Thursday, September 19, 2024

Interesting Day

 Was up early.  Nothing new there. 

Ron and I walked 5 laps. Patrick was out in the yard doing all kinds of things. He was working on the water faucets. Cleaned some of the garden up. 

I got busy working on some QOV stuff. Talked with Carol about getting the active duty guys done.

Then I started checking our list for Friday.  We are leaving at 7 am and I needed to get the stuff ready for our mini classes. Sandy sent the list that we have floss for. I found the pattern for the Goldfinch birds. I was working on it. I think I gave it away. 

Then it was a trip to Olympia.  My gastro appointment was told. Told him I fixed my issues and we chatted.  He was happy I was feeling a lot better and we chatted about how weird it is that beef is bad on those with IBS. Patrick went to Kaiser for appnother blood test. Things are looking better for him right now.  

Got home in time for him to go to his meeting.  I played my games. Then after supper we went out in the garage to get containers for all that material.  I Then cleaned it up. 

Was playing with Sophie on the stairs. lol 

It was a "this and that" day. Nothing special but interesting when I think of all I did today. Not a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Enjoyed Cross Stitching Today

Woke early after Patrick.  He went golfing.  He's looking and acting a lot better. Being off Chemo is awesome! He's not having the issues with Chemo.  Hope he doesn't go back on too soon. 

I vacuumed and cleaned up a bit. Then Ron and I went walking.  Only got 5 laps in. 

Patrick got home when we were done.  

I got a lot done today.

I was enjoying this. The tail was finished today and all that above got done.  I rolled the scroll to get more done.

I really enjoyed working on this and felt Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Baking Day

This morning I was lazy, so Ron and I left later then usual to walk. We went 6 laps today. 

This is our road we take laps on. His house is at the end. 

Once all that was done,  I came in to play games. I did add a few photos to my genealogy.  

Then it was time to bake. Patrick wanted a Peacan Chewy Bar.

It was something he pulled off the internet.  So I made them. Turned out pretty good to.

Then I wanted soft pretzels, so I made them as well.

Patrick tries to make the shape right. It's so funny to watch him try. I tried to show him a few times, but he's to dang stubborn to listen,  so I just laugh when he helps me. Makes life fun that way. So that turned out to be supper. 🤣

I had more fun baking then thinking about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Usual Monday Meeting

This morning I had a list of stuff to do. So, started out heading to Rite Aid,  visit Phil, head to post office,  then to Colleen's, with a stop at Starbucks for coffee and tea. Once all that was over, I headed to the grange.  

Sandy was there with Geralyn.  We chatted for awhile before mom showed up. Then mom took over the conversation.  

I worked on the hummingbird piece since I didn't take my beads. Thought we were done when I took this.

Was able to stitch a few more stitches before we called it done. 

Headed to Carol's to drop off paperwork.  Then to Phil's to share in the mushrooms Sandy picked.

Made it back home before Patrick.  He went golfing and has gained a lb a day. 

Made fried rice for supper and the just played games. I was thrilled to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Found Time To Bead

 This morning I tried to sleep in. No such luck.  

Ron and I walked 6 laps. Then came in and got batting and backing cut for Colleen.  Then re-did the certificate for one of the veterans yesterday.  Now that is ready for tomorrow.  Monday's are my busiest days of the week. 

One I had everything done, I decided to bead. I had thought about pulling out my white on white quilt and start Quilting but changed my mind. Need to get my ornaments done first.

First panel in the second ornament done. I had to double check a few things before I could finish. 

Turned out to be a good day. I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Presentation Day

 This morning,  Patrick loaded the car with the 18 quilts to go to the museum. I had everything ready to go.

Before leaving,  I wanted to get labels on the 2 quilts in the bedroom.  I went downstairs and sewed 3 labels. Came upstairs and got started. 

Joanne Wisner made this one and Connie quilted it. 

This quilt was done by the same volunteer from yesterday.  I need to pay more attention to who made these to post their names. I do love this quilt. The quilt was given out today. 

These are the ones we honored with quilts today. It was on of our better presentations. Chip helped with presenting the veterans with their quilts.  They all seemed happy to get their quilts.  

Came home and entered the 8 applications we got. We also got 4 active duty veterans,  so we will work hard to get them as soon as possible.  

I have been sitting and playing games. My chest is mad at me and needs a break. At least I found time to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Collecting Fabric Today

This morning was Quilting at moms. I had a few places to stop along the way. I canceled one for Monday.  Got to moms by 9:30 am. We visited before everyone started coming in. 

I worked on moms BOM. 

I finished the leaves - or thought I did. 

The leaves in the center was done wrong. Took them out and started all over. I just need the circles on top of the leaves on top. Will finish them later.

Left at noon to drop off backing and batting.  Next stop ( after Dutch Brothers) was to Debbie's.  Picked her up and we headed to Onalaska to get fabric for QOV.  

This was after we went through 20-30 tubes. This isn't half of what we did. We organized it a little bit. There was more there, but after 3 hours of going through each box and taking what we wanted,  we called it done. We came home with 6 tubes of fabric that will work for us. 

Came home, unloaded, then took Debbie home. I Then took a shower and washed my hoodie because I wanted to wear it tomorrow.  

Finished the label on the quilt Colleen did for us.

Now I am beat and calling it a night. Tomorrow is presentation day. At least I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Lazy Day With Beading

This morning,  I slept on. Then playing games.  My lunch was canceled so didn't go anywhere.  

Ron and I walked 5 laps. He couldn't do any more.  Patrick went to his coffee chat. He meets up with his other City workers that retired when he did.

I got my certificates done for Saturday.  Then I cut backing and batting for Colleen.  I found the foot peddle for the sewing machine.  

Then when he got home it was being lazy. We didn't even have the TV on. He picked up a roasted chicken for us. It was pretty good.  

I Then pulled out the quilts that need to be done for Saturday. 

I only had 2 labels and pulled the 2 quilts that have been the longest. This is mine.

This was done by 2 of Kristi's friends.  I can't remember the names.  They donated the quilt. 

This one was done by Cathy Bussman and quilted by Jeannie C. This one had a label sewn in the side, so I just needed to stitch 2 sides.

Then I decided to pull my beading out.

This is close to being done.  I do like most of these colors.  What fun!!

Just a note, Patrick is taking a month break from chemo. Hopefully he will gain weight to help him.

Tomorrow is going to be busy. At least I will be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dental Appointment Today

 This morning, I was up and ready to go. I drank some of Patrick's protein drink for breakfast. I didn't want to have to work on my teeth before my dental appointment. This time I went through town and arrived early. Thank goodness, I was able to get in early. I like my hygienist, she's awesome. The same gal that introduced me to the dental office the first time. She's a sweetheart and I found that she just got married in July. I may have to take something to you for your wedding. 

Was home by 11:30 and Ron and I went walking at noon. I did 7 laps and he did 6. They are working on the apartments by his house. It should be getting a updated look from what they told me. 

Came in the house and Patrick was getting stuff cleaned up outside. Then he came in and I went to the computer room to play games. He wanted to watch his shows and I came in here. I was okay with that. 

Then I baked my potato for supper and pretty much didn't do another thing other than play games. It was nice actually. 

Tomorrow is another day! So, nope, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting.   

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Today I was able to sleep in and did. 😅

We went to Olympia for blood tests and flu shot. Once that was done we headed to the casino.  We won some but put it back into the casino. 

View on the way.

Came home and watched the debates. Them made my cream cones. My pastry came out great this time. Made my day!

So, no, I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 9, 2024

Getting Back On Track

This morning,  I was up early.  Had to get my stuff together for our meeting. Patrick was up and got the veggies from the garden for me to take to mom and the gals. 

I headed to the PO to drop off my recycling stuff for Oral B. Found out I needed to go to Staples because the label was for UPS. I ended up waiting 10 mins before I could hand it over. 

Arrived to find Alice and Sandy there. Gave Sandy the kits I got fir her and the porcupine quills. 

I was able to get this much done on the first panel. We chatted and I beaded. Sandy brought me some mushrooms she picked this weekend. 

Went to moms and tried to fix her printer but I ended up deleting it. When I tried to fix it, the printer didn't show up. I told her I would fix it Friday.  She gave me 6 quilts that where done.

Debbie's quilt fir one on Saturday. 

This one is Colleen's. 

Another Connie's.  At least I had all the labels done on all of these.

Sarah Jeffers did this one. A volunteer. 

This is another that will be presented on Saturday by Debbie Aust. 

This was Nancy's quilt. So, we are set for Saturday.  

It felt good to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Working Day

This morning, Patrick was up before me. I showered and waited for Ron to call. We walked another 5 laps. Both of us were hurting by then. My back was mad at me and his breathing wasn't that good. Could be because of the smoke in the air.

When I got back, I went into the computer room to work on my Gunderson bookkeeping.  Then I started in on my email. Debbie called and said she would pick me up to go for coffee. We needed to go over stuff for QOV and how we both were faring. We chatted for a good 2 hours. 

Came home and composed a message to the group.  Also worked on a few emails. I tried to clean up my email, getting rid of stuff I didn't need.

Then I got busy making pastry for tomorrow.  It's spending time in the refrigerator.  

I got everything ready for tomorrow.  I copied the pattern for this bird. I got it from Sandy's magazine.  One of the best embroidery magazines out there. Inspiration.  It is Australian,  so it's not cheap. 

After I copied the pattern, my day was over and so was being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Yet Another Saturday

I woke early to find Patrick was up before me.  6:30 am is early even for me. 

I played my games till about 10 am. Patrick and I peeled and cut apples for dehydration.  The rest for apple sauce.  We froze it all. Once I was done peeing,  Ron and I went walking.  We got 6 laps in today. 

Came in and waited for Phil. He came for a couple hours visit.  We had a great time. I beaded for a bit while he was here. After he left, I went into the computer room and got some QOV stuff done. Called Carol and found out a few things.  We are set.

Then I played more on my games. And after that was done,  I pulled my beading out and worked on it.

I worked it in the original colors.  I actually like the original colors better. This is the first panel. I found my corrected word chart is still wrong. Oh well. 

Sophie has been falling me all day. Surprised I could get anything done, let alone be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Cleaning Up My Vacation Mess

This morning,  I was up and playing my games. Ron called outside our yard, to let me know he was waiting on me. He was chatting with his son on the phone, the whole time. We only did 3 laps today because it was so hot.

Patrick wasn't doing good today, so he slept most of the day. I went into the computer room to clean up my pile from the vacation. 

I pulled out my beading boxes and added the new stuff to it. My mystery box beads were put in tubes and filed in the boxes.

I even entered the numbers in my beading program.  The two vitamin bottles on the left have porcupine needles. I have one for Sandy. The other is mine. I will try and make one of my kit pieces. Then I got to work on my email. I even ordered an applique quilt kit. Spent $400 but if I had to buy the fabric,  it would cost more than that. 

Called it a day after that. Was a little bit on the Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Another Quiet Day

Patrick was up before me. Think he was uncomfortable and got up. I slept a bit. 

I played my games, then called Ron to go walking around 11 am. We walked 6 laps and I called it done because it was way too hot for either one of us. 

Patrick picked some apples,  so we peeled and cut them for apples sauce. We did get 4 containers full. May do another batch tomorrow.  

We watched a couple different shows.

I got my monthly mystery box with beads.

Now I just need to put my beads away.  I will try and do that tomorrow.  Just wasn't in the mood to do much. Plus it's way too hot today and tomorrow. 

So, I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Quiet Day

 This morning I was up early. Just enjoying my time. Patrick slept in today because of how weak he was. He is loosing weight and doesn't eat much. I  see him wither away. 

I played games fo r awhile and then went to work on my family history.  I added and fixed the information that Bryan gave me. I pretty much spent all afternoon on family history.  I did have Sophie keeping an eye on me. 

So today wasn't a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Shopping Day

This morning I was up at 6 am. Guess the time difference has affected me after all. I went to sleep at 9:30 pm last night too. Longest I have slept in a long time. Patrick got up after me as well. 

We needed to go shopping,  so we headed to Costco first. Hard to believe how much money we spent and didn't even fill the cart! 

Came back and headed to Safeway.  We need more stuff there as well. We made it home around 2 pm. Then Debbie stopped by and we sat and chatted awhile. 

When she left, we had supper and then my cousin called and answered my question about the family history.  I sent the information on. 

By that time, I wanted to just play my game. So, I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/ Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 2, 2024

VERY Sore Day

This morning I woke to pain in my chest. Not in my chest but on the skin. I scratched myself last night while sleeping and got more pain then after surgery.  I called the day - don't do day. I didn't do anything today! Hurt to much to do anything. 

I did finish up a few things. Helped Patrick unload the dishwasher.  He thinks I over did it yesterday and I would agree to that. 

I did find a few minutes to finish the last panel. This is ready to be an ornament.  

I also started the next set. This one will be original colors. I need to put a few things away too. 

Sophie hasn't left my side today.  Patrick took a nap. He actually lost 5 lbs while we were gone. Not a good sign. 

Even when I am in pain, I can still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Made It Back Home

Yesterday we went to a tracker show/tracker parade/knife and gun show.

Loved seeing this! We stopped and visited with dad since he was selling knives at the show. He had them overpriced and can understand why he hasn't been able to sell them. No one can tell him otherwise,  too stubborn. 

Today we were on the plane at 11 am central time. We made it to Minneapolis around 2pm. We weren't leaving there till 6:45 pm. So, I got a salad at Chilli's and Patrick had a bad day. Took awhile for him to get back to normal.  Practically all day, till we left there.

I pulled out my beading and was able to get some done. 

I added more to this. Then when we were in the air I was able to get some embroidery and beading done.

Was able to add more leaves.

I am to the last of the panels. Hopefully will finish it tomorrow.  That will be one ornament done. It will be fun to work on finishing this.

After a very long day - arrived home at 10:15 pm - I am happy to say, I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Interesting Day

 Was up early.  Nothing new there.  Ron and I walked 5 laps. Patrick was out in the yard doing all kinds of things. He was working on the wa...