Saturday, October 30, 2021

Making Changes

This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. lol 

After getting moving, I played a few games then went downstairs to work on that quilt top. I ended up taking the 2 sides of the border out. Then I decided to add the red between what is done and the blue that I took out. I'm adding another piece in it's place. 

 This is a 2 1/2" piece added to the sides. I got the 2 sides done, and decided I would stop. Wasn't in the mood to fight this. I had to trim the piece once again. Then I added the borders. I used a walking foot to get this on. I was told that a walking foot works a lot better when putting the borders on. It did okay. Not sure if it really helped or not. I will know when this is over. 

I then brought up a quilt of mine that I did about 10 years ago. I'm going to have Kathleen quilt it for me. I saw an aqua color in the Connecting Threads catalog and thought it would work great. Since this quilt has all my dyed fabrics. Trouble though, they were out of it. So, I ordered a green instead. I hope it works out for me. We will see. I had to order 2 1/2 yards of 108" wide fabric. I will wash it and then have it ready to take over. 

It was time to take mom out to eat. We went to Dick's Brewers on old 99. First time we went. It was awesome! I guess Patrick said Diner's and Dives came to our area and filmed there and a couple other places I go to. So, I will have to find the episodes were they filmed their visits. Well worth going!

Now I'm going to sit and play. I'm tired of trying to get things done. So, today I'm more tired of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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