Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Getting Closer To Retirement

Today is the day Patrick was to get his certificate from the City on his retirement. That wasn't till 5 pm.

I was up and playing a few games. I also got laundry going as Patrick really did some cleaning yesterday and my pile was back. While I was doing that, Faye stopped by to pick up some backing material. I also gave her the extra red fabric I had that we couldn't use for backing.

After she left, I go ready to go to moms. I arrived around 1 pm. Then took her to the Laser Clinic for her appointment. She can now see 20/15 in both her eyes. Told her to quiet using her glasses. She was in the habit of wearing glasses. I dropped her back off at her place - now she can drive herself. I then went to Safeway to get what I needed for supper and dessert. Dessert will be done on Thursday or Friday as I will be at moms tomorrow.

When I saw Sophie like this before I left, I couldn't help but take a photo! I feel like that some days! lol

After all that, I was home and putting dinner in the frig with a marinade. Fixed my hair and was out the door. Then I went over to the library (because I was early for the City Council meeting). Walked over and met with Patrick at the City Council door. Phil was on his way, so I waited for him outside. He and I went into the City Council. Phil sat next to Patrick and they chatted. It was then time for the meeting to start. We were all asked to go up to the poteum (sp).

He was given this Proclamation of Retirement. It was framed for him. Phil and I were asked to go up, but not really sure why. We just stood there. Patrick introduced us and then thanked the City for their support.

I wanted to get a few more beads on my piece. I got about half a row and realized I needed to do by back exercises.

Tomorrow mom and I are going to do bread baking. Should be interesting. Not sure if it will be a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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