Thursday, May 19, 2022

Patrick's Golf Day

Today Patrick didn't go golfing till about 11 am because the women are usually there on Thursdays. He don't like to have to deal with them as some are faster and others are slower. 

While he was gone, I worked on a load of laundry and then pulled out my audio book. 

I sat down and went to work on my beading. I also ordered a few more beads for my one of Sophie. I like how this is coming along. I have a few more white flowers and at the bottom of the piece there is another bird. I love the colors. I was able to get 9 rows done today. I thought about going for 12 but decided to enjoy the evening with Patrick instead. 

Turned out Sophie wanted me to enjoy time with her instead. So, I sat and played a few games. I won't be going to moms tomorrow. I'm just not ready to be around a crowd right now. 

The best part is that I am enjoying Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!


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All Day At Garage Sale

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