Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Quiet Day - Thinking Of My Cancer - And Cleaning

This morning I slept till 10 am! What a shock! I have been doing that more lately and for some reason when I was showering, I wondered if that is because my body is fighting off the cancer. Probably not, but it was a thought.  Then my mind wondered again on this. My biopsy "spot" hasn't quite healed. It's still there like a cut that doesn't want to heal. It is still a little tinder but not enough to worry about. AND of course, my mind wondered again - what if that biopsy put a hole in the "encapsulated" cancer and now it's seeping out. Okay, my mind is getting too far off course. I think it's funny how I try to find everything out there that could happen. Yet, I know deep down that it's breast cancer that is the one to have if I have breast cancer. I need to just suck it up and wait till the surgery in December. I have things to do and places to go, I don't need to think about stuff like that. 

So, I got moving and put laundry in. Got my exercises done and even got back to walking! I walked the full 7 rounds. Once that was done, I had to cut some backing and batting for Colleen as she was coming to pick it up to quilt her quilt. She sent me a photo and she's another "artsy" quilter that is pretty good. I take what I can get. I also ordered more batting and backing. All while working on the laundry. 

Then Patrick came home and I was busy with QOV stuff. I sent out an email thanking everyone for their hard work this year. I also reminded them of the potluck next month. I was working on the computer a couple hours. Funny how I can't remember all the stuff I did on the computer. 

I fixed some sweet potato fries in the oven. Once that was done, I cooked some fish for supper. It actually turned out pretty good. I'm not that good at cooking fish, but found I did a pretty good job at it! Thank goodness. Even Patrick thought it was good. 

Then it was time to do some beading. 

Panel #1 is done. I guess I forgot to take a photo of it finished - as this was the photo on my phone that looked like it was done! I will do that tomorrow. 

So then I started the second panel - or I thought I did! This one is all wrong!! I did 20 beads instead of 22 beads when I started. I was trying to figure out why the rows weren't working out right.....Yep...it took me to 12 rows to figure that out!! What the heck! Normally I see it in the first 2 rows....NOT tonight! So, I sat and took the beads out and called it done! I will start it again tomorrow and make sure it's 22 and NOT 20 beads! UGH

My day was quiet and it was busy. I had busy times and then down times, then busy times, and back to down times. I should have worked on the quilt downstairs but I haven't had the chance. I need to do that this week so it can go to a quilter and get done! NO MORE EXCUSES.....so I tell myself. Oh, well, at least I'm trying to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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Casino Day!

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