Monday, November 18, 2019

A Day With Friends At BE

This morning I was up. Actually I had one of those nights were I couldn't sleep very well. I was up every so often. I finally got up at about 7:30 am. I went to the couch around 5 am.

I then went to our Brazilian Embroidery meeting this morning. I really had a good time.

I finished the stems. Then I got started on the rose. I still have a couple more rounds to do and then I'll have the rose done.

Then I met mom at the eye doctors. It was all good news. She has to go back in 4 weeks.

I came home and made a call for QOV. Need to get the gal her quilt! We decided to wait till January. I'm going to try for the 11th in Jan which is a Saturday. That way we can get her - finally - awarded.
I then worked on the labels for 2 of the quilts. I realized right then that I have 4 people getting quilts on Wednesday.  I forgot about the quilt I have for someone that was made specifically for him.

Once that was done, I just watched DWTS because Sophie took my chair. I wanted to go fix my beading but then decided I didn't need to worry about it. I did listen to another audio book and return it to the library.

Time to play! At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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