Thursday, November 2, 2023

A Quiet But Busy Day

 This morning I was working on what I needed to do. I had 2 Zoom meetings today. When I chatted with Debbie she said she could do the 6:30 pm meeting so, I decided to join her. 

After getting laundry started and working on getting blood out of my nightgown, I was able to get some laundry done. It took a good 3 washes to get the blood out. At least it's out because that's my favorite nightshirt. 

I then worked on my laptop to get my photos from the last 2 presentations. I needed to add them to FB. Once I was able to get the photos from my phone to the laptop, I got to work. Then I had to look up the people that we presented to in the last 2 presentations. Once I had all my ducks in a row, I was able to add the photos to our FB page. I can't wait till Ali gets the webpage up and running so I can get rid of the FB page. I did find out we got some money back from Panda Express. That was a surprise. Now we are waiting to see if McMenamins will also give us a day. 

Then 1 pm arrived way too soon. I got on the Zoom class for our Goldfinch embroidery class. 

There are 12 of us in the class, but only 5 showed up. This is a get acquainted meeting and to make sure everyone knew how to us zoom. Loretta and I were calling the others to see if they were joining us. Jeannette forgot about it and didn't answer her phone. I think I sent it to the wrong number. She called later to tell me she missed it and forgot about it. She's working on getting the pattern from her mailbox in WA but couldn't do it just yet. 

My cookbook arrived today. I'm going to go through it and find vegetable dishes to fix. I'm going to try and work with the foods in the book. I wanted to do the program but Patrick keeps telling me he doesn't think I can do it. Plus he's saying he doesn't see me sticking to it, but if I want to do it, it's okay with him. I'm going to get as class to doing the program as I can. I will try it and if that doesn't work, then I may do the program yet! I do like the receipts in the book and will make a few of them. 

After supper it was time to get on the Zoom meeting again for QOV. Our state coordinator wants us to see each other. She wants all the groups to work together. Because some groups are only 2 people, she wants us to share in the quilts we make. I don't have a problem with that, but I think we have the most nominated people between all the groups. So, I'm willing to help, I'm just not willing to do it at the cost of our veterans. 

After all that, I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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