Saturday, April 30, 2022

QOV Presentation Day

Didn't get much done today. I really didn't feel like doing much today. 

I did go to the museum for our presentation. We honored 2 veterans today. Brothers to boot. It was a really good presentation. Funny part is that they knew mom. So photos were taken with mom in them. Funny how mom knew all about the family. Guess my father worked with their Aunt and they knew all about each other. 

Came home and decided I just relax. I ended up being on the phone instead. Then I had to get a few things done with new requests for quilts. One of our members decided to leave our group, which I was thinking would come up. I really feel bad about it. I sent her a message that the Stars and Stripes would be a good group if she wants to join the group. She didn't "trust" us anymore. I don't know what happened, but I have an idea. Sorry she's leaving us. 

I may need to get my quilt top done soon. I don't have photos, Donna hasn't sent them to me yet. So, I don't have much to share today. It wasn't a day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 29, 2022

My Usual Friday

 This morning I loaded the car with all the quilts from the back room. Then I went to the bank to collect the money for bowling. Brought that back home. Then headed to moms. 

Arrived before most everyone. We had 8 people there today. It was a good meeting day. Kathleen came and I showed her all her quilts that mom has done. She is the one that bastes moms quilt for her. Mom quilted on her quilt. I left 2  quilts at moms. Michele took one for stitching the binding. I also picked up several blocks that Georgie finished. 

I was stitching the labels onto the quilts. I believe I did 4 of them before I came home. 2 or 3 of them didn't have the names put on it. I will get that done tomorrow. I want to have names on them when we give the quilts away. I know one is Debbie's, one is Kristie's, but not sure about the third one. 

Came home and Patrick was as busy as I was. He was running around more than me, and got a lot more done. 

I ordered some shirts from Amazon for our trip. I really do need more tops. lol 

I enjoyed the day and was still Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Couldn't Make Up My Mind

 This morning I had to call the bank. Then once that was done, I got laundry going. Once all that was done, I couldn't decide if I wanted to do beading, cross stitch, or embroidery. I did work on getting my embroidery floss straightened with a straight iron. 

Love the results! It was nice to get the floss to lay flat. 

Then I decided I wanted to do some cross stitching.....

I worked on the gold thread. I'm not thrilled with working on that. But I did. I finished up the empty places on the wolf's mouth. Then I decided I wasn't in the mood for cross stitching. 

I finished this flower. Once I was the photo, I'm not happy with the leaves. I will think about taking one or two out and redoing them. I will have to think on that. I may ask Patrick's opinion. 

 I then went to work on the leaves I forgot - or didn't notice I hadn't done. I was having a lot of fun working on it. I thought it looked great. I'm looking forward to working on the flowers. It's keeping me going. 

It's been a great day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

A Day Of This And That

 Patrick left for golfing this morning. While he was gone, I received phone call after phone call. All about QOV. We are having a presentation on Saturday, just to get the brothers done! 

After all the phone calls, I decided I needed to get back to beading. 

Three rows done and Patrick comes hone. So, I didn't get very far. I'm looking forward to getting the parrot done. It's getting closer. 

I had to go to the bowling alley to get the paperwork for Sunday night. I have to figure out the payout for the league. Once I got that papers, Patrick was off and running. He did a program on Excel to figure out all the money. Down to the amount of $20, etc. So, I have to call the bank tomorrow to let them know what I need. Then I'll have to collect that, put them in envelopes and give it all out on Sunday. That was not an easy task. But we are ready now. I labeled all the envelops and am ready to fill them. 

I was able to finish 2 books on tape today though. Started a third. I need to look for more books to listen to. 

Even though I was getting so much done, I could still find time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Another Trip To Olympia

 This morning was another one of those early morning trips to Olympia. I had to see my doctor. We went over all my tests. My heart is awesome! The echocardiogram was great. We are going to do another monitor for 30 days because there was one thing that came up and she wants to make sure it's not something that happens often. We will see. 

We came home and I took part of the day to work on my beading. 

My parrot is getting done. My flowers are coming along (the white part by the bird). I'm looking forward to doing this! I was able to get another 6 rows done. That's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Early Morning Trip To Olympia

 This morning we were up and out the door to my appointment. We were early, and they took me in at my appointed time. I was hoping to get in early, but no such luck. Everything went well. I will be going back tomorrow morning (8 am), so will be up earlier than today. 

I finished all of these. 

I am now to the point of working on my flowers. 

Stopped at Costco. Had lunch and enjoyed the ride home. Had to stop at the bowling alley first. I need to go back tomorrow for all the paperwork that they secretary does for us. I'm hoping I will have it all. If not, I have the papers from each week. That is going to take some doing. 

I was going to work on the center flower but decided to order a straight iron so I can iron my threads. That way they won't curl so much and should make the flower look a lot better. 

I baked a banana-zucchini bread (one was not done). Then I sat and watched some TV with Patrick. Didn't work on anything, just played games. 

Tomorrow is another day, and that will hopefully be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

More Quilts To Finish Then I Know What To Do With!

 This morning I enjoyed the morning listening to my book and playing bingo. Patrick slept in, so I enjoyed playing my games. 

Once he was up and things were back to normal - or at least seems to be - I decided to get the binding of the QOV quilt done. 

I spent the afternoon finishing the binding and then adding the label. I pulled another label out and put that on the quilt we received for a specific person. It's ready to go as well. I have 3 more quilts to put labels on and 2 more that need binding stitched down. Nancy has 3 quilts she's putting the binding on. This was my quilt, so it's a finish for me. 

Then it was time for our virtual meeting. I was able to stitch on my Ruth's Farewell piece while we chatted. I learned a lot this time. I was sorry to leave when it was time to go bowling. 

All 4 of these are done. 

This is either 3 or 4 of the pansy leaves. Now I believe I can start on the flowers and not sure which ones I will do first. I'm going to look the book over and decide while I go up to the doctors tomorrow. If I don't get time to work on it, I will probably get time to work on it Tuesday. I may have to take another piece with me on the cruise, just in case. 

We went bowling. We didn't have a team to bowl against since they pre bowled earlier. AND we still lost 3 games! I bowled like crap! 142, 189, 145. Not my night for bowling. Next week is fun night and roll offs. I have to be at the bowling alley from 3 - 9 pm next week. UGH May take something to work on. Which will keep me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Can Never Get Caught Up

Today is a beautiful day! Patrick spent the afternoon outside. I did try to sit outside and listen to my book while playing, but our internet didn't want to keep up. I gave up. 

Laundry is a never ending thing. I can say RIGHT NOW that there is no laundry to wash. As much as I would love to say, "I'm caught up!" I can't! We all know how that goes. I can have the laundry basket empty, looking great, and then someone puts a pile of towels, change of sheets, or more clothes in it. That means we start all over again. Oh, what fun!

While I was between loads, I worked on my beading. 

I was able to get another 6 rows done. Or 9 lol. Really can't remember where I was when I started. This is coming along great. I do love this pattern. 

As I close this, I keep thinking - tomorrow is another day and the laundry will be back to where it was. Time to change sheets and get the towels off the racks. In other wards, we start all over again. Meaning - laundry will never get caught up! I can dream. I'll try and dream of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 22, 2022

What A Day!

Another day of gong to Olympia. Seems we live up there with all our appointments. Patrick got his treatment. He ended up waiting 30 mins for the medications. So, I ended up sitting out in the waiting room for about 2 hours. I was okay with that. I took my headphones (ear pieces), and that was hard on my ears. Next time I may just take my headphones instead. I listened to my book on audio. Got interrupted about 4 times, but I was okay with that. People were wanting to see what I was working on. 

I finished the 4 points. Then I went to work on the greenery in the corners. I was able to get half of that done while waiting on Patrick. 

We stopped at Safeway on the way back and got a roasted chicken. I've got the bones in the refrigerator for tomorrow. I'll make soup out of it. I tend to be pretty good with that. lol - Any other soup and it's awful! 

I wanted to work more on my piece while we watched some TV. I'm happy to see this coming along. I can't wait on the flowers. lol 

I'm almost done with the last of the 4. I will get the center leaves done as well. Then I will work on the flowers. That's what I call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Home All Day

This morning I was relaxing. I wanted to just get a break and not worry about getting anything done. I will try to work on the laundry tomorrow. Chances are I won't be able to since Patrick's treatment is tomorrow. 

I got a call from cardiology and set an appointment for Monday. UGH Now I have an appointment Monday and Tuesday. My week was busy and now this week coming is just as busy! What fun! 

Part of my relaxing was to get the word chart numbered so I can keep going on my beading. 

I got a good 14 pages done (or more). Sophie wanted me to pay attention to her instead. lol She tried to bite my pencil. 

Then I played games. I started a game that gives bitcoins. I had to set myself up with an account. So, I was having fun with that. I even earned some more money. lol It's fun. I'm crazy! lol I love my games! Played games all my life, so I have so much fun till this day! lol 

I was working toward being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Olympia And Back

This morning was another one of those days. We took off to Olympia for Patrick's blood tests. Then on the way home we stopped at Berry Fields Restaurant. Of course we didn't get there till about 11:45 am. So, instead of breakfast, I had a shrimp sandwich which was AWESOME! And Huge!! I had it for both lunch and supper! Patrick had his oatmeal for breakfast. lol I'm not a breakfast person, so it didn't bother me much. I just wish I had my bar in the morning because I was starving when we finally got there!

Came home and I sat down to bead. 

After 3 rows, I decided I needed to get these in tubes. So, I took a break and moved them into tubes. Now I'm really ready to keep going. 

I'm pretty sure I got about 9 rows done. I'm really  liking this piece. I can't wait to get the bird done so I can start on the white flowers. I want to see how they will look. 

After supper, I played games. After an afternoon of working on the beads, I took a break. lol That's what I do. Keeping Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

A Day In Vancouver And Portland

This morning we left around 10:30 am to head to Vancouver. We had an appointment with the TSA check. Patrick had filled out papers for us to be able to do the pre-check at the airports when we travel. Today we had an appointment to get the approval for TSA. Since Patrick's appointment was 10 mins before mine, we waited and were able to go in at the same time. They actually had 2 people scheduled at the same time. It was interesting to see not many people were coming in, yet the receptionist stated they were booked. At least that's what she told the 2 people who came in to see if they could do a walk in. 

After that we headed to Portland Airport area. Mom was due in at 4:35 pm. The flight kept getting moved and ended up being 5 pm instead. We went to the shopping area by the airport and walked around. I got some pants and shorts at Old Navy. We even went into Marshall's and the golf shop. I bought a nice table cloth that was more for the spring/summer than winter/fall. Most of my table clothes are for winter/fall. Then we spent another 45 mins in the car enjoying the Starbucks drinks. By that time we headed to the airport and waited. Patrick saw a couple people in wheel chairs arriving at the baggage area. I walked over to see mom was one of them. Would you believe her luggage was the second one on the belt?! Everything went smoothly. 

Next stop was the Old Spaghetti Factory in Vancouver WA. Food was awesome. I got a ravioli with crab. It was okay. I should have just had the spaghetti in brown butter and cheese! lol I wanted that more after I was done! lol - I know - good food!!

My patterns arrived today. I have the Emerald - 5 Golden Rings, February Turtle Doves, and Sapphire, September's Ladies Dancing! I was thrilled. I need to try one to see if I can make them. I'm going to work on it. It's interesting how they go together. 

So, no, my day was not stitching - even when I was wishing I took it with me - but it was a good day after all. I'll work tomorrow on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Day For Embroidery

This morning I piled all my stuff in the car. Had a few things to deliver as well as go to our embroidery meeting. 

I decided to listen to my book on the way in. It's a series of the one I listened to a book back. Of course it's the thriller. I just wish at times they didn't give the details of the murder. I arrived shortly after Cindy. Alice and Gene were there before us. Sandy and JT arrived after I got out of the car. lol 

JT is looking for another one of these panels. If anyone knows where I can find one, please send me a message. 

I worked on my "Ruth's Farwell" piece. It's fun to work on. 


 This is the last "loop" of this green. Then I can do one more corner before working on the flowers. I'm actually having fun with this piece. I just need to get that little bit done so I can work on the center parts. 

Then it was time to go to Nancy's. I tried calling the Burger place for burgers but my phone wouldn't connect. Called Nancy and she placed the order for me. I arrived to drop off the 2 iron boards that I got for Michele and Carmen. She will be giving them to them tomorrow. We went over the QOV veterans that we are trying to get to come on the 28th of May. She's not having much luck with a couple of them. I hate it when they sign up and then turn around to say they don't want a quilt after all. They think others deserve it more. Go figure. 

Came home around 2 and cut fabric for Debbie. Texted I was cutting it, and she was on the way. We chatted for awhile. 

OH! When Nancy and I were talking about the veterans getting quilts, she told me a name I knew! So, I asked where he lived and found out it was my neighbor as I thought! Came home and had a note with a donation from his sister-in-law telling me I was his neighbor!! I know who it is and was shocked because I didn't know he was up for a quilt! This is really getting funny. I will have given out 2 quilts to my neighbors so far! How small this world is!! 

I played games the rest of the day. After filling out paperwork and getting fabric ready, I decided to just relax. I had "planned" to work on my embroidery, but we all know how planning goes for me! Instead I had the morning to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!0

Sunday, April 17, 2022


 This morning was texts back and forth with Happy Easter! I enjoy getting those! It's fun to see who will send them. Of course my brothers and their family do a family text, so my phone goes off every few minutes. I get to the point where I love it when they quit. The one part I don't care for is the "liked" "loved" stuff. 

I decided to get laundry going. Yep, not much going on around here. We had Easter supper planned but that's about it. 

Then I pulled out my cross stitching and got to work on it. 

I am now 1/4 of the way done. I decided to try the stair step method. I found I need a lot of gold in the left side. I'm not that crazy about working with it, but I do like the look. I'm having fun with this.

So, most of my day was listening to my book, while Patrick was watching TV. As well as working on my cross stitching. That's what it's all about - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Movies And Play

 This morning I didn't want to get up, so I slept in. We didn't have any plans so it was easy enough to do. 

Then we decided to go to the movies - "Dumbledore" movie. It was better than the last one they did. I really did get into this one. I'm still thinking there is another one coming. 

After the movies we came home and I played games. I didn't feel like doing too much till about 8 pm. Then I pulled my cross stitching out. 

I'm almost done with the wolf. I have a few more stitches to go. But at least he's coming along great. I have a few stitches (white areas) to work on. Then I can call it 1/4 of the way done. I will start on the bottom left half when this is done. I'm looking forward to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 15, 2022

No Quilting Today

This morning I didn't try to sleep in because I had a couple people coming over. Good thing too because Faye texted and wanted to come over to drop stuff off. Instead of quilting at mom's (she's in OKC), I ended up working on QOV stuff. The joys of being a leader. 

Faye stopped by first. Then I went to work on my beading. I had got a couple rows done when Debbie arrived. I froze my butt off chatting with her outside. I should have told her to come in but didn't think she was staying long. Gave her the information on the WWII veteran that I entered into the system. We will do him ASAP. 

I went back to beading. 

I was able to get another 10 rows done. This does go quick. I did find out I can't do it like Sharon does. I keep missing a bead if I do. I can with the smaller stuff, but peyote tapestry isn't one of them. I love the way the bird is coming along. I can't wait for the flowers to start showing up. At the bottom there is another head of a bird. It will be fun to get to that point. 

About that time a gal came to drop off her family veteran's quilt. I was surprised to find it's pink. With flowers. A group got together and made it for them. I will have to make sure we tell everyone that the quilt was specially made for him. It's going to be completely different from everyone else's. 

We then went out to eat. It's was prime rib night and awesome!

So, I was thrilled to get as much done on the bird as I did. I had planned (yeah we all know how that goes with me!) to work on my cross stitching tonight but decided to give it a break. Everything is going great right now. Can't complain! Just need to quit planning things or it's going to be a big mess! lol 

That's what it's all about - Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

My Thursday Have Changed

 This morning I was wanting to sleep in but didn't. I waited on Patrick. Then by the time I took my shower it was 11 am. I then finished the cookie pudding that I was making yesterday. Added all the marshmallows, blueberries, banana's, and apples. At least it's something that Patrick can eat. 

Then I decided to work on my beading that has been put away since December. I was looking for the notebook that has the pattern in it. I couldn't find it! Plus it has the pattern of Sophie ready for me to work on. No such luck. I set the table up to work - 

 My beads got a little messed up, so had to separate them. Then I could get to work. My new headphones came in! I was thrilled since I broke mine the other day. I ordered them yesterday and they were in the mail today! I'm happy!! The other headphones I have are for the computer and not for listening to books. 

I sat down and beaded the afternoon. Listening to my book - a thriller. Not a book to listen to at night! But I'm good. I will pick another book to listen to before going to bed. Don't need nightmares! Last night I started it and it took me a couple hours to calm down enough to sleep. 

Anyway, I was able to get 11 rows done. I am happy to see the beak. Looking good! I searched and for the notebook/binder and couldn't find it. I'm just out of luck I guess. I will work on another set of Sophie and go from there. We all know how I am! I put something "where I will remember" or "best place for it," and then can't find it for a very long time! Never fails. I bet when I get another pattern printed and ready, I will find it! Never fails for me! Oh, well. The next thing is to clear my mind and not think about what I did with that darn binder!! When I let it go, it makes it a lot easier to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

WooHoo! A Finish!

 Today while I waiting for my son to come visit at 1 pm, I worked on my beading. I really wanted another project done! 

My ornament is finally done! That is last years project. Only took me 6 months to get it done! I cleaned up my mess. Then I vacuumed and picked up for my son's visit. Haven't seen him in a long time, so it was so nice to sit and play a couple games with him. 

I like the way it came out. I'm happy with it. Now I need to think of this years. I did order 3 more patterns, so I will be working on those. I am excited to be able to take it with me on the cruise to work on. 

After Phil left and we sat to relax, I decided to pull out my cross stitching. I know I need to put the labels on the quilts, but wanted to work on my stuff for awhile. I love this cross stitch piece!

I had fun working on this!

Then of course, Sophie, had to let me know she wanted attention. Pretty much saying, "Stop working on this and pay attention!" Purring the whole time. 

The best part of today was being able to finish the Santa Trio Ornament. AND of course getting back to my cross stitching! I loved working on both of them! That's what is so much fun about being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Got A Late Start

 This morning I had a message from someone and then another. Once I had the messages figured out and knew Val was coming over, I talked with Patrick about taking the fabric to Sandy's sister. She had asked if I had some for cross stitch and I did. Then Val arrived and we talked about what she could do with her panel. I even gave her another that could work if she decided she didn't want to do the one she had. It was all out of whack. 

Then Patrick brought a box in. It was the threads for Connie. So, that added to what I needed to do. First things first. I went out and helped Patrick with the tree branches that were in the yard. Loaded the truck and got all my "to do" stuff. Then we were off. First to the dump, then to Sandy's. I stayed and chatted for a little bit. Then we headed to Connie's. I picked up 3 more quilts. We stopped at Safeway for some things so I can make a pudding for Patrick. It's a cookie pudding without the cookies. Then we headed to Nancy's and gave her the quilts. Once that was done, we went to Georgie's and dropped off some fabric for her. By that time, Patrick asked if we could go home. I agreed with him and he headed back home. 

It was time for me to get back to work on the ornament. I was hoping to get it done today, but I had to make the last 2 tassels first. 

Once the tassels where done. I got to work on the beading around the top of the ornament. Patrick and I got to talking. That lead me to showing him the one I was thinking of doing for this year. I showed him the patterns online and then next thing I knew, I bought 3 more patterns from Debbie Moffet-Hall's website. I love her ornaments. I didn't get all 12 days before Christmas, but I did get 3 of them. I didn't get the first one. I will later on. 

Got up to find a few more beads and found Sophie fast asleep in my chair. I then did my exercises. Once that was done, she was still there. Which meant I would finish the top of the ornament in Patrick's chair. She's getting pretty bad. Even at night, I can't get her to move so I can get some sleep. It's almost too funny!

So, now I have the top done. I need to add the tassels and then it will be completed! That will be tomorrow. I'm looking forward to having another finish so soon after the last one. This has been fun, and I'm actually looking forward to working on this years gift. Which will keep me in the mood of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Getting Close To The Finish Line

 This morning I woke to snow in our yard. It was still snowing when I was supposed to leave for BE. I texted the gals and told them we would cancel since it was still coming down. If I would have known it was going to go away as fast as it came, then we would have had the meeting. 

Instead, I went back to bed. When I finally got up - it was warmer in bed. lol We lost power for about 2 hours. I decided to get moving. Patrick drove and we went to drop off my heart monitor, then to the bowling alley to pay for last night. Once that was done we headed back and went to Safeway for a few things that we needed. Came home and decided I seriously needed to finish my ornament. 

I finished the last panel - #3. Now all 6 are done and need to be put into the ornament. I then went to work on figuring out what I wanted for the fridge. I went through my beads for the fridge. Came out with a few and even added the beads from one of moms necklaces. I will probably finish using all those beads after this is done. 

I wanted some blue to in the beads. There is some blue in the first 2 beads. The rest are black and the round ones are grey-ish. It worked out pretty good. 

I finished 4 of the fridge and have one more that needs one more strand. I only need 2 more and then I can bead the panels together. It will be fun. I'm actually looking forward to getting this done. 

That was pretty much my day. I'm happy to be able to get back to doing what I love to do. Some times I don't feel like it but when I do, I do get a lot done. Val asked if she could come over tomorrow and I told her that would be fine. Once she leaves I have to help Patrick get the branches in the truck and take them to the dump. He's having a hard time doing much activity. Even walking around Safeway was getting to him. 

At least my day turned out to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Boring Day, Then Bowling

 This morning I was glad to have the heart monitor off. I didn't have to sleep with it. I boxed it up and it's going out in the mail tomorrow. Will be interesting to see what shows up. I won't find out for awhile. My appointment isn't till around the 20th. 

I got laundry going and did some cleaning. Like vacuuming, kitty litter, and kitchen. After that, I didn't feel like doing much. Which means I just played games all day long. Had 2 tablets going at the same time! Talk about hooked! Patrick worked around the house as well. That tired him out, so he took a long nap. 

When he got up, we eat and headed to the bowling alley. He didn't bowl, so it was just 3 of us. Cory (who we bowled against) bowled a 299. I was hoping he would get his first 300! They used to give out prizes for a 299, but now the bowling association only does that for Pro Bowlers. They leagues get squat. I don't even know why we pay for national dues - it never comes back to the leagues. I did bowl pretty good tonight. I got my 1 pin back on my average. My first game wasn't good - 155, but then I picked it up with a 170 and 214. I wasn't getting my spares till the last game. Don't know what my problem was. At least I was striking to help me out. lol 

Tomorrow is my day for being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Movies & Beading

 This morning I was up and having to fix the heart monitor. Then I sat and played games. We decided to go to the movies. I was ready to go. 

We went to the Sonic 2 movie. It was really good. I did enjoy it. Even Patrick thought it was good. He wasn't into Sonic when the kids were little. I think I only played one of those games. After the movie we stopped and got a pizza. Cut it in half and froze half. I over cooked it. lol 

Then I decided I needed to do something today. So, I started working on my beading. 

I didn't get it done, but I did work on it. I will try and finish it tomorrow. Then I can put it all together and call it done. 

Tomorrow I need to cut some fabric's for Georgie. She wanted more material, so I'm going to give her another pile. It will keep her busy on the blocks. That will keep her Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, April 8, 2022

At Moms For A While

 Dropped off quilts at Connie's. Then went to moms for about an hour or so. I worked on the binding. It's the same QOV quilt that I started binding last week. I do miss not having our meetings. One more week and then we will be back together again. 

Came home and Patrick was resting. He looked a little better today. 

I decided to play games and work on my beading. 

It's time I get back to finishing my ornament. I seriously need to take a break from QOV and work on my own stuff. I have a few things I want to finish. As well as work on my Santa in cross stitching. I will take some embroidery and beading on my trip when we take the cruise in May. I was happy to get this far. I wasn't pushing it. I will try to finish it up this weekend and then I can put the ornament together. It would be nice to get one more finish. 4 in a month sounds AWESOME! 

Doing good and keeping Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Presentation Day! And Then Nothing! LOL

 This morning I was out the door by 11 am. I had a pile of stuff to take. We had our meeting and I'm passing a lot of duties off. I need to get a notebook to use for things I take and come back with. I have Donna doing that for me. I also passed on a lot of the duties. Hopefully that will help! 

We have been videoing our work. We plan to have a documentary that will help us. Rico has been working on this. He even posted the video of our presentation. If you want to know what I look like, then you can go check it out! lol I did loose my nametag. Dang! It's my "Group Leader" one. 

I came home and decided to get the backing fabric washed. After I did that for 2 quilt tops that came in, I decided to relax. 

Patrick went bowling. The fatigue is getting worse. He's going to stop golfing and bowling.  I'm getting worried about him. Time will tell. 

I wasn't able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

What A Day!

 This morning at 4 am, I had to fix my monitor. Then went back to sleep. When I woke, I noticed the heart monitor moved. So, I had to fix it again. Since my skin is getting better, I may change the monitor to the position I had when I first started. 

Patrick left before I was up. He went golfing. I cleaned up a little. Then started loading the car with all the stuff I need to take tomorrow for QOV presentation. I'm still needing to add a few more things to the car. Right now, it's fine. What's left won't take long and may just be 1 load. I plan to put labels on 3 quilts tonight so I can add that to the pile going to the museum tomorrow. 

I needed to work on my quilt top, so we can use it for a demo tomorrow. Just when all the phone calls were done, Patrick came home. He was so tired. Said he only got 9 holes in and couldn't go any farther. While he slept on the couch, I went downstairs to get ready for tomorrow. 

I added the bottom part. Then I had to cut the border fabric. As I measured this, I realized it's not long enough. So, I think I'm going to add a bigger border on the top and bottom with a 2 1/2" border on the sides. The top and bottom will be 5 1/2". I decided to use the bright blue fabric. 

I put the white done on that side and think that's what I'm going to do. I like the red on the left. I haven't decided on which red I'm going to do. It's going to have a strip of white, red, white in that spot. I'm not sure what I will do on the last strip. I need to make the center bigger and longer. So, that will be a work in process. I am planning to use the blue with stars fabric. That will work pretty good there. Just how wide I will make the sides is what will be an issue. More to think about. 

Then came up and fixed supper. I decided to call it quits for a short time to play games. Next I'm going to add the labels on the 3 quilts to get them out of the house. I still need to finish the binding on my quilt. Who knows, that may be done this weekend. Looks like we will do another presentation on the 24th since the 2 brothers that we were trying to get quilts for cancelled again. So, now we only have 2 people for tomorrow. 

It has kept me busy being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Trip To Portland

 This morning was quiet. Then it was time to leave for moms. We picked her up around 11:00 am and drove to Portland. It was a good long drive. I fell asleep. 

This morning I had to fix the monitor and get it set right. Once that was done, I was good to go. Got mom dropped off at the Airport by 12:45 pm. We were a good 2 hours early. Dropped her off with the guy who was pushing the wheel chair. She should be in OKC now. We headed back home and stopped off at Carl Jr's. I bought a Western burger and was do DISAPPOINTED! I only ate half. Patrick asked for NO cheese and they gave him cheese. It just didn't work out for either one of us. I love burgers and can have one every day of my life! But this was so disappointing. I won't get that one again. It didn't even look like the picture on the wall! 

Came home and got some laundry going. I'm still behind on that. Patrick will golf tomorrow. So, I'll go back and work on the quilt tomorrow. I need to get the certificates done tomorrow as well. 

As for today........not my day for Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Tea Time!

 This morning I was running late. At first I wasn't sure if I should leave because Patrick has some side effects from his treatment. He told me to go ahead. 

I met up with Sandy and her sister Jeanette at the grange. They brought all the fixings for a High Tea. It was AWESOME! 

First we worked on our projects. I was able to get the left side done and work on the top right. I think this is the last one I need to do, but I may be wrong. I really haven't looked at it for awhile. 

Then we set the table for High Tea. Sandy and Jeanette had thought of everything! We had fancy dishes and fancy food! Scones were really good. They weren't hard or dry. I really liked them. Sandy didn't think they turned out good, but I did. Patrick even got some. Sandy send him a "good box." Cindy didn't make it because her husband was sick. So, we had a fun day and chatted about everything. We were talking about the virtual classes that Jeanette was taking and I want to do that too. She's working on the "Rose for Mother" piece by Debbie Kelly. I did that one a couple years back. 

Came home since I didn't have to go to moms. I called to purchase more thread for our quilter. I worked on a few things that needed to get done. So, I didn't get the chance to work on anything else today. We are dropping mom off in Portland tomorrow, so may not be able to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Another Sunday - Sewing And Bowling

 This morning I went down and cut the batting and backing for Debbie. Texted her to let her know she could pick it up. Then I got started on working on my panel quilt. I had the panel idea ahead of time and decided to put it together. I worked on it most of the morning while waiting on Debbie. Debbie finally arrived at a good time. 

I had this much done by the time she arrived. I need to cut more white blocks to finish this up. I also need to cut a border strip that will be used for a demo on Thursday. Right now, I'm almost done with this. I had to trim all the blocks down to 12 1/2" unfinished. Then I was able to measure and get this done. I'm getting better with the measuring. 

We got a few things done while she was here. Talked about what we need to ask the quilters to do when it comes to the blocks. She brought my yellow fabric back, then ended up taking it back with her. 

Then it was time for bowling. I bowled a 194, 179, and a 153 - going down hill not up! We did win 3 games. Patrick did really well with a 212, but then he went down hill too. At least we won a couple games! The last two weeks were not easy without our partners. 

I had a good run of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Still Working

 This morning I was ready to work on another quilt top. I played a little before going downstairs. Needed to work on getting the room warm. 

Took this apart the other day. Patrick thought of using some busy fabric as a panel. 

This fabric piece is going to be hard to figure out something for the quilts. I'll get there. 

But this won't work. I tried, but I just couldn't get over how busy it was. It was a good though. 

So, I finally decided on this. The fabric between the blocks are stripped with small stars. The photo doesn't show it that well. It didn't take long to do this once I got started. I'm not crazy about it, but when I tried so many different things, this was a better way to go. Not as busy. Had to add stars to get the patriotic look. I hope it worked. I'm not going to add a border, just have the binding do the border. 

Of course I had more blocks left over. I put this on the floor so I can "work" with it. I need to think about what will work and what won't. The center needs to be bordered and the stars taken off. I do have fabric with the stars, so can add a better border of them. I don't know how much I will need. Just thinking right now. 

I then decided to work on this on. I have the red with white stars that I will be thinking about using on the border of the bird. I think leaving the rest of it white will look good. May have to do another border on the outer part. Again, thinking about this one as well. 

Told Sophie I was done and wanted to go upstairs. Got this look from her. So, I left her there to get some book keeping work done. That was another hour plus work. Now, I know I don't have bills to pay, just had to remind people they were over due with their water bill. 

Guess she got tired of bugging me. My chair is taken over! Guess I'm on the coach while she snores in my chair! 

We will be leaving soon for a play. Love the plays at Evergreen Playhouse. I'm excited about it. My chest is still a little painful but it's clearing up. I will have to use the monitor in another position on Monday. "One Flew Over The Coco's Nest" is the play. I'm not sure how it will be but I do think they do an awesome job. "Mama Meya" will be next month. Mom leaves Tuesday so we had to change it to today so she can see it. 

At least my day was being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...