Monday, October 18, 2021

Another Double Day!

 This morning was Brazilian embroidery meeting day. I was happy to get back to embroidery for today. I had things to do before and after our meeting. We had an awesome meeting! David (Alice's son) came in to see us. I hadn't seen him for a long time and had to give him a hug! We chatted a good hour. Even Bev got in on chatting with him. They both knew the same friends. It was fun!

I like working on this piece. So, I finished the leaves on this (1/4) part. Then I put the leaves down on the side areas.

This part called for a darker green, but not the darkest green. 

I was happy with the work I was able to get done. 

On the way home, I had to stop at 4 more places. I did the stop at the bowling alley, then to the veggie store, Phil's and then the bank. It turned out great getting everything done. I bought some yellow potatoes at the veggie place, but didn't need the bag. I gave Phil most of the bag, since Patrick can't have potatoes unless they are soaked in water. 

I enjoyed watching TV with Patrick and working on my cross stitching. 

I have been working on the wolf. It's looking good. I'm happy with the way it's coming along. The stitches in the middle seem to be showing holes. I didn't notice that. I will check to make sure I didn't pull too tight. 

It made my day a double day of fun! I was defiantly having a day of Double fun!! That's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!  

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