Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Cleaning Up My Mess

 This morning I enjoyed time to myself before heading out to walk with Ron. My day goes fast when I'm walking with him. 

Patrick came home after golfing which was when I finished walking. He went out to get some veggies for Phil tomorrow. I will be dropping stuff off with him. 

I was doing the certificates downstairs when I realized that room was a mess. I really hate going into a room that is a mess - when it comes to my crafts. I start worrying more about cleaning it up then I do working on my stuff. I did notice the quilt on the floor in the other room but decided to clean the mess instead. 

Things get out of hand with me sometimes. I keep thinking I will fix it next time I go down, and I don't. I need to be better at keeping this area clean. 

A mess is a mess!

So, I spent a couple of hours organizing this mess. And working on the certificates for tomorrow. 

This looks a lot better than it did. I wanted to keep the colors together and since a lot of the fabric was already folded nicely, I didn't have too much trouble with the folding. 

I turned out a lot better. I put the bolts of fabric on the table. I have the box down below full of "scraps" or small pieces that I can cut into squares. I will work on that later, or I may take it to mom and have her cut them up. She usually likes doing that. 

When I finally finished up, I looked for Sophie. I couldn't find her and she wasn't answering me. So, I went down to get my paper of the list of names, I looked into Katt's room and found this. Under that quilt was Sophie. She hasn't done that for awhile. I had to take a photo and show Patrick. When she came up meowing because I left her, Patrick asked her if she straightened the bed up. Of course she didn't dignify that with a reply, just kept walking. 

That was my extent of being anywhere near Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

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