Monday, November 20, 2023

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting Today

 This morning Patrick had to wait till 10 am to go golfing. The weather was too cold for them to go out. He came back home for a bit. I got ready and out the door before he went the second time. 

I headed to the grange. It was just Sandy and I. We had a great time chatting! We talked for a good hour before we started to work on our projects. I took my beading because I wanted to get this done. I'm still stalling, and I don't know why!! I really do need to finish these up. 

As you can see, I didn't get a lot done. We hadn't had a good chat in a long time. We talked about the Seminar, and I think we are going to see about rooming together. I understand there are individual rooms with a living area. So, we will mark it as a group and that way we still get out own rooms. I'm game. So, we will say that we want to room with our group. We talked about a couple classes and I'm thinking I will take the one class she wants to take. It's pretty. And I can learn new techniques. Debbie Kelley has really good techniques. 

After I left, I headed to Safeway for some bread. Needed that for supper. Patrick made some black-eyed peas soup today. It was really good. Tasted better than usual. After Safeway I headed to Dutch Brothers to get 25 gift cards for my group. I'm going to give them out at our potluck as a thank you. I also picked up coffee for Debbie and tea for me. 

Came home and let Debbie know I was home. She said they messed up on her coffee, so she had to go get it fixed. We opened the boxes of bolts of fabric. I was hoping for more designs on the fabrics, but he gave us most of what we already had before. Disappointed we didn't get something else, but happy to get what we did. 

After she left, I pretty much just relaxed the rest of the day. I didn't make it to moms today. I was busy as it was and didn't want to stay at her place till 5 pm. I'm sure that's how long it would take to make lefsa. 

I did pull out my boxes of beads and started working on getting them organized. I added to the ones I had, than I STARTED to put the rest in tubes. I need to order more tubes. 

That was a good couple hours of organizing. I gave up after a while. I only got the top group done, but found more in the boxes I put the tubes in. I pulled them out and worked on them as well. So, there is about that much more left to work on. I didn't take a photo of the added beads from my boxes. I will order more tubes and then get those done as well. This is what keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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