Monday, November 30, 2020

A Better Day -

 This morning I was up early. I woke at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep for a good 2 hours. Then I woke again at 7:30 am, so decided to give up and get up. 

We went out to get a few things that we needed. I wanted to get some boxes for the ornaments. I also wanted to pick up a calendar. We got all that at the dollar store. We had to wait about 5 mins before we could go into the store. There was a gal there keeping track of who's in and out of the store. They only allowed 35 people in the store at one time. Then we went to Safeway and picked up some stuff we needed. Spent more than I wanted but we needed it. 

Came home and Patrick got the Disney Channel for me. So, we watched the Avengers final movie. We saw it at the theater but that was awhile ago and we hadn't seen it again. 

While that was on, I worked on my cross stitching - 

I was able to work on some outlining. I also worked on the spools on the bottom. I need to fill in the spot on the spool and the shirt. It's getting closer. At least I was able to get some stitching done on this. I found that I was watching TV more than stitching but I did try to do as much as I could. 

Then I started working on newspaper clipping again. I am now watching the Disney Sing-a-long. I love Disney stuff. Can't get enough!

Now I'm going to head back to my stitching. At least I can claim today was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Took It Apart And Back Together

 This morning I was up and ready to go early. Couldn't sleep very well, so decided to just get up. Played a few games while I had the time to myself. 

I wanted to work on my beading - which I needed room on the table for. We had put all my beading away for the holidays. So, my first thought was - "I better gift wrap the gifts to get them off the table."

Got them done, and then set up the table for me to get back to beading. 

First things first, take out the part that was wrong on the last 2 panels. I got both panels down to the solid area - under the deer. I took all the beads off the bottom parts and then was able to start over. 

The good news is - I did it! I fixed the 2 on the right side. They are now "right." I was able to get both "bottoms" put on. They look good and now I'm half way with the 2 ornaments. I'm enjoying getting this moving. I seem to keep adding people I want to give them to. I need to get at least 3 to give away and keep the one for myself. I told Katt I was making one for me, so when she's ready to have them, she can take those. We chatted about doing her some stars for her tree. Told her it wouldn't be this year, but I would work on them for next year. I found a couple on Etsy that look good. She's picky so I decided to have her look on Etsy to see what she likes.

Now I'm done, I've been busy today. Now I'm going to sit and enjoy the TV, take an Excedrin for Migraines. My allergies are kicking in. Not much fun. At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 28, 2020

On The "Down Low" Today

 This morning I slept till 10 am. I just couldn't get up. The neighbor came by and Patrick chatted with him. At that time I decided I better get up. 

I didn't do much all day. Just not in the mood. I did play a few games, but really couldn't get moving. I worked on "" for newspaper articles. I was surprised at some of the articles. It's amazing how long one takes to look at all that newspapers out there. I would love to share one of the articles that I found. John B Campbell (family name and not sure yet which one) was a witness to a duel between Henry Clay and Mr. Marshall. It tells of how they shot each other. Interesting article. I found another article on one of Patrick's family names, but couldn't connect her to his line YET. She was arrested for thief and judgement was death. 

After all that, I started to move. I did get a load of laundry in - just one. Then I decided I needed to get back to my beading. 

The one on the left was the one I finished awhile back, before Thanksgiving. I found it was off. The houses were going the wrong way. Then I thought I just needed to miss a row, and it would work out with the second one. NOPE! I am going to cut the beads on both just before the smoke. I believe both of them are now off. Since I skipped a row on the right, it's coming out. The one on the left has mistakes that I can see. Smoke stacks are off and the houses go the wrong way. Tomorrow I will start the middle all over again. 

That will keep me busy and then I can say I'm really Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Playing Games With Family

 This morning I went over to moms because I do every Friday. I took my applique with me. Also took some leftovers from yesterday. 

I arrived about 9:45 am. Unlocked the door, then went in to quiet. I put stuff away and made some Chai tea for mom and me. Then I went into moms bedroom where she was snoring. Woke her up at 9:55 am. She was getting up. Called Nancy and told her to give mom about 30 mins before she comes. She laughed and agreed. Mom got her tea and not sure if she got breakfast. 

We then went to get a couple things from Amazon. Mom wanted to get Patrick's gift, and I needed to order his gifts as well. So, I ordered Patrick's gifts on moms account, but paid for it on my card. Mom then bought her gifts. She also paid for for me. About that time Nancy showed up. We ended up chatting more than doing any applique. Alicia and Nate came out of their rooms and got their showers. We were chatting and paying attention to Alicia and Nate's dogs. 

Patrick was done with golfing about that time. So he picked up some pizza for us. I asked him to get me a Veggie's delight because I didn't want "greasy pepperoni." When he arrived we played "square 9's." We played a long time. Got pizza in a couple hours after he arrived, then played till about an hour later. We had dessert then Nate decided he wanted to mess things up, which he did. We ended up calling it quits at that time. 

Patrick and I got home. Our Christmas gifts that we ordered arrived after we got home. I got y beads - 

This made me VERY happy! I was thrilled to get my beads. I now need to put this in tubes. I have some tubes that I'm using now, and will add them to the tubes as they empty. I added them to my account of what beads I have. 

So, my day didn't include being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

 This morning we started out with getting the turkey in the oven, after dressing was set. Then worked on the deviled eggs, green bean casserole, homemade rolls, and more. My niece was bringing dessert. 

I had to get the cat litter cleaned up and put downstairs, just in case. Then I cleaned up my quilt room so that it was "cat proof." We didn't know if the dogs would be coming as well. The good news was, they didn't come. Daisy did, but she gets along with Sophie really well. Trouble was, Sophie spent most of the day under the bed or in our bedroom. She didn't know Alicia and Nate, and decided not to come out. 

Mom, Alicia and Nate came around 2 pm. We had supper pretty much ready. Put all the stuff in nice plates and got it on the counter to eat. We all had a great time. It was nice to see them, and we learned a little more about what they were doing. We said our prayers of thanks. We thanked the Lord we were able to be together and hope everyone was safe when it came to the rest of the family. 

We enjoyed the evening by resting. Poor Alicia had been up for 24 hours. She worked till this morning. She's an RN that works in the Portland area. 

It was one of those days, mom, Daisy, and Alicia crashed. Nate was up and chatting with me. No one woke. 

When Sophie came out, she was checking out Alicia. Think she thought she was too quiet. It was funny watching her. Then when Alicia woke up, she went back to the bedroom. 

After Alicia woke, we had dessert. It was really good. She did go crazy because we had 2 different desserts. They were really good. 

After everyone left, Patrick and I just sat and enjoyed the TV for awhile. I played games. I didn't get anything done. 

I'm thankful for my family - those who have gone and those who are with us. I'm thankful for my 2 children that have made a good life for themselves. I pray they are well. I'm thankful that our family haven't gotten Covid so far. Life is precious and what we do with it, is what counts. I'm thankful for my gift of handcrafts. It's not easy to do a lot of what I enjoy. Some is very easy and it's becoming a forgotten craft. I pray it will never die. 

It wasn't as a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Day Before Thanksgiving

 We all know how it goes when I plan a day....well today was no different. 

First on the list was to get things started for tomorrow. Patrick helped with the table settings, I ironed the table cloth. Then I worked on the dressing. I had to bake corn bread and bisquick. I was getting everything lined up. 

Then at 12:40 pm I left to head over to moms. It was time to take Daisy up for her eye appointment. I stopped and picked up half a sandwich for mom and I. We had lunch and left her place at 1:30 pm. We first stopped at the pharmacy for mom. She came out and said her prescription ran out so she has to wait till Friday to get her pills. Then it was off to Olympia for Daisy's appointment. To my shock - everyone was on the road. 

We arrived 20 mins early for the 3 pm appointment - no big deal. Waited for them to call me back to tell us when to give Daisy over to the nurse. That was about 2:50 pm. We sat in the car, because of the covid rules. The vet called and told mom, Daisy's eye are looking better. She wants to see her again in 5 months. Still has to put the eye drops in the eyes. NOT cheap! Then Daisy came out so we could much for that thought. Started the car....not! Tried again, no life. UGH! Tried calling USAA which mom has, but she couldn't figure out where the information was. She actually "lost" it. She got so confused and couldn't think of what to do. I ended up calling Patrick, then I call Les Schwab. They came and started the car for me. Then I followed the truck to the shop. We got mom a new battery. Now she should be fine. We left the store and got stuck at the left turn lane for over 3 lights. We moved over to the straight line and went around the block to get back on track to home. Dropped mom off at  5: 10 pm. Then came home - 5:45 pm. Texted Katt that I would call her in half an hour. 

We called Katt and talked to her for over an hour. It was so good to hear from her. I actually cried and had to give the phone up for Patrick to chat. Then I got it back and talked more. We had a good chat and she's doing really well. I'm so thrilled she's doing as good as she is. 

Now that took time too. I had to mop the floor, so finally got the floor mopped and cleaned up Sophie's water dish. I got the dishes washed that were in the sink first. I then got the green bean casserole put together without the onions. I'll do that tomorrow. 

Next think I know, Patrick said, "It's already 9 pm." That meant - "better do your blog." Which I am now doing. 

In otherwords it was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I Actually Did Something Today

 This morning I was up and Patrick left shortly there after. He had a dental appointment because he broke a tooth. While he was gone, I vacuumed the rug and then cleaned the rug. I got the machine out and cleaned the carpet. That was a a big job. It's needed it for a few years now. I used to clean it every year - at least twice. I've been slacking for awhile. I kept hoping we'd get a new carpet. This is about 20 years or more old. 

Then I went downstairs. Poor Sophie went under the bed while I worked. So, I got her out from under the bed and took her down with me. It was one of those "I missed you" attentions that lasted about 10 mins. Once she got all that over with, I was able play and watch TV. 

Patrick got back from the dentist and Walmart. He picked up some wrapping paper and a few more things we needed. At least he was the one that went. He said it was crowded. Glad I didn't go. 

While he was wrapping the gifts that came in, I decided to put the label on one of the quilts that we got from Stitch'n Peace. They are good at giving us quilts. 

Now we have another quilt that is ready to give out. I have one more quilt to put the label on and then I'm caught up. I just hope the others who did the bindings would put the labels on those quilts. I do have another quilt to put the binding on as well. I should get to work on those. Maybe I will. 

I have a list of stuff to do tomorrow. Then I need to take mom and Daisy to Daisy's eye doctor. That will be in the afternoon. I need to decide what dishes I want to use and what I will do for Thanksgiving. Set the table ahead of time, etc. 

I worked on my genealogy again today as well. I'm getting a lot done. I'm finding more information that I didn't have before. 

At least today I can say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Working On Genealogy Today

 This morning I had to get up earlier than usual. Sandy was coming over to work on beading or whatever. When she got her, she had some quilting stuff she was working on. She ended up cutting out some fabric for her designed wall hanging. She wanted to have it done by this weekend, don't think that will happen. 

I worked on my beading, and didn't take a photo because I think one gets the idea of what I'm working on and about how far I've gotten. I'm to the houses, so will have the panel done one of these days. Sandy brought lunch. She left shortly after that. 

Sharon called and told me Bill bought her 11 peyote tapestry patterns. I really like the ones she got that I saw. They were posted on Etsy. A couple of them where no long available. Sharon was getting ready to order some more beads. I said I wanted to get 50 gms of both black beads - 310, 010. One is matte and one is shiny. 

Then I checked some names on "" that I received in my email. I want to get back on that site again. I think I will have mom get it for me. I got the ancestry site. Then I can add more clipping to the family. I got to work on more family members. I was fascinated by Fergus MOORHEAD, my 6th great grandfather. He was captured by the Indians and traded to the British. He was there for 11 months. There is a really good article on him. 

So, I've been going from one family member to another and adding them to my tree. I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday - Quiet Day

 This morning I worked on laundry and then played games. I tend to do that when I don't feel like working on projects. 

Then in the afternoon I thought I would try and make some earrings. Yep, THOUGHT, I would TRY and make some earrings. That means I got off on something other than what I already have to work on. I pulled out the laptop and went to YouTube to look up "square stitch" in beading. I found a good tutorial. I watched it, and tried to use that for my project pattern. 

I worked on it for awhile. Actually a couple hours. I found that the square stitch has a lot more threading then the tapestry. Plus it isn't as easy as I thought when it comes to adding beads. I need to practice more before I do this. So, - YEP - I took it apart and called it done! I will think about it later. 

I went back to beading on my panel beads. I finished the 3rd second panel and started the next one. 

When I had this many beads on it, I called it quits. I like doing them, but I just haven't really wanted to do them in the last couple days. More of me not being in the mood than anything. 

So, this is my day. Quiet and not exciting. I was at least having fun being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Our Anniversary And Covid

 This morning we wished each other Happy Anniversary. It's year 38. Doesn't seem right but it is. Surprised we made it this long. 

Patrick went out to work in the yard. He got a few more leaves done. He was asked if he wanted to go golfing, but turned it down. I told him he could go, but he wanted to work in the yard instead. 

I played games.....and played.....and played. I wasn't in the mood to do much. I did work on making the chocolate cookies that I made a couple weeks ago. He wanted those. He was going to cook supper, so it was a trade off. I was able to to get those done. 

Then I went back to playing games. 

Once I finished a book on tape and started another one, I decided to work on my beading. I was able to get another 1/3 of the panel done. Tomorrow I will finish it and start another. Today just wasn't in the mood. 

Patrick made shrimp scampi tonight. It turned out awesome! He is a good cook. I cleaned up the kitchen for him, put dishes away from the dishwasher, and got laundry going. All while he cooked. Then I took a break and beaded. 

After supper, I figured I better get my butt in gear and get something done. 

I worked on the yellow spool. I realized I have a row too much on that. I will leave it for now and see if I can outline it without having to mess it up. IF that doesn't work, I will probably take out the last couple rows and fix them. I was only able to get to work on the spools. Not much but something. I'm getting closer with this piece. 

All because of Covid, we were not able to go out to eat. We had planned where we would go and I was looking forward to it. Maybe that is why I just couldn't do anything today. I was disappointed that we couldn't have a good Anniversary - but it did turn out to be a good Anniversary. Patrick and I sat in the living room, me listening to my book and him listening and watching his phone for TikTalk. We enjoyed just sitting in the living room doing what we like to do. I just would have liked to have been able to go out....but that is life today. My niece and her husband will be here for Thanksgiving, so that will be nice. 

All in all, I can say I was - for a time - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 20, 2020

Spending The Day With Mom

 This morning I went to Starbucks to get coffee and tea for Mom, Nancy and myself. Then off to moms. 

Arrived early at moms. She was cleaning up and getting ready for Nancy to come. When Nancy came we sat and worked on our projects. Mom quilted, Nancy and I appliqued. I worked on the Forest Glorest quilt. 

This is one of the quilts that was marked for my brother and his wife. She's been quilting on it for awhile. There are 96 blocks and she said she was at 38 today. She's getting there. I'm thinking she's not real crazy about quilting on this one. She pulled out Nate and Alicia's quilt to work on it next. I'm betting she will go between the two. 

I worked on this one. I was able to get 3 leaves on and set up for 2 more. Then it was one of those things were one of her friends came to show off her "craft fair" crafts for Christmas. Nancy, Nona, mom and I were given a show. Everyone bought something from her. Mom got carried away and bought more. 

Not sure what happened on that paragraph. My computer is acting up while I type this. 

Came home and made some chicken nuggets. They turned out really good. Then I played some games. When Patrick put on the "Great British Baking Show" I decided to try and get some beading done. 

I started another one of the second panel. In 40 minutes I had this much done. Goes to show how long it takes to work on these. I really need to get moving on these. I'm starting to get the "itch" to quilt the white on white quilt that is ready to be quilted. I need to finish quilting that other quilt first. I may do that after Thanksgiving. Hard to say where this head of mine is going!

At least my day turned out to be a good day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Blah.....That's What Today Felt Like

 This morning I wanted to make breakfast. So, I made some waffles. They didn't taste as good as I was hoping. Think when one looks forward to something - it's never as good as you want it to be. 

Patrick went outside and worked on the leaves again. He bagged 17 bags of leaves. Then he took them to the dump. 

Debbie texted that she needed some batting and backing for 2 quilts. So, I headed downstairs to cut her batting and backing. Then I decided I would try and make Patrick another mask as the one I made before was too small. So, I worked on his mask.

It turned out pretty good. It fits him better than the last one. I may make him another one later on. 

Of course I have a mess on my counter. Debbie picked up her batting and backing (corner of the counter), and I put the boxes away. But really didn't do much and really need to go down there and put stuff away! Sandy was texting that she was cleaning up her sewing room. I told her my didn't look any better! She's been trying to clean out her sewing room for awhile. Today was the day to do it. She is going to donate some of the fabrics to mom and her gals. What they don't take, will go to the churches that do. 

I decided to work on my cross stitching today. While he worked outside, I worked on my cross stitch and watched more TV. "Cat From Hell" was my go to today. 

I worked on some outlining - which is what I wanted to do. Then I got to work on some of the spools again. I found I really couldn't do a lot of outlining till I have the shadows done around the area. So, I couldn't get the grey mouse done, but I could work on the second mouse from the left. I worked on this when I was in the mood. I could have gotten more done, but just wasn't into it till I got to work on it. 

I know it was "Blah" today, but I was still able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Hubby Worked And I Played!

 This morning Patrick went out in the yard to clean up all the leaves. He had his piles and then bagged them. Our yard is so big that it takes him a month to get all the leaves. 

While he was outside, I was inside playing with my beads. I got laundry going, then I got busy with the beading. I didn't get very far, when he headed out to the dump yard. So, I got busy with doing a short YouTube video. I was trying to edit it, but it didn't work, so I posted what I did anyway. I need to work on the editing part. 

Then I played a couple games and watched "Perry Mason" again. 

Back to beading - 

I finished up the second - second panel. I need to do 2 more panels of the second one. I'm not sure if I will do them next or go to the third panel. If I get all this done I will have enough for 2 more ornaments. I will try and do my best to get them done. 

I really didn't feel like doing much today. Which shows why I only got half a panel done today. I didn't even get cross stitching done today. It has to be the weather, because it's done nothing but rain for the past week. Patrick got lucky and didn't get wet until he had to take the leaves to the dump. He took the "good" stuff to Phil for his compost. 

It's another day, and I'm trying to stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Got Our Curtains!

 This morning I wasn't in any hurry to get up. When I did, we got breakfast and then headed to Longview to get our curtains. It was a quick trip down there. We didn't even stop for lunch. I would have liked that, but Patrick doesn't do much for lunch. Came back home, had lunch, and then got moving on putting the curtains up. 

It turned out great. They don't hang to the floor, which is nice. Patrick got them up and put them where he wanted them. Then he wouldn't let me send photos to anyone, because he wanted to do that. My kids liked them better then the old plastic shades. 

I played a few games and then decided I wanted to work on my cross stitch again. 

I worked on the blue, then I worked on the scissors. I have most of the first handle on the scissors done. It felt good to get as much done as I did. I was thinking of doing more outlining because the grey mouse needs some details. I will think about that tomorrow. I added the rest of the needle in his hand. Outlining seems to be my next step. 

Mom got busy today. She called and said she cleaned out her closet. Got rid of clothes, moved things around and got rid of other stuff she had in there on the bottom. She really wants Patrick to help her with a closet makeover. Not sure what shelving she wants but Patrick said he would help her later on. She didn't go quilting today because one of the quilters doesn't believe Covid is real, and they go out to eat every night. Mom and Nancy decided they weren't going to take chances of them passing it to her. I was glad to hear that. She does miss quilting though. Her and Nancy have been keep each other busy. I will be there with both of them on Friday. 

At least I'm still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 16, 2020

Staying Home And Doing What I Do Best

 This morning I was woken by the phone. I got up at 7:30 am and then crashed on the couch till 9:30 am. Just couldn't sleep very well last night and when I finally got to sleep at 4 am, I didn't want to get up. 

Our Brazilian embroidery meeting was today. We were working on canceling it last night. It's a shame because I was looking forward to going. But we just couldn't take the chance. It doesn't help, but maybe in 4 weeks we can get back to meeting. Betting that won't happen. 

So, I finally got up. Made a shopping list for Patrick to get the stuff that will get us through the next 4 weeks. The usual of flour (which is hard to find) as well as milk and eggs. Thanksgiving shopping is done as well. 

While he was gone, I picked up my crap and then sat down to work on my beading. 

I finished the panel from yesterday. Then I started another one. 

I am at the end of the Reindeer. I then decided to call it quits for today. I wanted to give myself a little break. I was able to do one complete panel between yesterday and today. 

After playing games I decided it was time to get back to the cross stitching. 

I added a few more stitches in on the shirt, and then fabric that is cut for the shirt. I added a few more stitches to the spool as well. Not much but it's getting there. Every little bit helps. We were watching DWTS and I'm getting tired of it. I loved the way it was before, but I don't care for the host. I do miss the old dances done right. Tonight they did get back to that though. I guess I would rather see more "famous" people then the ones I don't know. Then again, I don't watch much TV to begin with. 

Tomorrow we will be going to Longview to pick up our curtains. Then the house will be complete. I can't wait!

Today was Nancy's Birthday - 80th! She's a sweetheart of a lady! She lost her husband within the last year. She one of the happiest people I know! Rarely does she show anger or bitterness. I had to call her and wish her Happy Birthday! Mom went over with supper because her Birthday "party" was cancelled since her son had to be tested for covid. They were going to take her out. Now we can't eat in at the restaurants, so she missed out, just like mom did. 

I worked on dessert, which sits overnight before it's ready to eat. I love baking and cooking. I was even able to make my stroganoff for supper, while Patrick eat leftovers. I was in heaven! Between enjoying cooking and baking, I can say it was a good day! I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Covid Restriction AGAIN

 This morning we were up and watching the news. Our Governor was to speak at 11 am. Yep, he spoke. We have been put back to stage 1 in the state. We can't bowl any more. Restaurants can't allow customers in the restaurant. I'm a little miffed about this. It isn't those of us that have been wearing masks and doing what we are supposed to be doing that are the problem. The problem is letting all those protests continue! Letting everyone think they can get away with it, if they protest or gather for politics. That's where the problem is. Plus the college students that don't think it will happen to them. Football as well as other sports. And yet WE are the ones that have to obey the rules!

So, I decided to work on my beading to get me in "lala land." I listened to my book and beaded. 

Sophie was feeling left out. So, she climbed into the hole in the chair between me and the armchair. My tray was in her way, so she decided to get her attention anyway she could. 

Patrick was laughing at me. He told me to send her away, but I couldn't. 

Instead I continued to work on my ornaments. 

I was able to get another Santa panel done. This gives me 2 of him. I started the second panel of the Reindeer. It's going pretty good. I'm really happy with the way it's coming. I'm looking forward to getting more done. I really do want to have at least 4 ornaments done this year. I have a couple people I want to give them to. 

I worked on laundry as well. So, it was a day of staying home......which is what will be our lives for the next 4 weeks. Not looking forward to another shut down, but if it works, I'm okay with that. I just wonder how many will continue to protest and get out when they are supposed to help save lives. 

I may be depressed about covid, but I am Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

What I Planned And What I Did Was 2 Different Things!

This morning started out trying to sleep in. I wanted to get a good night sleep. It worked better than the night before, but then when I wanted to just sleep this morning, the phone rang. Then it ran again. So, at that point it was useless to even try. 

Mom wanted to know when we would be going to Costco. I texted Debbie to see if she had the quilts ready to go up to Sharon. She was going to bring them by. Sharon called yesterday asking when we would get up there, because she needed the beads I had. So, between all that, Patrick decided we would take the quilts up to Sharon's and drop off the beads. Since we were doing that, we might as well stop and pick mom up for Costco and go up. 

Picked mom up, headed to Sharon's. Got to Sharon's and I was in there chatting with her for awhile. Mom and Patrick stayed in the care. Then we headed over to Costco where there was a line. We had to walk slowly to be able to get in. Mom got a basket and we got our basket. Patrick was shocked at how much mom bought. We picked up some Christmas gifts while we were there. Mom got a lot of food. Filled the van up. 

Then it was time to head back home. Stopped to drop mom and her groceries off. Unloaded the van, then headed home. Had to stop at Safeway first to get the 2 things we didn't get at Costco. THEN we headed home - it was 3:30 pm by then. 

That pretty much took my day. I PLANNED to work on my beading to get a couple more ornaments started.....nope. I PLANNED to find a couple more cookie recipes for this week.....nope. I wanted to get some laundry done....nope. Oh, well, another day. 

I really didn't feel like doing much. I did get a few stitches in on the cross stitch. I haven't touched it for awhile. Now, I'm just tired and want to sleep. I've been tired all day and cold. I'll enjoy the war bead tonight. 

So, yet again, I planned my day.....and yet again, it didn't happen. Still not learning!! But I can say I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 13, 2020

Headache - Didn't Make It To Moms

 This morning I woke with a headache. I haven't done that in awhile now. So, it was a big surprise. Called and told mom I wouldn't take a chance and com over. She was concerned I may have Covid. Told her I think it's my allergies and not Covid. 

Patrick took care of my stuff for me. While he was gone doing that, I puled out  my ornament to finish. 

I finished up the one on the left. I like it better I think then the one on the right. Tassels are a lot better. I will do more like the left one then the right one. I may do the top of the right with the tassels of the left. I want to do at least 2 more if not 3. I have gifts to give out. Patrick picked up the right side bulbs for me. I'm thrilled, just wish he would have bought 2 boxes. He said they only had 2 boxes left, which means it will be gone. Now they are making plastic bulbs, so that won't help me with my future of needed bulbs to display my ornaments. I usually keep 1 of each one I make. 

I went and slept for a couple hours before doing anything else. We had bowling tonight and I wasn't sure if I would be going. I relaxed. Realized I hadn't eaten, so ate a cookie - not good. Then when supper came, had a piece of chicken and a cookie - not smart. I needed more than sugar - was thinking I had a sugar attack since the headache didn't go away. 

It was off to bowling. I did a LOT better tonight. I bowled a 211, 203, 165. A LOT better than I have been doing! I was thrilled. I was still hunger and order fries. They were awful. I won't be doing that again. We all own the first game thinking we had a chance. Trouble was Nick got into his tantum and bombed his last 2 games. We lost 3 games because of him. His average is 195, and he bowled a 135, 122 in the 2nd and 3rd games. He was ticked that Patrick had the lanes fixed because his shoe was leaving marks. It really didn't make any difference to me. Not sure why he got in a fit over that. If it was our lanes here in Centralia, then it would have been a different story. 

Even with a headache, and missing out on see mom - I was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!=

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Back To Ornaments - And Having Fun!

 This morning I had a few texts that needed answered. I went downstairs and cut some batting and backing for more quilts. Debbie had another one done. I told her to bring the quilts back and I will take them up to Sharon's. 

After getting all that done, I baked some cookies. They were called Turtle Cookies. I got the recipe from When I was done, I only had about 18 cookies. I made big cookies, but was surprised I didn't get more. Both of us loved the cookies. Patrick was telling me to stay away from "his" cookies. That is saying something!

I then went to work on my beads. I worked on getting the ornament (#2) done. 

I worked on the beads at the top of the ornament. I found it hard to do the pattern that was called for, so I shortened the piece. I also realized we need smaller bulbs for these pieces. I need to go look for 2 1/4" gold and silver bulbs for my ornaments. 

I then got to work on the tassels. We went to get food at KFC and brought it back home. I was able to work on these when we got home. 

I have 5 tassels done as of tonight. I will finish the last one tomorrow night. 

I'm due at moms tomorrow. Not sure what I will do over there. Mom usually has something for me to work on lately. It will be interesting. 

I'm just happy that all I needed to do today was done. I even got Charlie Zandecki's certificate done and it's ready for the mail. 

I'm just Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

QOV Presentation Day - AND VETERANS DAY

 This morning I needed to get moving. The Veterans Memorial Museum was having a Parade at the museum. So, I needed to get to the museum before the traffic arrived. - OR so I thought!

Arrived early - about 10:30 am and enjoyed the time with my group. We were wearing masks today because of all the traffic. We ended up using the room upstairs which helped keep us away from the visitors to the museum. 

We were able to give this quilt out to Robert Moore. He looks so young! And yet he's about 45 years old. I thought he was in his early 30's. 

Then we did Charles Zandecki. He's one I knew when I first moved to Centralia when I was in my early 20's. We chatted about old times afterwards. 

Then we did a father, son. This is the father, Vernon Lund. Owner of the Lund Trucking in Chehalis. Jim was in his uniform because he was in the Parade in between helping us out. 

Robert Lund is the son. It was such an honor to give these quilts to the veterans. I had such a good time that when I came home, I didn't want to work on anything. It was 3 pm before I made it home. To honor veterans is what I love doing. It's like giving back to my "family" that I've missed since my father retired. That is a life to live. One learns that everyone is equal and there is no one better than the other. One learns to work with anyone and everyone. I miss that family so much! This is my way of giving back to those I love. 

So, it didn't turn out to be a day of stitching. But it was a day to honor our veterans. That always makes me Happy ~~!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Trip To Longview And Shopping

This morning Patrick called Longview for hemming on the curtains. He's pretty much done everything that's needed for the curtains. We headed down to Longview to get the curtains hemmed. It will be done next Tuesday. I wanted hamburger for lunch. Patrick wanted to take me to 5 Guy's Burgers, but they closed down. It's a permanent closure. I had asked him about them before because I saw one up in Michigan when we went in June. I'm sorry it was closed because I really would have loved to go there. We went to Nipp's instead. It was drive thru and we were 7th in line with 3 cars behind us. Guess that's a favorite for people in Longview. 

Once we got lunch we went to Michael's down there. I was able to get some beads that will work better on the ornaments. Patrick got the paint he wanted and we got the matt for the picture frame. 

 Got home and worked on framing it. Patrick fixed the matt, and then we framed the cross stitch. 

Sophie wanted to be in on the photo. She was trying to get my attention. It worked. I was making her move so I could get the photo. 

I picked up another case to store my beads. I was having too many beads on strings. So, I got organized with the beads. Labeled them all. Sophie wanted to help out too. That actually took a couple hours because of the beads I had in my box as well as the beads I had in the box that needed to be organized. I'm happy now. 

Then it was time to fold clothes and getting ready for tomorrows presentation day. We will be doing 2 veterans as the 3rd one said he wasn't going to be able to make it. If we can, we will do one of the veterans that's at the museum and get him over with. 

It turned out to be a day I couldn't stitch or quilt, but I was still able to get my beads organized. So, that should count for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, November 9, 2020

One Ornament Done!

 This morning I got to work on the sourdough bread so it could raise one more time. I decided to do one big one. I put the dough in a pot so it would raise in the shape I wanted. It seemed to work. 

I was on the computer checking for Christmas stuff when Patrick brought me the Fire Mountain beads that I ordered. I was thrilled to get them. The bugle beads were too big though. I decided to use them anyway. Before I started to work on the ornament, I wanted to finish up the panel I started the other day. 

I finished it up. Felt good to get another panel done. Then I started on the ornament. While I was beading the top, Sharon called. She needed one of the beads I have. Told her we will be going up later and will call when we do. She also told me she lost her daughter yesterday (same thing Alex Trabec (sp) had). She also said she lost her husband today (date wise) years ago. She told her remaining children that she better be next and not them. She has lost a son and daughter now.

Put the bread in the oven about this time. 

Turned out really good! I couldn't believe how well it turned out. One of my better ones. Sourdough flavor was there too.

Then I went back to working on my beads. 

The beads on the tassel are a shade off. It turned out okay, but I want to work on something better. I'm going to go to Michael's and see if I can find the beads I want. We were going to go today but when Patrick called down to Longview about hemming the shop wasn't open today. He's going to call tomorrow. I put my panel on the counter and we can compare the colors of the beads then. I had one bead break on me, so I had to put it back in. I do like the way this finished up. I will be doing more, so I'm hoping to find something different. Maybe all my ornaments will be different. Hard to say. I do like the silver bulb to hang on. 

Cleaned up my mess and called it a day. Love the beads I got in the mail. Just need to work on it. It was a fun day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

I Needed To Get It Done

 This morning I woke feeling pretty good. I got moving on laundry first (then forgot it). 

I went to work on the beads. I needed to get the beading separated and put away. Easier said then done. It took me 4 days in all to get those put away. I then thought I would work on  the pile of beads I had from the first time. I did good getting them separated, but I had a heck of a time figuring out what number they were. I went through only about half the pile. I really had a heck of a time getting them into the bead containers they belonged in. So, after about 4 hours, I called it quits. At least I have the beads put away from the second try. 

Then I went through and logged the beads I put back into the storage boxes. I needed to get them back into the log so I knew what I had. I finished off a couple containers. I put some beads together that were in 2 containers. So, I guess you can say I was cleaning up my beads. 

So now I can get back to my ornaments. I know my beads from Fire Mountain will be here tomorrow or Tuesday. That will come in handy because I need to get the ornaments put together. I'm actually looking forward to that. Then I can get back to the Snowman I was working on. 

Now supper is done, and I will get into the kitchen to work on my sourdough bread - for tomorrow. I need to get it ready to raise overnight. 

Tomorrow is another day, and I hope to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

My Day....Finishing Up Things I Should Have Done

 This morning Patrick was off to go golfing. I slept in and didn't want to get out of bed. Go figure. 

Once I did, I was getting myself on track. I even wrote down a list of things I wanted to get done today. Doesn't mean it happened but at least I made the list. 

First on the list was to work on the checkbook. Couldn't find the checkbook, thinking Patrick still had it from last night.....if I would have looked in the computer room, it wouldn't have been an issue. 

So, I stated on the BDEIG video. It's a wonderful video and I have decided to redo the fuchsia that I made for Cheryl. I will do it like the video shows. I was able to get all the videos together and now have one long video. Next I need to cut the video into different teaching tools. I need to figure out where to cut it and use it as one quick video. I also need to go get a thumb drive as well. 

That took a couple hours. Patrick arrived. We watched TV for awhile and then I got tired of his shows, so I went to the computer room and worked on our books. I balanced the checkbook - and realized I was 2 months behind. It took me a couple hours because of the usual mistakes - missed entry, numbers turned around, and can't count. (Not me, he does the checkbook - I balance it.) So, once it was done, he went to "his books" and balanced his books. Once it was done, it felt good to have it over with. 

I then worked on my exercises and then I worked on my Christmas list for my kids. Hate making lists, but that's the tradition that Patrick's family brought to ours. I don't like it, and never have. But at the same time, it works. I would rather give a gift that is unexpected, made, or even a surprise. So, I always make sure that there is a surprise gift at Christmas. This year I will be ready for that. 

I didn't get to my beading or cross stitching. I didn't get to enjoy the day to myself - with the exception of watching "Vera" and "Perry Mason" before I got to work on the video editing. 

Today was more of "life" then stitching. I watched Biden give his speech and it made me feel hopeful. I'm still not sure if it will work, but I did feel he may be the right one right now. I don't like how Trump seems to be acting like a baby because he didn't win. I hate seeing the office get so much disrespect. Now I pray we all have the right person in the job. Time will tell. It doesn't change my "bubble" of a life, until they ask for more taxes. I know they will. 

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, November 6, 2020

Day Of Applique And Bowling

 I headed over to moms this morning. It was the first time in a month that we were at her place. She had to stay away from everyone when she came back from Vegas a couple weeks ago. It was nice to see everyone. Poor Hildi has a brace on her hand. She had to have surgery after she jabbed a knife in her left hand. She hit an artery and nerves. So, they had to repair the nerves. I was able to give out 4 quilts to get the bindings done. Mom said she would do one, but she wanted it sewn down and then she would stitch it down. I may do that for her. I don't want to do the binds but at least 4 of the 5 were passed out. I worked on the Forest Glorest piece that mom and I were working on. 

I worked on the leaves in the right hand corner. I took one of the leaves out because I didn't like the placement. I was able to put 3 leaves on while at moms. Would have gotten more done, but the gals were more into chatting then working on projects. I did what I could before mom had a few things for me to do. She needed me to fix her Libby app. Then she wanted me to order shoes for her, which was in Amazon and she orders from Amazon all the time. Go figure. 

Came home before everyone else left. I wanted to relax before heading to Longview to bowl. I worked on getting the beads taken apart on the "gift" project. I'm down to the last little bit to take apart. Will work on that this weekend. Then I think I will go and get the last one I worked on and take that one apart as well. 

Time to go bowling. We bowled on 7&8. I did a little better but still not happy with my bowling. I'm not understanding why my wrest doesn't want to behave! I keep throwing the ball to the right. Moved half way. It helped some but then I couldn't bowl worth crap the last game I bowled a 157, 174 (Joanne beat me by 2 pins!), and then a 147. At least my average stayed the same. I really would have been ticked if I dropped a pin. At 161, it's still too low for me!! I have some work to do. 

I did enjoy being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Back To Making Ornaments

 This morning we were woken by the phone call. It was a return call from the church where we will have our water meeting. Then I went and got the bookkeeping up to date and paid bills. Once that was done, Patrick and I went to the post office and then over to Michael's. 

While we were at Michael's, we looked for frames for the 2 pieces I have ready for framing. We wanted to do our own framing for both of these. 

They had a deal - 2 for 1 price. These were expensive, but 2 for the price of 1 was a pretty good deal. We framed my Mermaid that I finished a couple years ago. I like how it turned out. We will frame the next one with the cross stitch I finished before the mice. We are going to get another color for the panel between frame and piece. (can't think of the name right now.)

Then I decided to work on my beads again. I needed to take the gift piece a part. 

More beads to separate. More beads to put in their places. It was another couple hours getting what I did done. Still have more to do. I will try and get the rest of it done tomorrow - IF time allows. It's my day at moms for quilting. The group will be there, so I'm not sure when I will get home to work on taking the beads apart. 

 Then I took a break and got back to work on my ornament. This is the 3rd set. I started this the other day, and as you can see, didn't get very far. Needed to work on my exercises and play with Sophie. 

I was having fun with her. She would hide behind my back "board." It was fun watching her play. I like playing with her. She loves it when I pull my back board out, because she thinks I'm going to play. I can't play till I get my 10 mins on the back board. She's a kick. She comes to me and puts her tail in my face as well as rubbing up against me for attention. 

It turned out to be a good day. We were able to get out of the house, and I was able to get a few things done. I have the quilts that need the bindings on them to go to moms. They will be passed out to the ones that said they would help. Then I have to cut the labels and give them out. I may need to order more labels. I'll do that later. I'm all set for letting everyone put our QOV quilts together. It will be nice to add these to the list of quilts at the museum. It puts me in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Tearing It Out....UGH

This morning we were up. It didn't take long for Patrick to suggest we clean under the stove - because I've been saying I was going to do that for awhile. I even said I wanted to rearrange the cupboards. Funny thing was he reminded me of that as well. So, we cleaned under the stove, then pulled out the glasses from the cupboard. We took 3 cupboards and cleaned them out. Got rid of a few mugs, and other things that we didn't need anymore. I moved the tea's over to the cupboard where the hot pot is. Now I can get my tea at the same time. I like the set up. We put the containers where the teas were. Amazing what all we had and what we got rid of. Then there was the pile that needed to go downstairs. Things we don't use all the time, but do use. Took stuff downstairs, and before I realized it, we were going through the pantry. We cleaned that up as well. Ended up with 3 big boxes of stuff we didn't want or need any more. It feels good to get rid of stuff. That took a couple hours between all the work we did. 

Then I decided I was going to stop working on my "gift" piece. I didn't like how the colors were going together. My sons face looked like modern art instead of his face. I had a photo at one time, but can't find it. I was able to take about about 10 rows. It's very time consuming. It took me a couple hours to get what I did done. I need to be careful when I do it, because there are a couple beads that seems to match too well. 

This is only 3 rows at a time. As you can see, this gets to be a mess. Plus the threads get to be hard to pull out. It's got the strands of threads sometimes and I have to clean those up as well. It's taking a lot longer, but I decided I would work on them now before I move on. I need to get them where they belong. The last time I did that, it's still in the container in the bedroom for me to take apart and put where they belong. I will try and do that once I have this set done. It's no fun when one has to tear out what they did. After all those hours putting it together. It's better this way though. I can chalk it up to experience. 

Now that things are cleaned up and the cupboards are nicely done, I'm happy. If I wasn't taking out what I put in, I would feel better about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...