Saturday, July 31, 2021

Enjoying Family

 This morning we relaxed. Patrick thought about going to the movies, but I figured we'd be busy today, so said no. Then mom called to see if I wanted to go over to her place and help with the quilt top for my brother. I declined and we set up going out to eat with my niece and her hubby around 4. 

Then I headed out to pick blueberries. I had a good hour out in the yard picking berries. 

Came in and worked on my beading. 

I was able to get 3 more rows done. I'm getting there. 543/580. I do like working on this, but today I was thinking it's going slower than I thought. Maybe not, but I really do want to finish this. 

Then it was time to head to moms to go out to eat. We went to Ground Mound and ate at the Stillery. It was pretty good. I did notice that the French fries were on the cold side. I would have said something but I didn't have them. So, let it go. We then went to moms and played Mexican train. My niece won. 

I was lucky enough to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 30, 2021

Concert At The Park

This morning I was off to moms. I picked up a coffee for Nancy. Picked her up and took her to moms. It worked out great, because I could leave on time and not have mom say, "Hold on....." "Can you help me a sec...."  I pulled out my block that I haven't worked on for at least 4 years.  

I wanted to get started on the background. This is one of the leaves. 

I put one of the "buds" on this piece. I decided I'm going to sew this on and then add the other three. It will be a little easier than what I had in mind. I will stitch it down and then go from there. I have to put the stem and leaves down first. I'm hoping to get this done so I can put the quilt together. 

On my way home I picked up a coffee for Patrick. It was a cold one. He said it was okay. 

When I go home I sat and did a row of beading. Once that was done, it was time to eat and then head out to the park. 

We arrived about 45 mins early. Patrick was relaxed. lol 

Billy Dean one of my favorite country music singers! He was practicing before getting going. My phone didn't do a good photo that was 8x's enlargement. Dang. He's still cute!

It was a great performance! I really enjoyed it. We had people that had to get closer and right in front of us. I only saw about 5 masks on people out of a lot of people. We wee at a distance from others, so we didn't wear a mask either. He was great! I would love to see him again. He even told stories that were really funny! Loved the stories and singing!

Today turned out to be wonderful! Plus I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Getting 2 For 1

This morning I realized I missed my blog last night. I was enjoying my time with Patrick that I completely forgot. We go new DVD's of "Mrs. Brown's Boys" which is really, really funny. It's an English show or Scottish. Comedy which Patrick loves. 

Yesterday was a trip to Olympia for my breathing test. The good news is that it hasn't changed. For those of you who don't know, I have pulmonary fibroses. It's not really bad right now. And I could have it this way for years. Or it could get worse. So, I'm just keeping an eye on it. 

Came home and beaded. 

I had another 3 rows done. I'm now at 540/580. It's really coming along great. 

So, yesterday wasn't all that much to report. Today isn't all that better either. 

I went over to moms because we were going to a gals house to see if we wanted to buy some fabric from her. First we visited Nancy. She tagged along. We had a good visit. Then went over to the gals house. She didn't have much in way of fabric. AND the fabric was old and dark. More like dark browns. I did get another ruler because one of mine is chipped. 

Came back home. Patrick went golfing today so I had the afternoon to myself. Patrick came home and reminded me of company this weekend. We ended up getting my beading off the table to put a new table cloth on. Now I need to put it all out again to get back to beading. 

Sophie didn't seem to be interested in what I was doing. She just fell asleep instead. 

Today wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Golfing And Beading

 Beat you figured out it wasn't me who went golfing! Funny, I would rather bowl then go golfing. Never could figure out why some people follow a tiny ball to a tiny hole. But hey, that's just me. 

Patrick was gone early and after I got up, I headed to the table to bead. The good news is that I was able to get 7 rows done. I'm so much closer to getting this done. I do love working on this, but it takes a long time when it's so big. 

It's now down to 46 rows to go, I believe. It's really coming along great. 

I didn't do much of anything else other than listening to books. Oh, and chatted with Sharon and Mom. Both are doing really good. So, not much to report - other than being Happy Stitching/happy Quilting!

Monday, July 26, 2021

In Between Beading

 This morning I woke with cramps. I've been having a lot of cramping lately, and I think it's the medication for high blood pressure. It's a wait and see thing. 

Patrick worked outside and I sat to do some beading. I was able to get a good 5 rows in before we headed to Olympia. Patrick went to see another doctor (cancer) and I got my blood tests done. That's what happens when we get old. Like I said, more doctors appointments then we need. This month was a busy one. 

I was able to work on my embroidery. 

I decided to get rid of the bullion stitch that I did on the flower to the right. I then went to work on the bullions on the flower at the top. I didn't get a lot done, was playing games for awhile. I'm happy I was able to get that much done. 

Stopped at Wendy's for a burger. Then came on home. 

I was able to get a good 6 rows in today. I'm thrilled. I'm now at 530/580. 50 rows to go. I will try and get closer to finishing this. I plan to get more done tomorrow. 

Seems like we are getting older - go figure. lol Even with age, I can find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

A Zoom Day!

 This morning started out with picking blueberries and going to Safeway to get what we needed. Then I went downstairs and cleaned up my sewing cabinet. It's an older singer sewing machine that mom won for $2 in a raffle. The cabinet and everything came with it. 

I thought of selling it, but figured I needed to ask the kids first. Katt didn't want it. Phillip said he would take it. Guess my daughter-in-law really wants it. So, I cleaned it up. I got the Murphy's Oil out to clean it up. I need to polish it next. Maybe tomorrow. It's a good machine and runs great. Trouble is that I have at least 4 sewing machines and I need to just keep 2. I may even think about selling my serger - thinking one of my kids will want one. I have 2. I want to get my sewing room down to manageable. 

After I was done cleaning - I went to bead. I got moving on getting more done on my beads. 

Three more rows later, and it's looking good. I remember when I was wondering if I would get to the throat of the deer. A few more rows and I'll be done. I hope to work more on it tomorrow. 

Then it was time to go on ZOOM to join a BDEIG group for stitching. It was fun! There were only 5 of us. But it went great. 3 of us were from our group, 1 from Wisconsin and 1 from Texas. It was a fun group. We are going to do this once a month. If anyone is interested, let me know and you can join. 

I worked on this. I started to do the double cast on wrong and had to get my book to remind me how to do this. I was thrilled to get it done. I also added the stitches on the top area. I started on the bullions off the flowers. We were one the Zoom for 2 hours, so I had a great time. It turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Cooking, Beading, And Being Lazy

 This morning I decided to make some blueberry muffins. I think they turned out great. Taste and all. 

Patrick helped. You know how it goes, you ask for help and you get a little help. He did the berries, which turned out great. I told him to spray the pan. So, what does he do, he sprays the bottom of the pan. This from a guy that pays attention to cooking shows and likes to tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I can try. I wish I knew he only sprayed the bottom, because I couldn't get the muffins out of the pan. Guess he will have to take them out in pieces since he will be eating most of them. 

Then I decided to bead. I really wasn't in the mood that much, so I only got 2 rows done. It's not going to get done at this rate. I need to work on it, and will put more time in on it tomorrow. 

We headed to Kelso to eat out. We went to Sizzlers, and I don't think we will go back again for a long time. There was plenty of food but my ribs were a little over cooked and Patrick's steak wasn't that tasty like it used to be. 

Came home and decided to play games. Wasn't in the mood to do much of anything craft wise. 

Patrick was looking at the QOV quilt on the wall. He advised me to add a boarder to the panel and on the outside of the quilt top. I will wait till I get the solid colors from Nancy and they use them for it. 

At least 2 rows count for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 23, 2021

Another Quilting Day At Moms

 Before getting to moms, I stopped at the church and dropped off another quilt. When I got to moms, I loaded up my car with all the fabrics for QOV. She wanted to get them out of here house so she can get back to working on her stuff. I was okay with that. I can pull stuff out of the boxes and get stuff done. 

I took my Hawaiian quilt and my eagle to work on. I wasn't sure which I would do, so took them both. I decided to work on the eagle. It will be a wall hanging. I was able to get a few of the pieces cut out and ready to put on the piece. Then I realized I needed a fatter eagle, so redid the eagle body. It's looking pretty good. I didn't take a photo of either eagle or boxes. 

Mom wanted to get Brit Box on her TV. I couldn't figure it out, but I did get the app for here to get it on her table. Told her to check with brother Patrick or Phillip to figure out how to get it to the TV. Then I came home. 

Blueberry picking time. I spent the next hour picking the blueberries. My bigger berries are starting to get rip. I had a few bird picks on a couple of my berries. Patrick put a netting over them to try and help keep the birds away. The berries are big and yummy! Patrick wants muffins, so I might try and do that tomorrow morning. I love blueberries so it will be fun bake with them. I have a LOT of blueberries this year. It's awesome. 

I decided to just relax and enjoy the evening. Of course I was playing games again. Compared to yesterday, at least I was able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Quilts Of Valor Presentation Day

 Today Patrick was golfing and I was at our QOV presentation. 

We honored 4 veterans today with quilts. 

Edward Smith, Coast Guard, James Wheeler, Navy, Robert Knapp, Air Force Reserve, and John Mervyn, Air Force. 

Edward Smith and his quilt. 

James Wheeler and his quilt. 

John Mervyn and his quilt. 

Robert Knapp and his quilt. 

After that, I was going to my car. Couldn't find my keys. OH GREAT! They were in the car. Then I turned the car over - nope. Dead battery. And of course everyone left. So, I had to find someone to jump me. I looked all over for Chip and couldn't find him. When I did, he was kind enough to jump the van. Got home and let it run for another half hour. 

Patrick gets home and Sophie is outside the door looking in. She snuck out when I shut the van off. I didn't know she got out and didn't pay attention when I came back in the house. Guess it wasn't and isn't my day! 

We had to hurry and take the van to the shop. Came home and now we are getting ready to leave again to Olympia. Patrick is getting another CT scan and they have him for 9 pm tonight. It's a busy, busy day for both of us. It's going to be a long night I believe. 

I don't think I can count giving quilts away as being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Back To Beading - A Least Today

 This morning I worked on the my bread. I decided to try a pretzel with the sourdough. They turned out okay but not what I was hoping. Will keep working on it. Had enough dough to make a smaller sourdough bread. That was done later. 

I needed to get ready for QOV tomorrow. So, I worked on the certificates and instructions to wash the quilts. Once all that was done, I wanted to nap. Yep, me - wanting to nap. Didn't happen because I had 2 phone calls right at the time I fell asleep. I think I got 4 mins of nap. So I gave up and got up. 

Then I went to bead. 

I'm now at 522/580. It's getting there. I do like working on this. I was able to get 3 or 4 rows in today. Not sure if I will be able to get more in tomorrow. That is going to be one busy day. 

Sophie decided to keep me company, so didn't get much done. I did get 4 more pages marked for the Snowman. I will need to pull out the next pattern and get that marked as well. It will be fun to start something new. I want to finish the box first though. 

It turned out to be a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Back To Waiting

 This morning Patrick went golfing. I stayed home - go figure lol. First things first, I vacuumed and cleaned the litter box - oh what fun!

Then I decided to bead. I had till 2 to bead. Patrick got home and we were off to Olympia for another doctor's appointment. This is common because of the cancer. We will be doing this for awhile. I on the other hand am also having to see the doctor here and there, so it makes our OLD life busy. I waited for him and worked a little on the Wild Orchard. I took out part of the stem and put it back in. Right now no photo. Not enough to show. 

  This area was what I took out and put back in. I'll show the finished part later. I need to get it done for the fair. I wanted to frame my birds, but the frame we have isn't big enough. So, I will have to go to Michaels and see what I can get. 

We made it back home in time for me to eat - remember I can't eat past 6 pm. 

This evening I didn't do much but play games. Now I'm off to start my sourdough bread for tomorrow. It's going to raise over night. I think I will try to do pretzels tomorrow with half the dough. We'll see. 

I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 19, 2021

A Day Of Brazilian Embroidery

 It was meeting day. I figured I would just take my box of BE projects. Trouble with that, is that I FORGOT to put my Wild Orchard piece in the box. It sat on the table. Why, you ask? Well, I take it with me to my doctor appointments. Oh, well. So, I called Patrick to see what the floss was that I was using on the rose. I need more to be able to finish it. Luckily we had that in the group box. So, I took it. 

I was lucky enough to have a project in the box. I found my bird in the box. I got to work on the bird. The wing didn't have much done on it, so I filled it in more. I do have a couple of areas that still have white showing, so I have more work to do. At least I'm getting it done. I have more work to do, then I can finish it. Didn't realize till just now how close I am to finishing it. 

Came home after stopping at the Dollar General to see what they had. It's a new store in Centralia. Then dropped off fresh eggs at Nancy's. Headed home after that. Patrick was chatting with his sister, and I was getting my QOV pamphlets all together for our time at the fair. 

Since then, I've just been lazy. Haven't thought about doing anything else.  But I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 18, 2021


 This morning I went down and brought the bread dough out of the refrigerator. Then I worked it. I had help from Patrick, he rolled it. 

While it was setting, I went out and picked more blueberries. The bigger ones are not ready yet, but give it about 4 days and I'll be picking those. There are a lot of them. I got a little bit from the bush. That one is almost done with blueberries. While I was going from one to the other of the bushes, I found a dead bird. 

At first I thought it was resting. I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. I wish I knew what killed it. Patrick came out to take care of it. 

Came back in and got the dough ready to rise. 

Then I went to beading. I was only getting 2 rows in. I wasn't in the mood - dang! I really need to get back in the mood to finishing this!

My Sourdough Japanese Milk Bread came out pretty good. Patrick had some a little bit ago. This is good toast bread. Not sure why we roll it, but it turned out better than I expected. 

Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery. It will be good to see everyone again. I'm hoping we get more people coming. It will be fun to see the group from Seattle next month. I'm hoping more will go up with me. 

Today was a different kind of work day. More of a "relax" day then anything thing else. At least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Day For Beading

 Today started out slowly. I was up early but not in a big hurry to get moving. Something about Saturdays that have my "get up and go" moving to "what's the hurry?"

When I did get moving, I made peanut brittle because Patrick's been asking for it since Christmas time. I also got to work on a sourdough Japanese Milk Bread. I have it waiting in the refrigerator for tomorrow. I hope it turns out as well as it looks in on the internet. 

This will go fast I know. Patrick has eaten at least a third of it already. lol 

Then it was time to try and get some beading done. 

I was able to get another 4 rows done. I'm really having fun watching the numbers getting closer to the end. I'm getting to the area where it's going to be more snow again. The snowman will fill a good part of it. The deer will cover the rest of it. 

We had a pretty good day today. Patrick worked outside and then relaxed on the deck. It's been a beautiful day to enjoy out on the deck. 

Sophie was waiting on me to clean her litter box. The minute it was replaced with fresh litter, she was in it. Don't know what it is about fresh litter but she is there the minute I'm done. She's even been unable to wait till I move it back where it belongs before she's in it. Guess that's exciting to her! Oh, well. 

It turned out to be a day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 16, 2021

What Can I Say? - It's Friday

This morning I found Sophie hiding! 

I go that look of "What?!" She never used to sleep there, but lately in the last couple months she started to. I keep hoping she will go in the box part one of these day. 

 I headed to Safeway before heading to moms. She needed salad stuff for our lunch. It's nice to have a good salad on Fridays. Each week it's different and makes it more fun that way. 

I took the scrap QOV blocks that mom and I were working on. 

Mom had all the "pieces" done and I just sewed the triangles on. Then I trimmed them. I have 16 of them done. There are about 118 if I remember right. I do enjoy doing them like that. I just don't like doing them all at once. I will put the panel and blocks on the wall so Patrick can help with figure out how it needs to go. He's really good at helping. Sometimes I take his offer of help and other times I go off on my own if I don't like the suggestion. 

Came home and we went to McMennamin's for a movie "Black Widow" and supper. We both had a hamburger. Really good and so was the movie! 

What can I say - it's Friday and there isn't much to say when I do the same stuff every week. Every week it's off to moms. Every week we go out to eat. Movie not so much - but it's the same. I'm still working on projects, I'm still doing something. Sometimes it's different and sometimes it's not. That's where the "boooorrrrrrinnnnnnggggg" part comes in my blogs. I try to find something funny in life, but when I'm boring too, it's hard to do. I still try. lol That's why I'm always Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, July 15, 2021

A Visit To The Vets

 First thing this morning was taking Sophie to the vets. She was put in the carrier before she realized what happened. We ended up being about 25 mins early. I miscalculated the timing. She went in the back of the carrier and climbed under her blanket. 

She didn't want to come out. I tried to give her treats but she wouldn't have any of that! The vet came in and gave her the shot. She also got her exam and no one likes to have a thermometer up the butt. She climbed back in the carrier and went under the blanket. I put the top back on, and then she was back to normal when she realized we were back in the car. She was happy to get back home. 

We got home and it was time to mop the floor and vacuum the house. I did some laundry as well. I was keeping busy while Patrick was golfing. When I finished cleaning I took a couple hours to watch "Vera" and "Perry Mason." 

Once I was "TV'd out," I went to beading. As I was getting one row done, Patrick was home. Then I had to cook supper so he could go to his meeting at 5 pm. 

After Patrick left, I beaded more. 

I was able to get another 5 rows done. It's now at 512/580. Still enjoying every stitch on this. The fun part is when I'm picking up a bead and it flings across the table or dinning room. Then I have to figure out what bead that was I flung across the room. I need to be more careful picking up my beads from my mat. And then there are those beads that are too skinny or too fat. Oh, and the bead that is broke. The fun part is finding them BEFORE they go on the piece. Broken beads are a pain to replace, but it can be done. I need to work on the last few pages of my pattern to get the numbers on the side. I also need to start marking my new pattern design with the number of beads I will be picking up. That may take a little bit, but I will try and get time in to do that. 

I've got our QOV group listed and ready for renewals. I have to get that out in the mail next month. I'm having to work with the museum to see what they need to pay for their part. 

So, even being busy today things worked out. Sophie is back to normal. She was ticked at me for taking her to the vets. Think she's over it now. I had a good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Another QOV Top Done

 I went to moms this morning. We planned on working on finishing one of the two quilt tops. 

We had one plan, then sent photos to Patrick to help us out. He was fun! Kept asking questions, and then making me change this and that. 

We then ended up with this. Patrick walked me through the colors and patterns. It looks a lot betting in real life. I was happy with the way it came out. I will have to figure out what to do with a lot of the other stuff we have. One block at a time. One quilt at a time. 

Came home to find my beads arrived!! I was thrilled. This is the colors that will be in the next tapestry piece. It's a little smaller - a lot smaller - than the snowman I'm doing now. I like the colors. I'm waiting on a couple more colors. It will be a week or so before I get those. Dawn is working on it for me. I need to put these in tubes so it will be easier to use. 

May day turned out to be fun. Mom and I worked together to get this done. It made for a great day to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Day Of Two Projects

 Today was an interesting day. First Patrick went for his dental appointment and I decided to work on my beading. I was listening to my audiobook as well. 

Since it is so big, I had to put it on the counter to take a photo. I was able to do another 5 rows. I'm now at 508/580. I was having fun working on this. I'm getting excited to finishing this. I'm trying to get as much done as I can. I really am excited to finish this now. 

My mother and my doctor called today. I'm going to have to keep track of my blood pressure for awhile. I'm not "high blood pressure" and not sure why. I was "low blood pressure." Life is getting in the way at times, but I can live with this. 

It was time to sit and enjoy TV with Patrick. We watch Gordon Ramsey on Netflix. I really do enjoy this! I didn't care for his other shows, but this one shows him as a good human being. Sense of humor even. 

While I watch this, I work on my cross stitching. 

I got another 150 to 200 stitches in. I'm working back up. It's coming along nicely! This is fun to work on. I know I say that every time, but it really is fun to work on. I'm looking forward to seeing this grow. It makes things fun and easy. I'm really having a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 12, 2021

More Appointments Again

 Funny, the older we get, the more doctor appointments we have! Patrick's CT scan was today. I needed to get my blood drawn today as well. I went with him to Olympia. 

First time in FOREVER that I had a bad blood draw! I felt it go in, and the gal stopped the blood, but then it went under the skin. Then I reacted to the band aid. I couldn't win today. I'm itchy with this. Oh, heck. Hopefully the next one won't look so bad!

While I waited on Patrick - he had to drink some stuff and we ended up waiting an hour and a half before he could go in for his CT scan. So, I worked on my embroidery. 

First I worked on my Rose. I'm going to have to do another bouillon before I can finish the overlap. I will have to take a couple stitches out as well. It's coming along okay, but I need to work on this some more. 

 So, I went back to working on this. 

We then went to Costco. Picked up a few things and came home. By the time we got home it was around 4 pm. 

While we watched TV I got busy on my cross stitching. 

I was able to get another 200 stitches in. Every little bit helps. I am on the edge of the piece, so it's coming along pretty good. I'm working my way back up the stairs, just so I know where I am. It's coming along great. And it keeps me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Staying Home Today

 This morning I was up early. Was having some problems with my reflux all night. I ate too late last night and paid for it all night. I did get a nap before Patrick got home. 

I got laundry going. Then I played on my tablet. I wanted to get this game done. I could have had it done last night but I ended up not being able to play as much yesterday. I did play for awhile. Then I had to recharge it. 

I also got a few rows in on the beading. 

It's getting so big, it's getting harder to take a photo of it. I'm now at 503/480. It's coming along nicely. 

Earlier when I wanted to sit down, I found my chair was taken. 

Decided to be nice and let her stay. 

My day was quiet and fun. I did get stuff done. Just not as much as I would have liked. That's okay, at least I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

July 10th, A Day Behind

 Yesterday started out with blueberry picking. I was picking and listening to my audio book on the phone. It was chilly in the morning which made it easier to pick. I was able to get 2.5 lbs of blueberries. They went into the freezer. I still have at least that much more to pick that are not ready. 

I filled the bowl and was surprised at how much I got yesterday. There was a bumble bee around the flowers next to the berries, so I decided to quit. I could have gotten more if I kept going. I figured I would wait till the others are ready. 

Then I sat down and beaded for a couple hours. I was able to get another 3 rows done. I didn't get a photo of it. I'm happy to say, I reached the 500th row. Now it's 80 rows to go and I'm done. It's coming along and I'm really happy with how it's going. I will need to do the sleeve and then I can truly call it done when I finish. 

Then it was time to go to Nick and Joanne's. We took a couple games and dessert. Patrick picked up 2 pies at the Mennonite place. We played games and had hamburgers. Then we had dessert. We didn't get home till about 10:30 pm. It was a long night and a lot of fun. 

I was glad to be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Friday, July 9, 2021

Another Meeting Day

This morning I headed to moms. It's Friday quilting day. I made us a Chai tea and then everyone started showing up. 

I worked on the half square triangles. 

Mom had pages and pages there for me to sew. I left her 9 pages as I did the rest. I was surprised at how much I was able to get done. Patrick surprised us all by stopping by and giving mom a strawberry pie. He went to the Mennonite bakery in Rochester. We used to stop there when we went to the casino, but we haven't been to the casino's in close to 4 years now. Mom was shocked when he put the pie in front of her. Made her day! 

After everyone left, I went through the blocks that we have for QOV. I decided to give the blocks away that we just couldn't figure out what to do with. They were too busy and too hard to work with. I gave them to Nanna as she does awesome work with what I give her. 

Came home. Patrick and I went to Arby's for supper. We had to go through the drive thru. Ate on the way home.  

I pretty much gave it up for the day. Doing all those half square triangles was tiring. I need a break for a little while. AND I need to get back to the beading to finish it! 

So, my list of TO DO's is - beading, QOV quilt tops, cross stitching, and embroidery - too many things for me right now! I need to finish something to feel better about doing them. That will keep me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Playing With Blocks Today

 I headed over to moms to work on QOV quilts. I took that stash of stuff with me. We started separating them, Then Debbie said she would come over and I pulled everything out. I put the blocks on the kitchen table, the panels in the living room and the fabric in the bedroom. She took a few things, which made me happy!

Mom and I decided to put a panel quilt together, so we laid it out on the floor. 

We picked this one to work with. Mom wanted to put the strips there, over the border already on it. I pulled out some of the blocks that Georgie and her daughter made. This made it too busy. 

Then I pulled out the stars. This is were we ended up. The top part is already sewed together. There is another panel strip that will go on top. It ties everything together. Not sure what the border will look like yet. 

We didn't get it finished, but we did get a lot done even with Debbie coming. It will be nice to have another quilt done, since we have another presentation on the 22nd. My son's Birthday! 

Came home and talked with Patrick about another quilt. 

Sophie was having none of that! She messed up the panel and the blocks. I put them together again, and she messed them up again. We talked about these combos and decided it didn't work. I will take them star parts and see if someone will make table runners out of them for our group to use for cookies and stuff. It will work for the fair too. 

I have a lot to think about. I have a ton of fabric, blocks, and more fabric. I need to figure out what to do with all this. At least Debbie took a "little" bit - and I mean little. Every little bit helps. I have plenty of squares and half square triangles as well. I may just keep going with those. I know I said I didn't want to quilt any more, but I do.  At least I can say it keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...