Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Trying To Get A Few Things Done

 Today I'm back to wanting to get a few things done. I need to work on getting my word chart done for the trip, but that wasn't today. 

I worked on laundry and just enjoyed the morning to myself. Then I had to get back to work. Trouble was, I had about 5 phone calls that kept me busy all afternoon. There is a lot of stuff going on with QOV, that I had to see what I could. Stars and Strips in Olympia lost their machine quilter and she had about 10 quilts that needed to be done. That didn't include what they had in a pile ready to be quilted. There is about 17 quilts that need a quilter. I checked with Connie to see if she could do a couple for them. She said she would do 5. I called Sherry back up and asked if she would meet me tomorrow. Not sure if she can, but if she can't I will meet her on Sunday. I'm collecting the quilts for Connie and told her they won't be returned till after I get back from the cruise. 

Then I took the label off one quilt because it had the wrong person on it. I then got started on working on the binding of the second quilt I have. I want to have it all done for Friday to give it to Nancy to take to the museum. 

I'm doing the binding on this one. It's one of Debbie's. The good news is that we are doing great with quilts. I will be picking up 3 more from Connie on Friday. I will also be dropping off my quilt on Friday. I'm excited to see what all we have done! There is a lot of quilts going through Connie lately. She is putting her quilt tops on hold for a little bit so she can help Olympia with the quilts. I told her it's okay because we are ahead of the game. 

I'm stilling trying to get a few things done before we leave. I have some beading to get done as well. I need to do the word chart as well. I may take that with me tomorrow to Olympia so that I can have something to do while I wait on Patrick and Sherry. 

It keeps me Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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