Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Morning With Mom

 I was waiting on a phone call from the Chronicle as the reported wanted to interview me with a few questions. When he didn't call I left to moms. 

She had called yesterday wanting me to go to Costco with her to get her hearing aids. As usually she wanted to do it "now." So, last night I said I would go. She was saying she was sorry to make me too but Nancy had her group lunch with friends, and she needed to go pick up her hearing aids. I know the ploy and just let it go. I was at her place by 9:30 am. Then we headed out to Costco. She remembered she needed a couple things and picked them up as well. When we got to the hearing aid desk, at first, they couldn't find her hearing aid. Then the gal finally found it and told mom to try it on. She didn't have the other aid, so she ended up bringing it home. Of course, I ticked her off because I haven't told my older brother about my cancer. She's mad at me for not telling him. I told her I told brother Patrick and that was good enough. Not to her it wasn't. She finally got mad and said she didn't want to hear it and it was between Chris and I. I told her I haven't heard from Chris in a couple years and he still hasn't told me that he could lose his foot, so why should I call and tell him about me? That didn't go over very well. Oh, well. 

We got back and stopped at Bill and Bee's for lunch. They have the best hamburgers around. After that we went back to her place and unloaded. As usual mom disappeared while I was unloading her stuff. When she came out, I had everything in the kitchen for her. I had finally calmed her down and by the time we got home. She was also mad at me because I didn't want to go to my dad's cousin's funeral on the 25th. He passed on Friday and she's been in contact with his wife. I didn't know Burt all that well, so I really don't want to go. It's in Port Orchard. So, I told her it all depends on what is going on. I will tell her no later. I believe she is expecting me to take her and I don't want to drive her 2 hours NW to Port Orchard. UGH

Came home and realized I seriously needed to work on something. I have put it off for the past 2 weeks. So, I headed downstairs to work on the quilt top. Just as I got started the phone rang and I was chatting with the reporter about QOV. Once that was done and Patrick was in Olympia for his doctor's appointment, I stitched. When he got home, I quit. 

I have the top and bottom border ready to sew on. I stitched one of the side borders but need to trim it to size. Then I started on the other one. I will finish this up tomorrow. I really have to have it done. Smiley is expecting it done by January. With what all is going on with me, I want to have it out of the house and being worked on. 

At least I made an effort to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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