Thursday, November 30, 2023

Top Finished YEAH

 This morning I decided I wanted to put a couple hours in on the quilt downstairs. If I could get it done and off to Connie on Monday then we will be ahead of schedule. 

I finished it sooner than I thought - time wise. It was pretty easy to do. I like the looks of it. I really didn't want a big border to it, but I found that I was 5" short all the way around. So, I added a 2 1/2" strip which put me in the area I wanted to be for a quilt. Connie did the Log Cabin blocks, all I did was put it all together. I wouldn't have wanted to do the Log cabin blocks. They aren't my favorite to work on. I like the affect though. 

Then I had Patrick pull out another panel to think about working on. 

He picked the Army panel. So, I pulled out some fabric that I had. They have Army all over them. I also remembered mom did some yellow stars. So, I put them on the wall. Now I need to decide how I want to place them and use the fabric. I may change my mind about the fabric, but right now that is what I have to think about. 

Came upstairs around 2 pm to get to work on my beads. I really wanted to finally get the last beaded panel done. And I'm happy to say I did!

Thank goodness I didn't have another set to work on. This was the last! Sometimes I think I got too excited over this one. Plus, I'm not one that likes to repeat myself. Like with quilts, I try to work on something different. Well, the only "different" thing about these are the colors of the angels. Not my kinda' change! So, the last set was like pulling teeth! At least I want to think it was. But it really wasn't, just a pain in the A**. Hopefully I won't make that many next year. We can hope!

The next step was to work on the dangles. I was having a hard time figuring out how to work with gold. I didn't have a lot of gold stuff. I'm a silver person myself. So, I took apart one of the necklaces I got from ordering beads. I didn't care for it, but it had a good supply of beads. I also went into my beads from necklaces that were broke. The ones grandmother and maybe great grandmother had. Not all are expensive beads but they work well with this. So, yet again, I took apart a "pearl" necklace that was broke. Why not use it in this piece and the next? So, I did. This set of 6 is ready for one of the gold angels. 

I was working on this set when I got a phone call from my cousin in CA prison. He calls about once a week. We go over family history. The funny part is that he has to call me about 3 times to get all the information in that we need to. Today is his birthday. 

Then I came back to work on these. I realized after I had 2 of these done that the bead between the pearls - I ran out. So, the next 3 dangles are going to have a different gold piece in-between them. Hopefully no one will care or notice. We'll see after I do those tomorrow. Once I have all the dangles done, I will get started on the top of the ornament. I just realized I have silver bulbs, so not sure how that will work. 

I had a good day. I was able to work on some laundry while working on my quilt and my beads. It turned out to be one of my better days of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Quilting & Beading Today

 This morning I enjoyed sleeping in. Patrick slept in longer than me. lol He was going golfing around 11 am today. As for me, I wasn't sure what I was going to do. 

After he was up and moving, I went downstairs to get the heater going. I decided I would spend a couple hours down there to work on the quilt on the wall. 

I had my ideas on the wall. I needed to work on how I was going to do this. So, I started sewing the blocks together. I also sewed a few of the bag of blocks that Connie gave me, together. I did that in-between sewing the bigger blocks. I was happy working on it today. I even sewed the white around the center piece. Then I got to work on getting the blocks together. I found that it wouldn't line up with the cabin blocks, so I had to move blocks around to get it so it would work for me. 

But first I wanted lunch. lol 

I fried some brown mushrooms and toasted the inside of my "flaky bread" (can't spell it). Then I added Swiss cheese to it and broiled that to melt the cheese. Once that was done, I added my avocado. which tasted so good! It was just something I wanted to do to use up some of my mushrooms. I was surprised at how good it was! 

Then I went back down and worked on my quilt. 

I like the way it looks. I will have to add a strip of blue on the side to get the inside panel to fit. I want the white around the panel and at this rate it won't be on the top and bottom parts. So, I will add a little strip of binding to fit in there and make it the right size. I have the three big blocks on top and bottom sewn together. It's all the single blocks on the sides that needs to be done. Then I can add the border in the same white (only about an inch and a half) to the outside. Then I can get it to Connie to quilt. Of course, once this is done, another panel goes up to be worked on. 

Around 3 pm I called it quits and came upstairs. I wanted to work on my ornament. It really, really needs to get done so I can mail one of them out to my nephew's family. 

I was able to get a third of this panel done. I need to work on it tomorrow to finish it. I'm also waiting on some beads to come in that I want to work into the ornament. That will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Message And Physical Therapy - Nice!

 This morning I was up and out the door to go to my message therapy appointment. She really knows how to get down and get those muscles of mine. Sometimes it's painful but other times after it's all over, it feels awesome! Today felt so nice! I know I'm a tight person, even though I don't think I am. Today I actually loosened myself up. I could take the pain better. So, maybe after all this, I can actually relax in the true sense of the word. 

My next appointment with Bob wasn't till 1 pm. So, I had time to give my son a hug, and head over to the museum. We needed a count on the quilts there. I did find out that Kayla isn't going to be there after Thursday. She wasn't happy with the job she's been doing for about a year. I did find out that Sami will be back. Sami has the personality to do the job. Kayla not so much. She wanted to hide in her office more. I will miss her though. I found we had 6 quilts with 3 quilts that are branch specific. Then we have 2 quilts for 2 people. I have 3 here, but one of them is going to the WWII Veteran next week. I guess I need to get my butt downstairs to sew that quilt on the wall. I will try and do some of it tomorrow. 

After the museum, I headed to moms. I had an hour to kill. So, I called and asked her to do up a sandwich for us while I picked up Chai Tea. Dutch Brother's has this really good Chai tea! It's Apple Cinnamon sprinkles. Man, is it good! They told me today that it is almost over because they ran out of the sprinkles. They didn't think it would be that popular. I'm going to try and write to DB's and let them know I'm a tea drinker and would love that to be on the regular menu!

Got to moms. She had my sandwich ready. Said she just finished breakfast and didn't want a sandwich. I ate at the table while we chatted. Then I headed over to PT.

Bob and I went over my exercises, and he told me which ones I can do after surgery. We chatted for a while and then I walked back to moms. I had to help her with her Tri-Care insurance. We got that updated for her. 

I came on home. I was chatting with Debbie on my way home. We talked about the meeting yesterday and things we need to talk about at the meeting. I need to write these down and have them ready for the meeting in 2 weeks. I then came to the computer room and worked on getting some donations out in the mail. I had paperwork that needed to be done and sent off. I have Patrick updated for his meeting notes for the water system. 

While I was checking out the beading page on Facebook, I found this - 

My very sweet sister in law is retiring this month! She's the one with a brain tumor that will be having surgery just before me on December 22nd. She has worked for the bank for as long as I have known her, which is a long time. 40 plus years. One of the sweetest persons I have ever known. She has a positive outlook on life and is a kick to be around. I'm so happy for her!

As for me and my beading, quilting, embroidery, ect., well that didn't happy today. In otherwards, I was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 27, 2023

One Meeting After Another

This morning I headed over to the grange for our BE meeting. Sandy, Cindy, Jeannette and I were the ones who attended. We sat down and went over the seminar information. We picked classes we wanted to attend. Sandy and I will probably be taking a couple classes together. I figured out the costs, and wasn't too thrilled but I will be taking 7 classes, so I really can't complain about it. 

After that we had a snack for lunch. Then we came home. I was going to stop at Staples and pick up some label paper, but noticed it was cheaper on Amazon. So, I put that in the cart and will wait till I remember what else I needed to add to the Amazon list. 

I wasn't home long before I needed to be at a zoom meeting for QOV. While in the meeting they reminded me of the "Giving Tuesday" on Facebook. So, I had to remember to do that today as well. We talked about the flags on the quilt. It was as I thought, we can't replicate the flag but we can have fabric that has flags on them. I have a lot of that and will be using them. We did find out we can't us our sponsors logo on our labels, so I sent a photo of our label to the Executive Director to see if we have to change our labels. I really like the labels and hope they will allow us to use them. I just ordered 3 yards of fabric for those labels so it will be a few months before we can get them changed over, if needed. There was a lot of good information. I will have to relay that information to the group. 

By the time that was over, I was able to work on organizing my beads. I took and put my beads in the tubes. I got more tubes in the mail today and decided to finish the work I started the other day. I also finished listening to the book "The Lightkeepers Daughter" and found that I love the story about the lighthouse and the work they did. It was a sad story as well. The end came out differently than I expected, but it was overall a good story. 

Now that my beads are organized again, I can get back to finishing the last panel. I'm really close. I won't be able to put a lot of time into it, but I will be able to get some done tomorrow. I have my PT and message therapy tomorrow morning. I have an errand to run in-between them. Then I won't be home till about 3 pm AGAIN. 

Life is interesting with all its twists and turns during the day. The days go fast. Before I know it, we will be coming back from Vegas and I will be going through surgery. It's amazing how fast time fly's lately. Almost as if I sneezed and a month went by. That's what life is all about, and I'm enjoying it as much as I can. So much fun at times. Funny how I don't seem to get upset about it as much as I used to. I just get upset about mom. - GO FIGURE!  Again, that's what makes life exciting! lol - AND Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Trying To Get Back To Beading

 This morning started out pretty good. I started (yep - started) laundry. Then I got moving and vacuumed the house. It was in need after all. Then I sat down planning to work on my beading. BUT Sophie was having none of that and got in my lap. There she slept for 2 1/2 hours. I could have made her get up, but it felt nice and warm on my lap that I didn't want to move. lol

My phone buzzed around 3:30 and Patrick asked if I had my meeting today. Of course I did! Right in the middle of a movie! It was the end of a Hallmark Movie that I hadn't seen. So, I guess Patrick recorded the last of it. Then I will be able to find out what happened in the end. UGH

I hooked up the zoom meeting and there was four of us to start. Two more came later. Sandy was helping Cindy and was running late. Jeanette was at her house, so when Sandy came in they shared the computer to be in it. I worked on my beading. 

I finished panel #5 and started panel #6. I'm on the last panel before I can start working on getting all the angels ready to be put together for ornaments. I'm looking forward to working on those. My next 2 weeks are going to be busy, but I'm going to try and get them close to done. 

After the zoom meeting, I just relaxed. I actually started the last panel. Then gave up after a while. 

Tomorrow is another busy Monday! I have BE and I need to stop on the way. I have to stop and get label paper. Then I also have to drop off the mail. Not all that much, but enough to slow me down when I have to be back here by 2:30 pm to get on board with QOV zoom meeting for group leaders. I'm not sure what the changes are but will find out tomorrow. Unless Debbie can't make it and I have to do it next week (Tuesday). The next two weeks are busy and I'm not looking forward to it. But life goes on and things need to be done. 

At least I found the time to get back to my beading. I like how much I have done. I realized though, that doing 5 sets of angels was getting "old" and I don't want to do that many again. I got tired of the "same ole" stuff. This will come to a close soon! Trouble is I will need to figure out next years ornament and try to get started on that in February or March. That's how long it took me to do these this year! Ouch!
At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Funeral For Bert Connell - Family

Today we had to head up to Port Orchard after picking mom up. The funeral was at 1 pm and the truck "parade" was at 12:15. We wanted to get there around the time of the parade. 

When we got to moms, we figured we had about 10 mins or so to kill. We sat and chatted for a little bit. Then we headed out. On the way we were notified there was an accident on the bridge and a disabled car on the road. Thank goodness it was cleared by the time we went across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. It was a nice ride. 

We arrived about 10 mins before the parade. We sat in the church and then was told the parade was coming. They brought Bert's truck and parked it. Then the other trucks drove passed the church. They all worked with Bert. 

"Bert was a man of faith, and always tried to live out his life in a manner pleasing to the Lord.  He was a member of Manchester Community Church while raising his family. He attended Bruley Bible Church for the last 41 years. He started up Bert Connell Trucking and a few years later, Burley Creek Trucking. He had a first self-loader logging truck on the Kitsap Peninsula. He continued to work in this industry, driving one of his log trucks until retiring on his 88th birthday in June of this year. Bert was always working, usually on his farm and restoring old cars. He was an excellent cook. In more recent years he enjoyed hunting with his brother Jerry at their sister Kathleen's ranch."

He lived all his life in Port Orchard WA. He and dad were close in age. They seemed to always get together and remember growing up. The Taylor family (of Albertus Taylor) were all very close. I don't think they ever didn't get together for some reason or another. I only knew some of them. A couple of them passed by the time I met the others. Milton was the oldest and lived the longest. Bert was the son of Alberta Taylor. She was my grandfather, Myron, Sr.'s, sister. They were close in age and spend a lot of time together. They even passed away 2 weeks apart with granddad passing last. That was March 17th, 1970. 

We came back home by way of stopping at Red Lobster in Olympia. We all had a good time, if you can say that. After dropping mom off, we went to Safeway for a couple things and then came home. By that time,

I was tired and just played games. It wasn't time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 24, 2023

Black Friday - Not My Thing

 This morning I was up with Patrick. He headed off to golfing around 9:30 am since he would have to wait till around 10 am to go out. The frost hit last night, so they had to wait. I got a text around 11 saying he was still waiting. 

While I was walking, mom and Debbie called me. It was fun because I went through my walking so fast it didn't seem to bother me. I love to have someone to talk to while walking. Trouble is Ron is in CA right now. Debbie was picking me up a tea before we headed out to Toledo to check out a fabric garage sale. 

I got a text from Debbie on my last round to let me know she was heading home. I got in the house and worked on a couple things before heading out there. I reached her house as she was unloading her car. Loved it that she had my tea for me. I decided to drive since she is always driving. We went down Jackson Hwy. It went fast. 

We arrived at the garage sale to find Val sitting there taking in the money and cracking walnuts. lol We chatted for a while. Debbie pretty much wanted to see what the gal was looking for in quilters and why. We were told it was for Linus. That made Debbie happy. She thought the gal was trying to get a QOV group down there. It was the same gal that was looking for a group in Winlock a while back. She doesn't talk to highly about QOV. I think that's because I made a big "stink" about another group so close. And Connie did too. I bought about $12 worth of fabric, just to help her out. The money goes to Linus and I support any group that wants to help others. 

Came home and tried to watch TV but had no interest in it. Listened to my book and worked on my beading. I also trimmed a quilt for mom to have the binding put on. 

I thought I had this set done! I found that it needed to be finished and finished it. I could have sworn I had it finished. 

This is the last one in the group. I have this panel and one more to do. I could have finished it but was trying to play my game at the same time. lol 

Patrick and I worked on Christmas gifts today. We ordered a lot of them online. It goes fast when one has lists of things they want. I still give them both something they don't expect. I'm going to give Katt some money when we get to Vegas. That should be a surprise. I still need to go to the dollar store and get some thank you cards. I will pick up a card for her for the heck of it. 

Life is good. I'm staying positive and taking each day as it comes. I don't feel bad about having cancer. I don't worry about it much. But like everything I don't know, my brain starts thinking....Yeah, we all know that's not a good thing for me!! And yet, I do. Sometimes I think it will be worse than it is. Other times I think it will be quick and easy and I'll bounce back fast. Then I think, "What if there is more than they thought?" And it goes on and on and on. I have to tell myself to stop it and move on. There are other things more important to worry about. Plus, I'm lucky, I know of people who have had it worse than me. I know my Aunt wasn't so fortunate with her cancer. She gave up after the second time. I'm not going to give up - at least I hope I'm not. Back 40 years ago, breast cancer was a death sentence. Today, it's survivable. I can do this, and I will do this. Life will go on, and I play to stick around for a long time. 

At least today was a good day to set and enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 23, 2023


I was up early this morning to get the rolls in the tins for supper. I had them raise for about 3 hours before putting them in the oven. We worked on trying to keep them warm. I worked till they took them out of the bag and set them on the counter. 

We went and picked mom up. She wasn't too talkative. That was fine. I think her hearing aides weren't working. 

We got down to Ridgefield and found the place where my niece lives. They are in a nice area. We all chatted and then sat to have Thanksgiving dinner. It was really nice. I actually enjoyed it. Afterwards we all sat in the big plush couch and watched the games. Football is not my favorite thing to watch, but I did. I wish I had taken something to work on though. 

Live with the "TAYLORS!" In the back is my sister-in-law, Chris, their son, Zac, and in the front is Patrick and Patrick. First Patrick is hubby, and second Patrick is brother Patrick. It gets fun at times because one or neither will answer the call of Patrick. 

We left around 6:30 and came back home. We couldn't find Sophie. Then I checked under the bed and she was there. Not sure why. Something must have scared her. 

As it turned out, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Not My Favorite Day

Today Patrick headed to golfing and I got up to get laundry started. 

While Patrick had to go to town, I decided to just enjoy the morning. Except I had to do my exercises and then head out to walk. I didn't do 7 rounds but did get in 6. Too lazy to go for the last one. I needed water! lol 

Then I decided to work on the beading. I seriously need to get this done! I'm not sure why I'm stalling but think it's that I'm getting tired of doing the same pattern over and over. When you consider I have 6 panels per ornament and have 5 (actually working on the 5th), that is 30 panels of an angel. That gets a little old. Not that I don't like doing it. I just don't like doing the same pattern over and over. 

 I finished panel #3 and started on #4. When I got to this point, I decided to quit. I was tired of it at this point. I still need to do another set of 2 that are blue. UGH Not sure if I can get them done SOON, but I'm going to try. I really want to get started on working on the tassels and see if I need more beads before I get too far behind. 

I had to get the bread dough started tonight so I can have it put in the tins to make muffins in the morning. We are taking the muffins and the cranberry with us to my niece's for Thanksgiving. I have the dough downstairs since it's cooler there. That way it won't raise too fast. My younger brother will be at my niece's as well. We are taking mom with us.

Chances are I won't be able to work on the beads - as much as I want to. Won't get much done tomorrow as it is. We will be driving down to the Vancouver area which is about an hour away. 

I didn't care for just sitting and working on the beads. At least not today. We watched TV and a movie. By the time supper was over, I had a headache, and guessing it was because of watching TV most of the day. Don't really care for the older shows anymore. Patrick has been watching the "Odd Couple" and "Love Boat" every day now. So, of course, we had to wait for the shows to get over before we watched a movie. Then it was news the rest of the evening with "Family Feud." Oh Boy!! 

At least I'm happy to say, I'm getting closer to being done with this set and that made it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Celebrating 41 Years

This morning Patrick took off to go golfing. There was a card on my chair. We usually don't exchange cards anymore after all these years. It was so sweet!! 

Yep, we have been married 41 years today. So, we decided to go out when he got home. While he was golfing, Connie came over to get some fabrics for another quilt. She also took the 2 quilts that I had needed to do the backing and batting for. I did those while she was looking at fabrics. Debbie asked if I wanted to go to Yelm with her but I told her I was going out. 

Patrick and I went to the casino to enjoy playing games. I love games, and he knows it. He like to play Copper Dropper and that's pretty much what we did. We tried a couple other games, but they weren't paying very well.  They were giving out blankets to their card holders, so we figured that was the reason for the tight games. We did win a lot, but we lost a lot as well. It was just so we could have fun. 

We ate at the restaurant by the bar. It was pretty good. I had a Shrimp Louie - which I love! Patrick decided on breakfast. After we ate, we played more. We actually put in a good 6 hours there. 

So, of course, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 20, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Today

 This morning Patrick had to wait till 10 am to go golfing. The weather was too cold for them to go out. He came back home for a bit. I got ready and out the door before he went the second time. 

I headed to the grange. It was just Sandy and I. We had a great time chatting! We talked for a good hour before we started to work on our projects. I took my beading because I wanted to get this done. I'm still stalling, and I don't know why!! I really do need to finish these up. 

As you can see, I didn't get a lot done. We hadn't had a good chat in a long time. We talked about the Seminar, and I think we are going to see about rooming together. I understand there are individual rooms with a living area. So, we will mark it as a group and that way we still get out own rooms. I'm game. So, we will say that we want to room with our group. We talked about a couple classes and I'm thinking I will take the one class she wants to take. It's pretty. And I can learn new techniques. Debbie Kelley has really good techniques. 

After I left, I headed to Safeway for some bread. Needed that for supper. Patrick made some black-eyed peas soup today. It was really good. Tasted better than usual. After Safeway I headed to Dutch Brothers to get 25 gift cards for my group. I'm going to give them out at our potluck as a thank you. I also picked up coffee for Debbie and tea for me. 

Came home and let Debbie know I was home. She said they messed up on her coffee, so she had to go get it fixed. We opened the boxes of bolts of fabric. I was hoping for more designs on the fabrics, but he gave us most of what we already had before. Disappointed we didn't get something else, but happy to get what we did. 

After she left, I pretty much just relaxed the rest of the day. I didn't make it to moms today. I was busy as it was and didn't want to stay at her place till 5 pm. I'm sure that's how long it would take to make lefsa. 

I did pull out my boxes of beads and started working on getting them organized. I added to the ones I had, than I STARTED to put the rest in tubes. I need to order more tubes. 

That was a good couple hours of organizing. I gave up after a while. I only got the top group done, but found more in the boxes I put the tubes in. I pulled them out and worked on them as well. So, there is about that much more left to work on. I didn't take a photo of the added beads from my boxes. I will order more tubes and then get those done as well. This is what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

This Time It WAS Sunday

This morning I was pretty lazy....actually all day. I wanted to get one of my games done today and played on it most of the day. I worked on laundry...which had piled up. I still have some to do, but I'm caught up pretty good right now. 

Mom kept calling me today. She had one thing or another she wanted to talk to me about. That went on all day. I should have ignored her calls. 

I worked on the family history today. Had someone ask about the family of the Mathesons. I sent back the message of what they wanted to know. Told her if she wanted more to let me know. 

Then I worked on my "Letters of the Past" blog and post a couple post cards that date back to 1928 and 1948. 

 I thought this one was cute. Grandmother was always getting letters or cards. I'm just surprised at how much she was getting. She saved most of them. I am no were near getting them all posted. I did figure out how I can scan things and put them down as a picture. I may start doing that now that I know how. 

And yet again, today was no were near me being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Thought It Was Sunday!

 Woke this morning thinking it was Sunday. When I finally got up, I was thinking of what I needed to do today. Not much. Since Sunday is cleaning day. I realized I didn't need to worry about cleaning today, since it was SATURDAY. 

Patrick worked out in the yard. I pretty much took the day off today and worked on my beading. 

I was happy to get this much done. I started it in the afternoon. 

Patrick went for a haircut, and I worked on my beading. He got home and we went out to eat. Came home after going to Safeway first. I had to get some veggies. I seem to have to go every other day lately, but I'm trying to eat better and I'm slowly losing weight. So, all in all it's a good thing. I've even got my stomach under control a little. I quit taking the stomach pills to control my reflex. The nice thing is that since I've been eating better, I'm not having the troubles with my stomach. 

I was listening to my book (finished it today) and got a call from my 2nd cousin. We chatted for a good hour. He's in prison and calls almost every Friday. He quit for a while since I had my medical issues with cancer. I enjoy talking to him. He's around my son's age I believe. I haven't quite figured that out yet. I have the information in my genealogy but just haven't looked. It was finally feeling like Saturday but the time the day was over.

I was just glad to have a little time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 17, 2023

Spending The Afternoon Downstairs

This morning Patrick was off golfing. I got up before he left. The weather was cold, so he had to wait till 9:30 am to go. Then mom called to tell me I have to take her to the funeral next week. I'm not happy about it, but I don't want her to drive 2 hours to the funeral. I told her the other day I was not going. Now, because my brother won't stay 2 more days to take her, I have to. GRR

I walked it off. Had to! Once that was done and Patrick got home, I decided to go downstairs and finish up the quilt top that needed to be done. I really was putting it off, but once I got started on sewing the sides up, it wasn't so bad. I actually enjoyed working on it. 

 I received a request for a 96 year old WWII veteran. So, I entered him in the computer. We will have to take the quilt to his house as he can't get around. Debbie wants to give him a quilt with this panel. So, I'm not sure how we will do that. I need to see if the quilt she has at the museum can be used and do another quilt top for the guy she made it for. We will see. 

Came upstairs and enjoyed the rest of the night with Patrick. Didn't work on the beads, because I was more interested in working on a game then working on beading. I did start putting another panel and some blocks up on the wall. I will work on it this weekend, if I can. I really seriously need to finish the ornaments! Time will tell if I get them done. If I don't, I won't be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Class Today

This morning Patrick stayed home from golfing. He wanted to take a break. But then he told me he is golfing tomorrow - so not sure where "Break" comes in. 

He worked outside most of the day. Dropped leaves off at Phils. While he was doing that, I worked on my exercises and walking. After that, it was time to get on the computer to join my class. Since I was TA, I really didn't get to work on anything. I still have my piece in the drawer. I need to mark my work. One of the things I did do, was look at some of the photos of goldfinch bird around flowers. I want to change the flowers that she had. I'm not sure how, but I'm going to change them up a little. 

Once class was over, I relaxed for about an hour before having to get supper going. Patrick had a meeting tonight for the district. While he was gone, I turned the sound off the TV and listened to my book. 

 Listening to a book and working on my beading. I was able to finish the first set. I have 2 more to go and then I can work on putting them all together. That will be the fun part! Not sure who will get what, but I do know I'm going to give them away, except for mine. 

I contacted Dutch Brothers to see if they had a discount for wanting so many gift cards and they didn't. But did tell me to get them soon because they run out around the holidays. I thanked them for letting me know. 

Then I had to call the oncologist as there was a referral out there for me. When we chatted, we both realized it was for after the surgery and not before. So, I'm signed up in January to see the oncologist. She's one that replaced Patrick's oncologist who went to Tacoma. If he has to go see his doctor, we will be heading to Tacoma. At least mine is in Olympia. Trouble is the surgery is Tacoma. Traffic is awful and I'm trying to get Patrick to get a hotel so we can be there by 6 am. I really don't want to leave at 4 am. 

I was thinking of things I wanted to do today, but realized today was one of those days I couldn't do what I wanted. I had a schedule and needed to stick to it. Class was fun. I enjoyed going over the class. It was only 1 3/4 hours. Not 2 or 3 hours like we thought it would be. I'm okay with that. Weird part was when only half the class showed up again. I don't know why people schedule for classes and then don't show up. We had 2 that didn't show up at all. Not my problem and not Loretta's. They paid for the class, and they can't get a refund because they have to ask for it a day or two before. Once the class starts there are no refunds. 

Our Seminar information is out. I was going over it. It will be in June. I didn't find but 3 classes I wanted to take. If I stay the week, then I will add classes just to add them. Oh, well. I just hope to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Enjoying The Day!

This morning I was up around 8 am. It felt good to get up at that time. I got in my exercises and walking. I also sat and enjoyed the morning. Debbie stopped by to drop off some money for the QOV. She had done a presentation at the Centralia Masonic Lodge last night. It went really well. 

Patrick arrived around the time Debbie was here. After she left, we headed out. Patrick wanted to spend the day out and about. We went back to the casino. AND actually, did really well. We were there 4 hours this time.  

By the time we got home it was supper time and I made some more fish for supper. It was the other fish I didn't cook last night. It was good again today. Patrick seems to be enjoying the fish lately. 

It was time to just sit and relax. I decided to work on my beading. 

This time I was paying attention! I have it right this time! I'm starting on the top of the dress. I'm hoping to work on it tomorrow, but I may be working on my embroidery for the class. I still haven't marked the fabric to get started. I'm not there yet. 

Tomorrow is class on zoom. Then who knows. We have our anniversary next Tuesday and are thinking of where we want to go out to eat. Our anniversary "gift" is the trip to Vegas next month. I'm looking forward to it. 

When we left the casino, I found a message on my phone. Kaiser called to say they want to do the referral for an oncologist. So, I need to call tomorrow and see if I have to go meet with him/her or wait till after my surgery. They do work fast. 

I really did enjoy the day today. AND I was able to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Quiet Day - Thinking Of My Cancer - And Cleaning

This morning I slept till 10 am! What a shock! I have been doing that more lately and for some reason when I was showering, I wondered if that is because my body is fighting off the cancer. Probably not, but it was a thought.  Then my mind wondered again on this. My biopsy "spot" hasn't quite healed. It's still there like a cut that doesn't want to heal. It is still a little tinder but not enough to worry about. AND of course, my mind wondered again - what if that biopsy put a hole in the "encapsulated" cancer and now it's seeping out. Okay, my mind is getting too far off course. I think it's funny how I try to find everything out there that could happen. Yet, I know deep down that it's breast cancer that is the one to have if I have breast cancer. I need to just suck it up and wait till the surgery in December. I have things to do and places to go, I don't need to think about stuff like that. 

So, I got moving and put laundry in. Got my exercises done and even got back to walking! I walked the full 7 rounds. Once that was done, I had to cut some backing and batting for Colleen as she was coming to pick it up to quilt her quilt. She sent me a photo and she's another "artsy" quilter that is pretty good. I take what I can get. I also ordered more batting and backing. All while working on the laundry. 

Then Patrick came home and I was busy with QOV stuff. I sent out an email thanking everyone for their hard work this year. I also reminded them of the potluck next month. I was working on the computer a couple hours. Funny how I can't remember all the stuff I did on the computer. 

I fixed some sweet potato fries in the oven. Once that was done, I cooked some fish for supper. It actually turned out pretty good. I'm not that good at cooking fish, but found I did a pretty good job at it! Thank goodness. Even Patrick thought it was good. 

Then it was time to do some beading. 

Panel #1 is done. I guess I forgot to take a photo of it finished - as this was the photo on my phone that looked like it was done! I will do that tomorrow. 

So then I started the second panel - or I thought I did! This one is all wrong!! I did 20 beads instead of 22 beads when I started. I was trying to figure out why the rows weren't working out took me to 12 rows to figure that out!! What the heck! Normally I see it in the first 2 rows....NOT tonight! So, I sat and took the beads out and called it done! I will start it again tomorrow and make sure it's 22 and NOT 20 beads! UGH

My day was quiet and it was busy. I had busy times and then down times, then busy times, and back to down times. I should have worked on the quilt downstairs but I haven't had the chance. I need to do that this week so it can go to a quilter and get done! NO MORE I tell myself. Oh, well, at least I'm trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Out And About

 Today was embroidery day. I had the fun part of getting coffee and tea for everyone. Then I arrived after Cindy and Gerilyn. Sandy E and Sandy V where after me. I pulled out my beading and got started. Cindy was excited from the time I arrived until halfway through. I told her a couple times to "tone it down." She can get excited. 

My older brother called to chat. He asked how things were going. I knew mom put him up to it. We chatted for a while and then I told him about my cancer. I also told him about mom on Friday. He laughed. He also told me about his foot. They are getting him ready for surgery to get his ankle replacement done. If that doesn't work, then he could lose his foot. But hopefully this will work. We talked about all kinds of things and it was good chatting with him. His QOV quilt is hanging at his church. I told him it wasn't made for the church it was made for him. He laughed and said he would get it back. It's just on display. 

We chatted a good hour. I missed out of our meeting because I wanted to talk to him. We rarely talk these days. 

I was able to get this far. I could have done more, but my phone chat took most of the meeting. I also ran out of wire, so I figured I would add the wire tonight. 

Got home and Patrick wanted to go out. I said that was fine. We went to the casino and played for a good 3 hours. Lost some money but we went to have fun. It's something to do. 

On the way home we stopped at Safeway and got the stuff we needed. I got more veggies for me. We didn't get supper there. Came home and I fixed myself a sandwich for dinner. Trouble is I had it close to 7 pm and I know I will pay for it this evening. Once I get to sleep, I hope I don't wake up in pain with reflux. Not fun! I usually try to eat before 6:30 pm every night. The earlier the better. I am doing a little better with eating better, so really can't complain. It will take time to work it in. 

The best part is that I was "sort-of" Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Wow! Busy Day! And Then Again, Not So Much!

This morning both of us slept in. I think I have finally caught up on my sleep. lol 

We got to cleaning. I worked on the vacuuming and getting stuff put away. The house was having "piles" all over the place. I got tired of seeing them and put things away - YEP! I actually put them away and didn't start another pile in the area where they belonged! lol 

Then we sat to watch the TV. Seahawks were tied at the end of the game, so we got fed up and turned the TV. Patrick checked to see if it was overtime and found out we WON! Go figure. I don't think they were that good. 

I was on my tablet most of the afternoon. I'm thinking I may be bothered about this cancer, and I'm just trying to get my mind off it. Hard to say. I know Patrick is more bothered than I am and he keeps telling me it will be okay. He tells me all the good stuff about it. Today, though, I think it was bothering him. He was getting testy with me. 

Partly because I said we would be on a break for QOV. But I had a few things to finish up from yesterday. Then Debbie called and we were on the phone for an hour trying to work things out. She's going to handle January and she wants to make sure we are on top of everything. I love how she has been helping me! 

Then I sat down to listen to my book and work on my beading. 

 The first panel is coming along. I should have it done by tomorrow. I really need to get this last set done! 

Maybe after tomorrow I can get Patrick out of the house and we can have some "our" time. Phil called today and chatted. As they say, "Shit happens all at once!" We will deal with what comes. In the meantime, I'm going to try and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

VETERANS DAY! Presentation At The Veterans Memorial Museum

This morning I was getting the quilt and my box ready to take to the Veterans Day presentation at the museum. We didn't do our usual presentation, but we did do a presentation. We were honored to honor 5 veterans today. 

They were Thomas "Skip" Greenwell, Army Ryan Michael Foreman, Army, Steven "Skip" Craig, Coast Guard, Carl Stone, Army, Tabitha Hopp (guest speaker) Army. 

It was an awesome ceremony. We had most of our group there. 

Came home and played. First I got supper going since it was 4:30 pm when I got home. Then I sat to watch TV and relax. 

I pulled out my beading, because I need to finish one more! I really need to get this done. I will work hard to finish this in the next week or so. 

Made it to row 20. Not bad. Getting there. And Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 10, 2023

We Made The Paper Today!

 This morning started out with heading to Connie's to get the quilt I need for tomorrow's presentation. Then off to moms for our meeting. Of course, mom had to mention "your news" to everyone. I told her I really didn't want it spread. We had a disagreement about it, but I told her since she mentioned it to everyone, she might as well tell them. She said some of it, and I told the rest. I really didn't want that conversation. 

I worked on putting the label on the quilt for tomorrow. We now have 5 panel quilts for the veterans. That was what I was hoping for! I did notice Nancy was working on a panel one that we could have used as well. But Nancy has a hard time getting them done as quick as she used to. I'm okay with that. 

 After the meeting I headed to the Health Store to get some Almond flour. It was about the same price as Safeway, but theirs looked a little better. Still expensive. Came home to finish the quilt. Now it's ready. On my way home, I received some messages from Kaiser on surgery dates. The first date is when we will be gone, so said no. The second date is now scheduled for December 28, which happens to be Patrick's 3rd year anniversary of his cancer. Funny how things work out. 

I baked some carrot muffins for breakfasts. I didn't have the sweetener that it called for. So, I added about 3 tablespoons of sugar - didn't need the sugar. When it was done, it was "okay" but not real tasty. It needed more spices in it. I will fix it next time and change it a little. 

Patrick showed me the paper. Our QOV group was in the Centralia Chronicle. It turned out really well. I like what he did. It's nice to be in the paper about once a year. It really does help us out. It's been great!

I then decided to get to work on my beading. 

I finished the 4th set of angels. Now I am ready to start on the LAST set. Mom is not getting one this year. 

The tubes of beads in this photo are the ones I will use in the 5th set of angels. This is a photo of the bracelet I fixed for Debbie. She had given it back to me to shorten it, and I finally got it done. Told her to remind me to give it to her tomorrow. 

My day was busy. I'm now just waiting for surgery, which I am okay with. I can spend the Vegas trip with my daughter and sister-in-law (hubby too), without worrying about having to have radiation. Life works itself out. And I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Embroidery Class

This morning I slept in till 10 am. I needed it after the last 3 days of being up around 7 am. I love my sleep. lol - I would sleep better if I just didn't stay up till 11:30 pm! But, hay, I like to listen to my books and play games. 

After exercise and walking, Patrick was done with golfing. It was cold today! I don't know how he can stand golfing when it's that cold! I walked and got my relaxing in. I listen to the music on iPods. 

Came in and got lunch. Was about to go downstairs when I got a text from Jeannette saying she wasn't in an area where she can get good reception. I then realized I had to get to my class on zoom. I'm the TA for the class and I was almost late. I forgot about the class! I was thankful for Jeannette's message. I had 10 mins to get ready. I logged in and there were 5 people there already. I was trying to figure out who was on the iphone in class. It was muted and I kept asking but no answer. I kicked her out. Later I realized it really was Jeanette, and I tried to get her back in but she couldn't. It wouldn't let her, even after I cancelled the kickout. We tried. It was an hour and a half long. 

I ironed the piece for my goldfinch birds. She worked on the birds first. I like working with the background before the birds. I need to mark this so I have the design ready for next week. I'm still debating if I'm going to work on the bird before the background. 

I worked on my certificates, since I had to make all the calls while Loretta started the class. I missed out on some of it, but I knew a lot of it already. When class was over, I headed downstairs to get the certificates printed for Saturday. Then I trimmed the 2 quilts that were brought to me. I will take them to mom tomorrow.  

Quilts are starting to come in. I'm getting to the point of labels and need to iron more labels to have them ready. I have them at the ironing board and need to get in gear!

Came upstairs to get this look. Someone wants attention! I didn't realize she was there, as I was working on something else. She has a way of knowing when to bother me. I was chatting with Hildi by text, so I wasn't paying attention. Which is Sophie's point. 

It's about time I get this done. I was able to get down to the last 10 rows. They will go quickly, but I just didn't have the time to finish it. I will tomorrow night. I'm determined to get this set done and start the last one!! I have to do this!! Which tells you I have been working hard today to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Morning With Mom

 I was waiting on a phone call from the Chronicle as the reported wanted to interview me with a few questions. When he didn't call I left to moms. 

She had called yesterday wanting me to go to Costco with her to get her hearing aids. As usually she wanted to do it "now." So, last night I said I would go. She was saying she was sorry to make me too but Nancy had her group lunch with friends, and she needed to go pick up her hearing aids. I know the ploy and just let it go. I was at her place by 9:30 am. Then we headed out to Costco. She remembered she needed a couple things and picked them up as well. When we got to the hearing aid desk, at first, they couldn't find her hearing aid. Then the gal finally found it and told mom to try it on. She didn't have the other aid, so she ended up bringing it home. Of course, I ticked her off because I haven't told my older brother about my cancer. She's mad at me for not telling him. I told her I told brother Patrick and that was good enough. Not to her it wasn't. She finally got mad and said she didn't want to hear it and it was between Chris and I. I told her I haven't heard from Chris in a couple years and he still hasn't told me that he could lose his foot, so why should I call and tell him about me? That didn't go over very well. Oh, well. 

We got back and stopped at Bill and Bee's for lunch. They have the best hamburgers around. After that we went back to her place and unloaded. As usual mom disappeared while I was unloading her stuff. When she came out, I had everything in the kitchen for her. I had finally calmed her down and by the time we got home. She was also mad at me because I didn't want to go to my dad's cousin's funeral on the 25th. He passed on Friday and she's been in contact with his wife. I didn't know Burt all that well, so I really don't want to go. It's in Port Orchard. So, I told her it all depends on what is going on. I will tell her no later. I believe she is expecting me to take her and I don't want to drive her 2 hours NW to Port Orchard. UGH

Came home and realized I seriously needed to work on something. I have put it off for the past 2 weeks. So, I headed downstairs to work on the quilt top. Just as I got started the phone rang and I was chatting with the reporter about QOV. Once that was done and Patrick was in Olympia for his doctor's appointment, I stitched. When he got home, I quit. 

I have the top and bottom border ready to sew on. I stitched one of the side borders but need to trim it to size. Then I started on the other one. I will finish this up tomorrow. I really have to have it done. Smiley is expecting it done by January. With what all is going on with me, I want to have it out of the house and being worked on. 

At least I made an effort to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

LC Commissioners & Surgeon

 This morning I was up with Patrick. Debbie picked me up and we headed to the Lewis County Commissioner meeting. I am disappointed that you can see the quilts that we showed. But I'm very thankful to Lewis County for helping us out. We are looking forward to seeing how the boxes turned out and where they will be for us. When we were done there, we headed for Dutch Brothers for double points day and I bought Debbie a coffee for taking me this morning. Next stop was the museum to drop off and pick up quilts. Once that was done, Debbie dropped me off home. 

Patrick was working in the yard. I got lunch. The nurse from Kaiser called me at 1:20 pm and we talked about 20 mins. Then it was time to head up to Olympia and meet us with Cindy before going into my appointment. Cindy picked up a quilt to use at the Puyallup Barn Quilt "show." That is in a week or so. I'll get the quilt back later. 

Next it was to the surgeons. We spend an hour and 15 mins talking about what I have. What is good about it, what can happen. What I need to know about the surgery. What choices I had. I pretty much told him that I respect his decision on what I should do. I really liked the surgeon and know he knows what he is doing. 

Here is what Patrick send to the family through text message - FYI...Lynn has stage 0 grade 3 DCIS breast cancer. We met with the surgeon today. We really like him. She is going to have a lumpectomy and removal of a couple of lymph nodes for inspection sometime between now and January. Will let you know as soon as we know. The surgery will be a day surgery in Tacoma. She will most probably need radiation 5 days a week for a while after the surgery. The good news is that she can do that in Centralia. She is lucky they caught it this early and the amount and speed of attention from Kaiser has been phenomenal. Since finding out Friday she has had 2 extended calls with specialty nurses, met with the surgeon and had pre and post surgery briefings. 

So, now the "fun" begins. I should know by Friday when I will be scheduled for surgery. He told me breast cancer surgery trumps all other surgeries. They need to get it and get it fast. Life goes on, as I have been saying. They were concerned that my Aunt had breast cancer and my grandfather had pancreatic cancer. The interesting part is that my Aunt's (my cousins) 4 daughters haven't had signs of breast cancer. Yeah, nope, it had to come to me! They will do the DNA information to see if it is in the family or if I'm just lucky and got it all on my own.  I have a family of support as well as good friends. 

I can do this. I'm in a daze, but I can do this. It's all positive and very doable. I'm not thrilled about radiation, but if I have to, I will. I still plan to keep up with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Cancelled Embroidery Today

 Due to Sandy's grandson passing yesterday and me needing to be in 3 different places, we cancelled our embroidery meeting. I really wasn't in the mood to do embroidery today anyway. 

I headed over to Connie's instead and gave her 2 quilts to quilt. I also gave her one that needed the binding on and told her we needed it asap. We chatted for a while and I told her what was going on with my cancer. She said she would work with Debbie when it came to QOV and we would be fine. I am trying to get everything done that I can. 

Then I headed over to moms. I picked up another quilt that was done and put it in the car. I forgot to give mom the binding fabric that goes with one of the quilts she has. I will do that tomorrow. We set up her "airwave" or something like that. It's a machine that has a vest. When you turn it on, it shakes your chest so that it loosens up the mucus in the lungs. That way it will loosen up and release through coughing. We hope it will help mom with her voice since the lungs are her problem. We worked on her having 30 minutes of the shaking. This machine you had to push the button every 5 minutes on and off. So, for about an hour we worked on her getting shaked. It was funny listening to her in this vest!

I then came home because I needed to be home for Jeannie to drop of the 2 quilts she did for us. I asked if she would be willing to do more and she said she would. I need to trim them and get them ready for mom or Debbie to do the binding on them. Not in a big hurry. I really like Jeannie. She did say they found out her husband has prostate cancer yesterday. So, they are having to deal with that. I guess right now I can feel pretty lucky, because she said it wasn't looking good. But then again, she was stage 4 cancer a few years ago and is fine now. I didn't ask what she had. Worried she'd say breast cancer. 

Patrick had me watch the videos that Kaiser sent for me to watch. I did get emotional as they were describing what I would be going through. They had all forms of cancer but wanted me to know what I could expect or not expect. It was informative and interesting but not what I wanted to see right now. Still in "lala" land. Tomorrow will probably wake me up!

I then got to work on the labels for the 2 quilts I brought home. I will drop them off tomorrow at the museum when I pick up the quilt to take to Cindy. 

Victoria Parrott made this one. The quilting in it is pretty good. I really like this one. 

This is one of JoAnn's quilts. She did at least 3 of these if not 4. They all turned out great. They were scraps that we had. It worked out great. May have mom do more of this pattern for her. OR I will try and find another pattern for her and have mom cut the fabrics. 

All's good, I'm just starting to get nervous, but I can do this. We were asked to go to Thanksgiving dinner at my niece's in Vancouver, so I had to tell her it depends on how this turns out. In the meantime, I plan to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 5, 2023

I Kept Moving Today - Too Much

This morning I forgot it was daylight savings time. Till I saw it on TV. lol 

I got moving first with my cleaning. Had to get the cat litter box cleaned, then get laundry going.  Checked my lists on the counter (from last night) reminding me what I needed to do today. First things first, I had to go for my walk. I walked about 1 1/2 miles. I stopped at 5 laps. Just had too much on my plate. 

Texted Sandy and Cindy to let them know I wouldn't be going to the meeting tomorrow. Then explained to Sandy what I'm going through. About 10 minutes later, she texted Cindy and I to let us know it was the "worst day of my life." Her grandson was killed in a car accident early this morning. So, she won't be going tomorrow. At that point I had to cancel and get word out to the gal that wanted to join us. I had to have Alice tell her since I didn't have her number and she rents the grange. 

I got supper started. We decided to have Breaded Pork Chops and they take time in the oven. I had to get it all together and then put it in the oven. Patrick came to help. Once we had it in the oven, he took over while I was off downstairs. 

Once all that was done, I got going on a few other things I can't remember. Once all that was done, and I didn't like the way the Seahawks were playing, I went downstairs. I had to cut backing and batting for 2 quilts. I also checked with Connie to make sure she was going to be home. I had to wash the backing and get it ready. Then I cut the 3" strips for the quilt I seriously need to finish! I also trimmed 2 quilts that came from the church. They are ready to go to mom. I asked Connie if she could get the binding on one of them asap. It's a panel and we need 5 of them. She said she would. One more thing off my plate. I have a quilter bringing me 2 more quilts tomorrow afternoon. 

Which means I have to go to Connie's then moms. Mom wants help with a body shaking wrap. It has something to do with getting her lungs loosened up. We'll see. 

After all that I came upstairs and decided to relax since I was getting a little lightheaded. I played on my tablet for a while and realized I needed to get started on my sourdough. I wanted to make some sourdough bread because I've been refreshing it for a while, and it was ready. As I'm working on it, Patrick asked if I would make some cinnamon twists with it, which means it needed "sweet" dough. I added the agave and cinnamon (just a little). Then tomorrow we will put the mixture together, roll it, and then cut it into 3 rolls. Once all that is done, I can braid it. It will be a sweet bread. Which means I can't have much. UGH I love bread but I'm trying to stay away from sugar for a while. I had way too much last night. 

So, I have my dough under the towel and it will raise overnight. When I get home around noon then I will shape and roll it to raise one more time. The longer it stays a dough, the better the sour comes out. I'm happy with the dough and know it will raise just fine. 

Tuesday is fast approaching, and I'm trying not to think about what I'm going to have to go through with surgery. I'm a big chicken and I'm not looking forward to it. When I know on Tuesday, I will post what I'm thinking and what I have to do. I also have the Lewis County Commissioners meeting in the morning, which is probably a good thing and I won't be thinking about going to Olympia all day long. Time will tell. I pray it's as simple as they say it is. 

Even though I don't have photos of the work I did downstairs, I was at least trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Attended A Wedding

 This morning Patrick and I slept in. It was nice and rainy, so it was calming to sleep. I really didn't want to get up. 

We watched some TV before we had to leave around 2 pm. First, we headed to get gas and then we were off to Tenino WA for the wedding. Christopher worked for Patrick. Patrick said he was the best employee he ever had. Christopher was so excited to see Patrick. Patrick told him thank you for inviting him to the wedding. It was so nice. The wedding was in the same room as the reception. Some tables were out, so some people were already seated there. It was well done! I really enjoyed it. We then sat with 2 of the guys that worked for Patrick. One of them at the table was hired after he left. Hard to believe he's been retired for 4 years and fighting cancer for 3 of those years. At least he's still kicking. 

As for me, I need to get a few things done before I go to the surgeons on Tuesday. I also need to let Cindy know I won't be going to my pulmonology appointment on Wednesday. I wanted to deal with one thing at a time. 

Tomorrow is another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, November 3, 2023

Life Keeps Kicking Me In The Butt

 Today I slept in. I didn't feel like getting out of bed. When I did, I worked on my exercises and went out to walk. As I was walking, I received a text that my tests were in. At first, I thought it was for the biopsy. When I didn't get called, I thought it was for the regular paps test that still hasn't given the results yet. Then I realized it was the results of the biopsy. 

The nurse called about 5 mins after I realized it was the biopsy and didn't like what I saw. That cut my walk in half. Yes, it's cancer. I'm lucky in the fact that it is very small and is contained. I'm seeing the surgeon on Tuesday to set up a day for surgery. The sooner the better. This one is one that I won't have to have radiation or chemo, IF all goes well. 

Patrick came home as and listened to the nurse. She repeated everything to him. I will get another call later to see if I have questions or not after I have thought it over. 

We then went into town. I stopped and told Phil. Katt called while we were on the way to town. She was the first to know. Phil was second. We had to go into Safeway for a few things and I went along. I wanted to tell them in person, but Katt is too far away. She said she will come when the time is for me to have surgery. I also told mom and Debbie. I won't tell anyone else. Guess I'm hoping who reads this will keep it on the down low. 

After all that, I did some QOV stuff and then took the time to work on my beading. I realized I need to get backing and batting done for Connie. I also need to trim the 2 quilts I have down there. I need to see if one is a panel. 

I was able to get to this point before I quit. I'm almost done with set #4. One more to go. 

I will be fine. I'm in "lala land" right now. I will probably freak out on Tuesday. But life goes on. I'm going to try and not think about it. We will see how it goes. There will be a time I won't be able to post for a day or so. Depending on my right side. Not sure if I will have to keep my right side still. YEAH! That would be fun! If anyone knows me, it's going to kill me to stay still! Oh, well. Time will tell. I won't say anything more about it till I know what is going on. This is a positive sight where I chat about my work and not so much about me. As long as I can stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...