Monday, September 2, 2024

VERY Sore Day

This morning I woke to pain in my chest. Not in my chest but on the skin. I scratched myself last night while sleeping and got more pain then after surgery.  I called the day - don't do day. I didn't do anything today! Hurt to much to do anything. 

I did finish up a few things. Helped Patrick unload the dishwasher.  He thinks I over did it yesterday and I would agree to that. 

I did find a few minutes to finish the last panel. This is ready to be an ornament.  

I also started the next set. This one will be original colors. I need to put a few things away too. 

Sophie hasn't left my side today.  Patrick took a nap. He actually lost 5 lbs while we were gone. Not a good sign. 

Even when I am in pain, I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Interesting Day

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