Monday, February 28, 2022

Coming Back To Beading

 Today I was trying to finish my game before I headed to the grange. Unfortunately at the last minute we cancelled the meeting. Sandy asked me over to her place. Was thinking of doing pillow cases. I then headed to her place instead of the grange. 

I arrived around 10 am and stayed till about 12:30 pm. We didn't do anything this time. We just chatted about this and that. It was good to get with her and just be good friends. She was telling me about going to Bev's house and having to try and help the family. She wasn't sure what to do. The family is "all about the money." So, I told her to have them put stuff in boxes and take them to the different groups Bev was in, and ask for donations for what they take. Most people if they know it's for Bev's husband's care, will donate more then normal. She liked that idea. I told her she can even to that with moms group of quilters. As for cross stitch group they can do the cross stitching stuff. 

Then I came home. I found Patrick watching shows I didn't want to watch. So I pulled my beads and tablets out. Sat at the table and worked on my beading. 

The beads above these panels is where I started. 

I finished with the first one of the second set of panels. I enjoyed that. I'm happy with the way things came out. I will work on the next 3 panels this week. I do have a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I want to take some embroidery when I do that. 

At least the day worked out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Sunday, February 27, 2022

Getting Back To Being In The Mood - Sort Of

 This morning I played games for awhile. I also listened to my books. I finished one and started another. I was more in the mood to listen to stories then do much - but then I wanted to bead. I actually wanted to work on the parrot but decided I needed to finish this ornament first. So, I sat at the table working on the ornament and listened to my books while Patrick watched the shows he wanted to. 

I finished the first set of panels for the ornament. I then started the other one. I was enjoying myself today. So, about the time I started on the next set, I had to get supper going. Which meant I wouldn't get much farther. I took out the parrot pattern and started putting the number on each line, like I was doing before. I have 2 pages done that way. I need to work on the rest as well. Then I will be ready to finish the parrot. 

It was time to go virtual and visit with my embroidery friends. I logged on and after eating my meal - virtually - I pulled out my blackberry piece and worked on it. I didn't get a lot done but I did work on it. 

I added the back stems. I will add the French knots tomorrow and call it done. I'm going to figure out what I need to do with the lines. There is a design that goes there. I will work it out. I had to leave early from the group and head to the bowling alley. 

I had all kinds of things going on. We had 2 new people come join. That gets hard sometimes when they just show up and join a team. I have to know what is going on. I really didn't want to add another person to the team, but I did. I then had a lot of issue with groups that don't know how to count their money. Once all that was done, I was able to bowl pretty good. Even gain another pin on my average. I bowled a 157, 186 (split in the 10th UGH), 225. On the last game I ended the game with 7 strikes. Not bad. I had 9 spare with one open before I started striking. I was happy with that. 

Today turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Nothing Special To Report

 Today we pretty much just watched TV or worked on odd things. Patrick put the family photos (5) back up on the hall wall. The other side will have my works - when I get them done. Right now, there isn't anything there because I haven't done much recently. 

I pretty much played games. I wasn't and am not in the mood to work on anything right now. Not sure why, but it's just one of those days that I really don't want to work on anything. Which means it was not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Moms First - Then Shopping

 Quilting at moms. It ended up with about 10 people. Getting too big at moms. I may stop going at times. I almost left, but then I couldn't get out because someone parked behind me. Hildi gave me some fabric and blocks to add to the QOV stash. 

This will come in handy. 

I got these blocks from Val yesterday. There are 50 - 8" squares in there. I will need to figure out what to do with them. 

These were to blocks Hildi gave me. The will be fun to work on. Not sure in what order I will do them, but I will figure something out. 

While at moms she had the cut machine out. It's a Brother. She wanted me to show her how it worked. I did, but realized the blades were dull. So, I order her some fabric blades to work on the machine. She wanted to use it for stars. While I was trying to figure it out, everyone was coming in. Then sitting got taken over, because mom has such a small house. I stayed in the computer room till there was room for me. I was able to do 1/2 a label on one quilt. I did get 2 labels ready with moms sewing machine. I then found I needed to do 2 more. I will work on doing some and have them ready when I need to add them to quilts. 

I decided to pick Debbie up and we headed to Heavenly Quilts to pick up the gold fabric they had on the Facebook account. When I arrived at Debbie's she gave me her husband's quilt that he got from the grange. She asked if we could use it. I told her yes. So, I need another label for that. 

I found this red while I was there. So, I got 2 yard of the red - on sale 40% off! The gold was $7 a yard and they had 2 1/4 yards. I will use it! This will work on the panels I have. Dropped her back off at home and headed back home. Patrick arrived shortly after I got home. He was golfing. 

We then went out for dinner at McMinnamins. I got a cheeseburger and loved it! Best burger I had in a long time. I didn't eat it all because I was getting full. 

I did try to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Presentation Day

 I was ready to head over! It's presentation day! First I had to get my bread ready so that Patrick could put it in the oven. Once that was done, I was ready to go. 

I arrived early for our presentation. I need to get a hold of the people that said they wanted to join, took fabric and never came back. I need to get that fabric back. 

We got everything lined up. We picked the quilts out for the veterans. It was fun getting the quilts out. I ended up taking 6 quilts to the museum to add to the list. We had more quilts come in as well. We have a lot going so far. I brought 2 quilts home that need labels. I will do that tomorrow. 

We had 5 awesome Veterans receiving quilts. They were: Otto Rabe, Army, Don Winsor, Navy, Michael Baker, USAF, David Cruz, Marine Corps, and Richard Gilham, USAF. (not in that order). We had an awesome time! They all loved their quilts. We also gave out a quilt and an afghan in a raffle. It was fun to give those away. 

Came home around 2:30 pm. We finished up the breads. They came out pretty good. I'm going to take one to moms tomorrow. 

Patrick went bowling and I worked on my genealogy. I was going to do other things, but ended up getting caught up in my genealogy. This time I worked on the MARVIN family. I still need to work on the organizing of the other file box. I will probably do that tomorrow. 

I wish I could count being at the museum giving away quilts as Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

We Keep Going To Olympia - LOL

 This morning we decided to go to Costco for some shopping. We picked up a few things that we needed and enjoyed just looking around. Interesting how expensive that can get! lol At least this trip wasn't a doctor's appointment! 

Came home and worked on QOV stuff. I got the certificates done for tomorrows presentation. Put a message on the Facebook page. Then I put 3 labels on 3 quilts. I tagged the quilt for Patrick's friend and have that ready to go. It was a busy day for odds and ends. 

Patrick even took the photos off the wall. We are keeping the new (good) ones and then I will be adding my embroidery and cross stitch stuff on the walls. We will pick the good ones out. I want to enjoy the work I did. 

Lastly I started to make the cinnamon raisin bread (sourdough) for tomorrow. I have still got to go and turn it, but that will be awhile. It's been an interesting day of being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

A Day At Home

 Today started out with laundry. I was behind. Now I'm caught up - till tomorrow! 

I spent the day with Patrick. We watched a few shows that we had recorded. 

I worked on the binding of this quilt. I now have 3 quilts that need labels on them. I have the labels ready to put on, just wasn't in the mood to do it after I put the binding on this one. I like the way this came out, not what I would have done, but it looks good. 

It was an all day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stiching!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Another Meeting Day

 This morning I was playing my game but didn't get as much done as I was hoping. No worries. 

Then I was out the door. It was our BE meeting day. I didn't want to do any embroidery today, so I took my beading with me. It was a good meeting. Sandy worked on her piece and Cindy was busy with hers. I worked on my beading instead. We talked about going to the Seminar in June. I'm thinking I won't go. I want to, but there isn't enough going on to keep me going. I don't like a lot of down time. That is what I would have if I went. I will see if I could get the pattern for the Jacobean pattern though. At least I will try. 

I was able to get a good 35 rows done. I did notice my glove on this one is wrong, but I'm going to leave it. Or I may go back later and fix it. I took Sandy home (I also picked her up). She's doing great with her brace. Doctor told her she has to wear it another 6 weeks. But it all sounds better. 

Came home and beat Patrick home by 10 mins. I worked on getting my forms done for QOV. I got a few things put away. Interesting how long that takes to get stuff done. lol 

I have 5 quilts that need to go to the museum on Thursday. I also have one of those that I need to put the binding on. So, I will get that done by Wednesday. I have 2 of those quilts that need labels and I will do that as well. I should check with Debbie on getting pillow cases done. 

At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Baking and Organizing

 This morning I was up and playing games. Then just before Patrick left for bowling, I pulled out my box of genealogy. I wanted to get it organized and easier for me to add the information I have. 

I sat on the floor and pulled out each folder to put in folders related to the ancestor name. I labeled folder by name - Wineland, Taylor, White, etc. That way it's easier to put the information where it belongs and to what family it belongs. I even worked on the White family as I was going. 

While I was "playing" with organizing, I baked. 

Peanut butter cookies ready to go in the oven. I then forgot to time it!! So, my batch came out a little on the over cooked side. 

Oh well. When my brain is doing two things at once, something usually gets hit. 

Then it was bowling time. I bowled pretty good. 162, 193, 170. I was doing good, but the strikes just weren't coming. I messed up the 9th frame at least once, so that doesn't help on the end game. We tied for first place, but lost it because of the pin total. 

It wasn't a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 19, 2022

A Day For Beading

This morning Patrick was out the door by 11. I was relaxed and enjoying the morning to myself - since he slept in. He had a bowling tournament to go to. Tomorrow he only bowls once for the tournament and then for us tomorrow night. 

I decided to enjoy the day by watching Perry Mason (old ones) and "Finding Your Roots." I called Sharon and she had company. Then I called Phil Wineland, a cousin of ours. He was still in the hospital and I wished him well. He was doing better today. 

While I watched my shows, I beaded. 

 I finally finished the Santa #1. I really need to get this done! So, I started on Santa #1 again. Remember, I need 2 of each Santa. AND this one is mine. 

I got started and figured out (at this stage) that I was short 4 stitches. So, I took it out and started over. If I would have done it right the first time I would have been twice this length. 

I like the travel case. I have one thing I wish I could change though. It would be nice if the top and bottom came apart. That way I could bead on the beading part, and could have the beads and supplies next to me as well. This way, if you fold the case, you have to unfold it for more beads. I do like it, and will use it when I go on a cruise. It works fine for now. 

Then it was time to go to the play. We love going to the Evergreen Play House in Centralia. It was a musical drama. Can't think of the name. It really was good but sad. I was surprised at how I really got into it. Mom and Nancy joined us and I will be getting tickets for the next 2 shows as well. 

My day turned out really well. I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Applique' Day

 Today I was up and out the door. I stopped at Connie's and dropped off the tops with some batting. Then headed to moms. There were 9 of us there. 2 haven't been in a long time. It was a little crowded in the house. I didn't stay long because we had to Olympia for Patrick. Then Debbie texted and wanted to see if I had the blue fabric for her quilt. 

I left early and met up with Debbie. I was out of the fabric she wanted. Told her to check with Connie. 

Then it was off to Olympia. We arrived and were in in no time. Patrick got "hooked up" and I sat and worked on the applique that I was working on at moms. 

I was able to get one done there, and then started feeling weird. Pass out weird. So, I tried to get myself back on track. I got up to leave to get fresh air and didn't make it to the exit. I FAINTED!! Next thing I realized nurses were asking me if I was okay. Was I hurt. Did I hit my head? - No. Guess it just looked that way. I was taken down to the urgent care. I was there about 2 hours. They checked my blood pressure, my heart, etc. I was able to leave.  I told them I do that when I am in the hospital with a lot of needles and tubes. I guess all that was going on with Patrick just hit me. I have tests that look fine. So, I'm good. 

Came home and have been relaxing all night. It was a half way a day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ready To Travel And Bead

 Today I was off to moms. I had everything ready to take to Connie's. Texted her and she reminded me that I was to stop by Friday and not today. So, I headed on to moms. Picked up some tea for both of us. 

We left shortly there after. All the way to Olympia. We got to the eye doctor (animal) office about 20 mins early. Then we called them. They have a set up since Covid - where you park in lots 1-9 and call the number to the office. You tell them your there and they tell you if they will pick up the dog or if they will call back. This time, they took Daisy right away. Mom and I sat in the car. I tried to work on Nancy's applique but found I had the wrong thread. So, when I finally was ready to work on it, I only got a few stitches in on the leaf. Then one of the gals came out to tell me to call the office (moms cell didn't ring but went to voice mail). We called and talked about Daisy's eyes. She sees more than we thought. I actually think Daisy is smart enough to know if she does things a certain way, then she gets her way. We headed back home but stopped at Pet Smart first so mom could get another collar for Daisy since the ones she has are broke. We took Daisy in the store and checked to make sure she fit in it. No one seemed to mind. 

Got back around 2:30 pm and got in my car. 

Someone left me a present. I was collecting these about 4 months ago. So, I contacted Sandy to see if she was home and needed them. She said she has plenty right now. Then I contacted our bowling partners and she said they had plenty. Send a photo and she laughed. Said that's about how much she has right now. So, I will take some to Sandy on Monday and Cindy has chickens as well, so will see if she can use them. Wasn't expecting this much, but oh well. If no one wants them, I will leave them at the grange to have "free" on it. I'm sure someone going to the garage sale will take them. 

Got home and relaxed. Patrick left early for his meeting and bowling. He's not doing good with his bowling tonight. While he was gone, our package finally arrived! I was thrilled because I was waiting on the beading traveling case! I love it so far. 

I put my beading stuff in it. Now I'm ready for tomorrow when we go up to Olympia for Patrick's first amino therapy. He found out it will take about 3 hours. His appointment is at 2 pm. So, I will need to leave moms around the time they have lunch. I can't wait to try is out! I have my patterns in the back part (snap in the right corner) It fits my patterns so I don't have to fold them. I even put my parrot pattern in there. I will put those beads in here when I'm done with the ornament. Now I'm good for traveling and beading!

What a day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

More QOV Tops Done

 This morning Patrick let around 7 am. So, I got up around 7:30 am. I wanted to be up when Debbie stopped by to drop off her top for Connie. I washed and ironed 2 backings for Connie. I have them ready to go. Then I got a text from Connie that she had 2 more quilt tops done and needed backing for them. So, I cut them. She's getting the last of the red with stars backing. We are now out of that backing. I also cut the batting for both. I'm wondering if Connie needs more batting. I ordered more batting yesterday and will think about taking what I have left to her. 

I pretty much cleaned up and played games. Got my laundry caught up and got ready for tomorrow. I'm going up to Olympia with mom. Daisy has another eye appointment and mom like me going. Since we have to wait in the car, she likes company. That is going to be an all afternoon day for us. I hope she doesn't want to go out somewhere else after we are done. 

So, I don't have anything to report. I really haven't been in the mood to work on stuff. I'm hoping my travel bag for my beading will come in tomorrow. If it's what I'm hoping, I can put the "in progress" pieces in that and be able to work on what I have. I'm hoping at least. lol 

It wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Another Tuesday.......

 This morning I was enjoying my games when Debbie arrived with a friend of hers. She's the one that her father-in-law received his quilt, then 8 months later ended up missing. It's close to 2 years now and they still haven't found him. 

She brought a quilt that she did for her brother. It's really pretty! I like the way she did the flag. I cut the fabric and washed it. Now I need to iron it and get it ready to take to Connie. I also had to order more batting since we are going through quilt tops lately. 

Then I came upstairs and we watched a really, really weird movie on Netflix. Not sure why Patrick likes those kind of movies, but he does. I think it was a different country movie. Really weird. - So, did you get that?! A really weird movie! lol 

While we were doing that, I pulled my beading out and got to work on the ornament that I started. 

It was only about 26 rows done. I'm now close to the end. I will try to finish it later. I want to play my game for an hour since I get free life. lol 

It turned out to be an awesome day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, February 14, 2022

Hello Monday

 This morning I headed over to Sandy's to pick her up. Then we stopped at McD's for tea and coffee. Once we were done, we met up with Cindy at the grange. It was good to see them both. We chatted about the Seminar. They are thinking about going. I'm still not there. I don't like going 1 day, waiting 2 days, and then having another class. I only found 2 classes that I would take. I really didn't look or work on anything. We did check out what the grange had for free. I brought home a Pyrex 2 cup measuring dish. I also brought home some jars that I will use for flour and sugar. The small one I am using for stamps. 

Stopped at the Deli to get a sandwich. I ate half of it when I got home. They are big! Usually I would do half a half, but it was too good to let it go. I will have the other half tomorrow. YUMM!

I then vacuumed and worked on laundry again - yah boring stuff. 

 I finished the binding and label for this quilt. One more done!

Then I did the label on this one. I love the way it came out! Something to think about later on. 

So, today was a Monday for me. Not much got done, but I did enjoy what I did get done. It made the day Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, February 13, 2022


 For some reason, there wasn't much going on today. I did do laundry, but who wants to hear the details of that boring job. I cleaned up the kitchen - again who wants to hear about that boring job. I did order a traveling case for my beading. I want to take it on the cruise with us in May. 

We watched part of the Supper Bowl. I was hoping the team that lost would win. Shame. 

It's bowling night, so I can tell you about that. We didn't bowl the other team because they bowled earlier. We did take 3 of the 4 games. The gal on the lane over, kicked Joanne and my high score (236) out of the running - she bowled a 267. She had a 682 series. Fun to watch. Then as we were on the way home, heard one of the guys bowled a 300 game. I will probably have to sign some paperwork on that. As for me, I bowled a 178, 198 and then an all spare game of 190. I got a strike in the end. I had all 9's except 1 - an 8. But I'm thrilled to have an all spare game. Never did that before! 

Tomorrow will be a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 12, 2022

More Of A Baking Day

 This morning I overslept. Didn't bother Patrick. He did wake me up when he went to get some pills in the bathroom. I would have slept till noon at that rate. When I finally got up and moving, we went to Safeway to do our grocery shopping. They didn't seem to have any baskets, even outside. We used the smaller basket and it got filled up fast!

Once that was done, came home and put everything away. Then got going with baking some French Bread. I was surprised at how well it turned out. I used the baking pan my son and DIL gave me for Christmas! I love that pan. It came out really well. 

Gave one loaf to the neighbors. They love my bread. lol 

While all that was raising, I worked on an upside down cake. Patrick wanted some dessert again, so we agreed on the upside down cake. 

It came out really good! I usually use the slices for this, but we had the tidbits and that worked out great. It came out soft and moist. I used the juice from the can as the 1 cup water. That gave it a really good taste. I only had to add a little bit of water to it. 

Once that was done, Patrick grilled our shrimp and I made the olive topping for the bread. It was a really good supper. 

Then while watching the Olympics I worked on the binding of the quilt. I have it almost done. I have about 1/4 of a side done. That's as far as it went for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, February 11, 2022

Spent The Day Waiting

This morning we were up and out the door. Patrick was due at the hospital in Olympia by 10 am. We headed out and I dropped him off. Then I drove around for about a half hour to kill time before going to see Sharon. 

I arrived about 15 mins early to see her. I enjoyed a visit with Bill and his nurse Lisa. She's young. But she seems to be helping him out. We chatted awhile. 

Then when Sharon arrived, we chatted. I asked her to show me the "new" way to do the "even" stitch in the beading. I like the way she did that, because it doesn't take a lot of work to get around the end. She was working on a pretty blue bird. I'm in the mood to work on my beading again! lol Trouble is I have so much more to do for QOV right now. We had a good chat for about an hour and a half. I helped her with getting to the end of her beading, so she could show me the way to do the beading. 

Then I left, thinking Patrick would be done by the time I got back over there. NOPE. So, I waited about an hour and a half in the parking lot. 

I finished this set and now have the first set to finish. Once I got this far, I went to the hospital to see if Patrick was done. Just as the gal was calling and I went to the bathroom my phone rang. I let the gal know I had the call. He would be ready in another hour. So, I waited in the car for more waiting time. 

Once he was done, I brought him home. Then it was just being lazy the rest of the night. At least my day was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, February 10, 2022

Getting Blocks Done

 This morning I enjoyed the day to myself and watched a couple ancestry shows. Then I decided it was time to go downstairs. Since Patrick was golfing, I didn't have to account for what I was doing. Not that it mattered. 

I worked on the blocks that I was working on yesterday. 

From this stack, I was able to get 22 blocks done today. I also had to make more of the middle strips as I was low on those. It felt good to have those done. I still have a good stack and need to do more of the middle strips in order to get them all done.  Once the red is done, I will get to work on the blues. 

Came upstairs and put supper in the oven. Then sat down and worked on the binding of one of our QOV quilts. I have one more side to do and then it's done. 

Patrick had asked me awhile ago if I wanted to go to the bowling alley and watch him bowl. I thought it would be nice if I did. So, I took my embroidery and when he wasn't bowling, I worked on it. 

When I had this much done, I almost thought of quitting but decided to keep going. I had this much done by the middle of the first game. 

Then I was able to finish this set of flowers. It's done now. 

I started to work the background stems in. I just got started and decided to call it done. I was busy with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sewing Day - Then A Movie

 This morning I decided I wanted to get back to work on the blocks for QOV. So, I headed downstairs, with Sophie following. I wanted to get some of those squares into a bock and out of boxes. 

I pulled out the reds. Then I got to work on sewing them up. I sewed sets of 3. I wanted to have all the block parts ready to pick up and sew together. 

I now just need to sew those together. I still have more red to work on. I didn't touch the blue - which will be next. I was able to get 3 blocks done and 2 others ready to sew together. 

This is the one I was working on. This way, I will have the bigger size blocks done to work on this. I like the way the red works, but Patrick thinks I need to do every other block red, blue. I will see what my options are. I'm still working on this. I do love this panel!

Then we headed to the movies. We watched "Sing 2" and I loved it! It was awesome! They have done this set really well. I would watch it again! I love those movies!! It was a good break after being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Shopping Trip

 Today I received a call from mom. She wanted to see if I wanted to go to the quilt shop in Onalaska this afternoon. I was in!

While I wanted for them to get here around 1 pm, I worked on getting stuff cleaned up. I also pulled out the quilt and got a about half a side done. I also got some laundry done. They (Nancy and mom) finally arrived around 1:30 pm. 

We headed over to the quilt shop. Heavenly Quilts and Company. Really cute shop!

I ended up picking up 3 panels of the same. I also bought 6 yards of the red and blue on the left. The other is 3 yards each. I wanted to get border colors that will work with some of the stair. I really should have gotten some solid colors but I figure I can use the blues and reds that I have for the backing. They work just as good. As long as they are used for QOV, I'm good. This "pile" cost me $200. Prices are going up! 

Mom and Nancy stopped and picked up a quilt from the church. They don't have any more. Connie took 3 on Saturday and she texted that they were done. So, mom and Nancy picked them up and dropped off some panels. I noticed we are running out of panels. I need to order more. I will have to charge for those, since I just paid $200 for this pile. I don't want to get a reimbursement on this. 

Came home and Patrick was back from golfing. He was working in the office, so I vacuumed and got dinner going. 

Now, I am just enjoying the day. Thinking about being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, February 7, 2022

BE Meeting Day - Then Calm

 This morning we had our BE meeting. I left early to get my bank deposit done and then I headed to get gas and McD's for ice tea. 

Arrived to find both Sandy's there. It was so good to see Sandy V! We had a great chat. We all get along so well. We talked about all kinds of things. 

I was able to finish the third part of leaves - on the right. Then I started the next one - bottom. I got tired of the light color, so decided to work on the next corner of leaves. It's the darker green. 

Then came home. Stopped at the bowling alley and enjoyed a cheeseburger and tots. It was really good - expensive - but that's life now. 

Got home and started working on the binding of the quilt I got on Thursday. Debbie texted that she had the other 3 done. So, before I could start on the second side, she stopped by and dropped off 3 more quilts. I need to get them bound and then put the labels on. If I can get all this done, I can take them to the museum. We are getting quilts in pretty fast. 

Sophie has been sneezing lately. Not sure what that is about. 

Our Seminar information came in. I'm not sure I want to go. I found they are having classes that I even already took or ones I don't care for. I'm not sure what I want to do. I haven't found one I would put in my house anyway. I will think about it, and see if I'm going to be doing the online classes or go to the Seminar. Either way, I still plan to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Lazy Day Till Bowling

 This morning I wasn't in the mood to do ANYTHING. But I did do laundry today. Other than that, I watched bowling on TV and just pretty much relaxed. Shocked Patrick because I didn't do ANY crafts today. 

We did go bowling and I bowled pretty good. Gained another pin!! I bowled a 184, 166, and a 236. The 166 was when I "lost it." I couldn't figure out what happened. Couldn't hit the pocket and couldn't do much at all. I missed 2 easy pins!! I decided around the 8th frame to go back to the beginning. That helped me out on the third game. As for the 1st game, I was doing great, then in the 10th frame got a split. So, I messed up a really good game!! Dang. At least my bowling is getting back to "normal" and I'm happy with the way it went. It was a good day all around, but not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Presentation Day - QOV

Because it was presentation day for Quilts of Valor, I really didn't do much in way of crafting. I took 4 quilts to be dropped off, another 3 quilts to go to our quilter. I left around 11:15 to be there early so I could get things in order. Chip and Sam where not there today, so I had to leave a message for Sam. 

Things started out with me running around making sure I fixed the certificates that we had. Then I had to get the quilts out on the table and give jobs to those who were there. We have so much that needs to be done, that I request all members to be an hour early. That doesn't always happen. 

One of the quilts was one I did. Debbie did three of them and then we had one by another member. Can't remember off hand who. Think it was our quilter - Connie Carter. 

These are our Veterans we honored. The two on the left are Father/Daughter. She was Army and he was Air Force. They were Hillary Sibley and Mel Gregorich. The other three are Mark McLaughlin, Archie Curtis and Dwight Trager. 

This was an awesome group to do! I love doing these presentations! Told Nancy to go ahead and get three more presentations set up as we have the quilts. We are about thirty veterans behind. This way we can get them done and get moving. I need to do a couple more tops. I will try and work on one this week. I also need to take panels to Connie as she wants to do some of those as well. I will order more panels when I get the chance. 

It turned out to be an awesome day for our veterans and our group! I love doing this for the veterans. 

I had more fun giving quilts away then being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, February 4, 2022

Quilting At Moms

 Today I was up and out the door. 

Arrived at moms after stopping at the pharmacy. They lost 3 pharmacists and where working with just one person. At least I was early enough that I was out of there in 30 mins. Had 3 people in front of me that took awhile. I was hoping to get in and out, but wasn't worried about it. 

When I arrived, Hildi and Ethel had just arrived. I didn't take anything to work on. I did take the quilts for Debbie as she was going to stop by. When everyone arrived, the door bell rang. First it was Debbie, then it was Georgie and last was Theresa. Debbie and Georgie stopped by to pick up or give me stuff. Theresa hadn't been with the group in awhile. She was at "death's door" not to long ago. She just came for coffee but ended up staying for lunch. Nancy and I were telling mom that if any more come, we will have to find a bigger place to have the meetings. Theresa was only supposed to come the first week of the month, but Hildi told her it was every Friday. She's planning on coming next week. I told everyone I wouldn't be there next week. So 2 of us won't make it which will keep it from getting too crowded. If it gets too big I will stop going, because I get tired of ending up with no where to sit. 

Nancy passed out her blocks for her friendship quilt. I decided to get started on it. 

I put the "skinny stems" on and then started with the leaves. There is 16 leaves in the block. I had 2 done and was getting started on the next one. I'm not sure about the placement of the leaves - color wise. I picked some colors from the bag and then decided I would pull one out of the bag as I go. I just hope it will look okay. It will be fun to see. I don't care for the yellow block as it's too yellow. 

Came home and cleaned up the kitchen. Patrick had the dishwasher done and had the place cleaned up pretty good already. I just washed the dishes he made when making his dessert. Then unloaded the dishwasher before cooking the meal. 

Tonight I wanted to play and get moving on the weekend game. I won't be able to play much tomorrow because of the presentation at noon. I will need to leave by 10:30 am and then won't be home till around 2 or 3. I just realized I need to get my outline of what I'm going to say. I will do that tomorrow. 

As it is, it turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

A Little Of This And That

 Today was an interesting day. I was up after Patrick left for golfing. Then I played a few games while doing laundry. I needed to get the backing done for the 2 quilts that I have. 

After lunch, I finally got moving. I went and cut the backing and batting of the 2 quilts. Then I washed the backings. Sharon called about the time I ironed them. I also had to get the certificates done for the honor of presenting quilts to the veterans. We will be doing that Saturday. 

Then I played some more. Patrick got home and we had supper. Then it was time to get my rear in gear! First I needed to get the money for Gunderson Water ready to deposit. It's slowly coming in. 

Then I decided to get moving on my cross stitching! It's been too long! Of course I got that look from Sophie that she wasn't too crazy about that idea!

It's coming along great! I do like the way this is coming along. I love the way this looks. I really do need to work on this more! That's what it's all about - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

A Day At Mom's

 This morning I was up and out the door to the church. I picked up the quilt that I dropped off last month. Still waiting on the quilt I dropped off about 3 months ago. She did say we have another one. It looked a lot better this time. At least it wasn't a training quilt. 

I stopped and picked up coffee, and 2 teas. Got to moms by 10 am. Ended up with her working in the sewing room. I wanted to get her started on her cleaning but she got side tracked. - That always happens. When she finally decided to go into the bedroom to start going through her dresser, it was easy going. Hard to believe all the stuff she tucked under her clothes. We pulled all that out. Nancy had showed up before we got started, then went to get lunch and her meds. So, mom and I had about an hour to work on her stuff. When Nancy got back, we had lunch and then we pulled out moms boxes of unfinished quilts. 

Of course Daisy had to get in the middle of it. Those flowers are moms designs. She had another 17 - 9 patches that were done. So, she has enough for 2 quilts. She's decided on how she will finish them and decided she will do that tomorrow. There was another box that she pulled out and we decided what she would do with that set of blocks. She's going to have at least 3 quilts done if she does what we talked about. 

I then went to Papa Murphy's to pick up another pizza. Didn't tell Patrick I had pizza for lunch. I got a half and half pizza. I can't do pepperoni, so I had to get a veggie pizza. On the way home, I stopped a Phil's to give him the knitting (socks) that mom was working on, to give to Emily. AND I gave him the coffee grinds that I picked up. Of course, Patrick would have wanted those! I told him I'd get him more and not to worry. 

Got home and cooked the Pizza. Had supper and then pulled out the quilt that mom finished the binding on. I wanted to work on the label. 

Walked away from the quilt to do some other things, and found this when I came back to my chair! Sophie just has to be in on the quilting projects!

As usual, we didn't get much done at moms. It never goes the way it's planned. I only got 1 hour of her time to work on the stuff she wants me to help her with. Instead, it ended up being a day of mom being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Good Day To Be Quilting!

Today turned out pretty good. Really didn't have plans after Patrick went golfing. 

Debbie called and asked if she could come over to fit her blue with the blue we have for backgrounds. Told her to come on over. We went through the panels that we have. She took 3 and we put one on the floor to see if we could use a flag panel with the other flag panel. 

 So, we decided to cut the strips off the other flag panel. We can't have the actual flag in our quilts. And that was what those stripes had. Patrick looked it over when he got home and decided on this. 

Before he came home, I worked on putting the borders on this quilt. I had the white put on, but the blue border that Laura did, wasn't done quiet right. I didn't want to take it out, so I worked on straightening it out with the white border. I think it worked. I'll find out when it comes back. 

Then after Patrick gave me the "what to do, " I decided to go for it tonight. 

I was able to keep things straight, at least I hope so. 

It's now finished and ready to go to Connie. Patrick said it was a shame that we didn't have more of the stars or the stripes. It would have looked better with that on the bottom as well. It still looks good. I think the quilting will make it look better. This one is hard to figure out. That flag is a different color, so it's harder get fabrics that go with it. 

Once that was done, I was done. It was a great day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...