Saturday, November 23, 2019

Movie and Organizing

This morning we just relaxed. 

Then we went to the "Frozen 2" movie. I really liked it, but was disappointed with the music. The music in the background was louder than the song. So, I couldn't enjoy the song. I wanted to hear what the song was about but couldn't because the instruments were louder than the singer. I did enjoy the movie though. It wasn't quiet as good as the first one though. 

On the way home, we saw what Terry (one of the City Council members) was doing to one of the city buildings. 

He made a ginger bread house out of the building. Shame Terry got voted off the council because they don't know what they are missing without him 

Came back home and I worked on some laundry and played a few games. 

Then I got the bright idea to organize my beading. I got the Snowman beads together. Then I worked on the Polar Bear beads. 

I got all my projects and beads ready. I still need some more beads for the Snowman, but I'm thinking I'm going to do the Polar Bear first. But before I can do any of that, I need to finish the birds. I'm able to get half a row done today. So, at least I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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