Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Taking Each Day As It Comes

This morning, I was enjoying sleeping in. Patrick was up before me. He was feeling better today than he was yesterday. 

Since he's here all day, he wasn't too thrilled with me being on my tablet most of the day. Oh, well. It keeps me calm and it's easy for me to get lost in it. He just doesn't like it that I'm chatting with others on it as well. Big deal. 

I worked on Gunderson stuff. Then I worked on my blood pressure information for my nurse to have. I filled out the paperwork for physical therapy and sent it off. I don't think I need it, but I guess they do. So, I will try it out. 

I worked on my puzzle and am very close to being done. 

I needed to get the labels on the quilts. So, I was lucky enough to get 4 quilts done. This is one of Colleen's sisters quilts. I did find we have more quilts that are short, so may have to give those out this week. 

Alli did this one. I really like it!

Connie did this one. It's different and pretty. A little on the plain side, but I like it. 

I can't remember this one. I think it's another of Alli's but not sure. We have another short one in this too. 

I pretty much called it done by then. I could have done another one, but 9 quilts are hard to do in one day. I need to do the certificates tomorrow. We have 6 more getting a quilt Thursday. 

Guess it was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Embroidery Day

This morning, I was able to sleep a little longer. Then I got everything ready for my embroidery meeting. 

I was out the door early, hoping to stop at Colleen's, but she didn't answer my text till I was already halfway to embroidery.  So, I stopped and got tea at McD's. Then headed over to the grange. There was 4 of us. 

I forgot my goldwork at home. After I even put the wire in there to make sure I could work on it. So, I pulled out my butterfly and worked on it instead. After about an hour and a half, I couldn't do any more. So, I called it quits. 

Headed to Colleen to drop off the star blocks. Then came on home. I have been relaxing all day. We did go for our walk. My BP was up today, so wondering if that had to do with the pain. Not too worried. Each day is different. 

I worked on my puzzle a little. It's getting closer to being done, then I can pull out my beads. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

I Have Had Better Days

This morning, I woke early. Was in a little pain.  It's more skin pain then inside pain. But that's part of life. 

My day was pretty much - not doing much. I played on my game. Mom dropped off QOV quilt that needs a label - now I have 9. She picked up her water bottle. Then I worked a little on the puzzle but not much. Katt called and we chatted. 

I did get 2 laps in with Ron. He's back from CA. He turned 94 the first of the month. 

I called and chatted with Sharon, whom I haven't talked to in almost a year. We had an hour chat. She's doing good, but still not liking it in Newport WA. I do miss her. 

Honestly, I tried not to do much today. By 3 pm, the pain started and now I'm about done. It's more a pain in my rear! But pain is pain. Someone else might curl up and go back to bed. I'm just trying to live with it till it heals. Now I know why dad had a break down. This isn't fun. 

I'm going back to my game and see if I can get a good night sleep. Who knows. I wish it would have been better for me. I would have wanted to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Enjoyed Time With Mom

This morning, I was up and playing my game by 6:30 am. I slept really well and when I woke, I couldn't go back to sleep. Even when I wanted to! 

I heated up the quilt room downstairs and was about ready to go down when mom called to say her washer wasn't working. She had wet clothes in the wash and need to get them spin dried. She also asked if she could bring another load over to do. I told her that was fine. The washer is scheduled to be fixed or looked at on Monday. She needed clothes before then. So, instead of going downstairs, I waited for her to show up. 

When she arrived, we went downstairs while her laundry was going. Patrick was going into town but kept an eye on them for mom. He put her clothes in the dryer and washer, then left into town.  

We worked on a quilt top for an Army veteran. I was just glad to be able to go back down and work on quilt tops for veterans. 

We cut the borders and put them on. I also found 3 more stars that were done. That made 13 stars. I'm only going to use 12 of them. I am going to put another gold color on the other side of the "busy" fabric to the right. I need some black. I will put black on the last border for the binding area. The fabric under the panel will be there and on the top. This is not an easy one to work with. But now I have an idea of what I'm going to do. It may change as I go along. I don't have the green that's in the panel. 

Came upstairs. Helped mom take her laundry to the car. Then took a walk. I'm still walking.   

While I waited for mom to come, I not only played my game, but I worked on the puzzle. 

It's going a lot faster now. I'm still having trouble finding what I want, but that's normal. lol I am enjoying this one. It won't be much longer and it will be done. 

At least my day turned out to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 26, 2024

Spending The Morning At Moms

This morning, I didn't sleep well. So, I was up and ready to go. I got a few things done before heading to moms. It's quilting Friday. Mom's Friday group is an applique group. Normally I don't like taking a lot over and having to bring it back so I decided I would work on one of mom's Block of the Month quilts. 

Mom ordered this in 2018. She falls in love with some of Debbie M's quilt designs and orders the block of the month. She ordered her most recent one. So, we chatted and I told her I would work on one of her block of the month quilts when I come over on Friday's meetings. Which means I need to get it ready. I pulled it out today and got started. 

I copied the block pattern, then I had to make templates for the block. Mom had the hard plastic pieces for the pattern. Then I had to mark around it on freezer paper. I will need to cut these out, but I will do that later. I didn't want to bring it home and do it. I also cut 6 14" blocks for the applique work to go on. That way, I have at least 6 blocks I can get started on. I didn't cut the fabric, because about that time I was wearing down. I ended up sitting down with marking the templates. It will be fun once I get everything cut out and ready to go. Time will tell. NOT like I don't have things downstairs I could work on, but like I said, I don't like trying to find them and then taking them with me. 

Came home and took my walk. I couldn't do 3 laps but I could do 2. I played my game and then while I was waiting on upgrades, I worked on my beading. 

I took out the black wire I had. Then I went to get my beading threads. I was able to get about 9 rows done. It's a start. Not happy with the center, but then it's on the bottom, so one won't see it as much as they see the sides. I remembered how to do it once I took the first one out. Just takes a few minutes to figure it out. 

Bryan, my distant cousin called. We chatted because I hadn't talked to him since I went to the hospital. We talked about my health and his. It was good to hear from him. Being in prison has been a wake up call for him. Not really sure why he's there, but when he's ready to tell me, I will listen. 

Now it's time to call it a night and I am going to try and get a good night sleep. I need one lately. I guess it might help that I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

An Early Start

This morning, Patrick was up at 6 am. I followed around 6:25 am. lol We were ready and out the door by 7 am to get to Patrick's oncology appointment in Olympia. While he was there, I was getting my blood tests done. Then I walked around the facility. It was pouring rain today, so we were limited to where I could walk. I walked inside the building. 

We were heading home and stopped to get my Chai tea and Patrick's coffee. Then it was to get gas. 

Surprisingly, we were home by 10:30 am. We did stop in Olympia to see if we could see the new Buick's out there. They no longer sale the new Buick's, the sell older models. So, we came on home. 

I went downstairs to work on my labels. 

 I sat and sew them. The ones on the right are ones I'm doing for mom. She's going to saw the left and bottom into the binding of each quilt. The ones in the middle are ones I have to do with the quilts here at the house. I believe there are 8 of them. We have presentation on the 2nd. Next Thursday. Then the ones on the left are sewn and needed to be flipped and ironed. 

Once that was done, I came upstairs and worked a little on the puzzle before supper. 

I was able to figure out a few things on this puzzle to put a few pieces in. I'm getting there. I'm not sure how to put the legs in there, but I will figure it out. 

While I was waiting for my game to upgrade a few things, I pulled my beading out to work on a box. I used the black wire and I'm not liking it, so I may have to use my white thread instead. I will redo it tomorrow night. I was trying to remember how to read the instructions and will do it again tomorrow to remind me. 

So, as busy as it was, I was thrilled to be back to being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Trying To Do More

This morning Patrick headed to golfing and I got laundry going. I was in pain this morning, and all through the day. I just let it be. It's skin pain not heart or chest pain. 

After finishing up with laundry, I pulled my beads out to get them organized. I needed to get them out of the boxes and into the tubes. 

Three months worth of beads. It's from my monthly surprise boxes. High Street Beading Company in MS has some wonderful beads. 

These are some of the other beads that came in my boxes. I can use those for other stuff. I was actually thinking of making another box. I might start that, since it's small and I don't have too much to work with. I really would like to get back to Sophie's piece, but that will have to wait. (I need to finish the puzzle so I can have room to bring it out again).

So, while I was checking my beads, I filled what I have and made more tubes for the ones I didn't. I was working off the computer. I have this all on excel so I know how much of the beads I have. That way when I find something I want to do that shows the numbers, I can go to my list and see what I have. It works great. Today I did find one tube of beads that I mislabeled and had to find the right bead color. I knew I had it, and I did. Now I have 3 tubes of it. lol Each of the rows has the bead number, 1 oz, 5 oz, 7 oz, 10 oz and 25 oz. I usually have 25 or more oz's of black (010 or 310). Those are colors I use all the time. It takes time to fill the tubes and check the list, but it's worth it for me. Otherwise, I would buy the same color over and over with tons left over. 

I was having fun doing that and playing on the computer with my game. I went back and forth getting stuff done. Spend the afternoon working on the beads. When Patrick got home, he watched TV and the next thing I saw was him asleep in the chair. At least he's active and I know it tires him out when he walks on the course. Think today he was in the cart but not sure. Naps are what help with the chemo to work. 

After all that, I called it done. I did get a few pieces in the puzzle. Then I just decided to sit and enjoy playing my game with wonderful friends. Again, today I was organizing, not beading. So, it doesn't count as being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Getting Back To My Sewing Room

This morning, I decided to get back to working on my quilting stuff.  First I needed to clear off my table top to make room for cutting. I turned the fire on downstairs, because it was cold. Weird when it was 70 degrees today. I put my embroidery floss away. Took my kit and put everything away, since the project was done. Stacked all the quilt blocks up. 

I was shocked at how much I have! I need to get these into quilts. Every time mom brought me blocks, I put them on the table. I ask quilters if they wanted to work on them, but no one took any in the last 5 months. So, they all ended up with me. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to do with them all. I have panels that need designed and hopefully I can use them in that. I have a different panel on the wall right now and will do that one first before I try and figure these out. 

After all that, I cut the backing for the labels. We are going to do them differently, so I called mom to see if I could leave the 2 sides open for her to sew into the binding. We decided we needed more secure labels, as they are easy to take apart when I sew them down. I have about 6 quilts that need me to sew them down, but from now on we will do it differently. I have about 20 labels to sew when I go down there again. Maybe tomorrow. 

After an hour and a half, I came back upstairs. I didn't want to wear myself out. But I'm sure I did. We went walking and my shoulder was telling me I did. 

I have been playing on the puzzle as well. I kept adding a piece here and there today. I will probably go and do that when I'm done with this. 

I really wasn't able to work on the quilt, but I was able to clean up a little bit. Still doesn't make it a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 22, 2024

Visiting With Friends

Today I was up with Patrick. He headed to golfing and I wanted on Gerilyn to pick me up. We had our embroidery meeting today. 

We arrived on time with Sandy and Cindy there. Sandy 2 from Ocean Shores came today as well. It was so good to see everyone! We sat and chatted. Then mom called and asked if she could visit, told her I was at the grange and she could come over. She did. 

I worked on my goldwork. I'm so close to finishing this now! 

 I finished the greenery and buds. I found by looking at the photo, that the bud on the top left was supposed to be by the berries. I wasn't going to take it out. I showed Sandy the mark, and told her it's supposed to be by the berries not the leaves. She can decide if she wants to do the mark that's there or put it by the berries. I left mine. 

Now I'm putting the goldwork vines on. I have a lot more to go. If I decide later that they are too long, I can clip them off. It's fun stretching the goldwork out. Not crazy about the one between the leaves, so will work harder to do a better job. It's close to being done. I have to finish that part, then put the flower on, and lastly bead the center. 

I left with mom because she wanted to give Phil his quilt. She stopped at the junk yard and recycled the scredded papers she's been doing. It filled her trunk. She had them in brown bags. So, it was easy to throw them in the bin. 

Next stop was to see Phil and give him his quilt. 

This was the quilt my daughter picked for Phil when they were picking quilts after my father passed away. Then Phil gave mom her Christmas gifts. lol They both had a late Christmas gift to each other. 

Mom brought me home and gave me 3 quilts that need labels. I will work on the labels this week and get them done. First I need to clean off my table downstairs. UGH

It felt really good to be with friends and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Movie Day

This morning Patrick slept in. I was playing my games. 

Decided I wanted to play on my puzzle today and got some done before it was time to leave. 

We decided to go to the movies. I wanted to see the new Panda movie. It was at 1:30 pm. At first I thought we would be the only ones watching it but a family of 5 showed up as well. It was really good. The graphics were better than that one previously. I enjoyed the movie and knew the voices of at least 4 of them. 

Then we walked around the building before heading home. We chatted with Patrick's brother and wife as we walked. It was great. 

Came home and I sat to put more pieces in on my puzzle. I'm really having fun. Before I started, I put a few things downstairs to put away. I will go down there later this week and clean off my table. I'm hoping to get some sewing done this week. But first I need to put a few things away. 

I'm getting more done on here. I keep putting pieces on the puzzle area, thinking they are ones I need. I'm finding that they are ones I haven't started yet. I will get there. I'm having fun with this. The more I sit and work it, the faster I find the pieces and put them where they belong. In the lower bottom, I still haven't found that piece that goes to the border. It must be an odd shaped one. I will work on it. So far, it's coming along great. 

My day was more of laundry and working on my puzzle than anything I actually worked on. I did get the trinket jar the other day, so I seriously need to work on getting my piece done. I will work on it tomorrow with the group. Gerilyn is picking me up to take me to our meeting. So, till then, I'm still not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 19, 2024

One Appointment After Another

This morning we were able to sleep in, but of course, I couldn't. I let Patrick sleep in though. Then I played on my games. 

I received a call from St. Pete's regarding a referral for me to go through rehab. I chatted with the gal and said I could try it for a week, but didn't think I needed it. Around 11 am we headed back up to Olympia. Had to stop at St. Pete's to get an X-ray. The gal was awesome! She let me see my X-ray. It was interesting to see the wires down my chest. They zig zagged on my chest. Then I had to go to my surgeons PA to chat about how I'm doing. All the pains I have are normal. My chest looks good and I have plenty of room between my "zig zags" and my skin. It helps so that the stitches (or whatever) don't pop out some on the skin. That would really drive me crazy! I got the okay and good bill of health report. My final appointment there. 

Then we headed back home to stop at the bank. Once that was done we went to Dutch Brothers for a drink. Safeway was the last stop, picking up a few things we needed - and didn't need. Patrick filled himself up with sweets so he can work on gaining weight. Trouble is, he's one of those that eats all he wants and it goes out the other end. Not gaining any weight! Wish at times I had that. 

Got home and I was enjoying my Ancestry magazine. Then I got back to playing on my tablet. My friend and I decided to start the game over in another kingdom. So, we started our own alliance. It's a new kingdom, so we should do really well. 

Now I'm tired and hurting, so going to call it a night. Not a day for Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Woke In Pain

This morning, I woke in pain. Actually, had pain all night. So, I pretty much didn't do much all day. 

 I think the pain is from moving around. It's pulling on the seams. It's something I need to do and will continue, so that it's not tight all the time. It takes a lot of getting used to. Pain is pain and I have learned to deal with it. 

I did get my walking in. AND I did work on my puzzle a little bit today. 

I did find one of the border pieces that's missing. I have one more. I like this puzzle. It's fun. I worked on connecting the top and side together today. It's getting easier to find the right pieces. This is a fun one to work on. 

I've been playing games today. We decided to change kingdoms because of the one we were in. They were getting pretty bad. If they didn't like what someone said, they just went after them. I didn't care for the way they did things. So, we went to another kingdom and started our own group. We are going to have to be careful though, because it's a small group compared to the larger ones. 

And no, it wasn't a day were I could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Worn Out

 Today I slept a little longer after Patrick went golfing. I was wide awake when he went for his shower, but I made myself go back to bed. 

When I did get up, I was hurting a little. I was also in the mood of just not interested in much. I was more worn out than anything. And I slept pretty good. 

Connie came over to get some backing material. 

She needed some beige fabric for the backing of a couple quilts. She cut one of each of these. I couldn't help her. She brought her own marker and ruler. She marks it then she cuts it. I just cut it. I gave her some scraps that were on the table as well. She left with bags and fabric. 

Then I went to work on my puzzle. 

I just couldn't decide on what I wanted to do. So, I went and sat down to work on my puzzle. I still have 2 pieces in the border I haven't found yet. I'm hoping they are there somewhere. I finished one book on audio and started another one. Both are good. 

Then I played on my tablet and called it a night. I'm just not there today. I couldn't even get 3 laps in on walking. I'm hoping to get a good nights sleep and get back to being able to do stuff (even though I can't lift 10 lbs for another week). 

I'm hoping things will be better tomorrow and I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

A Day In Olympia

 This morning, we were up early. We wanted to relax before heading up to Olympia for our doctor appointments. 

We were there by 10 am to get to my cardiologist appointment. I really like Dr. Waggner! He's straight forward. I learned a lot more about what I went through. It was pretty much, if I hadn't gone up and had a heart attack, I wouldn't be here right now. 

Then we headed over to Kaiser, where Patrick needed to see the pharmacist. Once that was done, then we went up to get his port flushed. After that, we got some food from the stand and went to the car to eat. When that was done, we walked about a half mile around the building. Came back to the car to wait. We had a good hour and a half before my next appointment. We got blood before the port being flushed. When it was time we went in to my oncologist and I'm back on the preventative medication. Everything looked good and they were very happy with the way I was recovering. It's still going to take time, but I think I'm doing good. Patrick even told them about what I've been doing to help me along. 

We stopped at the car wash. Then we headed to the museum to pick up the money I forgot to get on Thursday. We have a money box there. 

Came home and I was beat. I have another phone visit tomorrow with my PT cardiologist.  Dr. Waggner was happy to see I was doing that too. I can start doing my back exercises as long as I'm not on my hands and knees. 

Played games for awhile. Now I'm ready to call it a night. I'm sorry I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Enjoying Embroidery Today

 Patrick went golfing and I got a few things done before Sandy came over. We decided to get together today even though the others couldn't make it. I didn't want to drive to the grange, so I asked her over. 

We sat and worked on our Goldwork. 

I was surprised at how pretty this is coming. I worked on the beads in the first berry and then the goldwork on the second berry. Once those were done, Sandy and I liked the idea of using the goldwork in green for the stems.  I think it looks a lot better than if I worked in embroidery. Once I get the stem stuff done and one more set of buds, then I can work on the main flower. This will really be pretty when done. I don't think I will have to wash it, since the goldwork is wire. 

After Sandy left, I sat and played my games. Patrick took a nap. Then when he was up, we went for our walk. I was getting ready for my doctor appointment tomorrow with the cardiologist and then the oncologist. It's going to be a busy morning. I also have to do my blood tests. 

As it turned out, I was just happy that Sandy came over and we could be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

A Day At A Time

This morning Patrick woke me early. So, I was up and ready to go. I enjoyed an hour before taking my shower. 

Then I played some games. I felt good, till I took my meds and then my bp came down. That's not fun. We did get our walk in before having to leave to the playhouse. I wasn't feeling up to it most of the day. We went to see the play "Noise, Off" and it was really good. Patrick paid for mom, Nancy, brother Patrick, Christine, and us. It was really good and I laughed through it. I took my coat in case I needed it to cover my chest. I didn't want to take my heart pillow with me. 

When we got home it was 5 pm. I sat for worked on my puzzle. I wanted to get some done on it before the news came on. 

For 30 minutes, I did pretty good. I'm enjoying this piece. I may have to spend time tomorrow to work on it. That is, if Sandy doesn't come over. 

I am in pain now. I have been trying not to take too much Tylenol, but sometimes I just have to. I hate feeling like every time I get up, I'm light headed. Hopefully when I go to the doctors on Tuesday, they will change my meds. Time will tell. I need to take each day at a time and stop trying to do more than I should. So, playing games help me stay calm. UGH

After that, I went back to playing on my tablet for games. I haven't been able to get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 12, 2024

Too Much Stuff To Do

 Patrick went golfing and I slept in. I went to bed early last night because I was beat. I slept a good 11 hours. It felt good when I got up. 

I played on the computer and tablet. I wanted to be calm today. Then I realized I needed to get some paperwork off to nationals for our QOV stuff. I also needed to add the QOV photos from last month. Allie took photos this time, so I need to get them from her. I also worked on paying bills for our water group. Once all that was done, Patrick came home and then left again to go golfing with my brother Patrick. 

By the time they were done, I was done. I had so much to do that I was worn out again! So, it was back in my chair to get calm. We walked in the neighborhood for my walking requirement. Then we had supper and I called it a day. I did get a few pieces in the puzzle but not much. 

Talked to Debbie a couple times today. All's good. But it wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Presentation Day Today

 This morning, I was up with Patrick. I had to get ready for mom to pick me up to head on over to the museum. 

I cut myself an apple, put some almond butter in a container, and put nuts in a jar. Once that was done, I was ready for mom. Patrick had the quilts and stuff waiting downstairs for them to pick up. 

Mom and Nancy were a little later than they said they would be. Mom and Nancy put the stuff in the back of the car. Then we were off. HOLLY CRAP!! My mother almost had us in a car accident! She didn't see the red car coming when she was at a stop sign. I was yelling in the back seat, "CAR, MOM, CAR!" UGH Then she drives like a mad women! She's not slow, she's fast! At 88 years old, I think it's time she stop driving! Got out of the car with Nancy and said, "She's trying to kill us!" Nancy laughed. Holly crap! Really??!! 

We arrived around 10:10 am when we were supposed to be there at 10. I watched mostly. Then we had our meeting. Around 11 am Allie ordered the pizza. I didn't see anyone try to pay her for it. Smiley stood up and paid for the pizza. I was going to, but glad he did. I just wish the group would have coughed up some money for the pizza. We got 3 different kinds. Meeting went well. We had a good chat. I just need to write it all down and send it off for the ones that didn't come. 

I sat through the presentation. Then when it was over, mom and Nancy insisted they take me home. I could understand, because I was wearing out. It was good to get home. They put the quilts that need labels in the doorway. I had Patrick take care of that for me. 

Then I sat and played games. I was beat. Patrick came home and had a ton of groceries. So, I got up to help him put some of it way. He was as beat as I was. Between golfing and shopping it will do that. Once that was done, he cooked supper. It was really good. 

I played for a bit and then decided I wanted to work on my puzzle. 

I got a few pieces together. My back didn't like me and I quit. I will play on this later on. I'm just tired and want to go to bed right now. I didn't have time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

May Have Overdone It Today

 This morning, I slept in, and it felt good. I played on my tablet for a while. 

Then it was time for my embroidery class. I wasn't sure if I could do it, but I did. I really love how the goldwork is done. 

We worked on the berries first. I learned how to twist a cord. Trouble was, it untwisted. That the bottom berries. I wasn't too worried about it. Then we had to "mark" the second berry for the goldwork to be worked in. 

I have it marked and worked on the top area of the goldwork. I have more to add to the berry. I cut some of my goldwork too big, so had to trim them down. Then we worked on the flower buds. The one on the left is the one I did before class is over. It turned out okay. The ones on the right need the greenery on them. I will do that later. I need to finish the berries, then do the buds. Once that's done, I can work on the center flower with beads. I really do love working on this. Debbie showed a couple of her other patterns and kits. I'm thinking of doing more. 

Jodie in the class, said she had some jars she's wanting to get rid of and I'm thinking of buying a couple from her. It will be nice to have them available to use. 

After class, I had my phone call from the nurse. Wanted to know if I'm doing my goals. I am. I added a goal to it as well. She sent me a lot of information on minor exercises and diet. I was reading them just now. 

Patrick wanted to go out to eat, so we went to Wendy's. YEAH, I KNOW! Not a healthy place to eat but I didn't have cheese. I had my hamburger that I have been wanting for 2 months. It's a once in a while treat now. 

Then we headed over to Columbia's clearance store. Patrick got a couple hoodies. I couldn't find what I wanted. I did find a coat I wanted but it wasn't in my size. So, I just left with nothing to my name. In the past, it would have bothered me to walk in a store and not buy something. Not anymore. 

Came home and got my certificates done for tomorrow's presentation. Mom is so worried about me tomorrow that she's picking me up to take me to the museum. If I get tired, she will bring me home. I decided to let her. That way I don't have to drive. Wasn't looking forward to driving. At least, not right now. Hopefully I can just sit and watch, and not get too tired. We will see. Specially after a day like today. 

I'm just happy to be able to send 2 1/2 hours being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Keep Hoping This Will Be Over......

 This morning Patrick was up and out the door for golfing. I slept in. I wasn't in the mood to get up. 

I finally got up and just sat playing games. I was able to get my chart done as well. I need to make that up on the computer and send it to my PT for my heart nurse. 

Patrick got home and I pulled out the quilts to label them. One of them I don't know who made it, so it won't be labeled till I do. 

This one was from Stitch'N Peace. They donate quilts to us often. I like their work. 

Another one of Connie's work. 

I realized I needed to get my embroidery done for tomorrow's victual class. So, I pulled it out and worked on it. 

I had to do the berries. It's all statin stitches. I had fun. The felt was easy to put on. Then it was satin stitching one way and then the other. Now I'm ready for what comes tomorrow in class. 

Even when I work on this stuff, I still have pain either in my boobs (yep - boobs), arm pits, and chest. It's not fun. I keep hoping it will go away, but I know it will be a long process. I've only been like this for 4 weeks. I am thankful I'm healthy compared to others, but man!, I'm tired of this. I can only do things for a short amount of time and then I'm dead tired. Ugh. I've even been going to bead early every night just to get sleep I need. Oh, well, I'm still positive through this, so we are good. 

That helps me stay Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 8, 2024

I Tried To Behaving - Really I Did!

This morning Patrick went golfing and I got up just before he left. I wanted to play the game early because of the time they had the challenge. 

I then decided I wanted to help with laundry, so I carried a load 3 times to the washing machine. I let Patrick know it was he's after that. Then I pulled out a quilt to put a label on. 

 I labeled this one and wanted to do one more but Sandy and Jeannette were coming to see me today. 

Sandy and Jeannette arrived around 1 pm. It was so good to see them! We sat at the table and worked on our goldwork projects. I got them caught up on what happened to me. Sandy didn't know I was cut open, she thought they just went up the arm. I told her nope, they tried to do a stint up the arm but I wasn't having it according to the doctor. lol 

I worked on the leaves. I just noticed I can see an area I need to fill. I will try and do that tomorrow. I took out the leaf on the bottom and reworked it. Now I need to work on the berries to have them ready for Wednesday. I plan to have them done. Will probably work on them tomorrow. Plus I have 3 quilts that need label. 

Sandy and Jeannette left about 2 hours after coming. We had a really good time. After that, Patrick made sure I didn't do anymore. I pretty much sat and played games. We didn't get a walk today because of the weather. I told him I was back and forth down the hall, which hopefully made up for it. 

I'm just happy I could find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 7, 2024

It's Only Been 4 Weeks.

This morning I woke in pain. My chest was mad at me. I was able to get it calmed down. It still feels like fabric rubbing up against a sore. 

Patrick did a lot of cleaning today. I hate just watching or waiting. I did unload what I could of the dishwasher, but I really need to watch it, because I have 2 more weeks to go. I know it's hard on Patrick, but he's a sweetheart when it comes to taking care of me. I told him he needs to go golfing again. 

He does make sure I get off my butt and go walking. We walked 3 times around the neighborhood. Then when we came in, I decided to work on my puzzle. Patrick had to bring me another board because the puzzle is bigger than the board I was using. 

At first it was hard to figure out what I wanted to do. The area in the top corner was easy, but the rest will be interesting. May have to work on the dog and go from there. I will work on the words for now. 

I wanted to work on labels or even my embroidery, but just couldn't get into it today. I will try and work on my embroidery tomorrow as that's our usual meeting. I asked Sandy and JT to come visit me after the meeting. I think they will do that. I'm hoping! Told her we can work on the goldwork together. I still have to take out my goldwork. 

I pretty much spent most of the day playing games. I just couldn't get into anything. The pain went away for awhile, and is back now. I'm finding I'm more tired than I have been in a while. So, I'm calling it a night. Maybe tomorrow will be my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Trying To Get Back To Normal

Patrick was up before me today. I was a little slow in getting up. He was cleaning up the house today because my mom and brother asked if they could come over. We agreed they would come around 1 or 2. 

Patrick did all the housework, which made me feel bad. I can't do any of it for another couple weeks. It's hard watching him do it all when I want to help. I did put some whites in the laundry and add some stuff to the dishwasher. That was about all I could do. 

Patrick (brother), Christine (sister-in-law), and mom came over for about an hour. It was good seeing them, and Patrick was asking questions about what I went through. He's the only one of us siblings that hasn't had heart issues. I told him I would find out from my doctor and let him know what to look for. He can then take the information to his doctor so they know what to look for. Since I didn't have any red flags, or signs that something was wrong before this, they couldn't pinpoint it. 

I had to order my prescriptions but they are outside my pharmacy. While I waited on the phone to let them know what I needed from them, I worked on my goldwork. When I looked at what I did yesterday, I realized it is off, so I need to take it out. 

I have room between the goldwork that need filled in. I will take it all out and redo it later. While I was on the phone, I worked on the bottom leaf. I started the satin work on the bottom. Then I will work the goldwork on the top side. But first I will take the other one out. 

After supper, I thought I could work on my labels for Thursday. 

It was harder to put the label on this than I thought it would be. I was out of energy by the time I had it done. Decided I will do one a day and should have them done by Thursday. Had Nancy send out a message, but noticed she sent out the wrong one. So, sent her an email to let her know that was the wrong one. 

It's been a tiring day, and I'm just thankful I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 5, 2024

Every Little Bit Helps

 This morning Patrick went golfing. First time in over a week. That's a good thing. I was just relaxing and realized I forgot my pills till around noon. Funny, one would think I would know to take my pills in the morning, like I do every morning. Go figure. 

Patrick came home and we went to Costco. We walked the same distance in Costco as we do here. I was surprised. We didn't walk through the store as much as we usually do. But we did get a few things that we needed. Prices were a lot better too. 

After Costco we stopped and ate at the Brewery in Ground Mound. I can't remember the name. It has to do with Cedar. I had fish and chips. Patrick was hunger for a steak sandwich, so he got a French Dip. It wasn't as salty as it was before. Then we stopped a Phil's and drop a few things off. Needed rice, so he gave me a bag of rice. lol 

Came home and played games. Then I decided I needed to work on my Goldwork piece. I'm finding I love Goldwork and may have to do some research into the designs. 

I finished the right leaf. The goldwork is on the left side of the leaf. I like the way it looks. I started to get the next leaf ready to work on. It's now padded and ready. I will do the statin stitch on the left side and the cold work on the right. Then I have to work on the berries. I'm hoping I can get them done so we can finish this piece Wednesday at our next class. 

Now I'm beat and ready to call it a day. At least I was able to get some work done that made me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 4, 2024

No Energy Today

Yesterday I didn't post because I really didn't do anything. We did our usual walking and went grocery shopping, but other than that I didn't do much. 

Today, I walked when Patrick came home from golfing. We have been making a point to walk every day at least 3 times around. I woke with very little energy. So, when we walked, I thought it would help.  

I had my class today for the Goldwork. I love the project, but an hour into the class and I was about ready to quit. I stuck it out for the 2 hours. 

We worked on the leaf. The left work is goldwork. I love the green. I need to work on it some more. This is something I would love to get more into. I was behind everyone on their leaf. I just didn't have the energy to keep going. We do have homework. The leaf under this needs to be done as well as the padding for the berries. I have a lot of work to do by next Wednesday and will try and do it. 

After the class, I fell asleep on the couch. Then after supper, I pretty much quit doing anything. I'm about ready to go to bed, since I really am out of energy. Not one of my better days. Yesterday was a lot better. I still feel like there is a huge piece of tape on my chest and it's not very comfortable. 

My PT for cardiology told me it's going to take a while. I need to behave for 6 weeks, or my recovery time will go from 6 months to 9 months. So, I'm really trying. 

At least I made the effort to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

TRYING Not Go Do Too Much

 I slept in today. Yesterday I was in so much pain, I had to call it a night early. Once I slept the better, I felt. It's not the heart itself, but all the surgery seams. I'm still walking and trying to behave but that doesn't say much. 

Mom called this morning to say she wanted to come over. Nancy and she came over for about a half hour. It's good to see them. I keep enjoying having company once in a while. I feel like I'm in a cage that can't see anyone. At the same time, I know if I do see friends, I ware out fast. 

Before mom came, I cleaned up my beads and put them away. I pulled out the puzzle board and started working on a puzzle I got from Christmas. I have 3 new ones. After they left, we sat and watched a Doris Day movie, and I worked on the puzzle some more. Didn't get very far but working on it. The border of the puzzle is not easy. 

Maybe tomorrow I can get the border done. I have one side done, and part of another. I need go to through the rest of the pieces to see if there are more border pieces I didn't get. 

Then I decided to play. So, I'm still in a little pain, and I wanted to get something off my mind. Playing games seems to do that. 

As much as I would love to say I was working on a project, I won't lie. It's going to be a while before I can be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...