Thursday, February 29, 2024

Back To Work - 4 Finished Quilts

 This morning Patrick went golfing. While he was gone, I started laundry, vacuumed, and took my walk. I started doing my exercises in the morning again. I did realize that I will not do the one where I am on all 4's. Those brought back the pain in my hip. Told Patrick I wasn't doing them again. Walking is my best bet and I have been doing that. Walked 5 laps today. Not quite 7 but it was way too cold. Between the wind and the rain, I gave it up. 

I played games again this afternoon. BUT I did pull out the quilts that needed labels. I still need to get 2 quilts ready to be quilted. I can take one to the church or I can give one to another member. I will wait and see what I will do. 

Before I show the quilts, I have a "funny." At least some people would think so. I was telling Patrick about the toilets at Kaiser. I told him they had a "lip" that I was wondering what it was for. Since he worked in Waste Water, I assumed he would know. Wouldn't he?! Well, when we went yesterday, I took a photo. Good thing no one was there, because that would sound funny if I heard a camera going off while in the bathroom. As I took the photo, someone did come in, but left before I was done. lol 

So, I showed him the photo. He couldn't figure it out. Said it might be some medical reason for those. It would be fun to see what it is actually used for. Maybe to keep stuff from being put down the toilet. SEE, it's funny! I can't figure it out and it's a TOILET!! Oh, well. Maybe some day I will find out. 

Let's get back to my quilts. 

Connie Carter made this one. She did both the quilting and the piecing. This is the 3rd or 4th quilt that she has made like this one. 

Kristi made this one. It's small! I told her I would send them back! Oh, well. It will be one of the smaller quilts that we will give out. When we have enough, they will be done at the same time. 

Linda Nelson from Grace Church made this. It's really pretty! 

Joann Wisner and Connie Carter did this one. it's still from all those kits for blocks mom did. It's pretty cool to see them all done. At least when the cutting is all the same, it's easier to get done. 

After I finished this post, I found there was one more quilt that needed a label. 

Valoree Gordon's quilt that Colleen Hill quilted. This was dropped off and I left it at the front door. So, when I went downstairs to get the bolts of fabric for Joann, I found this. Of course, I needed to finish it. 

Have a list of things to do tomorrow. It's quilting at moms tomorrow. Need to give Joann some fabric and will go get it now before I forget. lol 

I'm just glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Trip To Olympia And The Casino

 This morning we had to go to Olympia for another one of my doctors appointments. It went really well. I'm healthy and things are looking good. We talked about everything going on. She's one of the best doctors I've had, and I have had a lot. 

After that we headed to Rochester, to the Lucky Eagle Casino. We stayed a little longer than last time, but the slots are really tight. It's frustrating. We were there about an hour and a half. Patrick needed to go. He was getting bored of the rain and bored of staying home. Plus his brain is working overtime with his cancer issues. Like I told the doctor, his doctors didn't give him the death sentence, but it was an under current none the less. So far they are just keeping him alive with treatments. 

Came home and didn't feel like doing much. So, I've been playing games. Think I'm going back into "grieve" mode. She said that when one has cancer, like my breast cancer, they go into a grieving time. Maybe because it's all over? Sounds good to me though, because it's a little depressing. Now that it's over for me, yeah, I think I'm there. 

Maybe tomorrow will be better. So, all in all, I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Wasting The Day

 Today was Patrick's cancer appointments. One on zoom and one on the phone. 

The zoom meeting was with Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle. He was very informative. I liked the doctor. He had ideas of what Patrick could do next. There are things he will try. I had the feeling this is just to keep him alive. We are on 3 years of this. It's hard to listen to at times. But then other times are uplifting. This one, was having me question things in my mind. 

Then in the afternoon his cancer doctor. That went well and he's going to help. He's leaving, but he's still going to keep working with Patrick till he leaves. Then he will be going to my oncologist. 

We all know life goes on. Me, I decided to play games. Easier to deal with the information at times. So, I wasted the day away. 

I did try to walk but after 2 laps my chest was burning with the cold. It was just a tad too cold for me. lol 

It turned out to be a day where I couldn't be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting

Monday, February 26, 2024

Went To Embroidery And Moms

 This morning I was wondering if we were going to have a meeting since it was snowing when I got up. Sent a text to Sandy but she didn't answer, so took a shower. Came out and it was raining. Patrick didn't go golfing because of the snow. Sent another text to Sandy saying I guess I will be there. 

Headed out the door. Stopped at the bank and then headed to Connie's. She had 3 quilts done. When I got to Harrison Ave, the traffic was blocked in all the lanes. There was a car accident between Safeway gas and Texaco gas. That is a bad spot where people don't want to wait for the light. It took me an extra 10 minutes to get to her place. Picked up the quilts and headed to the grange. 

Cindy and Sandy were already there. Looked like they were talking seriously. Got busy with our piece. Sandy's was a lot farther than mine. 

I finished the last of the purple berries - as far as stitching the mirror down. I then went to work on the last leaf I had to do. 

I don't like the way it's coming along. The top of the leaf has too many strands going in the same area. I'm actually thinking of taking it out and reworking it. At least I was able to get 2 of the mirrors done today. Wish I could have started on the stems but that didn't work out. 

After the grange, I headed to see mom. She had some a quilt that was done. I picked that up and dropped off the 3 that Connie gave me. I also dropped off her taxes. She's been wanting me to go spend time with her. I will see about going over next week. I just seem to have to go everywhere lately or have doctor appointments that wear me out. 

So, I came home and worked on some stuff for QOV. Then I worked on the water system bills. Once all that was done, I called it done and listened to my book while playing games. I was attacked in my game and lost all my troops. So, I'm having to heal the half that wasn't killed. My alliance was aware and they are working to find him. He keeps changing his name. It's going to take about 5 days to get back where I was. Ticked me off because of the update in the game and those with Androids (sp) are having to wait on the update. Which put my Behemonth out of commission. Therefore giving he a better chance to take me out. UGH. I'll get back up there and I will get back at him! lol 

Even though I love games, I'm just glad to have been able to be around friends and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tapestry Beading Coming To Life

This morning, I was up early but Patrick was up earlier. He went into Centralia and got some doughnuts for us. Not that I need more sweets. 

Then we got to cleaning. I got laundry started and enjoyed playing my games till noon. After that I decided to sit and bead. 

This is coming along. Her coloring is starting to show. There will be some white coming through in about 10 more rows. I've only done 4 rows today. She's almost the same color as the brick work, and I'm hoping that will start to change soon. I like the way it looks. When I'm beading, I'm listening to my book on audio or listen to the TV. It takes an hour to do each row. I'm betting this is bigger than the Santa I did the year before. It's going to be interesting to see. 

Then I decided to call it done. 

Sophie doesn't like to look at me when I take a photo. She's not happy when I do. But she was trying to tell me it was time to come sit so she could be in my lap. Of course, she's spoiled, so I did. 

At least I was able to find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Cleaning And Beading

 This morning, I was up early. Had too much light coming through the window! And yet it rained. Go figure. I tend to wake at dawn no matter what. Sometimes I can go back to bed but not today. 

I played games for a while. Then I got up, watered the plants, cleaned up a little. Got laundry going. All that. 

Once that was done, I decided I wanted to bead. 

Four rows later I'm getting there. I showed Patrick how the brick is starting to look like bricks. I like the way it's coming out. Trouble is I can see it better in the photo! I see the brick now that I'm working on it. It's finally coming along great. Sophie is starting to appear! I can't wait to see her eyes come to life. 

I was listening to my books on tape while I worked on my Sophie. I am going to go and play games for a bit before heading to bed. My day turned out to be an awesome day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 23, 2024

Trip To Olympia

This morning we were up and out the door by 7:30 am. I had my breathing tests in Olympia today. It all went well, but I have to go back in 3 months. We are just checking to see if I am going down in one area. At least trying to see if there is a pattern. Told Patrick that I think I did that last year. The doctor asked me to come back in 3 months. I couldn't get an appointment that soon, so it's 5 months out. Like that's going to help. Anyway, I'm on the list to be called if there is a cancelation. 

We then went to Costco and picked up a few things. Patrick grabs some crab legs for supper. I'm so okay with that!

Came home and got Phil's stuff in a box. Then got back in the car and headed to his place. Once that was done, we went to Rite Aid looking for some vitamins my doctor requested. Patrick is going to look into it, because we couldn't find what I needed. 

Came back home and unloaded Costco stuff. Just as we were finishing, Debbie showed up and we headed over to Alli's place. First we stopped and got tea - her coffee. Then we went into Centralia and joined up with Alli. She's got a lot of great ideas. She's going to do the computer stuff for our QOV group. We will have a website for everyone to check out. I can't wait till it's running. I have to send a few things to her and then hopefully in the next month we will be up and running. I was telling her our FB page may have to be done all over again because it might be hooked to my personal account. She will check it out this weekend. Hopefully she can fix it. 

Came home after about an hour and a half with her. Didn't have time to do much, so we fixed supper. Then I sat down and played games since I didn't get to do it earlier. I was thinking of doing some beading, but I really didn't have the time. As much as I would have loved to bead, it wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Progress - But Not So One Can See

 This morning Patrick went golfing. I enjoyed the morning by walking and then playing games. There is just something about playing games that is relaxing to me. 

When Patrick got home, we watched the TV show, "Finding Your Roots." I started watching it while he was golfing, so we watched 2 more after. It's fascinating to me. Plus, like them, I want to know where we came from. 

It was time for Patrick to go to the City for a meeting and I had an oncology "zoom" meeting. I talked to her about Patrick needing to change to her. It's going to be interesting since she's getting all the ones from the 2 doctors that are leaving. It looks good on my part. I'm doing fine. Very few side effects that are bothering me. 

Then I went and beaded. Had to get my mind back to normal after that visit. 

From the photo, it looks like I have touched the top of Sophie's head. On the beading table, I was hoping I had gotten there, but it didn't look like it. This is 3 more rows done from yesterday. 

I do hope I can work on this tomorrow. I have a breathing test tomorrow and betting nothing has changed. Then we will hit Costco and I need to go to Allie's in the afternoon. I will try and get another row or two in tomorrow. I'm having a bit too much fun now. Now that her face is coming into view. 

That's why I like to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Rainy Day - Perfect To Stay Home

 This morning, I was up earlier than I usually am. Patrick didn't go golfing. Good thing, because it rained most of the day. 

I played games for a while and then decided I wanted to do some beading. 

Showed Patrick this piece and then had to tell him what he was looking at. 😍 The photo is easier to tell. Told him it's the bricks he was seeing more of. Then pointed out the ears. Told him if you look at Sophie (calico cat) you see 2 different color ears. That's why one is black and the other is tan. It's getting closer to the forehead. I can't wait to see how the face comes out. We will see. 

Then after supper I just enjoyed playing more games. I keep going back to Treasure Hunt. I have like 3 accounts on that game. I really should go check my other games out too. 😆

When I got up to go into the bedroom to pick something up, I came back to this!

No room to sit back down. She didn't budge! It's comical at times. I just sat in the couch for a while. 

At least I was able to spend a few hours working on 5 rows of beading, which make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Can't Make Up My Mind

This morning Patrick was off golfing, and I was playing games enjoying the day. He actually came home early, so I ended up vacuuming while he was home. I would rather do it while he golfs. Got laundry started. 

Then Debbie reminded me we were going to the Lewis County offices to check on our donation boxes. One gal said she would get them to the business and then another said to come get them. So, we went to pick them up. Four boxes later, we headed to the museum to give them one to put out for us. We stopped at Dutch Brothers for coffee first - and we all know I get tea! After the museum we stopped at the church to pick up a quilt from Rita. It's done and ready to be bound. I will take it to mom and have her do it. I probably need to trim it first. 

Came home and after supper decided I wanted to bead. Couldn't make up my mind if I wanted to cross stitch or do embroidery. But then the beads are on the table, and I needed to work on them or put them away. 

Three more rows later, and I stopped. The ears are showing up pretty good now. I do like this and need to work on it. Maybe again tomorrow. I also need to finish my class piece. I could go on with all the projects I SHOULD do, or WOULD do, but I seem to get myself in a mess when I do. 

I sent off the money for QOV. Returned a check to another person and had to work on sending a message to our group. We will have our meeting in April. I WOULD like to do a quilt top again, but dang it!, I have so much going on! I guess I should be happy that I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 19, 2024

Working On Embroidery Today

This morning Patrick was out the door with golfing. I was out the door to drop off the quilt to Connie. Then I headed over to the grange were Sandy and I arrived at the same time. She picked up tea for us. Then we sat and chatted. We both had the class yesterday, so we both got to work on our pieces. Sandy's green is a little different from mine. We even looked on YouTube and watched how another gal attached the mirrors to fabric. It was so much better than what we were taught! It holds the mirror a lot better than doing it Debbie's way. 

I found that I like the end result better. I used the technique on the purple berries. I will do beading on them when I'm done. The beading will cover them, but they look a whole lot better than the way I was doing it from class. We were a little disappointed in the class. Sandy is going to take the other class with me as well. It's in April so we have time. I'm going to work hard at getting this done! I want to get it off my plate and move on. I have one more berry to do, then I will work on the stems. The main stem is thicker than the rest. 

We ended up staying till about 2 pm. It was the longest we had been there in a long time. We talked about one of my QOV members and grange member. He's getting himself into trouble. His plans are plans that neither the grange nor the QOV groups are allowed to do. He seems to think he can take over without realizing he doesn't have the authority. It will be interesting. Now I know what's going on with him when it comes to the grange. I will have to put a stop to it, if he thinks he can get away with it. 

Got home and was hungry for French fries, so I made them! It was pretty good too. I got my fix for now. lol - At least the day was fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 18, 2024

From One Thing To Another And Another

 This morning we were up early. I was tired and didn't want to get up, but we had to be in Olympia by 9:30 am. Katt called when we arrived in Olympia and were about 30 minutes early. So, we sat in the car and chatted with her. It was good to hear from her and she's been on it when it comes to calling us. We get called every other weekend; mom gets the other weekend. 

I had my tensity test this morning. It went really fast. The gal was surprised at how flexible I was at my age. Guess the older we get they expect us to be using a cane or something. lol Me, not so much. I like to walk too much. 😁

We were back around 11 am and I had lunch. Patrick was on the computer for awhile. I cleaned up the dishes in the dishwasher, cleaned the litter box and then got laundry going. Didn't get much done with the laundry thought. 

Then it was time to go on the computer for my zoom class. 

Debbie's class. Only one person missed the class. We worked on what to do with the beads for the berries. We didn't do the beading because we needed to attach the mirrors for that. I had finished 1 1/2 berries by the end of the class. 

Then it was our group zoom meeting and 3 of us from the class were there. I finished the second berry and then went to work on the leaves. I was able to get 2 of them done. I have one more leaf and then I can finish up the berries and stems. I May put the stem on first before I do the berries, or I may wait and add the stem that goes to the berries till after I'm done. 

I will be working on this tomorrow at our BE meeting. I also need to drop off a quilt for Connie. Looks like I'm going to have plenty of time to work on this tomorrow. 

No other plans for the rest of tonight, thinking I'm going to bed early! I want to get more sleep! lol At least with all I did today, I was able to spend a lot of time being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Another Saturday

 This morning I was up early. Patrick changed the sheets today instead of tomorrow because he wanted to get the new mattress heater on. We lost the heat on his side of the bed. He decided he wasn't going to wait for the fall to get another one since it's still cold at night. He was warming his feet on my side of the bed when we went to bed. It was getting comical. 

I was playing games and then decided I needed to work on my leaves for tomorrow's class. I got one started. At least I have the mirror part done. 

I cut backing and batting for Colleen's quilt. Texted Connie to tell her I would be there on Monday. I need to wash the backing and then it will be ready to go. I started it - just need to dry it now. 

I also got the bread ready to raise when I got up. Then at about 2 pm I baked it. 

One of my better sourdough breads. It came out great! I just had a slice of bread for supper - it was that good!

I worked on my embroidery before heading to the computer to work on the MATHESON family. 

I started the second leaf by the bottom left. I just didn't get a photo of it. I'm going to work on it for a bit longer. It will be going with me tomorrow for my appointment at Kaiser. Hopefully by 1 pm I will have most of them done. 

Bryan called and we chatted about the family tree. I added a few more names to the list while I was on the phone with him. He's been getting a lot of information for me. I noticed most of the relatives we have moved up her to OR or WA. So, chances are I may have met them and didn't know it! Go figure. 

The good news is that I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Back On Genealogy

 This morning, Patrick slept in, and I got a few things done. He is going golfing tomorrow. It was funny though. Everyone around us, including mom, had snow. We didn't get any at all. A few friends took photos, but we were dry. If we did get some last night it didn't stay around. Mom said they got about 4" and she's about 10 - 15 mins away. 

I had to get back on the computer to work on QOV stuff. I added the photos from last month and this month on the Facebook page. Now that's done. Then I had to call the shop to see if our fabric was in, and since it is, Debbie and I will go get it tomorrow. 

Last weeks veterans. 

Quilting is tomorrow. Mom said there will only be 4 of us. I'm leaving early to get to Debbie's so we can go to the shop. I am planning on taking my embroidery to get more done by Sunday afternoon. 

May have to work on it while I wait at Kaiser for my test. lol 

I then got on the FTM program and tried to save my TAYLOR family tree, but it said my thumb drive wasn't big enough. I don't think the WILTZIUS file is that big. Who knows. I will get another thumb drive to cover the TAYLOR family. It took almost all day to get what it did before telling me it wouldn't fit. GRR So, while that was going on, I worked on the QOV stuff. 

After that, I loaded the WILTZIUS file on FTM and now am ready to work. I will try this weekend to get more done. Bryan will call tomorrow, so I can chat with him. I've actually got a lot done that he sent me. 

Then I got a call from Kaiser reminding me about my density test on Sunday. I can't take any vitamins for 48 hrs before, which means today till I get it done on Sunday at 9 am. UGH I completely forgot too!!

I even forgot to do my walking, so I went walking while Patrick went to his district meeting. I was able to do 5 laps. It was cold out there! Scott came home when I was on the 5th lap and we chatted before I finished it. Patrick came back shortly after I did. 

So, today was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Spending The Afternoon On Genealogy

 Of course, Patrick wanted to go grocery shopping this morning. I wanted to get it done and over with so I could get on the computer to work on genealogy. We went shopping and, on the way, stopped to drop off some batting and backing for Linda Nelson to quilt the quilt she has for us. I had to cut that before we left. 

Patrick spent part of the day on the computer for moms' taxes. So, while he was on, I played games. Then it was time for me to get on. 

I wanted to get some of Bryan's information into the computer and work on ancestry - since it stops on the 28th. I should have been doing this earlier. Oh, well. At least I can chat with Bryan on Friday about what all I have entered and what information I'm not sure about. 

I basically worked on the MATHESON family, since Bryan is a MATHESON. I added a few more names to my tree. I also found a lot of them on findagrave and had to add the death dates on them. Ancestry had some more information as well. Then I noticed I was entering distant cousins who passed away around the age of 56-63. Depressing when they start coming up at that age. Some photos on them make me think I've seen them. Chances are I haven't, but I guess we all have the same features and don't realize it. Really interesting. 

I tried to back up my TAYLOR tree, and it wouldn't back up. I tried at least 5 times. The computer would block up and then tell me the thumb drive didn't have enough memory. Total wrong. I will load the Wineland family on tomorrow. 

I wasn't feeling good today. So, working on the computer helped a little. I had to cut another backing and batting for Debbie as she called this evening to let me know she has a quilt top from Kristi. I took a break and went down to cut the backing and batting. Then I brought it up to wash. It's in the laundry now. 

Patrick is getting set to work with Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle. They called a couple times today. 

When I'm onto getting family history done, then I really don't get to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

What A Day!

 This morning I was up and got moving right away. I vacuumed the house, got laundry going and then took a break. I was still moving on washing and cleaning when Patrick arrived. He was off golfing. I was surprised I didn't even touch the tablet till after everything was done. Once Patrick got home, I walked my 7 laps. 

Came in and then sat to play for awhile. Then I remembered my list on the counter, and went to cancel my ancestry account. While I was at it, I wanted to move my Family Tree Maker to the new computer. That was not an easy task. I also needed to get a letter written to a wife of a veteran that wanted us to make another quilt for him. We don't (and can't) do that. 

I worked on getting my laptop program backed up. I was able to do the Wiltzius family but then I kept restarting the Taylor family. So, I headed in the settings and changed the time it had to wait before shutting down. Now after 2 hours, its about 3/5's done. UGH! 

I was able to load it on the computer but ended up on the phone for about 30 mins before I could get to where I needed to be to get it loaded. Once I was directed to the right spot, I knew I had it. It's now loaded and I have been adding information my cousin has been sending me on the family. I spend the 2 hours adding information on the MATHESON family while I waited for the back up on the TAYLOR family tree. I loaded that from ancestry to the program on this computer. I'm going to take the back up and load the WILTZIUS family tree on it tomorrow. This has been a long process, but it needed to be done. My laptop is starting to give out on me. I may end up taking it to Ed and letting him set it up for charity or something. Frustrating when the laptop is dying on me! I've only had it about 5 years. They aren't cheap either. Now I'm back to a computer and hope it will work for now. 

It wasn't a day where I could being enjoying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Always Enjoy Friends

 This morning was embroidery day. I do enjoy going to embroidery to be around good friends. Cindy and Sandy were already there. It was odd today though. Cindy didn't talk much so we were wondering what was going on with her. Sandy and I worked on our class embroidery pieces. Cindy left and Sandy and I chatted for another hour. 

Sandy started out with the thicker thread. I believe that was Lola. I started with Lola yesterday and when I took everything out, I started with the Iris that was supposed to be for that. I like the Lola look compared to the look of Iris. But I decided to just keep going with the Iris thread. I am thinking I'm going to take out the first one I did. (Bottom right). Those are mirrors in the inside. My mirror on the first one was showing the edge and I didn't like that. Plus, there are a couple places where I was stitching that didn't come out right. 

At times I wish I could just leave it alone and keep going, but that's not how I was taught by my grandmother and mother. If I didn't like it, I was to take it out. If I did it wrong, no matter where it was, I was to take it out. They were good teachers. This is the 4th leaf I was working on. I got half done this evening. 

After the meeting, I headed to Connie's to drop off quilts and chat. Then I headed to moms. 

Most of this afternoon I was with mom and on the phone with USAA for her insurance. She couldn't get on the website. We ended up on the phone with USAA for a good hour to an hour and a half. I was able to help. Mom couldn't hear them, and I had to relate to her what they were asking. The first gal, I think, thought we were trying to get into someone else's account. She got a supervisor, who asked 3 security questions. Mom couldn't remember her word code and that started off with the security questions. I had to listen, shake my head no, and then say "yes" for mom to answer. She passed the security questions and then the supervisor said I was already on the account to be able to talk to. When the gal got back on, she asked what we needed, I told her, and she send me to another guy to help us. I started to ask a question and she had transferred me before I could get the whole sentence out. I couldn't believe it! The guy we did get was awesome and he took care of the issue. By the time I got home it was 4:15 pm. 

I can be thankful that I had good friends to talk to and was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Class Day & Super Bowl

 UGH, I should have said after the title. Neither team was my favorite, but if I had to vote, I would go for the SF team. I liked the new quarterback. 

I had our class today. 

It was fun. We all worked on the leaves. There are mirrors in the leaves and the berries. We were shown how to attach the mirrors and then work the leaf around it. Then we worked on the leaves. 

This is what I did in class - the big leaf and the middle one. Then I wanted to try something for the next leaf and decided I didn't like it, so I took it out. 

The bottom one is the first one I did, then I wanted to see if I could get a "stem" through it, but it didn't work, so the top one was taken out. 

I went ahead and finished the mirror leaf and will get back to the leaf I didn't like. I will add the stem part when I do stems. It will work out fine. She was taking small bites out the stem area, which gave her's the stem look. This way was so much easier! 

So, that's what I did today. I was thrilled to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Baking And Cross Stitch

This morning, I was up early. Just couldn't sleep. Patrick slept another 2 hours after me. So, I sat and played my games while he slept. I even tried to see if I could get the game on the computer but couldn't.  I was to be on the game at noon. 

So, while I waited for our "war game," I decided to bake Patrick his Magic Bars. He wanted them the last couple days. I even picked up the coconut for it. So, when he reminded me this morning, I decided to get it done and over with by the time I had to play on the tablet. He headed outside and worked in the garden. He spent a good 3 hours outside with the sun out. I worked on laundry and then realized he is going to pile more laundry for me tomorrow. Oh, well. 

I spent the noon playing with game friends. It went well, but I didn't do so good. I got stuck with the other team killing me off. lol So, I had to go back to the safe zone. Ended up in 36th place and no solo rewards. Oh, well, I know better next time. 

We watched a couple shows this afternoon. I pulled out the cross stitching to work on. 

As soon as I did, Sophie came to see if she could get my attention. She knows when I plan to work on something and doesn't waste any time coming to be in my lap! Any other time, she's off on the couch. 

I'm happy with the work I was able to get done. I'm next to the tip of the dove's wing. I'm working my way up to the top. I was able to do about 400 stitches today. I filled in a couple empty spots in the white. Now I'm working my way up. I need to add the gold in the white area that's in the blue. I will work on it later. I like how it's looking. 

Now it's time to call it a night, and I'm just glad to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 9, 2024

Started Out Quiet - Got Busy After

 This morning, I woke after Patrick left for golfing. I woke to a dream where my younger brother had passed away. No one can go back to sleep with a dream like that. 

I ended up having to give TLC to Sophie as she meowed till I sat down. I played a few games and the Patrick got home. He was watching his "Love Boat" shows. So, I came in the computer room and worked on a few things. 

Then I remembered I didn't post yesterday because there really wasn't anything to post other than talking about the QOV presentation. I was fun to be back with the group. I did get a lot of hugs. We had 8 veterans receive quilts. The other 2 veterans decided they didn't want a quilt and I talked to the gal that works in the area where they live. One is a WWII veteran. I told her we would be willing to go to their place and give them a quilt. I don't want them to go without. She said she would talk to them, but she can't force them. I agreed with her. I thought maybe it would be easier if we go to them. 

They all were fun! We had a good time honoring them. I will try and get their names on here later. 

I came into the computer room to work on getting the expenses and donations done for our group. Once that was done, I went through my files and got rid of a few things that didn't need to be in there. I cleaned up box for taking with me. Then I worked on Brazilian embroidery stuff. I had to send the information to the new marketing person. I had Instagram and Facebook stuff that needed to be done. I also wanted to transfer our Facebook page for QOV to Alli. Trouble is I think I have it part of my account and can't do that. So, we may have to close it and start another one that is easier to get to. Major pain!

Debbie stopped by to cut the batting and backing for me. We had 2 quilts that needed the backing and batting. And I needed to cut some for Connie but I'm giving her the end of the bolt on one of them. I am going to try and drop it all off on Monday. 

Patrick and I decided to go out for "date night." So, we went down to Castle Rock to Papa Pete's Pizza. It is a long drive but not as far as Kelso is. We got there to find out it would be 45 to 50 mins before the pizza would be ready. Patrick said, "fine." I was surprised because he knows I hate to wait. But we both were hungry for their pizza. We took their menu and have it in the car. That way when we want to go next time, we can call ahead and it would be ready sooner. It was really good. They have the small pepperoni that gets crisp. Patrick like the crust, but I would like just a little more dough to it. It's like crackers to me. 

Came home and wasn't home long when my cousin from prison called. We chatted about the family, and we even added another wife to one of the family members as we were going along. 

Now it's time to call it a night and I'm done. I don't know if I will be able to work on stuff tomorrow either. I have a game I need to be on at noon tomorrow. lol At least we aren't going anywhere. 

I'm hoping, tomorrow, I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Not A Day For Cross Stitching

This morning I had a doctor appointment at 9:15, so we left around 7:50 pm. We were early because we never know what the traffic would be like. We were by the hospital at St. Pete's when a car accident happened in front of us. We didn't see it hit, but we did see the car separating from the truck and out of control. We thought it would hit the car in front of us. Instead, it went right in front. All the airbags were blown out in the car. We think the person was unconscious. Patrick went around while I called 911. I told them that I thought they were injured. Patrick thought so too. It really did some damage. I couldn't have stopped to see if they were okay, because if there would have been blood, I would have passed out and they would end up taking me to the hospital as well. I did the next best thing and called 911. To my surprise it didn't seem like anyone called them. She asked a lot of questions and I answered, giving her my name and phone number. We really didn't see it happen because we were looking around. It was at a stop light. The black car must have been speeding because that was a lot of damage. 

Got to my appointment. It was for female issues. lol - Trust me, at my age, this issue was sore when they were finished. I had a hard time trying to walk! lol My Dr/Nurse was saying they read my record and are amazed at what all I have been going through. They think this will be okay. 

We stopped at Walmart and picked up a few things. Then went to Dutch Brothers for a drink. By that time we headed home. 

Got home and I played games. It's a war game and I chat with people all around the world. It's fun. I tend to do that one the most. I'm getting myself to back off and play others. 

I just wasn't in the mood to do much today. I was surprised at how I reacted to the biopsy, because I have had one before and it didn't hurt so much. So, I came home and did like the nurse said, took a shower! lol 

I did work on my QOV certificates for tomorrow. Quilts are ready to go. Patrick has to take them to the car and I will have someone come out and get them when I get there. I have to be sure not to lift anything with my right arm. Let's see if I can behave. So far, I haven't been using that arm to lift much. If I do it's around 10 lbs. But then later I realize I shouldn't have done that. It sucks to get OLD!!

Now I'm ready for bed! Tomorrow is another day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Got The Bug For Cross Stitching Again

Today Patrick headed out to go golfing and I slept in. When I woke, I really didn't want to get up. And yet I didn't want to go back to sleep. So, I laid there for a while and finally got up. 

I vacuumed and Patrick walked in. I got lunch and then sat down to play games. 

After a while, I really wanted to work on my cross stitch. I finally got the stair step method going the way I like. 

I then went back to the bottom and started to work my way up again.

This way I was able to get a lot done. I filled in the areas that I found along the way. I have a couple more to get, but that will come. I did have to take a few stitches out along the way, because I was getting confused or lost in what I was doing. That's okay, because I tend to know that's the time to call it quits after I got back and fix it. I used the wrong color thread on the darker area in the left side. Took it out and put the right color there. That's when I decided it was quitting time. At least I was able to enjoy the day being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, February 5, 2024

Enjoyed The Morning With Friends

This morning was Brazilian embroidery. Everyone made it there before me. I had to stop a couple of times. Once at the bank and then Dutch Brothers. 

I arrived about 5 mins late. No worries. We had a good visit. Gerilyn was there but had to leave. Her husband is going to have surgery on his knee. So, we won't see her for a couple weeks. Sandy V came from Ocean Shores. She won't be back for about a month. So, it looks like Sandy, Cindy and I are by ourselves again. Sandy V was talking about having demo's at the county fairs. I'm thinking I would ask Kathleen for maybe a day or two. I don't think they want to do the whole week. Might be able to do QOV and BE so both won't be there the whole time. Something to think about. We talked about the classes. 

I took my cross stitching with me. I didn't want to do embroidery today, but cross stitch works just as well. I was able to get this far in that short amount of time. 

On the way home I had to stop at Rite Aid, and then I forgot to pick up what I was going there for. Oh, well. After that, it was Safeway and then the church. Linda Nelson had a quilt for us. 

I added the label to it, and then added it to the 11 quilts I did over the last 2 weeks. We are looking good for now. 

After that, I decided to go back to working on my cross stitching. I really need to try and get it done. My beading was started after this. I think when I finally get this done, it will be a relief. I love it, and really want to finish it. 

I was able to get my stair steps to look like stair steps. I am working on the top of the right side. Santa's beard is coming through. I have to add some more gold. Cindy and the 2 Sandy's said it was prettier in person and I do agree with that. 

I enjoyed being back with good friends. We can laugh and have a good time. That is hard to find these days. I've known Sandy E for close to 20 years now, if not 20 years. We weren't together for about 7 of those years. Then when we got back together, it was like those years never happened. Sandy is an awesome friend that I call my sister - the one I never got to have. It makes it easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Another Sunday Over

Today started out with watching an old John Wayne movie. I remembered it. It was one that we saw in Germany. Mom was a big John Wayne fan. 

Then I went for my walk, making it 7 times around the block. That I haven't done in over 2 months. Felt good, but the wind was blowing again. Yesterday the wind was blowing a little more than today. I had my hoodie on with Patrick's hat underneath. My ear buds quit on the first round, and I had to turn the phone on with the book playing. It was in my pocket but I'm sure the neighbors heard it when I walked by them.

At 1:30 I got on to zoom to see what our next class is going to be. It's the Shisha Berries that is designed by Debbie Kelley aka DK Designs. I can't wait to work on this. We talked about what we are going to do in the next 2 weeks. We also talked about some embroidery tips. Today was just to get acquainted. 

Then I played for a while. I just wasn't in the mood to do much. I realize I have some sheets in the washer, and I will end up washing them again tomorrow. Oh, well. 

After watching TV with Patrick - or let's just say, he watched TV and I listened to my book on tape. After awhile I decided I really did need to do more cross stitching. I think I'm going to take the cross stitching with me to Brazilian embroidery. 

The stair steps are working now. I'm working on the next set going up. Once I get there then I will be going back down. I filled in a few places, so one can't see where I need to fill in. The white where the bear is wearing the sweater (or whatever), is filled in with white. The other spots are to be filled in. I love working on this. So, I'm planning to take it with me tomorrow. That will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 3, 2024

An Enjoyable Saturday

 This morning Patrick was up before me. When I finally got up, I played a little while on the tablet. 

Around noon I took a walk around the neighborhood, which was 6 times around. Not bad, getting better. I just wanted to listen to my book while I was walking and each time I got to the house, it got more interesting. 

When I came in, I fixed us some French Bread for lunch. I didn't want to have the bread for supper. It turned out pretty good. Patrick needs more food to make him gain weight instead of losing it. I don't know how he can eat so much and then turn around and lose weight instead of gaining it.

After all that, I decided to get all the labels on the quilts in the back room. I need to take them to the presentation on Thursday. 

Connie Carter has been busy. She made and quilted this one. 

Another one of Connie's but she let another quilter quilt this quilt. 

Colleen's sister Catey made the top and Colleen quilted it. 

Connie comes up with some really pretty quilts. Those feet at the bottom, of course, are mine. They are the cancer socks my daughter bought for me. They say, "Dear Cancer, You picked on the wrong Bitch." The Dear Cancer is on the left and the rest is on the right. I love them!

Joanne Wisner and Connie did this one. It has a Marine block, so we will give it to a Marine. 

After I was done with those, I went back to my cross stitching. I'm really enjoying working on it. 

I am almost done with the dove. I am also starting another stair step with the dove and the background. I do like who it's coming, and I have been filling in the missing spots as I move up. I will feel better when all the spots are filled in. I spend a couple hours on this. I was able to get a good 200-300 stitches in. Which ended up being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 2, 2024

Another Day

Today started out with Patrick showering and then climbing back into bed. He said he was a little light headed and couldn't go golfing feeling that way. 

I headed off to moms and told him if he needed me to call or text and I would be home right away. He didn't. 

Went to moms and worked on labels for 2 quilts. 

Connie and I made this quilt. I really like it. I want more of her blocks if she will do them for me. This was fun to work on. 

This is Kristi's quilt for her friend that is getting a quilt. I was working on this at moms, so all the feet around are the gals who came. Mom was working on the quilt to the right. She has a big floor but when everyone has bags and quilts on it, there isn't as much room to take a photo. lol 

Came home around 2 and played my game. My team had a "fight" to do at noon so I was playing the game at lunch time. lol Then at 2 pm there was another group that was doing the same thing. So, I worked on that for a little bit. 

About that time Debbie stopped by with tea and a chat. We chatted for a couple hours! It was so nice to have Debbie over and chatting! We haven't chatted much in over 6 weeks. I told her I contacted the quilt shop in Onalaska for 2 bolts of fabric. One white on white and one-off white on off white. She having to order it and won't be in for about 10 days or more. I told her that was okay. JoAnne needed it for pillowcases, so we will get the 2 bolts for her, and she won't have to worry about getting more from me every time. She's already made 25 pillowcases for us. 

I still have 5 quilts that need labels, and I will work on that tomorrow. I need to get them done. Patrick can put them in the car, and I will have someone come and get them when I get to the museum. All's good. 

My brother's surgery went well today. They are keeping him overnight. He had foot surgery, and they replaced his heal. We chatted as I told him I didn't want to do radiation and he told me he fully supported my decision. It felt good to have him back me up. This is my older brother. lol 

So, I was glad to be with my quilting friends and end up being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...