it for me. I saw an aqua color in the Connecting Threads catalog and thought it would work great. Since this quilt has all my dyed fabrics. Trouble though, they were out of it. So, I ordered a green instead. I hope it works out for me. We will see. I had to order 2 1/2 yards of 108" wide fabric. I will wash it and then have it ready to take over. 

It was time to take mom out to eat. We went to Dick's Brewers on old 99. First time we went. It was awesome! I guess Patrick said Diner's and Dives came to our area and filmed there and a couple other places I go to. So, I will have to find the episodes were they filmed their visits. Well worth going!

Now I'm going to sit and play. I'm tired of trying to get things done. So, today I'm more tired of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, October 29, 2021

Another Meeting Day

This morning I was having to load the car with a list of stuff. Loading the car was putting 2 tubes of fabric, fabric for Barb and Donna, quilt to work on, and my quilt top. 

First stop was at the church to drop off a quilt top. Then next stop was going to Donna's house - but went to the wrong area. Had to call her and ask where she was. I finally go there. We chatted and she took some fabric. I also dropped off 3 of our panels for her. Next stop was at moms, where I was a little late. I warned them. Then gave Hildi the stuff that needs to go to the gals in Rochester. They will have to meet up with her to pick them up. 

I showed the quilt and the top. After a long discussion, we decided I needed to take the top border out. After more discussions, we decided I needed to redo the border. I got the fabric back to cut another border and go from there. I also need to stitch around the center and then add the border. 

 So, I'm going to do something different on the last border. I am thinking of putting a smaller border before the blue border - partly because it's not very big. Then I will do the blue border. It's going to take some time, and I'm going to get this one done yet! 

Once all that was decided, I worked on the binding of the quilt that Debbie stopped off. It's done, and I will take a photo. I'm not happy with the quilting, but since a volunteer did it, I will not complain. I was able to get one side of the quilt done. I was thrilled about that!

We celebrated Ethel's 90th Birthday - 26th. We all gave her 90 of something! It went really well. 

Came home and unloaded my car. Then went to work on supper. I gave up on working on anything after coming home. I called it quits and played games. 

At least I can say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Was On A Roll

 This morning I had a list of things to do. I seem to be getting better of making lists of what needs to be done. Tomorrow's list is really will keep me busy for sure. 

First thing I did was get moving on the last side of the binding on a quilt. This quilt was Debbie's and I wanted to finish it for when she showed up. I was able to get 3/4 of the label done. I was almost done with the label when she showed up. She waited for me to finish it. Then we went downstairs so I could show her the quilt top I was working on yesterday. I will take it to moms tomorrow and see if it lays flat on her floor. We'll see. 

After she left, I went downstairs to cut the fabric for Donna and Barbara. I also cut the backing fabric for the quilt Sharon dropped off. I will drop that off tomorrow at the church. I had to cut the backing and the batting the same size. That was one pain in my rear! I cut them separately. I hope they are happy with that. I know they are supposed to be exact, but that is hard to do. While I was washing the backing, I decided to work on another top. 

So, I started cutting the strips that I bought a few months back. It was one of those "cakes" that they sell are a group. I cut the strips to the size I needed. 

I cut the strips into 10 1/2" pieces. I have it all set to sew now. I had to add 3 more cream colors. The Standing Strong pattern is what I'm going to work on. I will do more if this works. I can use the extra scraps to work on this one too. 

As I worked on the quilt, Sophie had to come and keep an eye on me. It was comical because she was getting into the plastic till I "shoo'd" her away. After all the pieces were done, I ironed the backing and then finished up the batting and backing - again, what a pain!

After cutting all that, I came back upstairs. I got to work on the last 2 labels. 

This is Debbie's quilt. I had finally gotten the quilt bound and labeled. One more thing done. Then I finished up my label for my quilt. 

So, I pretty much worked on QOV stuff. I was surprised at how much I did get done. 

Debbie brought my quilt to me. She bound it for me. So, now I need to stitch that down. I may take it tomorrow and work on it. Hard to say at this rate. The best part was that I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Appointment Day...Embroidery

 I played a few games before it was time to head up to Olympia. 

While Patrick had a follow-up appointment, I stitched. At least part of the time. The pistol stitches were done the other day. I worked on the purple flowers. They are moving around but when I wash this, I can pin them in place so they won't be so loose. 

Came home and fried chicken for supper. I hadn't done that in awhile and for the first time in ages, I actually liked my own fried chicken. 

I worked on getting a QOV veteran listed in the National list. Then I decided to just enjoy the evening doing nothing. I was going to work on the binding, but didn't get there. I need to work on cutting fabric tomorrow to be ready for Friday. I need to drop off 2 quilts to 2 different places. Then I have to drop fabric off as well. 

So, I'm glad I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Presentation Day At The Museum

 This morning I was playing before having to get moving. I left around 10:20 am. Headed over to the church to pick up my quilt that was finished. Then I headed over to the museum to get everything going. I worked on setting up for the veterans. When Debbie showed up, we worked on getting the quilts out and set up. Waited on Heidi to show up so we could figure out what order to put them in. Had to clean the coffee pot, since they hadn't done that from the last time. Got the snacks set up and it was ready. Gave Debbie my quilt, Barbara the batting and fabric that was given to us. We had a new gal show up and she's going to help us out. I'm going to drop off some fabric with her on the way to moms on Friday. I also picked up a quilt that needs to be quilted from Sharon. 

We had 6 Veterans today! It was awesome! Jim Palmer is in the wheel chair. Hannah is with her dog, as she has PTSD really bad. 

Afterwards I came home. Beat Patrick home because he was picking mom up from the airport. They arrived about an hour after I did. 

I redid 2 certificates (while making hot chocolate on the stove). When I got what I wanted, I found my hot chocolate over flowing on the stove. OOPS. Then I had to clean up the mess. 

Went downstairs to work on getting some fabric cut. But found that my quilt top was waffling, so I had to take out the 2 sides of the border and redo it. I think I need to do that to the top border as well. I will think about it. It's not laying flat, but ironed okay. I may leave it, but did fix the worst part. I think it's the fabric. I starched it, so hopefully that will help. I decided I am not going to do big borders on the outside, because it doesn't work for me. They always and I mean always, waffle. Doesn't matter if I pin it or not, it doesn't work for me. I can measure and come up short or to much. Just not my thing. One of the reasons I don't care to sew tops anymore. I really, really am going to try not to have the last border bigger than 3!"

At least I've been Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Monday, October 25, 2021

While I Watch The Seahawk......

 This morning I was up early to see if I could get my game done...nope. I was out the door by 9:30. Then made 3 stops along the way. I wanted to get Patrick a peanut butter doughnut like the one he got for me the other day. They didn't make that kind today, but they did have one like his maple bars but was peanut butter, so got that. They had some really good doughnuts. Now I have a place to go for doughnuts!

Arrived a little late at our meeting. Only Sandy and Cindy were there. We had such a good time! It was a lot of fun!

I worked on this piece. It's "Ruth's Farwell." I do like working on it, but there isn't a big difference between the 2 greens in the upper left side. Her piece had a bigger difference than I have. 

Sandy brought some bran muffins and they were good. I had one. It made up for trying to figure out what I would do for lunch. 

Then it was time to go to the bowling alley and pay for last night. Once that was done, I was on my way home. I didn't make it home till about 2:30 pm. Long day, but a fun day. 

I headed downstairs right away. I needed to get pillow cases for the quilts I have here. Then I realized we needed pillow cases for the quilts that Barbara did. I had phone call after phone call today. So, it took me longer to get the pillow cases done then I really wanted to take. 

I was able to get 5 of them done. It turned out pretty good. I did have to resew 2 of them to get the seams out of the way. I may have to think of something else for the pillow cases of these 3 quilts here. I will see. If we have enough pillow cases, then we can use them for these. I need to pick up my quilt at the church tomorrow. I will do that on the way to the museum tomorrow. 

Now I'm hoping the Seahawks win, but it's not looking good for them right now. Oh, well, at least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Not One Of My Better Days

 This morning I couldn't get up .... and when I did, it was 10 am. So, my day was pretty much half gone!

I worked on laundry - but didn't get far, just one load. It was a day of being lazy. I played games and did do some cleaning but not a lot. 

I printed out the certificates for the QOV veterans who will be getting a quilt on Tuesday. I couldn't get the printer to work, so used the older one to get them printed. 

We had our virtual meeting at 4 pm. It's the embroidery meeting. I was able to spend an hour with everyone. We had 7 people this time. At least it was more than last time. We have it once a month. 

This is the one I worked on. The flowers to the right were done, and I started on the pistol stitches at the top. As much as I would love to say I got some work done, I can't. I did get some flowers done on the Blackberry Lane piece I'm working on. I didn't get a photo, but will add it. I only did a few pistol stitches on it, and wasn't happy with the work. The pistol stitches are loose. Oh, well. 

Then it was off to bowling - I bowled a 163, 148 and didn't get the last game. I will find out tomorrow. I have to go to the bowling alley anyway. 

It wasn't as much I would have liked to have done. I'm lazy today, so it didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Enjoying Movies And Stitching

 Today we decided not to do much. So, we enjoyed the day at home. This coming week is going to be busy, so this is our way of enjoying a day of peace and quiet. 

We enjoyed 3 Hallmark Channel movies. Yep, my hubby sat through them all. 

So, I was stitching....

I kept the quilt folded as I stitched. I didn't want Sophie to get her hairs all over it. So, it was interesting how I was able to do that. Plus - of course! - I was playing games on my tablet. So far I have kept a lot of hairs of the quilt. Trouble is, I tend to have hairs on my legs, when she gets up on my legs. I have put her off me so many times, I get the evil eye. 

As soon as this one is done, I will put the labels on all of them. I need to make the pillow cases and then they can go to the museum. I will take a photo of them all, so I can send 2 of them to Georgie. She did the blocks on the 2 quilts Debbie did. They turned out pretty good too. I have a panel on the wall and am still trying to figure out what to do on that one. 

I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 22, 2021

Quilting And A Play

This morning I was running around trying to get everything ready for quilting. I went to Safeway for Lettuce. We needed something for lunch. Then I headed to the office at Stillwaters to collect moms mail. Was told mom told her not to worry about it, so they didn't collect it. Actually I told mom I would collect it each week from the office but she thought I said I would take care of it each week. So, I called Nancy to see if she had the mail key - thankfully she did. I got to moms and started heating the water for tea. Forgot about coffee. So, when Ethel arrived she made the coffee. We had 5 of us there. Nancy came in later because she had PT at Colonial House. She stayed till after lunch. We had a really good time and I was able to sew on the binding of one quilt that Debbie brought over. I have one more to go. Then I'm going to make pillow cases for the 3 quilts I have for QOV. Hopefully I can finish them for Tuesday when we have presentation. 

On my way home I stopped at Starbucks and got Phil a drink. Then I stopped at his place and dropped off his drink and a tray table that he said he could use. I also gave him a bag of coffee grounds from Starbucks. I brought the other one home. 

Patrick and I enjoyed some time together and then we headed out for supper. We went to Dairy Queen in Centralia and it was pretty good. Then we went over to the Outlets and picked up a few things for us. Once that was done, we headed over to the Evergreen Playhouse in Centralia. We enjoyed a wonderful play "The Hound of the Baskervilles." It was really good. 

They did a good job on the props too!

Patrick and I enjoyed the play. Now it's 10 pm and I'm about ready to call it a night. It's going to be a while before I head to sleep because I'm listening to a really good book. I know I will have to stop it in it's last hour, but will listen first thing in the morning! It's that good!

My day turned out to have fun with being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Hello Thursday

 This morning I wasn't in any hurry to get up. The rain made it dark and enjoyable for sleeping. Guess that is one good thing about being retired - no hurry getting up. One of these days I may actually start getting up really early and enjoying it. Not so much now. 

I worked on a lot of stuff today. I was working on a few survey's and enjoyed it. I did a couple survey's yesterday and thought it would be fun to do more today. So, I did. The funny part about that was receiving a phone call from WA state doing their survey as well. What the heck, I answered their questions. Political questions, so wasn't too thrilled to answer them, but was nice and did. 

Then I decided to do more letters for my "Letters From the Past" blog. I found a few that were interesting and posted them. They do take time to type, but I enjoy what they wrote about. Hard to believe Kansas was going through snow and minus 10 degrees back in the 1940's. At least that's what one of the letters said. I also posted a song that was hand written and a letter from Fred Study, during WWI. 

Once I was done doing some of those, I started in on the Wiltzius family history. I added more names and found that one of the others I work with had a little more information than I did, so I checked her work and went from there. I didn't work on my side of the family - had too much fun finding a few of Patrick's. Also found out another Wiltzius family arrived after his family did. They came from Luxembourg as well, but came later. They also lived in a different town. I did find a comment that a John Wiltzius was a cousin to one of our relatives. So, there is a connection, just not sure where. 

Patrick had an appointment in Olympia, so while I waited on him, I worked on my embroidery. 

First I fixed the bottom left leaf. Then I worked on the stems. Once that was done I was able to do more. 

I added the two flowers on the right. Not two because I'm only half done with that. I can say it's two but if you look you know it's not two. lol 

I'm enjoying working on this piece. It keeps me busy when I have to wait. And busy is Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Another Golfing Day - For Patrick

 I find that I like it when Patrick goes golfing. I can find so much to do. I actually get stuff done too. Today wasn't any different. 

It started out with getting laundry going. I am happy to say, I did all three loads! Then I got a call from Debbie asking if I knew anyone who had a sewing machine they might like to sell cheap or give away. I told her, "I do." I also told her it would be donated to the HS student she told me about. I am happy to donate it to her, since she doesn't have much. When Debbie asked about it, I told her it needs serving but is in good condition. She was excited and was coming to pick it up later today. I went downstairs and got the little case that goes with it, then I went out to the garage and got the machine. It's in it's own hard case. Debbie called back to say she's dropping it off tomorrow for serving and that the gal in Olympia told her it was a really good "hard core" machine. I told her I used it when I was first learning how to sew. 

While I wanted on her, I wanted to get started on the binding of her quilt. Actually I started that idea before she called. 

I was able to get almost 2 sides done. I'm close to finishing the one side. It's been hard to work on since Sophie keeps getting in my way. I don't want her on the quilt to get hairs on it. It's frustrating but I'm getting there. I put her down so many times, and she keeps coming back. Go figure. 

Ticked her off.  She really wanted to be in my lap. 

Our fabric arrived today. I love the colors we got this time. I was able to she Debbie as well. They are going to work out great. We did good with our fabrics this time. 

Patrick got rained on while golfing but didn't come home wet. So thinking they were in the right place at the right time so they wouldn't get caught in the rain. He was happy with his scores. 

It turned out to be a day for quilting more than anything. I want to get this binding done and back to Debbie. I would love to have them both done in time to get back to her. She's got another quilt that was finished at the quilters. I'm hoping she will give me that one to stitch as well. All in all a good day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Shopping Day!

 This morning I was just doing odd things. I even started the Focaccia bread. I had a recipe from Paul Hollywood. I thought I would try it. Then it was off to get Debbie. 

We went to the Onalaska quilt shop - Heavenly Quilts & Fabric Redeemed. We wanted to ask if they had a quilter that would be willing to quilt for us. The only thing they would be to donate their time. She said they have 2 gals that do Linus quilts. She would ask on her Facebook page. Then while we were there, she had a bolt of fabric that was "extra" and asked if we could use it for QOV. I told her yes. So, I ended up buying the bolt, 4 yards of red fabric, 3 yards of blue fabric, and 1 yard (that was 108 wide) of another blue fabric. I also bought some scissors (ginger embroidery). So, I came out of there with over $200 of stuff. Not that I needed to buy that much, but I did. They had a sale on the Halloween fabric as well, but I've cut back to only patriotic. Came home with all that. Then I went downstairs and moved the bolts into the closet under the stairs. I put a panel on the wall. I need to figure out what I will do with that one. I'm thinking about it. At least it's on the wall so I can work from there. 

I finished up the Focaccia and baked it. 

I didn't have Thyme but I had Rosemary. This one had potatoes in it. Still surprised I made it!

It had garlic, rosemary and potatoes. Not my favorite! I didn't like it. I would not do potatoes with bread - ever again. Doesn't work. I like Paul Hollywood stuff, but lately some of the things I have tried of his, isn't anything I would eat. So, I'm going back to a basic one and going from there. 

Then the day was pretty much gone. No clue where, but it was gone. So, I took an hour and worked on my cross stitch anyway. 

I worked on the right side of the wolf. I am happy with it. I did find that the area that I took out - in the middle - left big holes. I believe that will clear up eventually. Even if it's when I wash it. I just don't like seeing it now. I will work on it. That's why I'm always Happy Stitching!

Monday, October 18, 2021

Another Double Day!

 This morning was Brazilian embroidery meeting day. I was happy to get back to embroidery for today. I had things to do before and after our meeting. We had an awesome meeting! David (Alice's son) came in to see us. I hadn't seen him for a long time and had to give him a hug! We chatted a good hour. Even Bev got in on chatting with him. They both knew the same friends. It was fun!

I like working on this piece. So, I finished the leaves on this (1/4) part. Then I put the leaves down on the side areas.

This part called for a darker green, but not the darkest green. 

I was happy with the work I was able to get done. 

On the way home, I had to stop at 4 more places. I did the stop at the bowling alley, then to the veggie store, Phil's and then the bank. It turned out great getting everything done. I bought some yellow potatoes at the veggie place, but didn't need the bag. I gave Phil most of the bag, since Patrick can't have potatoes unless they are soaked in water. 

I enjoyed watching TV with Patrick and working on my cross stitching. 

I have been working on the wolf. It's looking good. I'm happy with the way it's coming along. The stitches in the middle seem to be showing holes. I didn't notice that. I will check to make sure I didn't pull too tight. 

It made my day a double day of fun! I was defiantly having a day of Double fun!! That's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!  

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Shows And Cross Stitching

 This morning I was up and making monkey bread for breakfast. I think it needed to be cooked a little longer, but Patrick liked it. Guess that's all that counts. It did turn out really good. Then I got moving with cleaning up a few things. Once that was going, I also started laundry. 

Funny thing about laundry. I tend to get involved in what I'm doing, that it sits in the machine a lot longer than it should. So, I don't get as much laundry done that way. My side track this time was cross stitching.

Of course Sophie had to be there in the chair with me. So, I was stitching around her. I'm surprised she stayed as long as she did. We must have been there a good 2-3 hours! 

I'm back to where I was before I took it all out. I do believe I'm even a little farther along. I do like working on this, so my beading hasn't been pulled back out to finish up. I finished up on the eye, and worked on the noise this time. I was able to get more on the right side as well. It looks great. I was getting to the point where I could make mistakes again, so called it done. 

I was wondering as I was getting to the point of finishing - am I the only one that tries to get as much out of the thread as I can? I was able to get this to finish the last two stitches in that row.  I know the floss isn't that expensive, and not sure why I like to get as much out of it as I can. It does get me into trouble at times. lol  At that point, I needed to stop. 

Plus it was bowling night. So we headed to bowling. I had a little trouble with one of our bowlers, and after all things were "worked out," and we finished bowling, their partner came to let us know they quit. So, I'm going to have to work on this. We are going to have a meeting before bowling next week. There are a few things the newbies need to know about. I did pretty good, even though there was a confrontation. I bowled a 199, (yep, I mucked up my game! I had 2 splits), 178 and a 190. Not bad! Brought my average up to 169, which I can deal with!

Today turned out to be pretty good when it comes to cross stitching - not so much with issues at bowling. But hey! I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Back On Track

 This morning to my surprise, Patrick was up and on the phone before 8 am. I was surprised at how early he was up. He had showered and was chatting with Katt. It was good to hear from her. She was having to get the Covid shot for work. She was the only one that was required to get it. They gave her 5 options. One was to move and another was to quit, so she decided to get the shot. She must have known that was coming, and I know she wasn't too worried about it, she just didn't want to get it just yet. Patrick is happy she got it. She was having to buy tires today. Poor thing had her tires go flat on her. It took a long time to finally get them. 

Spring or Fall cleaning - depending on who cares. lol Got rid of half my clothes in the closet. Patrick got rid of just about as much as I did. We really did get a lot cleaned out. I even got one of my drawers emptied. Clothes I've been hanging on to thinking I would wear them again...yea right! Out they went. Now I need more clothes! Too funny!

We went to Walmart - yes, I went too. Had to get cat food and a mop head. Neither of those were at Safeway. We picked up some biscuits to make monkey bread out of. I will make that for breakfast tomorrow. I may even do a bread tomorrow as well. Or not, just remembered it's bowling night tomorrow. 

When we got to Wendy's in town, there was a truck taking some stoves out of the place. We tried to go in but they told us they were doing the drive-thru and the restaurant was closed. So, we decided to go to Sweet Inspirations in town. I got a really good hamburger - I was hunger for one! I could eat a hamburger every day!  Made my day! 

Came home. I did my sit ups and then my back board. I needed to do something for my back because I was having trouble with it last night. Back on Track. 

Then it was time to sit and enjoy TV. While Patrick watched "the bucket women" and his "As Time Go By," I listened to my book. "Summer Time Wine" was on after and I watched that. Haven't seen a lot of those. 

That gave me time to get back to my cross stitching. 

I figured out where I needed to get back to. I'm now back on track. I like working on this and thrilled I'm back on track - getting this right. Now I'm happy. It took me a couple days to want to get back to this, because I was afraid I would have to take more out - which I did but it wasn't a lot. I was okay with what I did have to take out. I'm just glad I'm Back on Track and was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 15, 2021

Reaction To The Flu Shot

 Yesterday I had a reaction to the flu shot, so I was under the weather all day long. I slept most of the day. My niece showed up and dropped of the 2 quilt tops for my brothers. I need to add their information in the bottom square. I'm thinking I will embroidery there name and date of service on it. After she left I headed back to bead. 

Patrick didn't have the reaction I did. Actually he went golfing today. Me, I stayed home and worked on recovering. I thought I was going great till......

I went downstairs and worked on my quilt top. I needed to get it done, and thought I could work on it while I waited for Debbie to get ahold of me. We were going to the quilt top today. At 1 pm I texted and told her I didn't think I would make it. So, we will be going Tuesday instead. UGH

I trimmed the enter border of blue, then sewed the sides on. Once that was done, I put the blue on the outer border. I thought it would be thinner but realized I needed more to do. Of course when I took the photo, Sophie was checking it out as well. I will take a better photo later. Patrick liked it. He should because he was the one that told me to do the borders on the inside. 

Once all that was done, I wasn't able to get around. So, I took a nap. Then it was time to relax and not plan on doing much the rest of the day. 

At least today I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


 This morning we were off to Olympia. I had a mamagram appointment. You know the one where they pinch your boobies. Well the good news was the machine is newer and I didn't have to be "pressed" more than 4 times. That actually made my day! Patrick had his blood tests and we were done at the same time. Then we went upstairs and got our Flu shot. 

It was time to head back to Centralia. We stopped at moms to close up her water system for her plants. Then we watched TV for a few. All because we were do for an eye appointment. We stopped at the carpet place first to get more samples - Patrick didn't like the ones I brought home. lol This time we did more browns. 

At the eye doctors, Patrick went in first. Then a mom with her daughter came in. Before I realized it, they went in  before me. So, I had to sit and wait till it was my turn. The gal came out and asked if I had already been tested, told her no. Then waited more. Patrick came out and we chatted before I was finally asked to go in. My eyes haven't changed much, so I decided not to get any lenses or glasses this time. I have another pair of glasses that will work for a while. I forgot to take my embroidery with me. So I wasn't able to work on embroidery today. 

Came home and played a few games. Got supper going (we stopped at Safeway). So, really wasn't in the mood to tackle the cross stitch. Just sitting here with Sophie and enjoying the day. And what a day! Unfortunately not a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Taking It Apart

This morning was Patrick's golf day. I enjoyed having time to myself. 

I started the day out with going to the carpet place to get more samples. Then I went to the credit union for a check to Lewis County Bowlers and lastly was to deposit money for the league. It made for a quick trip around town. 

Came home and got laundry done. Then I played a few games and watched my shows. 

 Something wasn't right, so I started taking this part out. Once I had that done, I put it back in..... It still wasn't coming out right. That is, the wolf wasn't coming out right. So, I started ripping out. I check the pattern and found the eye was in the wrong place.....UGH! Then I found more wrong on the right side of the wolf. 

More ripping needed to be done. What a pain! I found the mistake way up there!! I think now I'm back on track - unless I find I have to take out the stitches to the left of what I took out. I'll figure it out tomorrow. Took enough time taking it out. It didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 11, 2021

Day Of Embroidery With Friends

 This morning I was up and playing my weekend challenge before heading out the door. I was able to get the game done. I was out the door by 9:20 am. Headed to the bank, but they were closed because of Columbus Day. I had completely forgot about the holiday. Now a days they don't talk about holidays. One just comes up to the holiday and realizes they forgot about it. Then I headed over to get coffee and tea for Sandy and I. I gave her her gift for her Birthday. We were the first ones there. Then Sandy II showed up and Cindy followed behind her. Bev was the tail end. We had a really good meeting. I was awesome to see what Cindy was up to. 

I decided to work on Ruth's Farwell. 

I worked on the flowers first - which I had 4 done, but had to take out one because the colonial knot was wrapped around the petal. Then I worked on the greenery to finish up this part. I will work on the rest of it later. 

After the meeting, I headed to moms to pick up my niece's quilt and some cans for her. She's coming to see me on Thursday. Wanted to save her a trip. Then I headed to the bowling alley to pay for the Sunday Nite Mixed bowling. Once all that was done, I headed home. 

When I got home I worked on the USBC cards and got the money ready to get a Cashiers Check from the bank. Will either do it tomorrow or Wednesday. Time will tell. Once all that was done, I called it quits for crafts and things. Just wanted to relax. I'm just a little tired. So, I'm going to call it a day here pretty soon. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Bowling Night

 This morning I slept in - really slept in! I must have slept a good 10 to 11 hours. It felt good, but about 3 pm I wanted to take a nap! I would have if the neighbor hadn't showed up. lol 

We didn't do much today. I played a game - that one that challenges on the weekend. I did work on laundry since I had some from the trip and what we left behind. Sophie was glad we were back and she wanted to make sure we knew she was there. I sat with her most of the day between doing laundry and playing games. 

We headed to bowling. Being secretary is more than just doing the money. It's making sure the teams know the rules. I had one team that told me they wouldn't be here tonight. That was when they were just the 2 of them. They got a new team member last week. He came to bowl and he was able to get a sub. He didn't know they weren't going to be there this week. So, I had to explain to him that it was a good thing he had a sub, because he wouldn't have been able to bowl. Gave him the rules so he would understand. Then I had the bowling alley secretary mess up on one of my subs, and had to write her a note to fix it. Even with all that going on, I still bowled a 178, 157, and 200. Almost had a "clean" game but had one open. I did try! lol 

Got home and figured out all the money that was due where. It's all caught up now. I'm happy! I didn't do any crafts today, so it wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Back Home And Back To A Routine

 The last two days were between busy and not so much. Friday I wasn't feeling very good, so I stayed at Sues. Sue and Dad (he arrived Thursday evening) went to the Gun Show in Louisville to set up his guns and knives. He sells his stuff at the shows. While they were gone, Patrick and I enjoyed watching TV. We found she had "TMC" and enjoyed watching a movie. We started to watch another one, when the movie kept reloading. So, we called it quits on that one. We will probably get the "TMC" for extra on our TV. I would like to get rid of the cable and just stream everything. We stream 2 so far. 

After Dad and Sue came home, they turned around and headed out. They went to the "James Bond" movie. It was planned that we would get pizza, but they came back home late, so they ended up going to the movie straight away. I stayed behind and had a really good ham sandwich. It seemed to help my stomach! I ate before 6 pm and my headache went away. 

I had messages that the 2 quilts where done at Connie's. One message was saying they had another request for a quilt at the museum. So, I called Nancy and Debbie to see if they could get the quilts and request. Nancy was busy and Debbie said she would. I forgot they were behind us in time, so by the time I got went to bed, they had texted it was done. Also got a text from Debbie that she had 3 quilts ready to go to Connie. Connie's knee surgery is on the 14th, so we had to get her quilts over to her asap. I needed to cut batting and backing. - That would happen after I got home. 

We left yesterday at 4 am to get to the airport. We were a good hour early at the gate. Sue sat and chatted with us for awhile. She went through security faster than we did. We did not have priority this time, so we were in line for a good 10 mins. When we got out of the security area, we were looking for one of our bags. Then found it was at the station to be searched. Come to find out, the "rub" we bought for chicken was in question. It was sealed (think that helped), and it was in a bag. He told us, next time take it out of the bag. Once that was done, we were able to go to the gate. 

On the first flight, we were given snacks. It was a quick trip to Minn-St. Paul. We ended up with a 3 hour layover - couldn't get anything else. It was the only flight going out to Portland. On that flight we were asked what "meal" we wanted. I took a meat sandwich. It tasted alike dirt for the first couple bites. I was hoping they would give me a box of meat and crackers. They had a salad I could have gotten, but it had strawberries and that's not my favorite. Bet it was dried strawberries as well. The seats were awesome. I watched "Luca" on the screen. I started to watch an action movie and found that it made my queasy. "Luca" I really liked when I saw it the first time and enjoyed it this time as well. 

We arrived in Portland at noon. The flight was early. We were home and unpacking right away. The house is clean and we don't have to do any cleaning today. Sophie was being shy when we got home, but once she got going, she wanted a lot of attention. She was meowing at me when I was listening to my phone for messages. 

I went downstairs and cut the batting and backing for Debbie. She came about an hour later to pick it up. She's going to take it to Connie as soon as she has it all prepared. Debbie has 3 quilts done! She was really kicking butt for the group. I need to work on my quilt to get it done as well. 

Sophie slept between Patrick and I till about 2:30 when I got up. Must have slept for a good 10 hours last night. 

I was able to work on my embroidery while I was on the plane. 

  I started on the flowers. The leaves are double satin stitch. I did the satin stitch one way and went back and worked the other way. 

So, even though I was on vacation, I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Trip To The Ark

 Today we were up around 8:30 am. Thoss early mornings was getting to me.  We then headed toward Ohio to get to the Ark. It took about an hour and a half. Between walking and driving it makes for long days. Both Patrick and  Sue made me laugh over their directions.  Sue uses 3 different GPS's to go places. Way to much fun when it comes down o 2 different ways of going places. Kentucky has so many freeways I can see why she uses them! We just have I-5. 

We arrived at the Ark. Sue didn't want to pay $50 to get in so she stayed in her car. Patrick and I got in as Seniors - oh what fun! He got a military discount too. So we saved $30. 

This thing is huge! We went early enough that the crowds were low.

We took a ton of photos. 

To think of all the stuff they housed in this Ark.

Even with all this, they had room for gift shops and drink stations.  We toured 3 floors.  The 4th floor isn't done yet.

They showed how things might have been. 

After 2 hours of walking, we headed back. We stopped for lunch. Then back to Sue's.  Dad arrived from MI. He is doing the gun show this weekend.  

We then headed out to eat. Came back and I worked on my embroidery while we watched TV. 

Was able to get close to finishing this one. Need to adds couching stitches.  It felt good to sit and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

 This morning we were up bright and early to head to the Mammoth Caves. What we didn't do was time the central time zone with the eastern time zone right. No, we were not an hour late, we we were 3 hours earlier than needed to be. So we went to McDonald's and waited for a while in the truck. Then went into McDonald's and had lunch. 

When we finally needed to be at the caves, we were still an hour early.  Of course I had to shop. I waited till after we were done before I bought anything.

We headed down the cave. I don't like closed spaces or heights.  We started by going down 280 steps. By the time we were done,  it was 540 steps and 3/4ths a mile. 2 1/2 hours.

This was closer to the end.

We had 2 Rangers keep track of us.

This was one of the stopping points.

I made it climbing those steps even when my breathing was off. I made it past the small areas and was thankful that I am not fat because those wefe tight spots.

After a long day, we stopped at Mark's Feed Store for BBQ. It's worth going to. I loved their BBQ! They gave us a jar of sauce for being new there.  Plus a piece of pie.

Came back and listened to my book while Patrick and Sue watched 2012" on tv. I've seen it more than twice.

Not a day were I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Fun, Busy Day!

 This morning bright and early, we headed to Nashville were we walked the streets.  I picked a few things up on the way.

We stopped at the candy shop as well. Got dessert here. Then we headed to the Pickers shop. Not impressed! More of a tourist trap. Not even worth a photo.

We then headed to the cave. When we arrived they didn't have tours available.  So we checked out the shops. Then headed home. 

While watching "Black Widow " I  worked on my embroidery.  Now I am adding the white french knots. It has been fun to work on. I still have 2 more pieces to this. 

Traveling and embroidery,  who can ask for more?! Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 4, 2021

I'm Still Here lol

 Sorry. Saturday I had nothing to show. Sunday (yesterday) was cleaning the house. We were getting ready to have a clean house to come home to. Can you believe I actually put my stuff away?! No worries,  I will pull them out when I get back. 

Bowling was last night. What an awful night of bowling! We did get 2 games. My awful games were 138, 158, and 135. So much for a high average. I beat Patrick on the first one, then he kicked my butt.

Right after we headed down to Portland to send the night at the Hotel. Then 4 am we were up and out the door to the airport.  Patrick was saying the security line won't be long that early in the morning...... yeah right. Good thing we were early.  As we get started,  we realized we were first class and went through the shorter line. I was told to turn around and take my jacket off. I  ended up trying to get another basket and get that through.  When I was able to finally squeeze in, I was 5 people behind were I should have been. 

I worked on my embroidery between falling asleep and eating. 

We made it to Louisville KY. We headed to the crab shack. I really enjoyed that!

Then we walked the bridge that goes to IL. 

Really nice walk.

At least I  was able to be stitching today. Took a couple days! Now I am Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 1, 2021

My Friday Quilting

This morning I was out the door to moms. I took the pillow cases for Nancy. She's got us set up for a presentation on the 26th. That's the same day mom will be coming back from Las Vegas. We need to figure out if mom can get someone to pick her up or if I need to miss the presentation. 

I worked on my block. 

 I put the last petal on. Didn't get anything else done. I should have taken a photo, but didn't. I will show it after I add the next layer. 

We (Nancy, Carmen, Mom and I) went to see Kathleen (quilter). She had a question for mom and finished Nancy's quilt. She wanted to know how I wanted mine done. I told her to do what she thought would look nice. I think she will do an awesome job. I'm actually thinking of giving her another quilt top to work on. I have the flying geese one I did about 10 years ago. I was going to quilt it, but I think she can do a really good job on it. 

Came home and got 2 rows done on the beading. Need to get ready to go on our trip. Not sure what the next couple days will bring.  At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...