Monday, February 19, 2024

Working On Embroidery Today

This morning Patrick was out the door with golfing. I was out the door to drop off the quilt to Connie. Then I headed over to the grange were Sandy and I arrived at the same time. She picked up tea for us. Then we sat and chatted. We both had the class yesterday, so we both got to work on our pieces. Sandy's green is a little different from mine. We even looked on YouTube and watched how another gal attached the mirrors to fabric. It was so much better than what we were taught! It holds the mirror a lot better than doing it Debbie's way. 

I found that I like the end result better. I used the technique on the purple berries. I will do beading on them when I'm done. The beading will cover them, but they look a whole lot better than the way I was doing it from class. We were a little disappointed in the class. Sandy is going to take the other class with me as well. It's in April so we have time. I'm going to work hard at getting this done! I want to get it off my plate and move on. I have one more berry to do, then I will work on the stems. The main stem is thicker than the rest. 

We ended up staying till about 2 pm. It was the longest we had been there in a long time. We talked about one of my QOV members and grange member. He's getting himself into trouble. His plans are plans that neither the grange nor the QOV groups are allowed to do. He seems to think he can take over without realizing he doesn't have the authority. It will be interesting. Now I know what's going on with him when it comes to the grange. I will have to put a stop to it, if he thinks he can get away with it. 

Got home and was hungry for French fries, so I made them! It was pretty good too. I got my fix for now. lol - At least the day was fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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