Tuesday, May 10, 2022


This morning I woke to Patrick waking me up. He was saying we aren't going anywhere today, we tested positive to COVID. I asked if she was joking and he said NO. It was scramble time. He had to call the cruise line and let them know, then the airlines, and motel. Once those were done, he had to call Kaiser and cancel his immunotherapy today. He's rescheduled for next week. 

So, between my coughing and his sniffing, we were putting everything back. Suitcases went back downstairs and clothes were returned to the dresser or closet. 

I'm in shock! It's like a dream. I keep thinking I'm still getting on the plane tomorrow for our trip. I was so looking forward to it! I took my projects out of the suitcase and put them on the table. Now I'm lost. I was looking forward to going out to eat tonight and then getting up in the morning to start the journey. Patrick is not happy - he won't look for another cruise right now. Said it's too much work to get ready and he's not there yet. We had Scott pick up milk for us. Teri said she'll go shopping for us on Thursday. 

At first I couldn't believe it, so asked Patrick to take a home test to see if it's right. It didn't take 15 mins for the answer! It answered within 3 mins that he had it. GRRRR! 

So, not in the mood. Not in the mood to work on anything. Not in the mood to eat. Not in the mood clean. Even though I did change the cat litter. I wanted to do that today anyway, so nothing new there. I just can't believe after 4 months of having this scheduled, I can't go. I'm feeling like I'm looking down and wondering why I'm not getting ready to go. 

Today I did get the headache. Not fun. But it's because of all the coughing. I sent a message to my doctor asking if there is something I can take for the cough. No answer yet. Patrick go the call from Kaiser saying they can send him the medication to get him through it faster, since he has cancer. He told them, "no, don't have that much going on." They didn't ask about me, and I wasn't offered. Sucks. 

Today I'm in denial! I so wanted to go!! Guess this month isn't my month after all. I've had nothing but trouble since the first of the month. One thing or another. My day was spend just relaxing and watching one of the old movies that we haven't seen before. It's a Bob Hope movie that I really enjoyed. I wasn't in the mood to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


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