Sunday, October 24, 2021

Not One Of My Better Days

 This morning I couldn't get up .... and when I did, it was 10 am. So, my day was pretty much half gone!

I worked on laundry - but didn't get far, just one load. It was a day of being lazy. I played games and did do some cleaning but not a lot. 

I printed out the certificates for the QOV veterans who will be getting a quilt on Tuesday. I couldn't get the printer to work, so used the older one to get them printed. 

We had our virtual meeting at 4 pm. It's the embroidery meeting. I was able to spend an hour with everyone. We had 7 people this time. At least it was more than last time. We have it once a month. 

This is the one I worked on. The flowers to the right were done, and I started on the pistol stitches at the top. As much as I would love to say I got some work done, I can't. I did get some flowers done on the Blackberry Lane piece I'm working on. I didn't get a photo, but will add it. I only did a few pistol stitches on it, and wasn't happy with the work. The pistol stitches are loose. Oh, well. 

Then it was off to bowling - I bowled a 163, 148 and didn't get the last game. I will find out tomorrow. I have to go to the bowling alley anyway. 

It wasn't as much I would have liked to have done. I'm lazy today, so it didn't turn out to be a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

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