Thursday, June 30, 2022

Not A Day For Play

This morning I had to get a few more things done before going to moms. First on the list was cleaning up the kitchen and kitty litter. Then it was going on the computer and getting things worked out for QOV. I had to print out some labels, send reimbursement forms, and send a tax form. I spent 2 hours on the computer getting things going for QOV. Called Nancy to see about the 4th. We are doing 4 veterans. Once all that was done, I vacuumed and loaded the car. Mom called to say the vet called to say the appointment was at 3 pm today. I told her I had 2:30. She said that wasn't what they said. 

First stop was at the gas station, Connie's, then Bill and Bee's for a hamburger. Once I had all that, it was time to head to moms. Arrived early. Got in the car and headed to Olympia. Mom saw her phone's notice that the appointment was at 2:30 p.m. As we were driving to Centralia to get on I-5 we called the office to say we are on the way and had 2:30 as the appointment. BUT we won't make it at 2:30. They told mom she had a 2 pm appointment - when we were leaving!! So, I pulled over in Centralia and waited to see what was going on. They decided to reschedule the appointment. I turned around and took mom home. 

We worked on the fabric for Bob's quilt. I sent a message to the person on eBay to get all 10 yards without it being cut. I haven't heard back. Then the vet called back and said they couldn't get her in before Sept 15th. We took the appointment date. 

Came home and called it a day! I was running around so much today and all week that I decided I'm done for the day. Which means not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Blah, Day

I headed over to moms and dropped off stuff with my son first. Then I dropped off 2 quilts with mom. Once that was done, I waiting on Bob to show up. We then went through mom's Hawaiian patterns. He decided on the Bird of Paradise.  We talked about the color. Mom gave him a price and he didn't blink. 

I stopped at the museum and picked up 3 quilts for the 4th. We will be giving out 4 quilts at the Gathering Place in Stillwaters. I also picked up the box with all the stuff in it. 

Once I got home, I was done! I am getting tired of running around all the time. Tomorrow I'm off again. I am ready to go tomorrow. I have my embroidery I will take while we wait on Daisy. 

I made a new recipe of fried chicken and it was the first time in a long time that I actually liked what I made. I hate eating my own fried chicken, but this one was really good. I will use that recipe again. I have to add it to my recipe book. 

I don't know what is going on, but my head is a little dizzy today. I came home and when I got up out of my chair, I was spinning. So, I didn't do all my exercises. I'm hoping after going to bed tonight, it will fix whatever is going on. I hate the feeling. 

Debbie dropped off 3 quilts that need the binding stitched down. I'm ready. 

I'm ready for tomorrow and will work on being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Another Day Out And About

This week is not my favorite week. Way too much going on! I was taking Sophie to the vet today. I had a chip put in her. Man! I'm glad it wasn't me. I felt so sorry for her when he put that in! She didn't make a peep! Then he gave her her rabies shot. He almost forgot. lol Then we came back home. She didn't let out a peep on the way home. I couldn't believe it. She usually lets me know how upset she is. 

She couldn't get close enough to that corner. I had a heck of a time getting her out of there. But she didn't make a peep. Poor thing. 

One the way home they had strawberries for sale! I pulled over and got some. Brought Patrick a 1/2 flat of strawberries. So, when I got home he was working in the yard. Once he came in, he got to work on the jam. He loves making freezer jam. I guess I have some to take to Phil tomorrow morning - when I go to moms!

I decided to spend the afternoon beading. 

I added another 9 rows to this piece. It's coming along nicely. I'm really loving this. I have about 120 rows left to do. It will go fast once I get to the 100 rows. This is moving pretty good - WHEN I WORK ON IT! I will try and get this done. I want to get working on the ornaments and then get started on Sophie's piece I have ready. Just need to order more beads. lol 

Today was busy, tomorrow is busy as well. Have a ton of things to do. Then Thursday I have to take mom and Daisy to the eye doctors in Olympia. Not looking forward to it. UGH TAKING FRIDAY OFF!

My day was busy, but I was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 27, 2022

A Busy Week This Week

Today was the meeting with BE. We had it pretty cool in the Grange. I was remembering how that building was good at keeping things cool. 

I worked on my Ruth's Farewell piece. 

 I was able to finish all the orchid flowers. I do like the way they came out. I didn't do a bad job on them. Cindy brought Sandy and I a "bubble" drink. It wasn't my favorite, but it was okay. Came home and found a card from Cindy about missing me at Seminar. I found out her Birthday is Thursday.

We headed up to Olympia for Patrick's appointment. While he was in the appointment, I was stitching. 

I started the next flower. I have more done, just haven't taken the photo yet. 

We then stopped and got him a pizza and me a Subway sandwich. After that, we relaxed - or tried to with the weather getting so hot. I was sweating while we had dinner. It was dripping off my forehead. I couldn't believe it! We were close to 90 degrees again today. Just can't take the heat - DAH!

My day was busy, tomorrow will be busy. But I'm finding time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Another HOT Day! UGH

 I live in WA because I can't take the heat. I can't take tornado's or any of the other seasonal disasters. I can take an earthquake or two. I haven't been able to do the heat in a very, very long time. 

I do wish I had an air conditioner, but we don't. So I suffer. What fun! 

We pulled out the fans and I sat and beading this afternoon. 

Listening to a new book and beading 7 rows today. That was awesome. I had to quit early because we had our BE virtual group meeting. Sandy 2 even showed up. It was awesome. I had a half hour before the meeting with Judy to discuss what my duties are with BE. 

I was able to work on and finish this flower. I started the other purple flower (Orchid). I'm almost done with these. Then I will do the ones above this. Happy to get this much done!

My monitor for my heart is now over. I'm done and my boobs have a blister again. Not comfortable with this hot weather!

We had bowling tonight. I bowled a 202, 259, 189 for a 650. We lost 1 game. It was really hot in the bowling alley. Came home and it's even hotter in the house!! UGH

Today turned out to be a very good day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 25, 2022

HOT Weather Day

This morning started out cool. Then it started getting hotter. We reached 90 degrees. UGH

Patrick went outside and worked.  Then he slept on the swing set that's on the deck.

I played games and did laundry. After awhile, I decided I better get my butt moving. So, I went and listened to my book. While I listened, I beaded. 

I was able to get another 3 rows done. lol I was having fun. I just didn't get to it early enough to get moving on it. I will try and do more this week. 

After supper I needed to get the quilt binding done. 

Val's dad's quilt is done and ready for him. I finished the last side of binding. Then I put the label on the back. 

This one is one Connie made and Hildi put the binding on it. I have 2 more quilts to take to the museum for our presentations. 

Even though the weather was HOT I can at least say I spent part of the day being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, June 24, 2022

Back At Moms

Today was quilting at moms. We had about 7 of us. Edith came for a visit as well. She's not doing  very well. She's the one that lived up the hill from me before she moved to Stillwaters Estates. 

I worked on the binding of Val's dad's quilt. 

I have one side left to go. Then this can go to the museum. I do like this. 

Came home and baked a lasagna for my "TV dinners." Patrick doesn't eat it and with the way he's eating lately, I can have something good to eat. I need to cut it in pieces to freeze. Will do that tomorrow. 

Not much going on today. It took me 40 mins to get home. I-5 was a bear and driving by Wal-mart was just as bad! UGH 

Really didn't feel like doing much, so didn't. BUT HEY, I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Spent The Day With Mom - Looking For A Pattern

This morning I heard Patrick leave early for more blood tests. I got up and showered to find he was back already. 

He headed to golf and I headed to moms. We planned to find a Hawaiian pattern for Bob who is our physical therapist. Mom thought it was out in the garage....NOPE. We ended up cleaning out 2 tubs of stuff. Fabric and other stuff. I brought home 2 rulers that she wasn't needing. I think one of them was mine anyway. We then went into the spare bedroom closet and there were photos of my 2nd great grandparents. I hadn't seen them. Plus a cartoon of me that was done back in 1980. Think I paid $5 for it. I completely forgot about it. I will bring it back home one of these days. We cleaned up the closet as well....still no patterns. I then went into moms closet and right in front was a box labeled "Hawaiian quilt patterns." We then pulled the box out and went through the patterns. We found 8 patterns that looked like fun and think Bob will like. When we called to see if we could get an appointment with him, his wife was there. We had to think on our feet, as she doesn't know anything about it. It's for her. Left a message for him to call mom back. 

After all that, I headed to the Onalaska quilt shop to pick up some fabric that I put on hold on the Facebook account.  I also picked up some more red that I used on the last 2 quilt tops. It's a perfect color that works great. 

Came home to find Patrick home. He wasn't looking good. He was tired and said he didn't do very good at golf. I'm getting worried about him. 

I sat down and worked on my genealogy. Entering information from some of my papers. I then filed them and put them away. 

Now I'm just going to call it a day and be ready for tomorrow's Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Decided To Finish A QOV Top

Today I was really not in the mood to do much. Till I MADE myself go downstairs and see what I could do. I figured IF I got moving with the quilt top, I'd get it finished today. So, I started........and AGAIN made a math error!! I was always good at math, but for some reason quilts are not where I'm good at math. I thought I had the top of the panel done. Yeah, nope! I ended up taking it out and trying again, this time rethinking it and using the calculator. Better chance of getting it right that way!

Once I had the white pieces between the stars figured out, it went really easy. I had it all put together in about 3 hours. I added the red border and Patrick said it make the quilt pop. I like it. Just wish my block makers would make 12 blocks and not just 8 or 10. Even 10 would have worked great. Oh, well. I do like the way it came out. 

Played with the scrap blocks that were put together by Val. Patrick came down and said he thought it would look better with a panel. So, I pulled out this panel to work with. I put 8 of the scrap blocks one way and then the other. I wanted to look it over to see which way I liked it better. Patrick said the left side. I'm liking them both but will probably do the left. If I have more to do another, then I will probably do it with the right. I may have to add another row of the blocks but not too worried about that. I'm going to sew a few of the blocks together and figure out if I need to border the panel or not. If not, I like the way it is right now. 

That was pretty much all I did. I did get a message from BDEIG that I am now Marketing Chair. Not liking it and Sandy V said she would help. Trouble with that is that she isn't around. I'm stuck. As if I don't have enough stuff going on. I will post the information on the learning classes that will be Virtual on my Brazilian embroidery blog. I write more about my embroidery on that blog then I do here. 

It turned out to be a good day of Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Another Top - Rip, Rip, Rip

 Yep, the frog arrived today. 

I went downstairs to work on my quilt top. I gave Debbie the stars for the one I had on the wall. So, I ended up starting all over. 

The panel was a smaller one, so I needed bigger blocks. Thank goodness Georgie gave me some 16" squares. So, I added the red around the panel. 

I measured. I cut. OOPS, wrong size. Found that out after sewing 2 of the white sides on. Ripped that out.  I measured and cut again. My math was off. DANG! I'm usually good at math! I sewed the side block to the star. OOPS, put right side to wrong side. UGH, rip out time. One side done. Time for the next side. UGH! sewed right side to wrong side AGAIN. TIMES 2. Ripped that out again. Re-sewed. Called it DONE! Will finish it tomorrow or later. What a pain! If my head was in the game, I could have finished it today! Oh, well. Have plenty of white that will fill in on the top and bottom now. 

Patrick wanted to go out to eat. So, we went to Wendy's. He asked for plain - no cheese. He got plain with cheese. When they re-did it, it was dry. Poor guy. Food was awful for him. 

Came home and played a couple games. Then went to get some genealogy stuff to enter into my program. I'm going to spend the evening working on genealogy, I think. We finally reached 70 degrees today. It's nice but feels hot because we've been in the 50's. This week is supposed to get to the 80's. We can hope. 

Things are looking up - even though I have to rip my work out. I will have to work on making sure the white is facing the right way. I did notice the blocks have some that are showing the back. I didn't do the blocks, so I'm not changing them. I can change my own work. And I did. That's almost Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 20, 2022

Back To My Crafts! Woo Hoo

 This morning I got everything ready and went to our Brazilian Embroidery meeting. I enjoyed hearing from Sandy and Cindy about their trip to Seminar last week. They had a blast. There was a little issue of copywriting, but that ended out working out okay. I paid Cindy for her stuff that she got from here class. I wanted the pattern. She gave me the pattern and instructions. 

It was time to get back to this piece. I finished up the petals on this flower (upside down). 

I was able to get the center petals done on all 4 flowers. 

I did get one of the flowers done, just need to add the pistol stitches to it to finish it. I'm getting closer to finishing this piece. 

Came home and got a few things done that was needed. I got laundry going as well as cleaning the cat litter box. Of course Sophie had to use it right away. I also got a few other things done. 

When Patrick went to take a nap, I listened to my book and played games. Then mom called and I had to make a few phone calls. 

Found out we won't be at the Vendor Bender show at the museum because they want $50 for us to be there. I told here we won't be there Saturday and would check with our group. $50 isn't going to work for out QOV group. We'd be lucky to get that much in donations. We can't sell anything but we can give quilt blocks away for a donation. We will do that somewhere else. We are going to be at the fair and will be looking for veterans to nominate for a quilt. 

I was just happy to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Cleaning And Bowling


Today we just enjoyed the day. I worked on laundry and baked "blondies" for Patrick. They turned out really good. 

I pretty much played games all day. I am coming out of my slump - but not all the way. I have embroidery tomorrow, so I'll do better then. I was thinking today I needed to finish the quilt top downstairs and finish the beading on the table. So, my mind is getting back to thinking of things I was working on. 

We had bowling tonight. I do love 9 pin no tap! We bowled a team that drives Nick crazy, so he wasn't doing good after the second game. I bowled a 702, missed the 300 game by getting a split in the 7th frame on the last game. That game was a 264. Not bad! Patrick didn't do so good. He was having trouble with the ball hooking more than it should have. He did get a gutter right after a strike. That hurts scores. I believe he bowled a 624. 

It made for a quiet and nice day today. I was feeling a little better. Not so emotional over dad being gone. Loved that man! 

Not one of my better days of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting! 

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Still In A Slump But Doing Fine

 This morning we talked about going to the movies. I thought that would we fun. So, around noon we headed to the theater and saw "Buzz Lightyear." I love animated movies and that was a good pick me up. I really enjoyed the movie but did miss Buzz Lightyear's voice. This time it was the "Capt America's" voice. I liked Tim Allen better. I did get used to it and really got into the movie. Well worth seeing. 

Came back home and I played games. Then I worked on supper. Patrick is working on an excel program to help me with my bookkeeping. We are looking at the check book set ups. I have a few things I want that I get from QB's, but I'm not going to pay $40 a month to have it for ordinary stuff. So, right now we are working on getting something I can work with and still have the information needed in case I get audited. I probably won't, but I still need to have that information at my fingers. So, we worked on it together for awhile. 

Then I decided to try and get something done today. 

I finished the purple flower parts and worked on the pink ones. Remember these go opposite each other. 

This is the last one to do, and then I can work on the center flower. 

We've been getting rain lately, and I just had to take a photo of my rose! It's really pretty but about done. The others are getting ready to bud as well. That does make my day, seeing all these roses blooming. 

So, yes, I'm still in a slump and may be tomorrow as well. But at least I'm trying to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 17, 2022

Not A Good Day For Me

 This morning I decided not to go to moms for quilting. I had planned on it, till last night. Then this morning I went back to sleep. 

I couldn't get myself to work on anything but play games. I realized later this afternoon that it was because Father's Day is Sunday, and my father isn't around. I'm very emotional since I realized it. I guess you can say it's depression, but I was playing games. - Good excuse. We did go to Phil's to get Patrick's pie he baked for him. Emily made him socks and he was thrilled! 

Came back home and I talked to mom about the meeting they had today. She wants me to come over one of these days. I'm thinking I will go Thursday. That's when Patrick is golfing. 

That's about how I felt today. Wanting to be left along, I guess. We did watch a Disney movie this afternoon and that cheered me up a little. 

Not a day for Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, June 16, 2022

I Actually Worked On Embroidery Today

 This morning we were out the door heading to Olympia by 7 am. Patrick had to be up there by 8:15. We were waiting in the wrong area, so ended up waiting longer than Patrick wanted to. 

While he was in there, I was doing some embroidery. 

I worked on the center pansy's. I took out one of the ones I made. I tried to do more flowers like the light colored ones. I did 3 and took them out. I'm going to have to figure out what I need to do for that. I worked on the star looking flowers and have them all done. I have some work to do. 

I worked the blue in 2 corners and purple in the other 2 places. Took a while but I have all four done now. 

I spend the afternoon working on this piece. I was having fun. Patrick was golfing. After he left, Debbie came over and picked up the 3 quilt tops I had ready to go to Connie. She finished one too, so I cut the backing and batting for her quilt as well. I ended up cutting the batting for all of them. She took what I had for Connie. 

It turned out to be a very good day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Presentation Day

 Today was presentation day. We had a good turn out and couple of the people receiving quilts was friends of mine. 

We had 7 veterans today. I need to get the photos and get them out on Facebook. I have to rely on my photographers and sometime they don't send the photos. I took a few just so I had some to share. 

Came home and just relaxed. It tends to take a lot out of me. I did come home with another quilt top. I will cut the backing and then I can get that ready for Connie. Right now I have 3 tops and Debbie just texted she finished another one. 

Life is good and sometimes there just isn't time to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Not My Best Day

 This morning we were headed to Olympia for Patrick's treatment when we received a call saying he would not be getting his treatment due to tests being too low. Which explains his losing weight. He will go in on Thursday morning to have a couple more tests taken. Cancer sucks!!

We turned around at Centralia and headed over to the eye doctors so I could pick up my glasses. Expensive lenses!! 

The sourdough bread I worked on last night needed to be cooked. I let it raise pretty much all day. 

It turned out pretty good. It's more like a sandwich bread than a sourdough with holes. I will work on it. Maybe this weekend. 

Came back home and just relaxed all day long. I didn't feel like doing much. Partly (I think) because of dealing with Patrick's weight loss and cancer. He's also got dry mouth and that makes it hard to figure out supper. I shouldn't do carbs and he needs carbs. Sucks!

I finally pulled out my embroidery......but that didn't help. 

I TRIED to do this flower. This one came out, but it's big. I then tried to do another one and that was was ripped out 3 times. I gave up! I will probably end up taking them all out and do them all the same at the same time. I'm just frustrated with this. 

Called it a day. Not so good at being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 13, 2022

Computer Died

 This morning I got busy with doing laundry. Vacuumed and picked up. Then while Patrick was at a meeting, I worked on my Gunderson bookkeeping. As I was trying to print off the old computer, Patrick got home. The printer was locked up. So, I had him "try" and fix it. He doesn't like it when I do it, since it's the older computer and I "don't know what your doing." Crock of ......  Any way, I let him work on the computer. 

While he did that, I worked on a sourdough bread. I'm trying to find one that works great. I have a recipe but it doesn't work right sometimes. I'm trying to get this right! This time the dough felt awesome, but was too wet!! I know it's supposed to be wet, but not that wet. I baked it, and it turned out, but when it's too wet, it kinda "runs." Which makes it come out flatter than rounder. 

A couple hours later, Patrick is on my lap top and buying a new computer. PROBLEM, I have QuickBooks on that one. It's an old program but it works! He found I would have to pay $40 a MONTH to have that program. I'm beginning to wonder if having programs are worth it, if we have to pay. Let along put it in the "cloud" for everyone to see. Not my kind of program. Like I want everyone to know what I'm doing?! Really?!! Once he bought the new computer, we figured out the old printer can handle my heavy paper and the newer printer can not. So, I'm dead in the water when it comes to printing certificates for the veterans. Not sure what we will be doing in it's place. I'm hoping we can load that up on the new computer but betting not. May have to think about getting another printer....yeah, no. 

Because of all these issue with the computer and printer, Patrick came up with an idea. I'm not thrilled about it, as I love the QuickBooks doing most of the work. Now I'm going to have to do more bookkeeping than I really want to. Not that I'm getting paid to do it. He's playing on my lap top to see about doing an excel program that will do what I need for the Gunderson stuff. UGH, UGH, UGH At least this is were I have no problem letting him do the work. We talked about what I need and he's working on it. Bet it will take a good week for him to do what I need. We have argued over it a little already. 

I decided to just play games. I was working on genealogy, but that's hard when my hubby took over my computer. I will try and work more on that tomorrow. I need to finish the binding on Val's quilt so I can take it Wednesday, but not too worried about it. 

I started another sourdough recipe today. Once I got off YouTube and want to see if it will come out right. She does it pretty quick compared to most. I will bake it when we get home tomorrow from going to the doctors for Patrick. Maybe I will do my embroidery tomorrow too. Cindy and Sandy went to Seminar and loved it! Sandy's on her way home, Cindy will be there another day I believe. I do miss that I didn't go, but couldn't see putting the money into it. 

Okay, so it wasn't a day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Same Thing Both Days

 I realized this morning I hadn't done my blog last night. Not sure why. It was a day at moms for quilting. I took the quilts that I have for stitching down bindings. I also had to get QOV "volunteer logs" entered into the computer to share with Ricardo. He's helping us determine how long it takes to make a quilt for each veteran. Since so many of us do the quilts, each person has a different time that it takes to do blocks, tops and more. 

Came home and pretty much just enjoyed the rest of the day with Patrick. I didn't get home till about 3:30 pm because mom needed some help. So, I spend 2 hours helping her out. 

We went out to eat. Poor Patrick is having trouble eating. Nothing tastes good, and he's dry mouth has everything tasting like paste. We did pick up some strawberries for him. Hope it helps. It's not going to help with weight though. He's loosing weight so fast lately. 

This morning I was up and playing some games. I worked on finishing the binding of the one quilt that Connie made. There isn't a pillow case, so I will have to work on that. I started Val's quilt for her father. The binding is about half done. I want to get this all done for Wednesday when we have a presentation again. 

So, when it comes down to it, I only worked on binding quilts. Not much else. I keep wanting to go down and put the quilt top together. I keep wanting to go sit at the table and work on my beading as well. No such luck. 

One stitch at a time. I'm happy with getting this done. We have some really pretty quilts! One of the good news we have is that Georgie's husband finally said he wanted a quilt. He'll get a quilt that she helped stitch the blocks to. 

The bad news today is that our neighbor passed away on May 10th, when we found out we had covid. We didn't know, till Patrick talked to his wife and asked about him. I called Cherry and she said she already knew. She thought we did too. Told her nope. Then mom's cleaning ladies husband passed away 2 days ago. It's not a good month so far. 

I keep my chin up and stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching! 

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Best Laid Plans - Don't Work!!

 This morning I was planning to go downstairs and start working on another quilt top for QOV.  Again - WAS PLANNING. 

Instead, I had an email last night setting a virtual meeting up. So, 10 am I was on the computer and we chatted about the chances that may have. We also talked about what we are going to do to work on donations for QOV. We are moving forward and getting a lot of things done. 

After our meeting (an hour and a half later), our State Coordinator called and we chatted for another hour. She wanted me to be on her "page" and I talked to her about where I was coming from. We agreed to accept what may or may not happen. We were polite and respectful to each other. She is now more aware of what we do. Think she didn't realize how on top of it I am. 

Then I had to clean the kitchen (dishwasher) and the kitty litter. About that time Patrick came home - wet - from golfing. It's been raining all day! lol Once he got home, I decided to just sit and enjoy the rest of the day. 

As much as I would like to say, I planned a great day, I can't. When the virtual meeting was over, I was PLANNING to go downstairs, but by the time I got lunch, then chatted with SC, I gave up! I need to STOP planning my days!! UGH - If I could Plan it right, I would have been Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Another Blah Day!

Today I wasn't in the mood to do anything but play games. I couldn't get myself to go downstairs and work on the quilt top I have on the wall. I did get Patrick to help me pick out the red to use on it. I will work on it tomorrow. 

In the meantime, we watched movies and just relaxed all day. Even Patrick didn't go out and work in the yard. Guess we both are in that weird place. 

He did get us set up for a trip to Michigan again. As well as starting us off for the trip to Panama that was missed due to Covid. 

I made a new recipe. It's crullers. It came out awesome, but found that I didn't like "brushing" on the frosting. It didn't come out anything like the picture did in the recipe. Brushing, I don't recommend. 

I brushed (like they said) the orange glaze on. Then I made a vanilla glaze and dripped them in that. That actually was better and was like what one gets at a bakery. I will make sure the next time I make them, to dip them and not brush them. They tasted awesome!! I had to have at least 3 when I was done. That was our dessert. I had to wait half the day for the eggs and butter to be room temp. I don't mind, it turned out great! I can even use the base recipe for the dough and make doughnuts. Or filled doughnuts. Well worth trying! Even Patrick can eat these, so you can count they will be gone by noon tomorrow. I did freeze about 8 of them and gave about 5 of them to the neighbors. Not sure why he only took 5. 

More TV and now it's time to call it a day. Blah, Blah, Blah, day. Nothing exciting. Nothing new. Not even Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

At Work Again

 This morning I wanted to get downstairs to work on the quilt top I was getting done. Which I did. Now I have 2 tops to take to Connie. I cut the backing and washed them. 

I was on a phone quiet a bit today. Things are moving with QOV that are a problem, so I had to talk to a couple people to see what the heck was going on. Then I let Chip at Veterans Memorial Museum know what was going down. 

I worked on figuring out what to do with this panel. Patrick didn't like the red stars, and I kinda agreed. So, We talked about doing this. He then said it needs another color. So, I'm going to see what red will work with all this and use it for bordering the panel and then strip it between each row. I think that will do it, and the size will come out right. At least I'm hoping. 

Came upstairs and decided to work on my beading. It's been awhile. 

I was able to get another 5 rows done - in-between phone calls. The color on the right side is another leaf that is going to be running down the piece. I'm really enjoying this. 

After that, I felt I needed a break. So, I called it quits and went to my tablet - we all know what that means. 😁

At least I was Happy Quilting & Happy Stitching!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Fun Day With Friends

 This morning I was out the door with BE. Sandy got my ice tea, so I'm good. 

We talked about the retreat. Both Sandy and Cindy are going. Cindy is going Wednesday and Sandy Thursday. They were trying to talk me into going. Nope. I didn't get anything done. I tried to do a bullion chain. It's small. That's about all I did. Sandy took the floss box. So, I'm good. 

Came home and got to work on the binding. 

Nancy and mom came over and dropped off a quilt with a couple forms for veterans. I put the label on that quilt as well. Then realized I needed to take a photo -

This is a 3 person quilt. So, the label had 3 names on the maker. Nancy dropped this one off. 

This is the one I put the binding on a couple days ago. It's my quilt, so it's a finally finished quilt. Turned out pretty good. 

I was able to add a side on the binding I'm working on. Have 1 more quilt to do the binding on as well. I need to take them to QOV next week. I need to do a couple pillow cases. 

Issues came up with another group starting in Winlock - 15 mins south of us. Not sure why they are starting one and not joining us. The next few months are going to be interesting. I'm going to try and stay Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Another Top And Bowling

 This morning I got started on laundry - but that didn't go far. lol 

I then went downstairs to work on the next quilt top. 

Started by putting some of the blocks together to see if that was what Patrick was talking about. He said that was it. Looked good. At this point, I wondered but kept going. 

It looked better once it was done. - No not completely done. But this part does look good and the colors go together. This will be a good one for the 4th of July. 

I wanted to get a photo of the basket mom gave me for my Birthday/Mom's day. I love this basket!

Then went back downstairs to work on the top. 

I took the 2 1/2" strip I originally cut for the center part and put in on the outside of the quilt top. I think it frames it nicely and balances. I cut it a little short, so had to add a piece to the 2 strips. I need to cut the top and bottom part and will do that on Tuesday. I gave up on this after I cut the strip short. I'm trying to decide if it matters if the strip on the top and bottom are not going "up." The fabric is dimensional so I need to cut it differently. And chances are I will. I will also have to piece it together, I'm betting. 

I put another panel up and worked with some of the blocks I have. This is going to be stripped across since the panel is wide. I will need Patrick to see if this works together. The panel will the the main part of this, so I'm not sure how to tone it down a little. 

We gone a 9-pin no tap league for about 8 weeks. We started today. I bowled in the 200's the first 2 games and then bombed at 163 for the last game. GRR 

At least I'm having fun being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Back To My Quilt Top

 If you haven't read the "Slow And Steady....." the other day, then you might like to read that first. This is a follow up from that. 

I decided to get this quilt top done and get it to Connie. I wanted to get blocks out of the way that have been here for a good long time. They are blocks that are hard to work with. Or at least the 4 blocks are. I had a good idea.....

Till I messed up! I didn't measure the block AFTER I added the stars. I measured them BEFORE! So, good intentions didn't work here. This is where the brain goes, "Do I take it all out and redo it?" Not me! I called Patrick down and asked his advice. The question was, "Do I take it out?" or "Do I add another strip?" He thought I was doing something else, so I got him all confused. 

I laid down that red in that spot, and Patrick said it worked. I saved myself extra work. It actually worked out better than what I was going to do. I do agree with Patrick, the flag should have been on the bottom, but I didn't take it apart when he said that. This works, and I'm okay with it. I ended up doing the strips and then attaching them to the blocks. Once that was done, I ended up sewing the 3 together, the long way. I do like the way it came out. 

While I was working on this, I was thinking of all the blocks I have. So, I took out the stars and started to play. Since I have over 20 of them. 

I grabbed a panel to work with. I only have 1 red star, and first though was to put that in the corner. I called Patrick down, yet again. He thought there are too  many stars. I told him I have a ton of them! Dang. He said to add a square blue or something. Okay I can do that. More thought.....still thinking.....Ok, let's try this!

"Patrick - get your math on!" We worked out where the stars will go and measured to work it out. We did the math, and came up with this idea. I will work on the stars tomorrow and hopefully will have it finished and ready to go to Connie as well. He had a good idea, and I'm going with it. I will take these stars down, because they are moms. I will put Georgie's (same as moms) and that way I have another quilt with her work. She's always asking for photos, and since most of her blocks are still here or with someone else to make a top out of.....I can have another quilt with her blocks. 

Then I came upstairs to enjoy my evening. I added the label to my quilt, which is now ready to go to the museum. I started another binding on Connie's quilt. 

Got one side done. I was also playing on my tablet. I will take a photo of them when I have this one done. I need to keep track of all the QOV quilts now. 

My day was busy but fun. I did enjoy being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...