Friday, September 29, 2023

Friday With Friends And Family

This morning I needed to get a few things ready for mom. I had a list of stuff that needed to be done. First I had to go get gas. I went over to Love's because I had the "Up" app that saves me money. I got over there and it was busy. I finally got to the gas tank and as I was filling my tank, something went weird and the station stopped pumping gas. It only put 7 gallons in the car and wouldn't continue. So, I tried again on the same station. Nope, nothing would register. I decided to go to another tank and pump there. I did and it filled up 4 more gallons. I didn't know what happened, but it drives me crazy when stuff like that happens and I stand there looking like an idiot. 

Next stop was moms. I got on the freeway to get to moms and a car was on my tail! I was going a little over the speed limit but that wasn't fast enough for the car behind. It took me 5 miles to get him off my tail. UGH. 

Got to moms and was one of the first. I took the scraps I had. Mom was working on a couple spots on the quilt that were darker. She washed 2 of the 3 with soap and water. That fixed the problem. Bob will pick it up after Monday. She had to show everyone the quilt before he could take it. 

One can see how big this quilt is. 116"x116" for a queen size bed. Actually, would fit on a king too. I worked on my butterfly while I was there. 

This one is done. I just need to work on the next 2. I used 2 strands of thread. I didn't want to do it with one because DMC isn't very strong when it comes to using 1 strand. I will trim it and put it on the piece after it's done. I still have 2 more butterflies to work on. 

 We had lunch and I realized I needed to get going. So, I rush out to go to the vets for Zeva's medication. I dropped that off at Phil's. 

I headed home where Patrick was waiting. We went up north past Olympia to the BBQ place. We hadn't been there in a couple years even though it felt less than that. I got a sandwich (BBQ) and Patrick got the ribs. He really liked the ribs. We ended up bringing stuff home because it was way to much. 

We then went to the casino and spend a couple of hours. We lost money but the whole idea was to enjoy ourselves. We didn't worry to much about the money. Since we really don't do much, this was entertainment for us. 

Came home around 7 pm and watched TV. I listened to my book and worked on the binding of the quilt. I am now down to the last side of the quilt. I will finish it this weekend. Even though I plan to work on a couple quilt tops. That will keep me busy and Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, September 28, 2023

Helping Mom With Her Finished Quilt

 This morning I was running a little slow. I didn't want to get up but I did. Then I had to get moving to moms. Stopped at Phil's to give him more veggies. Then I went to Dutch Brothers for Chai tea for both mom and me. 

When I arrived we worked on getting the table set up for the quilt. Then we cleaned the floor so that there wasn't any dirt. The last thing we needed to do was clean the quilt and have it get dirty again by the floor. We worked on a couple blood spots on the quilt. Mom had some peanut butter spots as well. So, we cleaned that up as well. It went pretty well. 

She had it out on the chair when I arrived. It's finally finished. We figured it out, it took a year to get this done. 

The table worked out. It was big enough to work on. We cleaned up the spots that needed it and now it's ready for Bob to pick up. He came over today after I left. Mom and him were happy. Mom told him he couldn't take it today because she wanted to show it off. Bob said they got word today that his wife's father has stage 3 or 4 cancer. Not sure which one. So, his wife was on her way to Portland and he was going to follow. He told her he would know on Monday when he will come and get it or what he will do to give it to her. 

I came home. I was done. I played on my tablet and worked on binding the quilt. 

I was able to get a side done. I wasn't trying real hard to get this done. I need to be in the mood, but lately I'm not. I told Patrick I needed his help this weekend to get 2 quilt tops done. I need to get the one for Smiley's friend and this one needs to be done by next week. I brought home 2 more quilts that need the label on them. Patrick said he will help me this weekend. He thought I could do it tomorrow but told him it's quilting at moms tomorrow. I need to be home early so I can go out to eat with him up in Olympia. Tomorrow is Hildi's last day with all of us. We will miss her! I will miss her. She and I had some good disagreements and still came out friends. 

At least I found time today to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

A Lot Going On Today

 This morning I had to be up and ready for my 10:30 am class. I was up and ready by the time I had to sign in on zoom. 

Loretta went over what I needed to know about the class. I am a fast learner and she really didn't have to show me what to do. We talked about the butterflies and I figured it out. We talked about the teaching class and she helped me with that as well. It was all of a half hour. I do what to get this done. I have to go to moms tomorrow, so may end up finishing it on Friday with the quilt group. 

I called the Bartlet store in town as I was given his information for possible donations. He asked me to come over and I did. I was there at 12:30 and ended up waiting about 20 mins before the one came in. He showed me upstairs and where the sewing stuff was. He couldn't find the threads, and when his mom came up, she said she sold them yesterday. He said he was sorry, he didn't know that. We chatted awhile since I didn't have to be at my massage therapy till 1:45 pm, I headed to the car wash. Even though it's been raining for the last 2 days. I washed the car and then got myself a Chai tea. It was about time to go to the massage therapy when I realized I was still a good 15 mins early. I sat in the car and worked on the butterfly. 

After all that I came home and pretty much decided I wanted to play games. I didn't get any work done. I didn't work on getting the binding done. I didn't work on my cross stitching. I didn't work on my beading. I just didn't do ANYTHING! I hate it when I get like that. 

Debbie is on her cruise and I got a message from her about QOV. That girl is supposed to be having fun and she's texting me about QOV! Too funny!! At least she's still doing something. I'm not even Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 25, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery & Funeral......

This morning I was up early and out the door before 8:15 am. It was Brazilian embroidery meeting day. They were really sweet and said they would start an hour early for me because I had the funeral to go to at 11 am. 

I arrived a little early to find Cindy and Gerilyn waiting to get started. Sandy came in just after that. Sandy won't be there for the next 2 weeks. Her husband surprised her with a weekend at the beach next week and then she is going back to Canada to see her sisters. 

Gerilyn was asking how to start her embroidery. I showed her what I was working on class wise. We told her about the virtual classes and she seemed interested. We may get another member yet. I helped her with getting her piece started. I showed her the greens I had and told her to use them. They were from Ruth's Farewell piece and I just hadn't put them away yet. I didn't take the boxes of floss that belonged to the group because I had the funeral to go to. I will take them next week. I worked on my butterfly piece. 

  As you can tell, I only got about 4 colonial knots in. I worked on the yellow butterfly. I have half of it couched and will try and finish it tomorrow. 

I was able to put an hour and a half in at our meeting. I left everyone around 10:45 am. I had called mom to see if I had the right church or not. I did. I told her I would see her in "45 mins" when I called her at 10 am. She said okay but she was going to get Ethel at 10:50 am. I wondered about that, but let it go. Then when I arrived at the church, mom wasn't there, but Nancy and Carmin were. I asked why mom wasn't with them since they were going together. They told me that mom thought it started at 11:30 am and they told her to go get Ethel. So, of course, mom was 10 mins late. Which was okay because it ran a few minutes late. I was shocked and glad to see most of my group from QOV. They were there. We filled up two tables. It felt good to know we had a group that cared about our people. 

The service was a "celebration of life" for Chuck. They had shown some photos of him with the Amateur Emergency Radio Service for Lewis County. I noticed Stacy Denham also knew Chuck. I will have to go to the police station in Centralia and see if he has guys that served in the military.  When Hildi's daughter stood up and talked about Chuck (step father), I had tears going down my face. That was hard. Hildi came and ate lunch with us and we had a good chat. She might come on Friday to say her goodbye's. Her stuff is packed and ready to go. She said she's leaving on Oct 14th. I will miss her!

I came home and got busy working on pretzels. I had my sour dough that was fresh and wanted to make the pretzels. They turned out better than any others I have made. So, I'm going to add that to my recipes and do more in the future. We had that for supper with some cheese. I changed to butter. Melted cheese is a bit much for me. 

I took the rest of the day off. I sat and played games. I THOUGHT about working on the 2 quilts I have. I THOUGHT about my cross stitch, and I THOUGHT about my beading. But then thinking about it and doing something about it is 2 different things! Which tells you, I didn't do a darn thing!

Okay, I was looking at my photos and realized I didn't show the kit that was cross stitch that Hildi gave me. 

It's different. I don't know if I will do it or not. I have 2 others that will get done before I even think about this one - Oh, ouch, there I go again, thinking. Anyway, my next cross stitch pieces will be the seasonal cats that go with the 2 on the wall now. Maybe that will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Class And BE Meeting Day

 Today started out early, only because Patrick rolled over in my side of the bed so I couldn't go back to sleep. That actually worked out okay. 

I played my games in the morning. Once Patrick was up, I got ready and then did my exercises. When 11 am arrived, I was out the door to walk with Ron. I told him I wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. I have the funeral to attend at 11 am. Plus the group decided to meet early tomorrow morning. We will start at 9 am. So, I need to be ready earlier than normal. 

Before I headed out to walk with Ron, I got my stuff ready to make pumpkin bars for tomorrow. When I came back in, I started making them. Put them in the oven before I had to get to the computer to be in my class. I was learning how to do virtual classes for BE. It will work as well with my YouTube channel. I may have to buy myself a camera to be able to do that. 

After class I got busy with making the cream cheese frosting. Patrick put it on the cake. 

Of course, Patrick had to have some. It's on a sheet cake pan. 

When 4 pm arrived, I was back on the computer for the virtual group meeting. Sandy came in a little later. She was in the class that Sandy V. was doing. I worked on my butterfly piece. I need to get it ready for Wednesday. I will finish wiring the butterflies tomorrow. 

I have the yellow butterfly half done with wires. One can tell the other 2 are done. I'm trying to get the curves but don't know if I can. I want to see what couching will do and then I can be done. It's going to be interesting. Not sure how the butterflies are attached since I used all the wire she gave us. Our meeting ended around 6 pm. Just 2 hours. Two of the gals had to leave early and then it was just Sandy, Judy and myself. Judy decided to call it a night. She's in WI, so I didn't blame her. It felt good to be able to stay the whole time. Once I get started, I tend to want to stay and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 23, 2023

A Rainy, Quiet Saturday

 This morning I was up before Patrick. Lately I'm the one that sleeps in longer than the other. We have a deal, last one out of bed makes it! lol I made it all week and was glad he was finally able to make it. lol 

We talked about repotting the plants I got from Hildi. The decision was that after I go on my walk, we would repot the plants. I walked with Ron and then made lunch. I wanted a grill cheese sandwich. It didn't start raining till after I got in the house. 

Then it was out to the garage and work on planting 4 plants. I had a spider plant that Hildi gave me and we repotted a rubber plant, spider plant, and a couple others I don't know the name to. One of the plants she had, was just sitting in water over the last 5 years. So, I decided to keep it in water and will add the plant food once in awhile. That one is in a big heavy glass jar. Easy to tell if it needs water. 

Then I came in to watch TV with Patrick. We watched the Disney movie "Emotions." It was really good! I loved that movie. Funny too. While we were enjoying the movie, I worked on my embroidery. 

I was able to finish the leaves and finish up the first flower. I have 2 more flowers that are made of colonial knots. I started the second one. It's a lot prettier than I thought it would be. 

After supper, Patrick said I could go downstairs and work on the quilt. I had mentioned it earlier when he wanted to watch the movie. So, I took him up on the offer to go downstairs. I finished the book on audio that I was listening to and I finished sewing the blocks together. 

Now I need to put the border on it and it will be done and ready to go to the quilters. I may put this one at the church. I will have to think on that. They have one quilt now I think. I also need to finish the binding on the 2 quilts I have here. After I finished, I came up and played on the tablets. 

I talked about the kits I got from Hildi and decided to show them to you. This one is needlepoint, one of my favorite crafts! 

This is also needlepoint. I like them both. I plan to do one after I get the cross stitch done. Fingers crossed I can get to work on that. I still need to work on the ornaments. I have 2 more to do. 

It rained all afternoon. Good thing we didn't go out to eat like we planned. Instead, I seem to be dreaming of getting back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Starting To Say Goodbye To A Friend

 Today I was up early. I wanted to get my cleaning done before I walked with Ron. Then I wanted to get the 3 quilts squared up to take to mom. As I was finishing my last lap around the block, Patrick came home. I got some lunch and headed out. 

First stop was to get a cake/pie at Safeway for Hildi. Then I stopped to get my Chai Tea at Dutch Brothers. Once that was done, I headed to moms. Nancy picked us up at moms. Then we headed out to Hildi's. She wanted us to see if we wanted anything she was trying to get rid of before the big move. We took all her red and blue fabric. I have 2 bags downstairs waiting for me to go through and put it in my nice, organized bookshelf. And I just organized it yesterday! Oh, well. 

We arrived at Hildi's and there were a lot of trucks and cars there. They were from the Lewis County emergency ham radio group. They were helping Hildi get rid of Chuck's stuff. He had everything marked to go to his friends. There were names on items. Now they are trying to find someone to take down the tower he had at his shed. 

Nancy and I looked at her kits. She had a lot that I would have loved to work on, but I have more kits of cross stitch then I need. I did get a couple of her kits that were needlepoint. My favorite form of handwork. I may start one before too long - UGH ANOTHER PROJECT!! I did behave and didn't take the bucket. She said she was getting rid of some of her plants and I said I would take them. I brought 4 plants home. I need to repot 2 of them and will do that tomorrow. One is a spider plant and I was always good at raising those. I hope it will work well here in the house. I may need to bring it in the computer room. 

I decided I needed to get this quilt done that Debbie quilted. It turned out pretty good. It's needed for the next presentation, so I want it done as soon as possible. Hildi gave me my quilt that she didn't get finished with the binding. I will finish that as well. I took 3 quilts to moms but Nancy said she would do those. Once the binding is done, I may grab one to work on. I think right now, I would rather put the bindings on then sew a quilt together. 

When we got back to moms I noticed my phone (wallet) was missing. I called it and Hildi called mom back to say it was there. Mom and I went back to pick it up. Hildi gave me another plant she had (the spider plant) and then we came back home. It was 5 pm before I got home. It would have been sooner but I had to retrieve my wallet. UGH It's going to be hard to say goodbye to Hildi, she's a good friend!

When I got home I made supper and then called the day over. I didn't feel like doing much but play games on the tablets. 

At least, today, I was able to put a few stitches on the bind and call it Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Honoring Veterans Today

 This morning I was up and getting a few things done. I needed to get the speech done for mom. Hildi wasn't coming to the presentation. She's actually getting ready to move to Delaware.

I headed over to the museum early. I had a few things I needed to do before going. I dropped off veggies to my son, Phil. Once that was done, I went on to the museum. Debbie was shortly behind me. We got the quilts upstairs and started getting things started. I was reminded that I shouldn't leave new people hanging. If I did, then they wouldn't become members. I had a couple people tell me they almost didn't join because they didn't get the contact they needed. That was on me. I didn't call and make sure they were welcome and explain what we do. I did go to one of the gals that offered to quilt on quilts. I told her I'm all over the place. I don't mean to ignore anyone, but when it comes to our presentations my mind is on just that. I did tell her of our meeting in December. 

The veteran that didn't make it at the last presentation, didn't show for this one either. 

So instead of 9 veterans we had 8 veterans honored. They were Bill Hess, Ron Ziese, Al Denison, Dean Grefthen, Frank Kerwin, Carl Ganschow, Terry Lowery, and John Jensen. All the quilts where the challenge quilts that we worked on. 

It was such an honor. I had to cancel one of our presentations next month because we are running out of quilts. I need to get some more done. 

Smiley asked if we would have this panel quilt done in time for her pastor who is a veteran. We are honoring him on a Saturday next month - I think. I hope it's not the 5th of October. 

Debbie is going on a cruise (I hope!) Sunday. So, I will need to work on this. I took some of the blocks her sister in law worked on. I'm thinking of how I will do this. Debbie is going to bring that fabric we bought for this quilt. I will see what I can do with it. I need to get it done asap. I will check with Carol on when the pastor is scheduled. 

That is about all I did today to be any where near being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cleaning Up My Mess

 This morning I enjoyed time to myself before heading out to walk with Ron. My day goes fast when I'm walking with him. 

Patrick came home after golfing which was when I finished walking. He went out to get some veggies for Phil tomorrow. I will be dropping stuff off with him. 

I was doing the certificates downstairs when I realized that room was a mess. I really hate going into a room that is a mess - when it comes to my crafts. I start worrying more about cleaning it up then I do working on my stuff. I did notice the quilt on the floor in the other room but decided to clean the mess instead. 

Things get out of hand with me sometimes. I keep thinking I will fix it next time I go down, and I don't. I need to be better at keeping this area clean. 

A mess is a mess!

So, I spent a couple of hours organizing this mess. And working on the certificates for tomorrow. 

This looks a lot better than it did. I wanted to keep the colors together and since a lot of the fabric was already folded nicely, I didn't have too much trouble with the folding. 

I turned out a lot better. I put the bolts of fabric on the table. I have the box down below full of "scraps" or small pieces that I can cut into squares. I will work on that later, or I may take it to mom and have her cut them up. She usually likes doing that. 

When I finally finished up, I looked for Sophie. I couldn't find her and she wasn't answering me. So, I went down to get my paper of the list of names, I looked into Katt's room and found this. Under that quilt was Sophie. She hasn't done that for awhile. I had to take a photo and show Patrick. When she came up meowing because I left her, Patrick asked her if she straightened the bed up. Of course she didn't dignify that with a reply, just kept walking. 

That was my extent of being anywhere near Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

What To Do, What To Do

This morning Patrick was up early and out the door for golf. I slept another hour and then decided I better get up. 

Once I was up I couldn't think of what to do. I knew I was walking with Ron at 11 am. So, I played my games and worked on some laundry. Then I wondered again if I had time to go downstairs to work on the quilt. Nope, 45 mins isn't enough time. 

After walking with Ron, I came in and Patrick was right behind me. Patrick asked when I was going to Debbie's. I told him, when she tells me she's home. What to do....what to do. Made phone calls to Kansas about getting my great grandmother's divorce records. I was passed around a couple times. Since the divorce was in 1927 about, they didn't have the records at the court house. Okay, need to try something else. They gave me another number for the Genealogy Society or so she thought. I was back at the court house in another area. They wanted me to go back to the call just before. Then she told me to check online at the Topeka and Shawnee Public Library. They have a lot of information on Kansas. I went online and send an email to see if I could get some information. It will probably take awhile before I hear back. 

Then it was back to...what to do. I pulled the 2 quilts out of their bags and put labels on the back. 

This is Connie's and it turned out pretty good. I like the colors. 

I started to work on the next one when Debbie texted that she would be home in 15 mins. I headed over there and we worked on the quilt she is making for her brother. It's a quilt that has some of his wife's clothing. (Remember - she passed away in March). She needed some help on putting a piece of clothing in the quilt. We talked about what to do. Then we talked about QOV and worked on getting the information correct. I need to call Kathleen's hubby to see if he can help with one of the veterans. 

Came back home and worked on my quilt. 

This one is now done. Patrick thought this was the one he worked on but I think it's another one. My quilts are still out there, so hard to say. I may do a couple more of these since they are quick and easy. I will see what fabrics I can use for that. Or just cut 5" squares and go from there. This is going to the museum on Thursday. 

Even though I had no clue what I wanted to do, I found I could still be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 18, 2023

Working On My Class Piece

 This morning I had an appointment in Olympia at 10:30 am. I told Ron I would walk after I got back home, around 1 pm. 

Patrick and I were early to the appointment. I was surprised they wanted me 30 minutes early. We left early in case of traffic, which was very little. So, we stopped at Fred Meyers to pick up an onion for supper. Then we drove around Tumwater because the freeway entrance was blocked due to construction.  Even with all that I was about 40 minutes early. I went to the restroom and just sat down when they called me in. I chatted with the doctor and then waited for the paperwork to be done. I was out of there by 10:30 am. My appointment time.

We headed back home and stopped at moms to give her some grape jelly that Patrick made. I picked up 2 quilts to have labels on them. Then we came home and picked up a few things for Phil. Headed back in town to give him his grape jelly and something else. 

Once we got home, Ron and I walked. Then I worked on supper. Once that was done, I pulled out my embroidery and worked on my class piece. 

I finished the last stem in the Fred Meyer parking lot while waiting on Patrick. Then I worked on the leaves while watching TV tonight. I'm happy with the leaves. I have the top 4 to do and then I will finish the flower. It has to come down a little more. Every little bit helps. 

Connie called asking if we had any quilts that needed to be quilted. She found another quilter for us. She's been working on that. I will let Debbie know tomorrow when I go over to see her. I really need to go downstairs and finish that quilt on the flower with Georgie's blocks. We'll see what I do tomorrow. Patrick will be golfing in the morning. I usually play games and walk in the morning. My afternoon will be at Debbie's so not sure if I can work on the quilt tomorrow. Maybe Wednesday. 

At least I'm getting better about working on my stuff. I was thinking about starting to do the applique work on my Hawaiian quilt, but I have a few things that need to get done first. That is a big mess for me! But then again, it keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 17, 2023

No More Bowling

 This morning I was thinking it was Monday. Oh, well. Guess when you don't do much, you lose track of the days. 

I walked with Ron this morning and we meet up with a guy who's staying with his daughter (next to us). He was out walking. Said he was her till Tuesday. Guess she's about my age. 

Came back in and Patrick was busy with his grapes. He made several jars of grape jelly. 

I started laundry and then watched the Seahawks. We were pretty lucky to get the touch down to win! I had my Seahawks shirt on, so of course that helped! lol 

Since Patrick turned the TV to his radio channel, I decided to do some work on the family history. Victoria called me today. She wanted to know if I had some more photos of her. I told her I would look and send them to her. I think I have a couple. Her daughter asked for them and I mailed them to her in Spokane. I guess she won't give the photos to her mother. Really not sure why. They actually belong to her. I worked on one of my side's family and then I worked on Patrick's. I did find a couple more people going back. Ancestry doesn't have as much new stuff as I was hoping. I did find that some people went back father, but I didn't see the proof, so I'm waiting on that before I got back any further. 

I need to check with Loretta to see when we can work on the butterflies for this pattern. I will try and send her an email this week. I worked on the flower. I still have a little farther to go. I may end up using one of the colors I asked Debbie for. We will see. 

I was going to work on the leaves till I realized I still need to do 2 more stems. I worked on the second one before I called it done. I will try and finish up the leaves before I get back with Loretta on the butterflies. I should have worked on this more but for some reason, just not in the mood. 

When I woke this morning, I was thinking I had to get moving to the doctors in Olympia.....then realized it was Sunday. Yesterday I was talking about what I needed to do "tomorrow" when it was actually Monday that I needed to work on. My mind is scattered. I just home this week I can remember what the heck I am doing! UGH

Patrick and I found that we are not missing bowling. I don't even think twice about having to go bowling. I'm sorry to say, but I don't miss it at all. 

At least when I was working on my embroidery, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Interesting Two Days....Sort Of..

 I didn't post yesterday because there really wasn't much to post. I worked at the garage sale yesterday all day. Cindy and I were trying to sell some stuff. We didn't get much sold, but then I thought we would do better today. I stopped and picked up KFC on the way home. Then I sat and enjoyed my time with Patrick. Wasn't in the mood to do anything. I was a little miffed at myself for not taking my embroidery with me. 

My distant cousin (Forest Matheson's grandson) called me from prison. He's in CA prison but we have been keeping up with each other on the family history. We chatted yesterday on the phone. He had to call me twice since our "time" was up. Plus it kept telling me it was being recorded. I didn't mind since we were chatting about family history. He found some family members in Texas, I believe. 

So, that was yesterday. 

Today I was up and working on my exercises then took my walk around 11 am. Before I went walking I decided to clean the kitchen and get the dishwasher unloaded. I also worked on the kitty litter. Once that was done, I worked on Cindy's embroidery piece. She was upset because it bled. I washed it yesterday and overnight. Then I rinsed it and put it out to be blocked. 

The red that is used on the crab and the fishing hook bled. There was some purple that did as well. So, I used the OxiClean to clean it. It worked great. Patrick got me a foam board to do the blocking on. I love how she finished this. I will give it to her next week, since I have a doctors appointment on Monday. 

While I was doing that, I texted her with no reply. Then I texted Alice to see if she was there. There was a big issue that made Cindy call it quits and leave. She does like to be "a drama queen" at times. So I called Alice and she called me back later. There was a gal that came in and moved stuff off our tables. She told Cindy she paid to be there on Saturday. Alice was trying to get it straightened out when Cindy packed up and left. Alice was more upset with the gal that came in. She didn't know her and she didn't have her listed to be there. She just wanted to sell her plants on Saturday and Alice knew about it according to this lady. Poor Alice, she was ticked that this lady pushed her way in and was very bossy. You can bet she won't be coming back. 

Patrick and I went to the Agatha Christy movie. It was really good. I jumped out of my seat at one point. I did like the movie. I saw a trailer of another movie I want to see too. It should be fun!

After the movie we headed to Sunbirds to pick up some more canning jars. He's making grape jelly. He cooked the grapes today and they are ready. He filled the jars we had but needed more. Then we got the car washed. Another stop was to Safeway to pick up a few things we needed. When we got home, our supper was ready in the crockpot. 

I didn't work on anything else. I wanted to work on my game that will be finished in a couple of days. I like challenges but they do take time to play them. So, I guess since I worked on Cindy's "Claudia the Crab" piece, I can fudge saying I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Class Day....What Fun!

 Today I was doing the usual in the morning. Around 11 am Ron was out walking. I ran out to meet up with him. He thought I was not going to walk today. Told him that was tomorrow. So, we walked. Then came in the house and got ready for my Brazilian embroidery class with Loretta Holtzburger. 

First things first. We had to put a stem stitch on so that we could work with the flower. This is done with colonial knots. I was able to get that much done. I have about 1/4 of it done. I also need to fill in the flower more. Or is it fill out the flower more? Anyway, it needs to be a little fatter. I will work on it. This is done with "B" thread. I can't spell it so will try and find out how to type it next time. Sorry. Once the stem is done, then we worked down towards the leaves. I have 3 sets of stems to do and the flower that goes on it. It's fun to do but time consuming. 

We then put the wire on the first butterfly. It didn't come out right in the photo. The top is a shiny fabric, and this is supposed to be blue. I added the wire to the butterfly and have 2 more to do. There is a blue one, yellow one and an orange one. I thought we were doing all the work with floss but we are not. The background is the butterflies. This will be fun. We finished up then. I have to get with Loretta to get another lesson in next week because I won't be able to attend the last class. 

Since I didn't take a photo yesterday of the beads I got in, I decided to post them today. 

Fall color beads. I think I have a few of them already and will just add to them. 

After my class, Patrick and I went out to the casino and then out to eat. We spend a couple of hours at the casino. He was so nice; he took me to a hamburger place. lol - Like I said, I can eat a hamburger every day and not get tired of it. 

I even finished my puzzle today. 

It turned out fast and easy. lol 

At least my day was fun and exciting. I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Another Day At Home

 This week is working out for me....or not. I decided to enjoy the day. Patrick went golfing and I slept in a little. After I got up, did the usual. Then at 11 am I headed out the door to meet with Ron. We walked the loops. It takes us about an hour to do the walking. I can do it in about 35 mins when it's just me. I'm okay with that. My hip doesn't like it sometimes, but he feels better after. 

I received my monthly beads today. I will have to work on putting them away. I also need to get started on the next ornament. I would like to work on Sophie but can't right now. 

I spend the afternoon working on my family history. Then I found a mistake on who I thought was the parents (8th great grandparents). So, I decided to delete what I put in there and fix what I got wrong. I have been finding mistakes that need fixing. I wish I would have paid attention better. I still have more to delete since I went through the families and added to them. Now I will get back to where I need to be and move on. 

After I deleted about 30 names, I decided to call it done. So, I pulled out my puzzle to work on. 

I have gotten a lot done between yesterday and today. I like this puzzle. It's fun to work on. There are a couple places I'm not sure about but once I add around them, it will make more sense to place a piece there. 

So, I really wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

It's A Tuesday.....I'm Getting Back To Normal

 This morning we slept in. Then I got my exercise in and Ron called. He said it was going to rain around noon and wanted to go early before that. We decided on 10 am instead of 11 am. I was okay with that. We met up with Judy and chatted on the way back this direction. She only loops once. 

Afterwards I came back in and did my 5 mins on my stomach. 

Of course Sophie wanted her attention. This is the first time she climbed up on my back. She usually give me crap while I'm doing the other floor exercises. She wouldn't look at Patrick! When she did, he got this attitude from her. 

Once that was done, I worked on the sourdough bread I was making. It turned out really good. Even cut it into 2 peices. While I let it rise, I went downstairs to work on cutting backing and batting for the 2 quilts we received at the last presentation. I had that done and washing the backing. Then I went back down to work on the blocks that Georgie did for us. 

I had to square them up. I found that they didn't make it to 12 1/2 inches unfinished. So, I had to cut them down to 12" unfinished. Once I had that size, I could to the rest. 

I also had to square up the stairs. They were a lot bigger. I cut them down to 12 1/2 inches unfinished and then retrimmed them to 12" unfinished. That way it was easier to keep the star in the middle. Once all that was done, I layed the blocks on the floor. 

I then sewed the first two rows up. I gave it up after that. I was tired of having to square them up and I decided to come upstairs to do the puzzle. I got a lot done but didn't take the photo. I'll show it tomorrow. I am enjoying that more right now. 

I'm starting to get back to normal and find things to work on. Not that I don't have things to work on. I'm just happy I was doing something today. That's what keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 11, 2023

Starting A New Week

 This week is going to be a little quieter than usual. I started out with my exercises and then headed to the Grange to meet for Brazilian embroidery. I took 3 boxes full of stuff for the garage sale they have at the grange this weekend. We went through some of it and pre-priced them. We need some stickers to mark them with. 

I really wasn't in the mood to do any embroidery. We did have a new person show up and Sandy V came from Ocean Shores. Sandy worked with the new gal. While Cindy and I went through the boxes to get the high priced stuff out there. We will drop prices as it goes on. Cindy is excited about the garage sale. I'm going to go help her on Friday when it starts up. I told her if she needs more help to call me and I'd come and help. The garage sale is Friday and Saturday. 

I came home thinking I was forgetting stuff. Really wasn't. I just dropped stuff off and didn't need to bring it home. Patrick was watched the old movie "Midway" when I got home. So, I went for a walk. Ron was tired from his sleep test last night. He said he only got 3 hours of sleep last night. He wasn't feeling up to walking. So, I walked without him. He will be leaving for California later this month. 

I really wasn't in the mood to work on anything. I need to get the quilt downstairs together and I need to cut some backing and batting. I will try and do that tomorrow. 

I worked on my puzzle instead. I started it after supper and got quiet a bit done. I do like working on this. Slow and steady. I was finding pieces as I was shacking up the pieces. It's fun. I had been thinking of doing another puzzle but kept putting it off. Then Patrick bought this for me and I had to work on it. 

I started working on my sourdough bread. Hoping to have it tomorrow. Not sure what with. 

Mom is going to need me to come over one of these days. She wants me to help her with the border. Not sure when though. 

It wasn't a day for me to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

A Nothing Day!

 Today is Sunday. A day that I didn't feel like doing anything. Not that I didn't want to do anything but a day where I couldn't make up my mind! I wanted to bead, then I wanted to do cross stitch and then I wanted to work on a puzzle. I knew I should go downstairs and work on a quilt top, but just wasn't there. 

So my day started out with cleaning up. Got the litter box done and then I worked on the kitchen. Once all that was done then I got laundry going. We were trying to figure out the washer because it kept saying the H2O was needed. We tried a couple things to fix it, and I think we finally got it working. I was able to do 2 more loads without it stopping on me. 

My morning is usually gone after I have done my exercises and walking. So, by the time I get back in the house, I'm hot and tired. I have to get my breath before I can even think of what I want to do. 

I finally pulled out my puzzle box and started working on it. It's a 500 piece puzzle that Patrick got for me at Costco the other day. I usually do bigger puzzles but I liked this design the best. 

I have a feeling it won't take long. I was able to get all this done in a short amount of time. We'll see how many days it takes. 

I have been playing my games as well. So, I pretty much did nothing all day. Not even trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, September 9, 2023

QOV Presentation Day!

 I slept in today. I was more surprised to find Patrick up early this morning and I didn't hear him. Usually, I wake up when he gets up, but not this morning. I finished my wavy flag bracelet but I gave it to Debbie. She said the other one was too big for her. I told her to bring back the first one I made. Then I sent a text a little bit ago to see if she would send me a photo, since I didn't take one. 

I took the 3 quilts that I had done to the museum. Debbie called me to say they didn't have us scheduled for a presentation. At least it wasn't a problem with them because they didn't have anything going on. We weren't told they did that. Then I checked on the other days to see if we were still scheduled. There was an issue with one of the days. They had a meeting that paid for upstairs, so we will just be downstairs, not that big of a deal. Then in October they took us off the schedule without telling me. I let her know that that will be an issue if we don't have that day. We are really trying to get our veterans done. We have 60 veterans on the list right now and Debbie has about 5 more to do. So, back to 65 veterans. We will only be able to do about 36 more before we take our break in November. So, 30 will have to wait till next year. 

We honored 10 veterans today. Missing someone in here. 

This one shows all 10. The guy at this end works for FedEx but lives up north. He was a kick!

Veterans we gave quilts to are: Andrew Kortz (4th in), Bobby Hamil (not sure), Nick Gibbon (not sure), Fallon Frizzell (gal in the middle), Dustin Backwell (not sure), Barry Nelson (guy in the green at the end), Erskine Johnson (not sure), Daniel Wade (last one), Leon Price (not sure) Larry Hanna (one in the middle to the left of Fallon). 

Had a great time with all. 

Came home and did a few things I needed to do with QOV. I had paperwork to do. I have to rewrite our information that mom gives after me. 

Then I took the rest of the day and relaxed. I always get beat when I do these presentations. They are fun, but for some reason they take a lot out of me. I have Connie her stuff then I gave mom the quilt that I squared up. I told her I would square up the quilts before they get to her. Nancy and mom can sew the binding on and I will make sure the quilts are ready for them. It's more work for me. I think they were trying to get out of sewing the bindings down, but I need someone else to do that. 

My day was busy and full. I can't say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Enjoying Friday

 This morning Ron and I went walking at 11 am. I got back in the house before Patrick arrived from golfing. We decided to go out to eat in Olympia and he said to be ready by 3 pm. 

I watched "Finding your Roots" while working the bracelet. I can't remember how I finished it. So, I cut out what I did and will watch the YouTube to see what I did wrong. I also asked Patrick to take the ring off the QOV charm. I need to do that as well. Then I forgot to finish it today. Guess I will have to do that tomorrow. 

I brought up the blocks that Georgie has been working on and we were trying to decide what we wanted to do with the quilt. 

Patrick did this first. Then we went out to eat. He said, "I'm not done with this so don't pick it up."

Went to Olympia at Outback to eat. I had a burger and Patrick decided on soup and dessert. I brought half my burger home. Then I helped him with his dessert. lol 

While I was working on Chocolate Chip Date Cake for Patrick, he changed his mind on the quilt. He decided on this. My next steps are to square them up and sew them together. It's going to take some work, but I will get it done. I will have to find time on Sunday to finish this up. I did like what he did the first time, but he liked this better. It's fun to see him on the floor trying to change things. He does have a very good eye for this. Plus, he's helped me over the years to decide on what I needed to add or take away from a quilt. I can be thankful that he has some interest in what I do. It makes it easier to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Got To Stay Home Today

 This morning I slept in. Not too late, but not 7 am. I was getting ready to go for a walk when Ron called to see if I wanted to walk today. I tried to go at 10 am but he said 11 am would be better. He was out there waiting for me at 5 to 11 am. We walked till around noon when Patrick got home. At least we got our 2 1/2 miles in. 

I gave Patrick a few things to deliver on his way into town. I had him pick up some bread to make garlic cheese bread for supper. Also had him pick up a quilt from Grace church. They finished one of two quilts for us. I may need to get another quilt over to them. 

At 1 pm we had our zoom class meeting. Wanted to get everything under control. We didn't start the class today, that will be next week. All but one of us showed up. I had to order some floss for the class. I sent a message to Debbie Kelley to get her to send it to me. She's also in the class. 

After class, I decided I needed to get the labels on quilts. I found one already had a label on it. So, I did the next one. 

This quilt is now done. It was sent to us from one of the volunteers we have. Sarah Bower made this quilt. 

Then I decided I wanted to work on another flag bracelet for Saturday. We have another presentation that day and I gave Debbie the only one I made. 

I have to do one or two more flags and then I can finish this bracelet. I have the QOV charms and will put that on it for the clasp. I can't remember what I did, but I will go on YouTube and see what I did from there. 

I also worked on the certificates for Saturday. I needed to keep busy. I also checked my bookkeeping for QOV to see what we have as far as money goes. Right now, we are looking pretty good, thanks to Twin Cities Rotary. 

Even when I get busy with other things, I can also be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Squaring Up Mom's Quilt

 This morning I was running a little late. I was out the door and stopped at Dutch Brothers for Chai tea. Got one for mom and myself. 

I love the cup lids! They are so fun to get! The other one I got said something else. 

When I arrived at mom's, we headed to the Gathering Place. There we put her quilt out on the 4 tables. 

I let Bob know we were there. He came to see it. We had to put 4 tables together to be able to square it up. At first mom wanted to pin in a grid so we could measure from there. I told her it would take us 7 hours to pin the hole quilt. Then she wanted to pin from the center out. That also took a while. It wasn't till around noon that we figured out what we should be doing. Mom was getting confused. So, when I told her we needed to measure from the center out, she finally understood what I was talking about. 

We worked like that around the quilt to get the pins in at the point where we needed to cut it. 

Once that was determined and after we had lunch, we could start cutting. It didn't take long to get it cut and done. We FINALLY finished it at 3:00 pm. A good 6 hours after we started. UGH! Now it's done. She needs to put the binding on and then finish quilting in the areas that are not quilted. She was beat by the time we finished. It took us all of 5 mins to square up the QOV quilt that I got back from the church. They quilted it really well! It turned out great!

On the way home stopped and got a beast of chicken. Then got home to fix some "chicken strips" for supper. I was going strong all day. I was glad when I could sit down and wait for the pumpkin to cook. Patrick cut 2 pumpkins for me and I cooked them in the over for 45 mins. Now I need to use the food processer and puree them. 

Now I'm beat and ready to call it a day. At least this time I can say I was "sort of" Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...