Monday, April 18, 2022

Day For Embroidery

This morning I piled all my stuff in the car. Had a few things to deliver as well as go to our embroidery meeting. 

I decided to listen to my book on the way in. It's a series of the one I listened to a book back. Of course it's the thriller. I just wish at times they didn't give the details of the murder. I arrived shortly after Cindy. Alice and Gene were there before us. Sandy and JT arrived after I got out of the car. lol 

JT is looking for another one of these panels. If anyone knows where I can find one, please send me a message. 

I worked on my "Ruth's Farwell" piece. It's fun to work on. 


 This is the last "loop" of this green. Then I can do one more corner before working on the flowers. I'm actually having fun with this piece. I just need to get that little bit done so I can work on the center parts. 

Then it was time to go to Nancy's. I tried calling the Burger place for burgers but my phone wouldn't connect. Called Nancy and she placed the order for me. I arrived to drop off the 2 iron boards that I got for Michele and Carmen. She will be giving them to them tomorrow. We went over the QOV veterans that we are trying to get to come on the 28th of May. She's not having much luck with a couple of them. I hate it when they sign up and then turn around to say they don't want a quilt after all. They think others deserve it more. Go figure. 

Came home around 2 and cut fabric for Debbie. Texted I was cutting it, and she was on the way. We chatted for awhile. 

OH! When Nancy and I were talking about the veterans getting quilts, she told me a name I knew! So, I asked where he lived and found out it was my neighbor as I thought! Came home and had a note with a donation from his sister-in-law telling me I was his neighbor!! I know who it is and was shocked because I didn't know he was up for a quilt! This is really getting funny. I will have given out 2 quilts to my neighbors so far! How small this world is!! 

I played games the rest of the day. After filling out paperwork and getting fabric ready, I decided to just relax. I had "planned" to work on my embroidery, but we all know how planning goes for me! Instead I had the morning to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!0

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