Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Spending The Day With Mom

This morning I enjoyed a little time with Patrick. Then he went off to play golf while I headed over to moms to take her to Costco. 

We started out (thinking) we would drop off the trash she had. Then we headed up to Olympia. Arrived at Costco and ended up waiting for her appointment. First we returned some coffee she bought. Then sat and chatted while we waited on the gal for her appointment. Mom was getting her hearing aids today. She went in about 15 mins past her appointment time. Then I had to wait about 10 mins while the gal went over some stuff with mom. I then came in and chatted with both. Mom could hear a little better. Her hearing is going but so far it's been holding on. She like the new hearing aids. We then picked up a few things that mom wanted. I didn't get anything because Patrick and I usually like going together. That was another hour or so. 

On the way home mom wanted to stop at Big Boys for lunch. I agreed. So, we drove to Little Rock exit and got off. Then had lunch. That was a good hour there as well. We both had a hamburger, which was really good. 

Then it was home. First we had to stop at Nancy's to get a cake for mom. After a short visit we took moms trash and Nancy's to the dump. It was full. I couldn't believe we took the trash all the way to Costco and then back. We ended up putting some of the Costco stuff in the back seat because of the trash. UGH

I picked up blocks from Georgie and headed home. Finally getting home at 3 pm. I then decided to let Patrick enjoy the deck and I beaded. 

Another 6 rows are done. I finished one book on audio and started another. I seem to be enjoying the books as much as beading this project. Tomorrow is another day and I'll be working on something. Not sure what yet. Seems I can't plan anything without having something come up. 

Mom has to go back to Costco in 2 weeks, so I will probably be taking her. Not crazy about it, but I can do it. I'm just thankful I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, May 30, 2022

A Little Of This And That

 This morning I wanted to sleep but couldn't so was up early. I ended up listening to my book and playing a game. 

Then it was off to the grange to meet my BE gals. It was just 3 of us, but that's normal lately. Sandy 2 is usually busy off here and there. 

I got to work on ironing our floss for the Marmalade Cat pattern. I did all of ours. 

 I was going through the floss and ironing them to straighten them out. We didn't have a lot. Then Sandy was putting the floss in our group box. She had marked the tags and organized them. Since I had to box, she had to wait till I brought it. We have a full box now. Think there might even be more threads in it then I have. 😆 And I have a lot!

Once that was done, I decided to work on the Marmalade Cat. We went over what we needed to do. I want to look at my embroidery books for more "crazy stitches" to fill the cat up with. 

I did like working on the stitches I did. I have more to learn or practice on,

Came home after realizing it's a holiday. I had a few things I wanted to do today, but we all know how that works out for me. I should be used to it and relax - to my surprise it didn't bother me today. 

Once I got home, I decided to work on my beading. 

7 rows later, and it's looking even better. I do love this peace and I'm glad I decided to work on this. I'm a little over half way. 

Of course, today was one of those days where I thought about doing something, told Patrick what I was thinking, and then walked off to do something else. Twice Patrick caught me by saying, "You left this....." or "Did you start that....." like you said you were going to? Nope. I started towards it, thought of something else and then was off that direction. Remember awhile back I said I'm like a dog going after a squirrel?! Well that was my day all day long. I started something or started to do something and a squirrel ran across the brain - off I went. I must have done that at least 10 times. Patrick's threatening me by saying I need to go into a home! 😁 Told him, not ready to just yet! 

Then I had to get everything off my mind. I call it, "time to play." And I played games. That gets me back on track of what I'm going to do. Patrick just laughs at me when the squirrels start running. Can't blame him for getting frustrated at me, even I get frustrated. But most of the time he just shakes his head. Just like he did when I passed out at his immunotherapy. Guess I keep him on his toes. 

With the day having to be this and that. I did get a lot done. Patrick was a sweetheart and cooked supper while I beaded. That's what you call Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Plans That Don't Happen

 This morning I was watching the news when Patrick said we needed to leave around 12:15 to get to the movies. I really wasn't in the mood, but I decided to go. I said "Downton Abby: New Era." I really liked the movie. It's worth seeing. I would see it again. AND I don't say that very often. 

Came home after stopping to see Phil. Patrick got some plants from him. Then we went to Safeway to pick up a few things. 

I then worked on my sourdough bread. Had to get that cooking. While I was doing that, I cooked potatoes and boiled eggs. I wanted to make a potato salad. Remember, Patrick doesn't  do mayo, so this is for me and not him. I then put them in the refrigerator to wait while I got back to baking. Once the bread was done, I got busy on cooking French Fries. Patrick loves homemade. He was watching the "Pioneer Woman" telling how she does fries. Well, I tried it and they were awful. I cooked them twice and they didn't come out "crisp" so I wonder if I did something wrong. I don't think I did. I may try it again, but like how I used to do it better. 

After all that, I decided to take a break. I didn't do anything craft wise. I WANTED to do some genealogy. I WANTED to get something done today in crafts. MAYBE bead or cross stitching. THAT IS HOW I PLAN.....and we all know how well that goes for me. A lot of surprises! A lot of things get in the way. Yet, I still have a good day...just not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Presentation Day & Odds & Ends

 This morning I was getting everything ready and out the door to the museum. I had quilts to take and drop off. Then it was working to make sure everything was going okay for the presentation. We changed a few things to make the presentation go more smoothly. We are still working on it, and will be tweaking it. My neighbor was one to get a quilt today as well. 

The gentleman on the left is a WWII veteran. He turns 100 in about 10 days. The one on the far right is my neighbor, Stephen Eriksen. 

After getting all the stuff put away, I headed back home. 

I really didn't want to do much but needed to find a few things I brought home. Plus we had 2 quilts that were not accounted for so needed to find those. I found them at Nancy's house after asking for photos. We are going to need to take photos of the quilts that go out for binding. I also have the volunteer logs that I need to work on. I'm going to start that as soon as I'm done her. 

I then took a break and played games. I really have too much going today. My mind is in all different directions. So, there wasn't room to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 27, 2022

Applique & Family History

 This morning I needed to get off to moms. I was early. Only because I was worried about the traffic on I-5. I was the first to arrive. Mom invited another Nancy to the group. We had 9 of us today and were missing about 2 or 3 of the group. I told mom if it gets too busy I will stop coming or just leave. I don't like it "crowded." She didn't like that comment and and said I would have to pick another day to spend time together. I told her the last time we did that, all these people were added. She said it was my fault for asking Nancy. I wanted to say, "and it's your fault for everyone else," but I didn't. 

I worked on sewing the labels to the dryer sheets. Then I sewed 3 labels onto 3 quilts. That kept me busy for awhile. Brother Patrick was packing up and heading out with his wife. They were stopping in OR to visit with their daughter and then head all the way to Vegas. We had a good visit. 

Came home and found a letter from a Matheson relative. So, I spend the afternoon working on getting his information in my computer and then printing what I have. I had more information then he did, but he had stuff I didn't have. It worked out great. I printed the descendant list of William Matheson forward. I have more past him but thought I would just send that to him. 

This quilt was made from the kit that was given to the group to make. I like how it came out. Connie did all the piecing and quilting for this one. She does a beautiful job on the quilts she makes. I need to get back to working on that quilt downstairs - 

I just need to go down there and work on it. I'm still thinking, but once I get started, the thought process will come to me. I have ideas, and that's what I need. It's been waiting a tad too long to be worked on. 

My day was busier than it has been in a long time. Putting labels on quilts is technique applique. Even though I still have a ton of applique that needs to get done. Which I keep telling myself,  "I'm working on getting back to Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!"


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Visiting My Brother

 This morning Patrick was up bright and early. Me, not so much. 

I played on the tablet for awhile while he was gone golfing. Then I sat down and copied a couple recipes from the book I was listening to. I had to request the e-book to get the recipes. One is wings. So, I'm planning on making those soon. They sound really yummy. I also got a cornbread recipe that sounded really good too. 

Then I finally sat down to work on my beading. 

I only got 3 rows in by the time Patrick got home. I'm really loving this. I seriously need to sit down and finish this one! I love the colors and the brightness. 

Then we were off to moms, where my brother and sister-in-law were. We had hamburgers for supper and then some really good cake that we picked up from Safeway. Afterwards we played dominos - and I lost! Mom was on one side and Patrick the other. Mom was playing on the domino I needed to play on, so I ended up drawing more "tiles" then I wanted to! Which, of course, made me loose! Oh, well. We had a good time. 

Came home and called it a day. At least I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Blah Day

 Today started out with phone calls that woke us up. First Patrick got junk calls then I got a few calls from friends. 

I pretty much played games today. I really didn't know what I wanted to do. I didn't want to watch TV and I didn't really want to work on my beads. I thought I would start the cat, but figured out I marked the fabric on the wrong side. I then washed the pencil marks out and ironed it. Then I sprayed it with starch. Once all that was done I could get moving. 

I got the light box out and marked the fabric.  I had marked it before but having it marked on both sides wasn't a good idea. Hence the washing. I have it all marked and ready to go. Trouble is, it's up to me to decide what stitches I'm going to put on it. UGH  I have to think crazy quilt. So, that's going to get me going. I need to check out a lot of different stitches to see what I want to do on it. It should be fun, just not there yet. May wait till Monday to work with the others to see what we can do. 

I went looking for the other cat design that was given out last year or the year before. The issue it says it's supposed to be in, it wasn't. I will keep looking. I know I have it. 

I worked on QOV certificates for the veterans we will be honoring Saturday. We have 4. But we have 28 that need to receive quilts. Told Nancy to get 7 each time now. We can handle that. Plus it's just once a month for awhile. 

Other than that, it turned out to be a beautiful "blah" day. Weather was great. Me not so much. Wonder if the killings are starting to unnerve me. Breaks my heart. I don't want this site to be political because I want it to be something to enjoy after the end of the day. Even though boring is in there too! 😅

Tomorrow Patrick golfs and then we go see my brother before he heads back to Vegas. Not worried about it either way. 😉

So, no, today was not Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Still Working On Getting Rid Of My Cough

This morning Patrick was out the door. It was his golfing day. He was going to go with my brother tomorrow but my brother (Patrick) was sore after working on the farm. So, we get to enjoy tomorrow on our own. 

I was busy with playing games, vacuuming, and laundry. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, so I pulled out my embroidery and went downstairs to see if I had the floss color I needed. I didn't but I found one that was close. 

 It was the best I could do. I finished all the flowers on the left side. That "corner" is done. I just need to add the beads. Which will be the last thing I do. I found I was missing another color of floss and had to go looking for that one as well. Thank goodness I had it. I could have sworn I had all the floss colors I needed to do this piece. At this rate, I'm having to find floss that I missed. Go figure! 

Most of the day I was coughing for one thing or another. The cough is what I got from Covid. Now I'm having trouble getting rid of it. It's almost coming back full force. Maybe I needed more pills for that! I will be seeing my doctor in June so will ask her then. 

My day was busy with this or that. It turned out I could still be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 23, 2022

A Fun Group Meeting~

 This morning I stopped at Connie's before going to our BE meeting. I dropped off Val's quilt and collected the ones she had done. Debbie came over later to collect them for binding. 

Got the the meeting and Cindy was setting up for my Birthday celebration. Both Sandy's arrived shortly there after. It was great! We had sandwiches and goodies. Of course, I ate more than I needed to. It was awesome. Sandy gave me some leaf tea and a tea pot to steam it in. What fun! I collect tea pots! I am thrilled!

I worked on my pansy. Only had the bottom part with one of the purple petals done when I left. I worked on this when I got home. I love the pansy! It's really pretty and fun to work on. I then worked on the flower to the bottom right of that.

When I got home I had my beads waiting for me! 

So, I logged them in and got them lined up for when I start my cat tapestry. I can't wait to start, but I'm going to finish the parrot first. Don't need more projects in beading then one at a time. Bad enough I do that with quilting, cross stitching, and even embroidery!

I then got to work on finishing my placemats. I only had the one to do. 

I now have a set of 4. They are all ready and will go nicely with our table cloth we just bought last month. 

This is the Australian fabric I was talking about. It's now on the back of the placemats. I have had it for years. I've liked it since I received it and wanted to do something with it. This is good enough and will remind me of both Cynda and Ros. I hope Cynda is looking down and seeing what I did with her fabric. 

Brought some goodies home from the meeting. I will have one tomorrow! lol My day was filled with being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Another Week Comes To An End

 Both of us were up early today. Guess neither one of us could sleep well. 

I just spent most of the morning playing games on the tablets. It's pretty bad when I can play 2 games at once. At one time I had 3 going - go figure! I just wasn't in the mood to do much today. 

I did work another 2 rows on the beading. Then my phone reminded me of the BE virtual meeting. I was off to the computer to listen and enjoy the group. At first I couldn't get on, so had to go back and look for the original email hooking me up. I was able to finally get in. I had to leave early because of a bowling meeting to do 9 pin over the summer. 

We stopped and got an ice cream cone and then headed to the bowling alley. We were 30 mins early! I wanted to spend more time with the group. As we waited, we found a few more things out about a couple of the bowlers. We also found out there was only 3 teams for the 9 pin no tap. We decided not to continue. Jeff said he would try and get more and let us know. I was surprised a couple people didn't show up for that. But then they didn't have a sign up sheet that would have helped. 

Came home and I played while watching TV. Plus I had to keep Sophie happy. She was in her "needy" mood all day. When I was in the computer room chatting with the group, she was outside meowing to get in. When she first came in, she dug in my bag. So, I picked her up and kicked her out of the room. Of course she let me know she didn't like that. When I came home she followed and meowed me all the way. When I finally sat down, she joined me. Like Patrick said, she's one spoiled cat!

I can't really claim today as a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Getting Behind

This is yesterday's post. For some reason I completely forgot to do my blog. Go figure- I do it enough!

The day started out with just relaxing and playing games for a little bit. Then I decided to work on my beading while Patrick went outside to work in the yard. It turned out to be a beautiful day. I didn't have the door open to enjoy the cool air, but I did enjoy sitting at the table enjoying the view.. 

 I was able to get 8 rows done before it was time to go out to eat. I had a few beads that were "off" so had to put them in the "bad" pile. Otherwise I was enjoying watching this grow. 

We picked mom up and headed to Longview. Red Lobster was our place to be. We had an enjoyable meal. When we were ready to leave, they were not around. Figured they were low on stuff. Patrick had to let the gal know we were ready to leave. I had 20% off and a free Birthday cake - chocolate with ice cream. Patrick took a bit and it was history after that. We were supposed to share, but he was all over it. I didn't get much and mom got even less. Didn't bother him. He's excuse was that he needed to gain weight. I loved the cake and could have had that to myself. Oh, well. It surprised me, since he's been having trouble tasting the food without it being gummy or pasty. So, I really can't complain since he would enjoy that cake as much as I did. 

Came home and added another 3 rows to the beading. 

I think I did about 11 or 14 rows all together yesterday. I was happy to see the flowers coming to life. I am not quiet half way, but close. There is more coming. It's a lot of fun to work on. 

I also was in contact with Dawn at High Street Beading Comp and asked about the beads I didn't want in my beading. Come to find out, it's the Silk beads. So,  now I need to go into my program and remove that part - put the rest of them back in. I really do know how to screw up a good thing. The pattern for Sophie has a few of the 1800 (silk) beads, so I will go ahead and work on it, just making sure the next pattern I do will not have them. 

I finished #3 of the placemats. I was happy to be getting them done. I need to do one more and then it's all finished. 

One more to go. This is the one I had to add the bottom green to because I was out of the other one. I don't think it's "in your face" and will just go with it. 

It turned out to be a full day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 20, 2022

Needed Placemats!

Today I knew Val was coming over, so I went downstairs and looked at my stack of fat-quarters. I decided to make placemats to make up for the 2 we had to get rid of. They somehow got cut and had a big hole in them. So, I decided on greens. I have plenty and not doing much with my fabrics right now. 

I had decided not to go to moms today. Really not ready to be in a crowd, let alone applique today. I do have more quilts that need the bindings stitched down, but that can wait. 

I pulled some out and cut them into strips. Then I took the strips up to Patrick to see what he liked. He decided on the arrangement and I was okay with that. After cutting the strips Val showed up and we talked about QOV quilts. She dropped off her top and I need to cut backing and batting for that tomorrow. I was going to do that today, but forgot after I had the bindings on the placements. 

One mat is different from the rest because I ran out of the red and orange star print. I have one on one side and another color on the other. I think if you look closely, one would find it. Other than that, I have them all the same. I put the bindings on 4. Only made 4 this time. I didn't have enough fabric of 2 colors to continue to 6, let alone 5. 

I used my Australian fabric on the back. It's the fabric that Cynda gave me years ago. I can remember her when we use them. She's the one that was murdered by her husband. The fabric is a fun fabric. I have other fabrics that Ros gave me as well. I will do something with them as well. I need to work on using up the fabrics I have. It would help with down sizing on the fabrics. Been thinking of Ros this week. I need to sent her an email to see how she's doing with the business of photos. 

Like I said earlier, I stitched the binding on 2 of the 4 mats. I have 2 more to go and will try to do those tomorrow. No real big hurry. Think I made Patrick happy when I started working on these. He mentioned it the other day and I said I could make them. He was probably thinking it would be a few months or a year before I got to them. They are easy enough to make. I had the back and batting there as I stitched the strips on. That way it's "quilted" on the back. Worked out great for me.

I'm jumping around again! I am at least Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Patrick's Golf Day

Today Patrick didn't go golfing till about 11 am because the women are usually there on Thursdays. He don't like to have to deal with them as some are faster and others are slower. 

While he was gone, I worked on a load of laundry and then pulled out my audio book. 

I sat down and went to work on my beading. I also ordered a few more beads for my one of Sophie. I like how this is coming along. I have a few more white flowers and at the bottom of the piece there is another bird. I love the colors. I was able to get 9 rows done today. I thought about going for 12 but decided to enjoy the evening with Patrick instead. 

Turned out Sophie wanted me to enjoy time with her instead. So, I sat and played a few games. I won't be going to moms tomorrow. I'm just not ready to be around a crowd right now. 

The best part is that I am enjoying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Happy Birthday To Me!

 Another year, another Birthday. I was getting a lot of texts wishing me Happy Birthday. Even the gal at Kaiser came out and wished me Happy Birthday as well as being sorry we couldn't make the cruise. Once Patrick's treatment was over, we headed to Costco. 

At Costco I picked up a set of boxes (2) that I can use with my fabric downstairs. I can put the scraps in the box and put them in a bag later to give to someone to work on. I haven't decided what the other box will be used for, but I'm sure I will figure it out. We also picked up Dungeness (sp) crab for supper. We got some ice cream before leaving. 

Headed home with a stop at moms. She gave me a beautiful hanging basket. It goes great with the other ones we got around mothers day. We also stopped at Safeway where I bought a coconut cream pie for my Birthday. 

We were pretty much gone all morning - a good 5 hours. Oh, how time flies! Katt called and chatted with me. Then I sat down and worked on my beading. 

9 rows later! I'm getting to the white flowers! It's not quite half way done, but it's getting there. I do love the colors in this! I can't wait to see it done. Listening to my book and beading was fun. 

After supper I decided to order some beads. I have a long list of beads to order. So, I decided to order the ones I need from High Street Beading Company in Mississippi. I only ordered about $30 worth. I will order more later. I also need to order from Aura Crystals. I will do a little at a time with them. I tried ordered the beads tonight and found it was going to cost over $100. So, I'm just going to take my time and get a little at a time. Maybe $50 at a time. That way when I'm ready to work on the new piece, I will be ready. Some of the beads I'm not to crazy about and will need to fix what I want in beads when making my patterns. It's a learning process. 

I had a good Birthday! We will go to Red Lobster on Saturday as I have a discount and a free cake waiting for me! Planning on taking mom along. 

I'm still coughing. The pill worked pretty good, I just hope I don't go backwards. Patrick is still having the "allergy" reaction. Think he still has covid. Last 2 tests said he did. I may test myself again to see if it came back or if I tested wrong on Sunday. Hard to say. Covid is no joke and I truly believe if I hadn't gotten the pills I would be in worse shape then I am. Thankful I'm feeling better, just wish it would go away!

It made for a good day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Not Sure If I'm Back Or Not

This morning Patrick was up before me. He was getting ready to go golfing. After he left, I enjoyed the time to myself. Like normal, I enjoyed my games. I decided I hadn't been out in awhile, so I went to Burger King. Decided on a Whopper Jr. Funny thing is that they have gotten a lot smaller than I remember - good thing though. I actually felt full after I ate that. It was good!

Then I decided it was time to go work on my beading. Had to pull everything out and set up. Once I did that, I was on my way. 

I was able to get another 6 rows done. As I was finishing my first set of 3, Patrick came home. He talked about going to the movies. We hadn't been in awhile. So, I finished up the last 3 rows and then we were out the door. 

We went to the "Dr. Strange" movie. I enjoyed it, but it was really busy. There was a lot going on. I followed it, but at times wondered how! I love watching "Dr. Strange." So we had a good time at the movies. 

Came home and now we are just enjoying the evening by watching "Worst Cook of America." It's the celebrity on. So funny!!

I'm not sure if I'm back or not when it comes to working on my stuff. I'm hoping I can keep going and finish this piece. I was checking out what I need for the Fireplace Sophie pattern I made. I'm glad to know that I have about half the beads. Tonight I feel like I'm back - a little. That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, May 16, 2022

Back At It

I didn't want to go to embroidery today. I still feel a little uncomfortable about going out right now. I will tomorrow though. 

So, while Patrick went up to Olympia, I stayed home and worked on laundry. He ended up being in Olympia for 2 hours because there was 21 people in front of him at the lab area. That was only 45 mins. When he tried to get on the freeway to come home, he couldn't. They were doing work on the on ramps. So, he was driving around Olympia to try and get back home. He called saying he couldn't get out of Olympia (short message - his was longer! lol). While he was talking to me, he finally found an on ramp that was open. Said he tried 3 different on ramps and they were doing construction on them. The detour signs went on for a little while and then quit. I couldn't help but laugh!

While he was trying to get home, I decided to work on my cross stitch. I thought about pulling out my beading and changed my mind. I need to see how many beads I need for my project of Sophie. 

I decided to work on the gold area as well as the coat. I was able to work my way up to the noise. I have one white spot in the green area that I need to fill in. Otherwise it's pretty much done. I was able to get a lot done today and enjoyed every minute of working on it. I don't like working with the gold, but I'm getting there. I will add the gold to the coat and then start working toward the left. I think I want to get the bottom done and work my way up. It's a good bit to work with. I mostly did the gold and green today. I did add some red, but not a lot. It will be coming back pretty soon. 

I had a couple phone calls today and enjoyed it. I have Val coming over on Friday. Patrick and I were talking about what we would do for my Birthday. I think we will go out to Red Lobster on Saturday, but we will do stuff on Wednesday. I really want to spend time with Patrick on my Birthday. We may go to the movies tomorrow - even though he's going golfing. 

Today was a better day for me. I was feeling pretty good. Tonight is the last of the meds except for the cough capsule. One more day. Then I will go back to taking my normal pills. This Covid stuff has been a major pain in my behind, but then I look around and realize it's not that bad. We have a good life compared to others and if this is what we have to deal with, we are fine. It's not that bad after all. 

I'm just happy (to be back to) being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 


Sunday, May 15, 2022

Can't Wait To Get Outside!

Today I woke feeling better. My coughing is going away. I slept better than I have in a long time. That's good news! Even better was when I tested myself to see if I was getting rid of this dang thing. 

No more covid!! Thank goodness!! Patrick tested and he still had a light line on the T. He should be over it tomorrow or the next day. Still doesn't mean we plan to get out in the public. I want to give it some more time. I don't want to get out and about for a little longer. 

We spent the day watching the rain and TV shows. I worked on laundry as usual. Then I decided I needed to get my butt in gear and do something. 

I took the fabric blocks off the floor. I thought I could put the panel with the flag panel. So, I was thinking about what I could do with this quilt. I believe I have an idea now. 

Then I decided to get my Sophie bead work done. I needed the word chart, and I wanted to know what beads I would need to do it. I printed 80 pages and realized it had beads in it I didn't want, so reworked it. Printed 80 more pages. Now it's ready to work on. I'm hoping it will turn out as good as the pattern I made. 

Once all that was done, I pulled out my cross stitching!

I worked on the red area and the gold area. Then I went to work on the greenery around the wolf's face. I do like this. I was having fun! Maybe I'm getting back to being "normal." 

I really can't wait to get out and about, but I don't want to risk it. Patrick doesn't want to either. He has to go get his blood test tomorrow. I think I'm going to stay home. I will go out with him on Wednesday but not before. 

I can try and get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Still Have Covid - Still Not Up To Much

 Yesterday and today was quiet. I slept better the night before, but last night not so much. Patrick took the home test today to see if we are over covid - NOPE. Even though the doctors say to quarantine for 5 days, I think it needs to be longer. We are to quarantine for 5 days and wear a mask for the next 5 days when going out. I don't feel comfortable having covid and going out in public. So, I'm not going to. Patrick has to get his blood test on Monday and then his treatment on Wednesday. I hope it goes away by then, but beginning to think it will be 2 weeks. 

Can you imagine if we went on the cruise and found we had covid. We'd be in our room the whole time. Glad we found out before we were to go. 

Today I pretty much just drank a lot and relaxed. Thought about doing some beading. Thought about doing some quilting. But that's as far as it went. Thinking didn't get me any closer to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Thursday, May 12, 2022

Must Be Feeling A Little Better

Since I started taking the medication that mom picked up for me, I've been feeling a little better. I even got a good night sleep. That made me happy. 

Today I baked a cake for dessert. We needed something. Also got a list of stuff for Teri to pick up for us. She was a sweetheart! We got our goodies after supper, but who cares, she was kind enough to pick them up for us. 

We watched a couple movies today. Old ones that we were going to take with us on the cruise. One we quit after about 1/2 way done. Gregory Peck movie - and I love Gregory Peck. This one, well wasn't uplifting and hard to figure out. 

I worked on my cross stitch today. 

Worked on the gold. I have another row of gold to do as well. So, not in a big hurry. Instead, worked on the green to the left of it. I may work on the gold tomorrow. 

The coat tail is there too. So, decided to work on it as well. Since the gold is in that as well. I'm not thrilled with the gold but I'm doing it. 

I kept thinking of things we could be doing today on the ship. I need to just get over it. They have another cruise during Christmas and New Years, that I wouldn't mind taking. I'll have to ask Nancy what it's like around Christmas time. I would rather do that. We don't do much at Christmas and it's generally just Patrick and I. Once in awhile mom stays home. Maybe if one of my brothers comes for Christmas that would be good for her. Hard to say. 

I was busy today compared to the other days. I'm still not 100% better. I can't wait to get this out of my system. I think the meds are working. 

At least I stopped feeling sorry for myself and I'm feeling a little better. I'm also getting in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Still Covid!

This morning I had to call Safeway to see if they had the meds I needed for covid. Of course they weren't answering the phone. Called Rite Aid and thought they had it, but when the pharmacist looked, they didn't. Called mom and asked her to please pick it up for me. Come to find out she waited 45 mins, and the gal wouldn't give her my prescription. She called me and I talked to the pharmacist. She told me I was too late to take the meds. I told her the doctor said I had to take it today or it would be to late. They gal actually argued with me! So, mom got me Night Quall instead.  Dropped it off and then went home. 

Now 8 hours later, she gets a text that my prescription is ready. She called and said she was going to pick it up. I questioned it, but she said no worries. It took her an hour to pick up the prescription. Apparently they didn't know there were 2 prescriptions for me, so she had to wait another 30 mins before she get the medications. She told the guy behind her how she had to been there in the morning and waited 45 mins for the gal to decline her. Now she had to come back and wait again. She also told him of how rude she was. Come to find out, it was the Safeway pharmacy boss. He got a mouth full from mom. That would be a good thing since I had to wait all day for my prescription and poor mom had to run around on my behalf. 

I have been just relaxing. Feeling sorry for myself I guess. We would actually be on our way to Panama right now. That sucks! Can't get Patrick to start thinking about the next cruise. He hates the planning process. 

I'm sitting here thinking I need to get off my a-- and get back to my crafts. I may go to bed early instead. Who knows. I'll see what I feel like. I need to get the "blues" over with and get back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


This morning I woke to Patrick waking me up. He was saying we aren't going anywhere today, we tested positive to COVID. I asked if she was joking and he said NO. It was scramble time. He had to call the cruise line and let them know, then the airlines, and motel. Once those were done, he had to call Kaiser and cancel his immunotherapy today. He's rescheduled for next week. 

So, between my coughing and his sniffing, we were putting everything back. Suitcases went back downstairs and clothes were returned to the dresser or closet. 

I'm in shock! It's like a dream. I keep thinking I'm still getting on the plane tomorrow for our trip. I was so looking forward to it! I took my projects out of the suitcase and put them on the table. Now I'm lost. I was looking forward to going out to eat tonight and then getting up in the morning to start the journey. Patrick is not happy - he won't look for another cruise right now. Said it's too much work to get ready and he's not there yet. We had Scott pick up milk for us. Teri said she'll go shopping for us on Thursday. 

At first I couldn't believe it, so asked Patrick to take a home test to see if it's right. It didn't take 15 mins for the answer! It answered within 3 mins that he had it. GRRRR! 

So, not in the mood. Not in the mood to work on anything. Not in the mood to eat. Not in the mood clean. Even though I did change the cat litter. I wanted to do that today anyway, so nothing new there. I just can't believe after 4 months of having this scheduled, I can't go. I'm feeling like I'm looking down and wondering why I'm not getting ready to go. 

Today I did get the headache. Not fun. But it's because of all the coughing. I sent a message to my doctor asking if there is something I can take for the cough. No answer yet. Patrick go the call from Kaiser saying they can send him the medication to get him through it faster, since he has cancer. He told them, "no, don't have that much going on." They didn't ask about me, and I wasn't offered. Sucks. 

Today I'm in denial! I so wanted to go!! Guess this month isn't my month after all. I've had nothing but trouble since the first of the month. One thing or another. My day was spend just relaxing and watching one of the old movies that we haven't seen before. It's a Bob Hope movie that I really enjoyed. I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


Monday, May 9, 2022

Still Working On Feeling Better

 I spent the night on the couch because of my "heartburn" due to the NightQuil (sp) and Zicam in the day. My stomach was not happy with me. Plus had very little to eat yesterday. 

We were up early and off to Olympia - once again - for Patrick's scan. I was going to stop at Urgent Care to make sure it's not a throat infection, but it was way too crowded for my liking. So, I just waited on Patrick. We then stop at the covid spot to get tested. Not that I have it, but because of the trip. So, I was okay with that. 

Came home and have been getting a lot of small things done. I worked on QOV stuff. Got the certificate ready to mail. Paid GWW stuff paid, and started trying on dresses to see which 2 I would take. Of course there was no doubt about it - the 2 that fit!! UGH. I put my swim suit in the bag as well. We'll see how that goes. Since Scott is housesitting for us, gave him the tour. 

Son's stolen bike. My hubby was checking Facebook and found this. My son's bike was stolen. Hoping they find the guys. We all know how police work around small towns, they don't seem to care. I can hope - I do love police, but not when it comes to giving up on "small issues."

So, I haven't touched a thing. I'm still feeling like I want to sleep and that's what I'm going to do now. Pray Phil gets his motorcycle and sleep. Not able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, May 8, 2022


 Yesterday morning I woke to feeling like a truck hit me and ran me over! I was not feeling good at all. We went to Olympia and I was able to pick up the quilts from Stars and Stripes. Connie is going to quilt those for them. Then Patrick and I had our blood drawn and headed back home. 

Got home and tried to do a few things to find I just couldn't. Slept on the couch most of the afternoon. We had the play "Mama Mia" to go to, but when Patrick woke me up, I told him I couldn't make it. AND I REALLY REALLY wanted to see it. So, Patrick took mom and Nancy and left me behind. I don't know when he made it home,  because I didn't hear him. Of course Sophie was having none of that! She kept meowing at me off and on all night. Then I was getting one text after another. I should have shut my phone off but I didn't. 

This morning I felt a little better, but not much. I did get some laundry going. Really wasn't hungry. So, I had something (I've lost it!!) and had PB&J for supper. I did drink a soda and call it good. I always drink a soda when I'm not feeling well. Fell asleep on the couch again this afternoon. Worked on the laundry when I remembered it. Just not with it. So, I'm calling it a night right now. For two days I haven't been in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, May 6, 2022

Busy Day In The Morning

 Today I worked on getting to moms with quilts. I stopped at the bank, then went to Connie's.  She had 3 more quilts done.  I dropped off a quilt and 2 backing. Then got gas and on to moms. I worked on the binding of a quilt.  Gave a quilt to Theresa to work on. Then mom wanted to bind one, so gave her mine. Debbie called and said she was at a quilt shop that had tons of panels. Told her how much to spend and get what she can.  

Went to the eye doctors but they were closed. Came home and started cleaning up my beads. Got some clothes ready for the cruise. Then got to work on my sourdough bread.  I neec to shape it now to sit over night. 

Decided to call it done. Listened to my book on tape and played games.  When I wanted to use my computer I couldn't get it to work. UGH!

At least part of the day I was being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

One Of Many Trips To Olympia

 This morning we were up and out the door before 7 am. Patrick had some scans he needed. He was supposed to go yesterday for the other scan but they called and said a part was missing. Today we found out the part was actually broke. Hopefully they can get it fixed by Monday, when he has to go back. We both have to go up on Saturday. 

I was hoping to collect the quilts from Sherry for QOV. She was still at the hospital with her surgery and couldn't make it. We decided to try again on Saturday. While I waited in the car, I was able to get a few stitches in when Patrick come out. 

I have a list of things to take on the cruise. We are slowly getting ready for that. We went through all the DVD's to see what we will take with us. Have that all set. Then I got to work on my word chart with the ornament that I'm going to make this year. I was able to finish it. Then got all my beads ready. It's all set in my travel case now. 

Decided to take plenty of beads incase I run out. This should be great! I am looking forward to working on them while on the cruise. May or may not get to it, but I at least have them to work on. Don't think I will take my embroidery after all. 

The ornament is one of Deb Moffett-Hall's patterns. I do like her patterns. This came out of a magazine if I remember right. 

I worked on this and that. Then after Patrick left for bowling, I pulled out the quilt I need the binding on. I need to get it done and give it to Nancy to take to the museum. I was able to get one side done tonight. 

We have 3 more trips to Olympia before we head off on vacation. I'm looking forward to having the vacation. Who knows if I will be able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Trying To Get A Few Things Done

 Today I'm back to wanting to get a few things done. I need to work on getting my word chart done for the trip, but that wasn't today. 

I worked on laundry and just enjoyed the morning to myself. Then I had to get back to work. Trouble was, I had about 5 phone calls that kept me busy all afternoon. There is a lot of stuff going on with QOV, that I had to see what I could. Stars and Strips in Olympia lost their machine quilter and she had about 10 quilts that needed to be done. That didn't include what they had in a pile ready to be quilted. There is about 17 quilts that need a quilter. I checked with Connie to see if she could do a couple for them. She said she would do 5. I called Sherry back up and asked if she would meet me tomorrow. Not sure if she can, but if she can't I will meet her on Sunday. I'm collecting the quilts for Connie and told her they won't be returned till after I get back from the cruise. 

Then I took the label off one quilt because it had the wrong person on it. I then got started on working on the binding of the second quilt I have. I want to have it all done for Friday to give it to Nancy to take to the museum. 

I'm doing the binding on this one. It's one of Debbie's. The good news is that we are doing great with quilts. I will be picking up 3 more from Connie on Friday. I will also be dropping off my quilt on Friday. I'm excited to see what all we have done! There is a lot of quilts going through Connie lately. She is putting her quilt tops on hold for a little bit so she can help Olympia with the quilts. I told her it's okay because we are ahead of the game. 

I'm stilling trying to get a few things done before we leave. I have some beading to get done as well. I need to do the word chart as well. I may take that with me tomorrow to Olympia so that I can have something to do while I wait on Patrick and Sherry. 

It keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Another Top Done AND Mom's Birthday!

Today started out with cleaning. I wanted to go downstairs to work on the quilt top. In order to feel good about doing that, I needed to vacuum and get laundry done. 

Once all that was done, I headed downstairs. 

I finally finished this quilt top. It's hard to see because the photo was in the living room and the hardwood floor makes it hard to see the top. Oh, well. I'll keep working on this! I was able to get the words at the top done, then put the borders on. I didn't want big borders, so it's smaller. I also worked on getting 5 labels ready. I have to replace a label on one quilt and then put the binding down on another. I would like to get it done before I leave for our cruise. 

Then it was time to take mom and Nancy to the Olive Garden in Olympia.  Mom loves going there, and since it is her Birthday, we took her there. 

Mom turned 87 today. She's looking good and still full of it. We laughed about how she is going to out live us all! She was so happy with going out to Olive Garden. 

Came home and had ice cream. I'm loving it! That's why I like being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, May 2, 2022

What A Day! Still Busy

Yesterday was not a day to write about. There just wasn't anything to write about - other than bowling. So, I decided to call it a night instead. We had "fun night" bowling and I did a 9-pin no tap 300 game. I got $10 for that. That is pretty much all I had to write about. 

So today was better or different - which ever way you want to look at it. 😀

It was time to go to my BE meeting. It was great. Had a good time. Had a lot of phone calls while there, and not to thrilled to have to deal with QOV stuff while I'm doing embroidery. Not happy with what we are going to do, but will deal with it. 

I was able to work on my Ruth's Farewell. 

 I worked on the leaves. I also decided to take out one of the leaves in the center. It was way too "off" and I didn't want it there. I will try and fix it. 

Came home and we headed to DeGodies (sp) for flower baskets. We bought 4 baskets, 3 African violets, and a couple herbs. 

Came back home and I decided to work on my beading. I needed some "down" time. 

I got another 6 rows done. I'm liking this. The flowers are coming through. I'm getting closer to the center! lol 

I was happy to be able to enjoy time and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting. 

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...