Saturday, April 6, 2024

Trying To Get Back To Normal

Patrick was up before me today. I was a little slow in getting up. He was cleaning up the house today because my mom and brother asked if they could come over. We agreed they would come around 1 or 2. 

Patrick did all the housework, which made me feel bad. I can't do any of it for another couple weeks. It's hard watching him do it all when I want to help. I did put some whites in the laundry and add some stuff to the dishwasher. That was about all I could do. 

Patrick (brother), Christine (sister-in-law), and mom came over for about an hour. It was good seeing them, and Patrick was asking questions about what I went through. He's the only one of us siblings that hasn't had heart issues. I told him I would find out from my doctor and let him know what to look for. He can then take the information to his doctor so they know what to look for. Since I didn't have any red flags, or signs that something was wrong before this, they couldn't pinpoint it. 

I had to order my prescriptions but they are outside my pharmacy. While I waited on the phone to let them know what I needed from them, I worked on my goldwork. When I looked at what I did yesterday, I realized it is off, so I need to take it out. 

I have room between the goldwork that need filled in. I will take it all out and redo it later. While I was on the phone, I worked on the bottom leaf. I started the satin work on the bottom. Then I will work the goldwork on the top side. But first I will take the other one out. 

After supper, I thought I could work on my labels for Thursday. 

It was harder to put the label on this than I thought it would be. I was out of energy by the time I had it done. Decided I will do one a day and should have them done by Thursday. Had Nancy send out a message, but noticed she sent out the wrong one. So, sent her an email to let her know that was the wrong one. 

It's been a tiring day, and I'm just thankful I tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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