Thursday, July 8, 2021

Playing With Blocks Today

 I headed over to moms to work on QOV quilts. I took that stash of stuff with me. We started separating them, Then Debbie said she would come over and I pulled everything out. I put the blocks on the kitchen table, the panels in the living room and the fabric in the bedroom. She took a few things, which made me happy!

Mom and I decided to put a panel quilt together, so we laid it out on the floor. 

We picked this one to work with. Mom wanted to put the strips there, over the border already on it. I pulled out some of the blocks that Georgie and her daughter made. This made it too busy. 

Then I pulled out the stars. This is were we ended up. The top part is already sewed together. There is another panel strip that will go on top. It ties everything together. Not sure what the border will look like yet. 

We didn't get it finished, but we did get a lot done even with Debbie coming. It will be nice to have another quilt done, since we have another presentation on the 22nd. My son's Birthday! 

Came home and talked with Patrick about another quilt. 

Sophie was having none of that! She messed up the panel and the blocks. I put them together again, and she messed them up again. We talked about these combos and decided it didn't work. I will take them star parts and see if someone will make table runners out of them for our group to use for cookies and stuff. It will work for the fair too. 

I have a lot to think about. I have a ton of fabric, blocks, and more fabric. I need to figure out what to do with all this. At least Debbie took a "little" bit - and I mean little. Every little bit helps. I have plenty of squares and half square triangles as well. I may just keep going with those. I know I said I didn't want to quilt any more, but I do.  At least I can say it keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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